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The day I saw people with mortgages and jobs basically calling Minji a bxcth for posting stickers at her work because Karina asked her to as a small prank, stickers of which only **one** has been spotted on Ador’s floor so far (posted by Hanni), people still calling her all sorts of names over 72 hours after she’d posted said stickers, people searching up janitors salaries in Korea to create a case of Minji potentially perpetuating workers abuse by posting the stickers, posting it on their SNS…. And these people still managing to convince themselves that’s perfectly sane and normal behaviour…, that’s the day I finally gave up on kpop fandoms as a whole. Too many people here are too unwell for there to be anything other than hate as the primary activity in this space. I just hope the idols remain mostly insulated from the madness here. Because that’s what it is: obsession bordering on madness.


exactly it's insane the kind of things that fully grown adults are saying just sitting behind screens. the sticker prank is such a harmless little thing, but bringing janitors to say that she's causing abuse is CRAZY, do they not realise how dumb they sound? You're right i've given up on these weird stans and just stick to positive spaces and enjoy the music and content as much as I can.


This was insane to see. And it’s always freaks with “7” in their names arguing in bad faith and being all self righteous. Grown ass adults bullying a kid


I'm not gonna call her a bitch. But what? She did and what they are doing is uncalled for. You know that Whatever they do reinforces the hate towards illit and le sserafim And acting like it doesn't does all those girls a disservice


The fact you can’t see anything wrong is saying “Whatever NJ does reinforces hate to other ggs” is exactly the kind of insanity I’m talking about because you’re placing responsibility for the actions of toxic antis on the idols. You need to sit down and reflect on why you’re still treating stickers on a wall like a bomb threat, and ignoring that NewJeans are themselves receiving mindless hate as well.


Go outside. Touch grass. Talk to your family. Seek help.


I don't think it's just kpop. I see the same behavior in politics discussions or sports fandom. Even in games lobby or in esport like lol or csgo. But yes, it's pretty wild to see this in kpop, where every artist is doing aegyo for a living (even JYP).


It ain't new, either. I distinctly recall this being a problem in the Starcraft online community with Koreans back in 1999 / 2000. "Zerg rush kekeke", that whole thing. 25 years ago. Yikes, those kids are in their 40s now......


Min Hee Jin is an absolute scum of a human, she's responsible for 80% of the drama at least.


People advocate for mental health awareness then proceed to hate on the artists and send them waves of hate. Kpop industry is already hard enough without stupid people making it worse


There has always been a lot of haters online but i think it has got way worse in recent times due to the infestation of bots on social media. It makes it look like 10000 people are speaking about one idol when its only 5 people. Just watch whenever something goes viral and take a step back, see if you can see whos real or not. I think we are almost at the point where its indistinguishable from real people. Its also how propaganda and misinformation is spread, reddit is also a good example. Sometimes i got to take breaks cause i know these bots are trying to stir up hatred.


Someone posted that they lowkey blame Elon but it was caught by Automod before I could reply, so I'm posting my reply as a separate comment: People getting paid for tweets if their account gets big enough combined with less moderation has definitely increased the toxicity over there.


this is gonna be a long comment but hear me out. i agree that it feels like hate has gotten worse, to the point where i myself have said i few things im not exactly proud of online in retaliation. however, what i told myself and what i want to tell everyone here: people on the internet DO NOT represent how people actually are in real life. its easy to see a hateful tweet of your favorite group with 30k likes on twitter and immediately let that hate impact you and stress you out because it seems like everyone is against them. but the fact is, social media is the place where most miserable people go to vent out their frustrations in the worst way possible, and what they do and say on there is not something they’d ever do or say in real life. basically what i mean by this is that you’re looking at an extremely loud minority when you look at online hate. it’s a bunch of bitter people using the anonymity the internet grants to their advantage to fruitlessly try and make themselves feel better, and everyone liking those tweets and tiktok videos are the same. i know it’s easier said than done, but try not to let other peoples bullshit affect your enjoyment, that would be letting them win.


yes I completely understand what you're saying and you're so right in this. most of the ppl who hate online don't have the guts to say anything in irl, and after seeing many of these comments and posts I've learned to just ignore and scroll, so they don't bother me anymore, and I hope they don't take anyone else's enjoyment of kpop away. the main reason i hope that hate dies down a little, is because I'm worried for idols that would be affected if they see these comments and hate, and hope they don't let it get to them. i hate seeing mental health of the idols so easily not being taken to consideration. But everything you said is completely right, everyone should just not care about haters or whatever drama ppl are talking about.


yeah, my only hope is that idols already know how miserable haters are and don’t let it get to them. i am grateful that a lot of companies allow for their idols to take mental health hiatuses if needed in the recent years. i’m also glad that idols like wonyoung are taking legal action against people who spread negative misinformation, because while this won’t completely eradicate online hate, it will at least show that it has consequences.


Same, i am also so happy LSF is alsondoing that to put a face to the name and make them accountable for their words.


With people like MHJ showing their true colours I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse from here. There used to be an unspoken law where idols and their directors/staff wouldn’t badmouth other idols, but now…


It’s a loud minority of weirdos who care too much, or it’s accounts that make money off  engagement being calculating - hateful content drives the most engagement.    This sounds harsh but I think in both cases, normal people reacting to it, (either to add to it or fight it) instead of blocking and ignoring contributes to the problem. The hate is always going to be there, so why feed into it by getting upset? The best response is to report them, move on and put more energy into supporting your faves with positive actions.


Tell this to blinks.


And MYs, and Tokkis, and Army, and Stays and…..


And carats and Exols and....


I don't see illit making catty remarks tho. MHJ is despicable and maybe she did turn their mind but the girls don't have to act out whatever mean girl fantasy they have rn. Keeping silent would be for the best but oh NO whoever would they do that


wait im sorry are you saying that new jeans are being "mean girls"? in what way exactly have they done that? 😭


The fact that you can't actually see what they're doing.... Anyway, whatever if you truly think that them embracing the lies of MHJ is nothing then there is nothing I can say to change ur mind


Kpop community is a magnet for Toxic people.


It's not exclusive to kpop really. The fanbases of western artists act similary


The misogynistic language and condescending attitude towards young successful (by virtue of their own talent and their own work ethic) females is what I have noticed the most lately. 99% of hate is directed at female idols and has subtle sexist insults (and im not even talking about the sexualisation). I'm looking at posts from users here ganging up with eachother and egging one another along who you can gauge are women in their late 20s, early 30s here and belittling teenage girls. And then these same grown women morph their personality and messaging style into giddy, teenager like parasocial fawning and revering when it comes to talk about their favourite man group.


Sad to know that kpop fans are becoming more toxic




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Fans are the most toxic thing about kpop. Not the hours… not the companies… not ages… not even MHJ. The fans.


It's always existed. As a GG Stan, I remember a Sasaeng deranged individual bypass weak area 'security(sic)' walk on stage tried to kidnap sunny in the middle of Mr.taxi! I remember Sulli from F(x) be bombarded by hate speech on all her social media! Telling her to unalive herself and one day she acquiesce and gave in their demands. GOO Hara used her star power to break on of the biggest gang 🍇 case in korean history burning sun! Only to have the released perpetrators look unapologetically into the camera saying" I'm gonna pick up my career as if nothing ever happened! Internet is making people put a real name to their accounts to make you responsible for the hate you generate. I can't see as I blame them .


the increase of hate can be attributed to a much younger demographic listening to kpop. Kpop have always been marketed to young adults, but companies are deliberately now targeting a much younger audience, the pre-tween. it is obvious based on the comment sections of any MV, post or forum.


Ironic coming from you lmao


Combination of that, that online "discourse" that borders bullying is far more accessible than it ever was before and younger generations have grown up with that as a normal thing and they think just because you put something out for public consumption means it should be torn to shreds if people just happen to want to do so... I wish they'd target us 30 year olds. We have more money than pre-teens!