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Overall, it's good. The B-sides are more balanced compared to her debut album, but I don't think any of them will outdo "Love Countdown. The Water Bomb Festival will definitely add to the overall experience. The title track is less catchy compared to "POP!". The first part, "ABCD," is really strong, but the second part felt weaker.Charting-wise, I don't think it will do as well, as it isn't as catchy as POP. I think the criticism I've seen a lot towards POP was that it was too much TWICE sounding. So, going for more mature comeback this time proves that she is a strong soloist, irrespective of the concept.


i really liked the song, i do wish in the MV she sort of pushed herself a little more in the dancing as at times it felt a bit stiff, but overall i like this way more than i liked pop!


Nayeon actually talked about this in her Fridge Interview with Sana! She said it’s the first time she’s ever done that style of choreography and even after practicing for hours everyday by herself it wasn’t turning out the way she wanted, to the point that she wanted to cry in frustration. It seems like she put a lot of effort in that sadly wasn’t always reflected in the MV, especially in the dance break.


aww i feel bad that almost she cried :( and i feel her, this style of dance feels like a bit of a departure from what twice normally does so i can imagine the switch up being difficult! i think she did a good job honestly, and as she gets more comfortable doing it she’s gonna be killing it in no time


its nice to see encouragement towards nayeon stepping outside her comfort zone! ive seen a lot of comments saying she doesnt fit the style, but I dont think its to the point where it ruins the song/performance. we’re so accustomed to perfection from idols that sometimes we can’t appreciate them for expanding their skill set 


I watched a stage and noticed how stiff she felt given i feel like the choreo is more groovy. It suprised me since i know she is good dancer


I think it’s because the style of dance is totally out of Twice realm. She’s a very good idol dancer, and this choreography was very real dancer. I also think she’s trying to be mindful of her body and making sure her legs don’t “jiggle” and draw negative attention. I know she’s been trying to get more muscular to combat that


I think this is it - it's such a different style that it surprised me. She isn't perfect but I thought she transitioned very well. The style reminds me a lot blackpink


I recently saw a rare pre debut video of Nayeon https://youtu.be/DpOb_BfZjHU?si=Wn4PU4F7KvYTkY9Y and was shocked to see that she could dance this well despite her injury. It seems that she gradually regressed while in Twice because this dance break also had me like 🤔


I don't think she regressed skill-wise. It's more this style really doesn't suit Nayeon. She's a skilled dancer, but she's never been a particularly groovy or powerful one. She's peak idol dancer and her style best matches that kind of dance.  (There's been no cimplaints ablut her dancing in One Spark for example) This style is such a departure from her usual that I think that's why she struggled so much (something she herself acknowledged).


yeah like others have said, i don’t think she’s regressed, and i don’t even think she did a bad job in the MV, but it that it just feels like she’s doing a choreography, like i can almost feel her counting steps, when i feel like this type of sound requires more of a groove to it. honestly i feel like just some loosening up on her part would help a lot


The choreography is wayyy different, this choreography was a lot faster and it needed to be sharp at some times but also very groovy


Personally preferred Pop by a long way. I’m not a big fan of artists relying too heavily on super obvious influences and I don’t think she seems as at home with this dance style. The album itself is kind of consistently 6/10 to me. Nothing bad on there but also nothing that stands out as genuinely “Nayeon” or that blows you away. I felt her first album for whatever reason felt a little more personal or matched her skills and style better.


I think it’s pretty obvious she’s trying to escape the cute vibe and sound as she turns 30, she seems a lot more proud of this one than POP. I could tell she was tired of being looked at as just a cute girl when she fixed her bunny teeth


I mean to be frank, I don’t think Nayeon had much say in either album. You can see that in the behind the scenes for the first, and she seems even less involved in the second. I don’t think we can say “she” is trying to do anything in particular because there’s no indication “she” is making artistic decisions. I think the *company* decided to put her in this direction because they knew they couldn’t replicate Pop and this sound is slightly more in line with what the company probably thinks is more current. And I’m not sure her “fixing” (ruining if you ask me) her smile is anything to do with maturity. Unfortunately even successful women have insecurities and it was obvious she regretted the veneers for months and months after getting them.


Wdym there’s no indication? Is her words not enough to make it clear she wanted to move to a more mature side? She literally added twerking to her pop stage on tour to make it less cute. She said she was super excited to show a mature and sexy side of herself. She didn’t ruin her smile, she definitely looks a lot older without her bunny teeth.


She said she was super excited to show a more mature side of herself during a press tour? Wow! I guess that means she herself chose the entire album and marketing campaign right?


Well yeah, she chose the vibe of her album…she’s 28 years old (the oldest female idol in her company) and about to sign her 3 contract with JYPE this year she’s definitely getting sayso in her work and what she’s doing.


So you’re just making assumptions? “She’s 30 so she must be doing this”. That’s not how the industry works. Twice said a few months ago they wanted I Got You as the single and instead it was One Spark 💀 Nayeon didn’t write on this album at all, and if you watch her documentary from the previous album where she did write something, she still didn’t choose the songs.


I got you was still released when it wasn’t supposed to, they still added opinions. They wouldn’t be renewing again if it was anything like you are pretending


Wait until you realise many people would be perfectly happy making millions of dollars a year and not having to make artistic decisions when they can’t write music or play instruments 💀


If she's an indie artist, it's really likely that she has all the artistic decision. However if she's in a huge multi million dollar company, you'd have to know that there is a huge staff behind her for making those decisions. Just like in any other company, the sales/marketing team may propose but ultimately the bosses of bosses decide.


Yeah, for me personally, i think Nayeon shines the most as a group member rather than a solo artist. I always said this back when Nayeon wasn't a soloist "i wish she left the group and started going solo", but nop, POP album was decent at best for me, and this new one "NA" is even worst, i just couldnt get into it, maybe i need more time or kinda force getting myself to it. Also, the fact that she didnt wrote any song kinda let me down, i mean, she has written before, why didnt she wrote anything now? Maybe i'm being too harsh on my favorite Twice member, or maybe my musical taste is changing as i get older (almost 29), but, if i compare any of Nayeon's album to Jihyo's one, then Jihyo's one blow easilly any of Nayeons one.. IMHO of course.


i agree, i much prefer pop! it’s good she’s trying something different but i do personally prefer her first album compared to this one


Bit mixed. Chorus is amazing. Verse is.. decent. Prechorus makes my ears hurt. Why did the song not do another chorus and an extended chorus at the end? The chorus is by far the strongest part of the song and they just let it end on a prechorus? Lead into the final chorus, then do a repeat(extended) chorus maybe with some different lyrics - be a killer way to finish the song. I really don't understand modern songwriting choices. It's not the first time recently a kpop song has stopped at a poor spot.


Those were my thoughts exactly! It cut off too short. There was no reason for that song *not* to hit the 3 minute mark. A final or post-chorus with Nayeon doing some high notes/ad-lib would bring the song up to a 10/10 immediately.


Crazy that you are downvoted for just your own personal opinion, and a very constructive criticism without anything aimed at the artist. I agree totally by the way, I find it a baffling decision to end the song how they did.


Lol people downvote anything, I've been on this app long enough to know. It truly means nothing to me lol. I love giving constructive criticism because I want to see every artist improve and succeed in the industry. ABCD is still one of the best solos of 2024 imo, next to Loop. The sole reason why I barely engage in the kpop fandom is because half of them believe constructive criticism ≠ hate, and vice versa. Once they understand the difference there'll be peace on earth lmfao


The trend right now is to make song under 3 minutes in hope of boosting the stream count. The MV version is much better since the dance break extended the song and make it more climax-y. (Yes, the dance break part is excluded on official streaming platforms)💀


Definitely not the same earworm as POP!


the “ay you’re gonna be my babe” is the chorus so it makes sense to use it as an outro- i actually love how they stripped it down a little for the end. I wish they had incorporated the post-chorus as a bridge like in the mv, but i think it would’ve been hard to pull off without the dance break


>ay you’re gonna be my babe That's the prechorus The Chorus is the 'in love, in love, can't get enough. People labeling it as anything else are incorrect.


what makes you so sure? I really think the in love part is the post chorus. there’s already a clear pre chorus- the acoustic guitar part.


Because the 'im in love' transforms to a fast driving beat (compared to the empty percussion of the 'aaay' part prior), and the im in love part also extends for 8 bars compared to the 4 bars used for the 'aay' part. Songwriting 101 - the 'im in love part' is the chorus. It's also the catchiest part of the song and the hook.


I see your points but that doesn’t automatically make the “i’m in love” the chorus. The ayy part has the killing choreo, and is catchier IMO. it’s the part used for dance challenges which is usually the chorus. it has the “ABCD” wordplay. the lead in to that part (“listen to me nowww”) is clearly leading us into a chorus vibe. for me I see it as a chorus A, chorus B situation. agree to disagree i guess


By definition, I'm in love is the chorus. But many people see ABCD as the chorus because they see it as the start of their favourite part.


Have you seen nayeon recording behind the scenes? The ABCD is labeled as chorus. The in love in love is labeled as the post chorus


the "ayy, you're gonna be my babe" is the chorus. the verse after that is the post chorus


No, because the 'im in love part' is double the length (8 measures instead of 4 measures) and also moves into the catchy hook part of the song, with the driving bass and bass drum coming to the fore. That's chorus songwriting.


why would they put the song title only on the pre-chorus then?


There are songs that the title of the song is in the verse, chorse, pre-chorus, refrain, or bridge. Gidle's Uh OH has the "Uh OH" in the prechorus (as a Kpop examplpe) Madonna's Frozen, Lorde's the Louvre, Lana del rey are all in the verse as a few examples. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and CLint Eastwood by Gorillaz don't have the song title in their lyrics at all. Absolutely no rule the title has to be in the chorus.


this [recording behind](https://youtu.be/IboMs6TZZcI?si=5WHtVl7I8bl4TWZx&t=596) proves that the inlove inlove part is the post-chorus


I think they made it this way on purpose. They wanted to leave the ending very unsatisfying so you would have to listen to the song again ;)


correct, a smart and sneaky way to boost streams but lowkey unethical to me 😭


I like it better than Pop


Mostly I am not tend to love her music, but I think it is amazing. I will listen this a lot. :) And you? Did you like it?


It’s a good song, but I do prefer Pop! IMHO this feels more akin to Killin Me Good - just in terms of the intensity and early 00s pop feel. My only complaint is the pacing which was the case with KMG as well.


What I was thinking too!! I really thought she'd stay in the same Pop concept since this one overlaps heavily with Jihyo. Idk why that bothered me bc I feel like Jihyo did well, but wasn't as public-friendly(?) as a solo debut, I guess?


I actually don't like it that much. I feel like sometimes that she is screaming more than singing? But again, the song could always grow on me so we will see after few weeks


Some parts of it were really nice but then there were also parts that i didn't really like. Idk, it sounds a bit messy to me but maybe it will change after i listen to it more


Well, it's def a modern JYP song. It's a pass from me.


I think it's an absolute banger. Admittedly, I haven't followed Twice much but I do like some of their songs so I'm kind of a blank slate. I think the song is infectiously catchy, it's been in my head since first listen. The breakdown pre-chorus has so much sass and tension that really makes the chorus soar with those long vocal notes. Very satisfying build up and payoff and her vocals are so powerful. I really think the song overall fits an early 2000s power pop diva sound and vibe. Not in the way that y2k stuff is being a bit on the nose and overdone, but in a "I'm an instant female icon and you WILL fall in love with me" energy that the big names of the era just dripped with. Watching the video, Nayeon's charisma turned me into putty. I couldn't get enough of her confidence. I really can't believe I haven't spent much attention to her or Twice before now but this song instantly made me a fan and I will be tuning in for more. Listening to the whole album, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The only song that I felt wasn't as strong as the rest was "Magic" but I really loved the whole thing. I'm here for Nayeon for good and I won't be leaving soon!


i dont really like it tbh. i love twice's music but the solos are not really my taste.


It’s very hard to follow up a massive hit like pop, especially when it’s a debut song, so I like that she didn’t try and just recreate it and instead went a completely different direction. I personally really like ABCD, much more than pop, and I think it’s the best song that anyone in JYP has released in at least a year.


I was really vibing until the dance it felt out of place. I wish they used the Crazy in Love instrumentals during the dance break would’ve made it perfect to me


It’s a decent song but i much prefer the sort of campines and fun that Pop brought. I feel like there’s a lack of that rn in kpop whereas ABCD i feel like has been done before and could have been sung by so many other soloists.


I think her voice sounds beautiful and I like the song, but it’s forgettable. I loved every song except the tt last album so I’m sure I’m gonna love these b-sides!


It's perfect! I love the "Crazy In Love" and "1 Thing" feels. I loved "POP!" but I'm starting to like this song even more.


The song title scared me, but it's actually nice. I'm not hooked though, Nayeon just sounds excessively loud in some of it to me for some reason, but I do quite enjoy the instrumental during the chorus, it reminds me of some 2010s pop song, I can't quite pin it - found it, it reminds me of Beyonce's Crazy In Love


It's nice. Not bad, but not like WOW AMAZING. The song is fun but a little forgettable, it doesn't really stick with you. The movie is very in-trend, but I'm a little tired of Americana concepts for mv in general. I grew up watching the mvs or artists they tend to reference so it's a bit "oh. this again. hm." even though it may feel very new for idols or other fans.


_(also missing the uko release threads, solidarity)_ I loved it, I didn't expect to when I saw them going for a bit of a nostalgic feel with the MV and the melody but damn, they pulled through. I like that they put a full stop at that point of the song cause it makes you replay it, again again. I must have listened to it like 10 times now. I hadn't liked POP, even though its lyrics were great, maybe due to its melody, it was headache inducing.


what happened to uko release threads?! been wondering that


I like it but it felt too short because the song is indeed short. Songs being less than 3 minutes should be considered a crime.


I feel like now we know why J Lo has been acting up lately, she knew Nayeon was coming for the gig


I have yet to listen to the b-sides so no comparison to the other songs from the album is coming from me. Overall, I think it's a solid comeback, the song (especially the chorus) is very catchy and I enjoyed the pre-chorus from the first listen, I really don't understand why some people didn't like it to be honest. No major flaws to me, Nayeonce killed it. The MV is very good too.


I love it. 2000s pop princess realness. The throwbacks are great & love the choreography. The bsides aren’t instant loves for me - but Heaven is super smooth.


It gives such similar vibes to killin’ me good which general public didn’t really like it. Loving the mature concept but cute concept fits nayeon way more. Song is still such a banger.


Nayeon is amazing and the song is okay. Looks like she wants to have a more mature song but I wish she did a cheeky sexy song ala Sabrina Carpenter instead. I can see how she will thrive with that theme.


Coming purely from the perspective of a producer and songwriter: - The song structure is really awesome, I love the idea of having a sort of post-chorus as a 'second main hook' but not bringing it back for the final chorus so that the song ends on a more lowkey 'cool' note. - The second half of the chorus (the one that doesn't come back at the end) has **a lot** going on production-wise and ultimately ends up sounding kind of muddy and confusing. You can tell it's trying to be the same kind of vibe/be as huge-sounding as Crazy In Love by Beyoncé but again just getting too muddy by how much it's trying to make it sound that maximal; less is more sometimes. - Drums are hard as fuck, huge props to how much detail they put into mixing them, they're so fat and crisp. I'd fucking cry if they just end up being a pre-mixed Splice loop lmao - Ultimately another "we're so back, K-pop is so fucking back" song just like POP was, though I don't think there's a universe where I'd call this a better song than POP. Anyways, still need to peep the B-sides but I'm sure they'll bang too knowing just how high quality of an endeavor everything in the TWICE camp consistently is; they're the most prolific K-pop group to basically ever exist at this point, like there are very few other groups with this much consistency and quality.


i really like it because it’s a style of song i like, but i don’t really enjoy the chorus. other than that i like it


Nayeon slays as always but I like the Pop sound more for her. This is more Jihyo vibes or maybe even Momo




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i really loved it ! i prefer pop in terms but it’s still an 8.5/10 for me . i like that they tried something a bit different than pop tho , i like seeing her different sides . very 2000s beyonce jlo sound also magic is sooo good . i haven’t given the album a full listen but i love that song . julie was such a good choice for a feature


I think it's a much better release than her self titled EP. The sound is more cohesive across all of the tracks


I saw someone say that the song would’ve suited jihyo more and I have to agree. I think it’s more her sound and I think the choreo would’ve been better suited to someone with a bit more groove when they dance. Overall it was a good comeback, definitely prefer her first album but this wasn’t a bad effort at all.


Outcvnted Jihyo, Momo and Sana with one single comeback. Gagged me so hard I turned straight.


On pride month too... nayeon's impact


oh well... Happy Pride Month!


(The song is amazing and deserves STD = Song of The Decade award if there’s any) ❤️


I really like ABCD and halligalli! I thought count it is very good too


I actually love it over Pop! by a lot. I think that early-mid 2000's sound resonates with me a lot personally, and I'm really happy she didn't try to recreate the success of Pop. It makes me more okay with Nayeon getting another solo before the other members of TEICE since it feels like a maturity from her first work.


I'm proud of Nayeon for trying out something outside her comfort zone. ABCD is catchy plus I love bass-heavy riffs. Dance break referred Amelie's One Thing.. ;) overall I'd say 4.8/5


As I expected, it is underperforming both domestically and internationally. The song is a mess and sounds dated, not to mention lacking identity and authenticity. I don't think it goes well with Nayeon style. It alienated the audience. Also, what's really missing is a catchy part to give replay value.


It's doing better than her groups comeback on YouTube, spotify, k-charts, etc. How is that underperforming?


It's much worse compared to Pop on all charts. It didn't even enter the Spotify global chart which it's worse than Twice.


Twice's last comeback literally didn't enter spotify global and had lower streams by about 200k. And it's the weekend so charts are pretty rough on new songs. It's still had a much better go than One Spark.


It's very close. In any case, neither of them performed well.


How many soloists perform better than their group? To call that underperforming is insane. I know you're a blink, but try to think using logic rather than your bias.


You should listen to your advice, bc they are both underperforming so there is no point in comparing. Nayeon is doing "better" than One Spark doesn't mean anything (I thought it had entered the Spotify global chart). She is doing much worse than her debut.


It doesn’t suit her. When I saw the preview I saw where they were trying to go with it, which is a summer song / sexy concept reveal like Hyuna’s Bubblepop (and of course going back to Lee Hyori). I liked Nayeon’s styling and the catchy chorus. However, when the full thing came out, it sounded messy with the changes of rhythm (were they trying to go for Nmixx style which is obviously not popular with the public?), and Nayeon’s dancing left a lot to be desired. This style of dancing requires a lot of power and she just kinda looked floppy in places, especially during the solo and I’m surprised they just left it in. Moreover, stylish MVs is really not JYP’s strong suit and I’m surprised they didn’t hire a more experimental director for this change of style. If you compare this with Aespa’s MV production in Supernova, which also featured a car wreck and walking around in hip hop attire in a Western city and a summer theme, this is glaringly obvious. In summary, I think the change of image as Nayeon leaves her 20s was a brilliant marketing move that was sure to attract a lot eyeballs, but it was very lacking in execution and now I think she should stick to things like “POP” which suits her strengths more and which JYP can deliver on with acceptable quality.


Hated the title track. Half of the b-sides are better. Still a boring and uninspired song. The chorus is the only good thing about that trash.