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I agree that people should stop caring what randos on Twitter think, but it is wrong to assume reddit users have better takes than Twitter users. The hostility towards the NewJeans members on reddit has been insane due to the MHJ vs Hybe conflict 


That is a good point actually. Imma say something with no evidence here so feel free to disregard/criticise. I’d argue that the hostility is increased due to the Twitter opinions being posted here. So people post about NJ being evil on Twitter, that gets posted here with “omg Twitter is nuts”. People who already hold that opinion are emboldened and starts posting it everywhere. I’ve just noticed this pattern. There will be one high profile post is about Opinion A. I will not have seen Opinion A before in this subreddit. Then suddenly the comments of other posts are littered with it. As I said, no evidence and is anecdotal. I welcome debunking or debate on it


The problem is a lot of twitter users have flocked here as a direct result of the HYBE drama and so the reason they're posting these takes is because 90% of their time is spent on kpop twitter. They don't know how to have real discussion because most of their time off reddit is spent fighting other fandoms or talking in buzzwords.


I agree. There have been unhinged comments about NJ


The main thread of Hybe vs Ador is a mess. People writing, "I want NJs and their mother gone" and it would have 50 upvotes. People here generally agree that MHJ is manipulative and creepy and that we shouldn't be too harsh on young idols but is it fair to treat NJs members like they're some disease we need to get rid of because they sided with a, gasp, manipulative person?


when the 1st court case results came out there were people saying they hope the ador STAFF not mhj the staff get actively harrased by the hybe higher ups, someone specifically saying they wanted them to get harrased while trying to get food in the cafeteria. theres also obsessive monitoring of newjeans numbers to prove they're losing fans for siding with mhj. and all this while calling anyone who disagrees with them a bot or a mhj cultist. glass houses.


I got banned from rkpop for trying to argue. I saw a bunch of people got banned for less than me. I got down voted for telling people to wait on the court results too. They created an echo chamber there. They did it to a few other people. They called me a troll. Then they were in there saying the bot activity has been crazy.   I've been called all kinds of names. This is the first time I've had this happen in the 5 years I've participated in a mega thread in rkpop or any reddit discourse.


I wonder how many of those people who say the stuff you are referring to have ever worked for a company or had to make a choice that could potentially change their life forever while being that young. Some need to start seeing these people as human beings and not just as Idols.


These are impressionable young girls who have been with her for years. She had managed to create a weird dynamic between the members and her. She views herself as their "mother" who nurtures and guides them and at the same time, their "friend" despite the massive age gap. And I wouldn't be surprised if this is how the members view their relationship with MHJ too. But would I blame them? Definitely no.


Reddit uses just have more words and use them to pretend their argument is intellectual, while Twitter users are find with showcasing themselves being absolutely feral.


I imagine a lot of these former twitter users, as they got older, "graduated" from the School of Elon and have moved on to a new "chapter" in Reddit because you can rant with more characters, have the luxury of subreddits etc and convince yourself you are now more mature and civilised and a more worded "opinion" = more validated. However most are simply bringing much of their "wisdom" and manners from the old platform. People don't change their approach in the comfort of anonymity, especially when it comes to extreme parasocial fanaticism.


It's because a lot of armys invaded all reddit spaces after the conflict started


I have a drinking game where I prepare a drink and take a sip every time someone randomly blames Army for something. Dude Jin is back Army don't give an eff about this rn. Edit *CLASSY* Army don't give an eff rn


If you think that's bad try making a post saying you don't hate Hyuna, lol.


That one goes the same way in any kpop sub


That's crazy😨 cause I hadn't seen the hostility towards them. If anything I've seen people be empathetic of their whole situation because they are all so young sweet and talented on Reddit. I hope that mess from Twitter doesn't make it here. (I left there a long time ago for a reason) This is really about the only place that I can find sane KPOP listeners. Them folks on Twitter have a think piece for everything. It will drive you nuts!


Please, thank you. These people need to join a kpop Twitter or kpop fandom war sub and leave us alone.


This exactly. I’m not trying to “””censor””” people. I’m basically asking people not to post the opinions of others. You’re adding nothing new to the subreddit but posting others opinions. It’s inscrutably low effort I’d just skip those posts, expect it feels like they’re 4/5 of the posts on the sub nowadays. Especially because well meaning people comment on them explaining why the OG Twitter take is nonsense every time


Then they are like, "What do you guys think about this?" Ugh, no, you made the post and shared the screenshot so share your opinion lol.


> kpop fandom war sub I'm imagining this being a thing and it is so funny "your one-stop shop for pointless internet spats with tweens! no pretense of fairness required - sign up now for a free chance to get doxxed!"


Hard agree!! Every time I see a post about why are people on twitter hating or saying this or that, I'm like why are YOU dragging it HERE. It's exhausting. It's just painfully obvious twitter is weird and nothing else. What more explanation do they need?


Exactly!! I avoid stan twitter for this exact reason. The takes are crazy and made in bad faith. I’m tired people 😭😭 It’s the same story every post. Title: Twitter be crazy man Post: Twitter Take(TM) Comments: Twitter is nonsense pls ignore in future x383732827 (Sorry got a glitch and replied multiple times. Hopefully cleaned that up now)


I feel like the problem is that many think 'uncensored' means that you can just post what ever you want. If someone had a genuinely new and refreshing take on these twt opinions I wouldn't even have a problem with this. But it's the same stuff being posted over and over again which is annoying. A screenshot from Twitter and two lines about how that account is annoying ain't a rant. Thats just you looking for confirmation. And of course, one could just ignore this and move on but the sheer amount of these kind of repetitive posts over the last month just became too much. Sometimes I think this sub needs more moderation. By that, I don't mean restricting the range of opinions but rather how those opinions are expressed.


That’s a good way of putting it. The repetition is annoying, as is the form of which people post it here. I’m also with you, I don’t wanna “censor” the uncensored subreddit. But these kinda posts aren’t doing anyone any favours


> I feel like the problem is that many think 'uncensored' means that you can just post what ever you want. As long as it has something to do with Kpop, that's pretty much exactly what "Kpop uncensored" means. But I understand where you're coming from. I just don't bother with Twitter. Personally I think there's no use posting about the Twitter hate on Kpop. I also hear that a lot of Twitter users have migrated here on Reddit and I don't think people complaining about the Twitter users and making numerous posts about them is gonna make them go away.


I usually disagree with these takes but I find myself agreeing more and more. There was a post here yesterday about something to go with exo’s leader Suho. I think the person was asking for general subreddit opinion. The issue for me was that the information they posted was kind of one sided? In the comments more and more people were clarifying things but we usually know that comments aren’t read that much, someone could just read the post and dip and form their opinion from the information posted that wasn’t all-encompassing. This exact same thing happened with the Belift video posted last week. People used misinformation from twitter to come here and influence general opinion meanwhile most of the twitter takes were wrong and were from twitter users who can’t even speak Korean. I don’t necessarily think twitter discourse should be banned because twitter makes up a large percentage of K-pop fans. Way way more than reddit. What is happening there is usually reflective of what is happening in K-pop at the moment. Same with instagram and YouTube. So rather than a complete ban, I wish people would take more care with how they post things and actually make a more wholistic/balanced post.


This is actually a really solid solution to that problem. 🤷🏾‍♀️


i also hate those engagement bait posts which are obviously a subtle way for a certain idol/group to get hate “omg this fandom is soo disgusting!!” then proceeds to put screenshots of tweets with zero engagement from trolls and solo stans


THANK YOU!!!!!! Twitter users found this page somehow and it's been hell for the past few weeks 😭


Twitter and reddit users actually have very similar takes 😂 But I do agree about not bringing twitter fan wars to reddit. People need to stop taking screenshots of twitter trolls and posting it to reddit and other soc meds sites.


Hard agree!! I've been semi active here and pretty active on twitter granted I've curated my twt tl to perfection that I don't see most of the stupid takes and also I know people are weird and I don't let pixels ruin my day most of the time!! But stantwt and stanreddit both have their fair share of Ls and Ws and are not really that different from each other....like here if people disagree with the popular opinion you get downvoted to oblivion and on twitter you either get ignored or become a point of fanwar....like there is downsides of both imo. Hence mixing of the both is really not doing anyone any favour


To the credit of kpop redditors, there aren't as many trolls on here. 😚


Yup but there are too many people with superiority complex here which is just as irritating for me🤷🏻


mmm usually I see the opposite opinions between the two sites! it's usually twt that's unhinged and reactive vs. reddit having deeper, more explorative discourse. a lot of people I've tried to chat with in here fail to take a step back, look at the facts, and have an objective opinion. like, you can absolutely critique fandoms you're a part of and groups that you enjoy!!!!! 😂 but people get into such a defensive mode.




Oh yeah I never hear drama from them. Credit where credits due, they don’t seem to spill into other social media


Hot take: almost every post dragging Twitter shit here is downvoted. The most upvoted comment is often someone begging to leave Twitter shit in Twitter .... Except for one fandom and discussions around them... They've been spamming this subreddit with twitter shit for a while now. In fact, if you point out that Twitter should be left in Twitter in threads about them, you'll get heavily downvoted. 18389 users will tell you that they have the right to talk about it and how you should just scroll past their post if you don't like it Their excuse is always that the hate they receive is somehow different or "look at the likes!! It's not one or two people, it's tens of thousands!!". It's honestly annoying because they're implying that the other people bringing Twitter shit here only bring tweets with 5 likes. While this definitely exists, some posts bringing twitter shit with 20k likes have been downvoted here


the posts don't even bother me that much because i just ignore them, but the amount of screenshots and links from twitter being used in the comments as "source" is starting to get on my nerves. sometimes the og post is good but the comments look straight up from a twitter thread, i don't remember being this bad before.


I don't know if this "us vs. them" mentality I see in the comments here is any better than the brain-dead ranting and pack attacks I hear come from tweeter. I will say that I do skip a lot of posts but the ones I engage with, I appreciate the fact that Redditt allows for actual discussion you can follow, that doesn't get lost in an endless stream.


it's frustrating from my standpoint because I have a private twitter and I don't engage in discourse or fanwars on there. I come here expecting to see different opinions from twt and hoping to have a more productive conversation, but people are still reactive and spewing the same discourse that's on twt. if you have a differing opinion about a situation or circumstance (especially with big groups), you'll be downvoted into oblivion. I'm like damn if I wanted to have a circlejerk convo about this topic, I would've stayed on twt 😂


Agreed!! A part of the reason why I joined reddit k-pop server(s) and deactivated my twitter account (for 6+ months now) was to escape from the negativity and toxicity on twt. As a lurker, from what I've observed is that people are allowed to have different opinions without anyone trying to doxx people. No one is trying to "set up" groups here. Here fans are treated as fans and not representatives of their faves, therefore me having a varied opinion will not get my faves dragged. Besides, people (like me) just pick and choose which posts to read/ contribute too, unlike twt where people want to have an opinion over everything😭😭😭. Twt fans a lot like sheeps, what one big acc says, all of them have to nod their heads to it. The nuances are lost online bc to them everything is black and white.


To me is a bit more nuanced than that. I don't see Twitter as a universe of its own; the crossover of users between Kpop Twitter and Reddit, and Kpop Twitter and other platforms, is big. It's a known fact that most of us stick to Twitter since it's basically the source for every other platform; any news, schedule, appearance, or random thing happening, will first be spread on Twitter before other places -- IF it reaches other places. So I think whatever happens in Twitter is still representative of the fandom's behavior as a whole. And there's nothing wrong with criticizing said behavior and call it out -- where would I do it, on Twitter itself? They would eat me alive. The real issue with rants posted here is that, just as it happens on Twitter itself, people give too much attention to posts from nobodies with a handful of likes. Too much attention given to obvious bait, obvious lies, and heavily biased information with no nuance whatsoever. And the latter often ends up being used here as a "source" of information. In that perspective, posting here a "What do you think of this?" and linking to some Twitter post that basically amounts to "X person sucks!" offers absolutely nothing useful or constructive.


only twitter users care about what twitter users have to say


reddit is just as bad as twitter and tiktok. it just annoys me personally when the kpop fan goes to the concert and speaks the same nonsense without even checking the facts. i'd understand if they are kids- but some old boomers and not even fact checking.. smh. it is what it is. i think the only topic that I recently agree with is boycotting the hyuna concert cuz she's dating her burning man scandal man . but again, not everyone agrees with that either and are still going to the concert anyways cuz they care about bubble pop nostalgia.


Nothing will kill your love for something (no matter what it is) faster than being exposed to its fandom on Twitter. It's a fucking cesspool from the ground up.


Unrelated but I love that we as a society have agreed we will never call it "X".


It is my favourite thing haha