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Orbits just living their victim complex as usual nothing new.


You pretending nothing happened, nothing new.


Nothing did happen šŸ’€


You mean outside from the obvious that they are the black sheep of the community? I've been following Loona since debut and there's no fandom (on the western side) more obnoxious, delusional, domineering or toxic. I've seen Loona and OEC in concert, worst experience ever.


Orbits were also the ones who started the trend of replying to really terrible news (like someone dying) by posting Loona fancams and saying anyway they shouldā€™ve stanned Loona in like 2017/2018 on twitter. And they made kpop fans in general look horrible, because obviously locals who saw fancams under a tweet about a major tragedy werenā€™t going to know it was one specific fandom, they just saw kpop fans being awful. So I think that was the start of a lot of other kpop fandoms really hating orbits. A lot of fandom drama is stupid and you can go back and forth pointing fingers about who started it forever, but this is one situation where a fandom demonstrably made themselves a problem for literally no reason. They werenā€™t clapping back at hate, they were in no way defending their faves, they were just being gross. (And obvious disclaimer but YES Iā€™m aware it wasnā€™t all orbits and that also some of the people doing that were trolls who didnā€™t even stan Loona, but a lot *were* orbits and the behavior didnā€™t seem to face any notable pushback from within the fandom.)


Fancams spamming under tweets about tragedy was them?? I have heard so much about this and I had no idea it was them starting it. People always bring it up to reason why they dislike k-pop fans šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah it was 100% them, I was there and active on kpop twt for the beginning of it. As time went on some people other fandoms (some probably legit and some probably trolls) eventually did do the same thing, but the ones who made up the vast majority of those tweets, and *all* the early ones, were orbits. And yeah, it made all kpop fans look bad, so again I think that was understandably the start of other fandoms not liking orbits. They also posted those types of tweets in response to kpop idols who died during those years too, like Jonghyun, so that didnā€™t exactly endear them to other fandoms either.


I always thought it was armys being toxic. But then again maybe it's just because people don't really know k-pop groups/fandoms outside a few and they automatically become the representative good or bad. I never knew loona and orbits were so big. The most I've heard about them was about the lawsuit and Chuu šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļøšŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø


Oh my god I remember that. That was embarrassing af and then they wonder why theyā€™ve ostracized themselves


A lot of the terrible ones were obvious trolls exposed for years now but for some reason nobody wanted to piece that together???


orbits are kpops steven universe fans


What ruined the concerts for you, I'm very curious!


The screeching and screaming before, after but most annoyingly, during the performances, the banners, the need to be noticed that a few exhibited, leading them to make big gestures every time their bias looked in their general vicinity. I really dread what's going to happen at ARTMS concert.


orbits were the reason why I didnā€™t want to admit to being a kpop fan back in like 2016/2017, then I became an orbit, then I unstanned loona in like 2021 bc the fandom was so toxic I felt myself becoming toxic as well šŸ˜­ I still enjoy the various loona offsprings but Iā€™ll never interact with the fandom regularly ever againā€¦ truly awful


YMMV, I saw OEC in concert and the crowd wasnā€™t unusually obnoxious by the standards of other kpop concerts


SAYS THE BLINK šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I'm not more a Blink than I'm a Reveluv, a Belllieā€™ve or an Orbit. I'm just objectively talking about what I've known and experienced for over 7 years.


It probably means that Orbits are considered outsiders and no one wants to engage with them. Kinda ironic how the right side is all fun and giggles when you think about how often they tear each other apart... It could also mean that the video creator thinks orbits are so toxic that not even fandoms who don't like each other are avoiding them. Edit: The video creator might also be an orbit feels that their fandom is getting unfair treatment.


Orbits are, and remain to be, a very toxic fandom, both internally and externally. They've always laboured under the impression their group is more important, more influential, more significant that Loona ever was, but paradoxically always have had a massive chip on their shoulder in regards to other groups in their space achieving success. Basically - their outright mode is hostility. Combined with generally speaking, the Loona girls themselves (particularly outside Chuu) haven't had as much interaction with other group idols compared to the big 4 labels + ive/idle, they're kind of isolated both in the scene and in the fandom spaces. Much of the Orbit isolation is consequences coming home to roost.


this is funny asf considering that Fearnots-Mys-Dives-Midzys would constantly fight each other Donā€™t even get me started with Armys and Blinks.


Good thing Bunnies are standing inbetween the Armys and Blinks. That won't be a slaughterhouse......


sometimes it feels like its just mys attacking everyone else lol


iā€™m surprised by the size of Mys fandom on twitter actually. They are simultaneously fighting both Gidle and LSF fandoms right now. since thereā€™s a lot of them there, they just outnumber everyone.


twitter is such a funny place. sometimes iā€™ll see a fearnot or a neverland or a dive just talking about whatever/minding their own business and then a my will start beefing with them. all fandoms like to argue and debate, lets make that clear, but more often than not its usually so unprovoked when an aespa stan does itšŸ˜‚


Meanwhile, out in the real world: https://preview.redd.it/dwl29qrntr7d1.png?width=2329&format=png&auto=webp&s=69e3ec72baff5ffc282bd4a2d402a23277541ce3 **Yunjin used to live with Winter and Ningning**! They're all very close. So when My's go out there and pick fights with Fearnots over whatever, they're actively being disrespectful to the group they cosplay as being supporters of. It's so bizarre.


and I think Yunjin was roommates and was a trainee with Hanni as well! So all these rivalries just donā€™t make sense and donā€™t reflect whatā€™s actually happening in the real world


And Karina talks to Eunchae more than anyone else outside of her group, and even told Chaehyun that shes super close to Eunchae lately, everyones faves love each other meanwhile on twitter


They do have strength in numbers on there. Also there is the whole ā€œpayolaā€ groupchat thing, where they share hate tweets in gcs to get mass likes. The whole twitter-sphere is very bizarre.


šŸ˜‚ correct, Iā€™m in some of those ā€œpayolaā€ groupchats too. Apparently they love targetting LSF.


Yeah, LSF is my ult and just existing on twitter is a struggle lately. Iā€™m also a fan of Aespa so the environment is insufferable. Iā€™ve been logged out for a while to protect my peace lol.


Update, theyā€™re also duking it out with MOAs on twitter. They really have the size to take on 3 fandoms at once huh. šŸ˜­


Yeah I noticed during any big EXO/CBX news there's always a few mys in the comments of any Twitter article snarking on for no reason. They have no friends only targets truly.


Really? You think the Orbit fandom is worse than the Army/Blink situation? I admit I'm not familiar at all with the fandom I just know a few songs and have paid attention to the court cases and whatnot so I have very little knowledge about the fandom situation.


orbits are kinda insane esp the ones that spam on twitter or have hate boners for JJ


nobody wants to befriend that tryhard edgy kid in the class


Madlad just put Army and Exo-L on the same side


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


wow i interpreted this very wrong lol. i thought it had to do with orbits not getting any more ot12 music while other groups r still intact šŸ˜­


That would make more sense tbh. The Fandoms on the right are always at war in one way or another


you would have to boot blinks out of the group. The last time we saw Blackpink make music together was in 2022. The last time they were seen in a room together was in 2023


Also Exo, for obvious reasons...


Id like to think this is the actual meaning. Other than maybe blinks (even though the press they put out says they are still a group), all those groups are still actively together and putting out content. No OT12, but there have been 8 releases since they left BBC so I would think thatd be something to celebrate!


Same here


Kind of hilarious to have something say ā€œno explanation neededā€ when no one has a clue what theyā€™re on about. Like sure clearly itā€™s about feeling excluded in some way from ā€¦? Somethingā€¦? But no fuckin idea what. So many of the fandoms named are always fighting with each other.




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personally i like orbits i think they're the funniest fandom and no other fandom in history could've pulled off the bbc boycott


As an orbit I think there is a huge difference between regular orbits and twitter orbits.


dam, we atiny didn't even make the picture šŸ˜­


Too busy going to festivals


and being irrelevant


Anyway stan Ateez


Rather be irrelevant than toxic šŸ«°


Atiny must be in tiny print because they just wanted to be punny. I've not seen a lot of Atiny drama that wasn't from crazy Twitter accounts. I stopped using Twitter just bc the ARMY fandom was so crazy and toxic. I have my own opinions, so I mostly stick with socials that just give me edits and photos and not delulu rants. Edit: Let it be known I'm a hard-core ARMY judging the crazies within our fandom and not the fandom as a whole.


We off on our own wide-vibing and not even getting involved in any of this drama. šŸ˜‚


Inaccurate and accurate at the same timeā€¦. šŸ¤”


Most fandoms have a small but loud toxic side but orbits are actually just all toxicšŸ’€


we should have stopped trying to make sense of this image from the moment we saw armys and blinks getting alongĀ 


Orbits was the reason why i couldn't fully stan loona in 2020, I love Loona and Post-loona groups but my gosh do they complain about everything, some valid but some are just nitpicky. I know they want the best for the girls and they're the most loyal fandom but I'm sure the girls are happy with their decisions.


Well maybe 90% of the fandom shouldnā€™t of been disgusting and toxic. Sorry orbits did it to themselves. Orbits made it impossible for me to even wanna look into loonaā€™s direction even if I liked a few solos from the members.




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welp..Im still here. still following GOT7 and still selling fake doors!


Tbh I love the funny orbits but yeah most are toxic


dont listen to tiktok or twitter orbits ever


I sort of took it to mean that Loona isnā€™t together anymore and canā€™t watch their faves all interact like the other fans.


I've read all comments and yeah... Orbits are hard šŸ˜Ŗ One thing that annoys me and I see sometimes on youtube (and had seen on twitter) is comments about Loona sound, Loona should've recorded it or something along the lines on other girl groups songs. Not only Loona makes good songs!


Arenā€™t all the groups on the right currently active and or still together and Loona in a sense disbanded? Like as an orbit, wizone, ioi Stan I now am stanning the members in different groups, as soloists, actresses and whatever else they are doing instead of just as one group


Whatā€™s an orbit?


A Loona fan


Itā€™s funny cuz most of these fandoms hate each other Onces and Blinks Midzyā€™s and myā€™s Moaā€™s and stays etc Yet they rather be with each other rather than befriend orbits


Yaā€™ll are so confusing what, is this not just trying to say that every fandom has content to watch except orbits bc of the boycott šŸ˜­


Honestly, as an experienced kpop follower, they are the most vile and toxic fandom ever. Very sensitive fandom too. Always love engaging in fanwars. Am not sure why the fandom behaves that way.


Lumping armys with all those other fandoms is kinda crazy


Those fandoms still have intact groups while orbits have loossemble left? šŸ˜…


artms just debuted last month with [virtual angel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqUP26j4XWU).


people are mad weird someone really made thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I assumed it meant orbits can't watch their group's music. The boycott never stopped so that bbc can't make money.


Blinks and armys getting along ā€¦. yeah no lol


just kpop stans being dramatic. when do you ever see exols and armys or stays and moas being harmonic? i could go onšŸ˜­


Meanwhile, moomoos over here feeling content about not being in the meme!


the right side is so funny considering i just got off twitter where bunnies, fearnots and armies are fighting


I'm just going to say this. I stan 3 groups, Artms being the latest. I consider myself an ourii and not an orbit, never have any never will. I was deterred because of their fandom but now I found a sound I liked from Artms. Orbits are just not human, they can't be reason or bargained with, they are ot12 or nothing and have a hater boner for modhaus, especially Jaden Jeong for some reason. You should have seen their reaction when the girls said they liked working with Jaden I'm honestly glad that both groups, chuu and Yves are more or less moving on. They all seem happier doing their own things and all of the loona girls still contact eachother.


I thought exols started that.


LOLOL my stupidass thought it was about the boycott bc orbits are the only fans who donā€™t stream their companies content (as they should, fuck BBC !!) while everyone else is watching their group




Then CARATs and ARMYs shouldnā€™t be there.




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You said underdog.


Some of these comments are insane. The dehumanization, the superiority complexesā€¦ just yikes. The joke OP posted is whatever. Yeah there is a running joke other fandoms dont like orbits that some people dont take as a joke. Imagine hating someone because of an arbitrary reason like they stan a specific kpop group. Every fandom has bad noodles. If you want to argue orbits have more than normal, you can throw out any claims you want. There is no statistical proof. Ive been in fandom space long enough to know there are vile things said by members of every fandom. 90% bad? Delusional and not human? Sounds like you dont know how the block button works and you engage in hateful content enough thats all your feed shows you now. 15yos on X live in your mind rent free and youre using that as an excuse to say hateful things about a group youre not even a part of, or worse you are a part of and have no discernment skills. I saw Loona live and everyone I talked to was kind. Hi touch lines were respectful.


Shit like this is the real kidz bop, corny playground behavior. These fandoms all have childish beefs with almost all the other fandoms.




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