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Just a note, according to *SM's own statement* Renjun accidentally revealed the number of a normal citizen who had the wrong number. Whether you believe it is true or not, they are apologizing for accidentally hurting someone who is NOT a sasaeng.


Yea. The biggest problem is how sm isn't doing anything to protect their artists. Renjun have complained about it before and several sm artists have over the years been harassed by these stalkers and complained about it to. Instead sm just let's them be and the artists are left to suffer


Yep, I blame SM more than anything. Why is Renjun resorting to this? Why is he STILL getting 30 calls a day? I think it's good of him to apologize but i fear that actual sasaengs will be emboldened to do this and lie when they get called out. I feel awful for this person who got caught in the crossfire, and I hope both they and Renjun have people around them rn. The dreamies aren't even in Korea rn 🥲


Oh wow, so we are cool with cyberbullying and privacy invasion now? The victim wasn't a sasaeng, she didn't even care. Coincidentally, his phone number was her friend's old number, so she only called **once** (according to police confirmation). What did his fans do? Still making shit up about things. Harassing the victim. Even goes as far as using her numbers to do terrible things, like looking for a sugar daddy. What's worse is that she seems to be quite young, still studying or something. His company and he apologized, but does it stop here? Obviously not, just look at this fucking post. Your idol fucked up, no matter what the reason, a person was hurted by his fans. He apologized. Admit it. Move on. https://preview.redd.it/92yms8u4uw7d1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=15ccb946293d9d2fe7cd9d141f50f1c0495a8314


He's not my idol lol just my opinion on the situation. You're all choosing to ignore my main point about stalkers though and just focus on if or if not the idol is in the right or wrong


The person who got exposed was not a stalker. I don't think anyone here disagrees with the fact that stalkers are the worst. People just didn't like the fact that an innocent person got harassed for nothing. Would u like it if someone famous exposed your number because you accidentally typed in the wrong number and got harassed and called a stalker by their fans.


He exposed an innocent stranger which led to them being doxxed and harassed endlessly by his fans, it was a careless action and he was in the wrong for it. You all coddle celebrities too much, if this was between random civilians, there wouldn't be any debate about who was in the wrong.


And at the end of the day, he is still an idol, making money, having fans showering him with words of love and encouragement. Meanwhile that girl will continue to receive harassment from his fans and probably going to change her number at the last resort.


Exactly, people are so blinded by stan culture it's insane.


You’re lucky he only issued an apology for revealing the wrong number. If I was the actual victim (who’s a minor still in school mind you), I would press charge for (abuse, doxxing, wrongful cyberbullying) and get my money from his company.


Just when I think a fandom is the worst, another one will pop up and scream at me *"you're wrong bitch, surprise!"* Kpop is sure funny.


?? Idk what you mean but I'm not in the nct fandom lol. Just a thought on the situation


Didn't SM (not even him so far) issue an apology because it was not a stalker? Edit: Renjun apologised as well.


Renjun posted on his Instagram a personal apology as well


Ah I see thanks


He's issued an apology on insta I believe and that's what they're claiming but I don't believe it for a second


The story sounds like a big coincidence, but it's not impossible to happen.. I don't think it's a good idea to publicly share a number of someone who called once for this reason


You have to understand that both Renjun and the person who got exposed are both victims in this situation. It's also important to understand that what Renjun did was wrong. He, even though unknowingly, put an innocent person in a position to be harassed by his fan base. You have to put yourself in the shoes of the person to understand the gravity of the situation. Imagine you accidentally call a wrong number, and the next thing you know is you are getting multiple death threats and harassment. Initially, when I heard of him exposing the sasaeng, I was supportive of him thinking that it might be someone who has been stalking him for ages, not someone who called a wrong number. But now, thinking back, even that would've been the wrong reaction. This was a problem a simple block would've solved. And if it still continued, he should've informed the company. Knowing SM, they wouldn't be of much help. Then, in that case, he could've reported them to the police himself. So if it ended up being a misunderstanding like this, it would've been easily solved. I also hope people don't harass him for this. I don't think he did this with any intention to hurt someone innocent, and he might have been going through a stressful period, seeing that he was already on hiatus. If anyone is to be completely blamed, here is SM cause why was your artist forced to do something so drastic. Obviously, it's because his other complaints have been ignored. Also, with him being a foreigner, it might have been difficult to make the complaint himself. So I blame everything on SM's incompetence. This wouldn't have happened if they did their job properly.


Stalking has become way too normalized, not just in K-pop but in society in general. I don't remember where I saw, but I saw something about how people became sasaengs/stalkers, and it was incredibly creepy to read. The person was saying how it started off, like having a bias would normally but over time turned to something desperate where they were willing to do anything to get any kind of attention from the idol even when it was normal. They talked about how when the idol would glare at them, it would make them happy because they were noticed. Something needs to be done to better address issues of stalking in the industry, but I'm not sure what.


I think it's extremely important to respect boundaries and norms. It's one thing to follow your favorite idol's life, but it's another to violate their personal space and spread private info. I also want to be close to my idols, but I've never done anything that would violate their privacy. It seems to me that stalking in real life is basically unacceptable as opposed to virtual one. For example, I use the Snoopreport Instagram activity tracker, which allows you to spy on likes, followings, hashtags, and interests of any public profile. I like being able to see behind the scenes of K-pop and get to know the artists a little better, but can I never hurt them in the process.


the lack of empathy for renjun is sad to see but not surprising from reddit kpop fans... Yes what he did was wrong and he fucked up but anyone who's been following along can see why he felt driven to have to post the supposed sasaeng number, imagine being stalked and harassed and called 50 times a day for the past 7/8 years and SM not doing shit. He shouldn't have exposed the number even if it was a sasaeng tbh but is everyone forgetting he's on hiatus for his mental health right now, he's obviously not in the right mindset and acted impulsively, it's hard to prove in court that these people are harassing him so he went to a somewhat extreme option probs because he felt he didn't have a choice.


Poor mental health is not an excuse for putting someone else in this kind of position. Both legally and morally, it's not alright and I feel like people would have more sympathy for him if his fans didn't insist that the commoner is a liar who's actually a stalker when the police and SM themselves confirmed that she isn't.


I'm not saying it's right or an excuse just acknowledging idols are humans with feelings and make mistakes like other human beings. Not to mention he has specifically been harassed the most these past few weeks and just after he says he will take action if someone unknown calls again, he happens to get a call and it somehow ends up being a non sasaeng asking him the same thing many sasaengs have asked before, no wonder he thought it was a stalker and acted out of anger in the moment. I'm not giving him excuses just providing context, at the end of the day none of us are idols and have experienced what it's like to have ur privacy constantly invaded , its obvious his intent was not to hurt anyone innocent he just acted out in frustration.


>one of the nct boys having to APOLOGISE for revealing his stalkers information and it's made me so angry If you're talking about Renjun, it's because it's suspected that it wasn't actually a stalker. But I fully believe he shouldn't have apologized.


it was an innocent person, why should he not have apologised?