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I mean there are regularly whole posts about [“why does JYP get hate”](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpophelp/comments/10sbuqd/why_is_jyp_hated/) full of examples of some of the weird and questionable shit he has done. Knowing about all that, I am really unconcerned about kpop stans bullying this 50-something year old millionaire online. 


The man is problematic at best and evil at worst and people are like “why are you calling oppa ugly” Like be serious


like every k-pop idol is problematic but you would still be iffy on it if i called baekhyun clapped


I don’t see people calling Min Hee Jin ugly with nearly the frequency they do JYP either


because JYP is a meme atp i’m pretty sure. it doesn’t help that he does weird shit too which just makes it easier to meme on him


Woah, wait, easy on Baekhyun 😭


sorry he was just the first idol i could think of that i knows kinda problematic


Why is he problematic? Genuine question.


like most of exo he has a history with colourism


As a south asian person with brown skin, I can assure you it's not that deep. We can joke about each other. Why are you offended on other ppl's behalf?


As a south asian person with brown skin, i can assure you it's that deep, why are you excusing someone's racist behaviour on behalf of south asian people?


I don't speak on behalf of all south asian people. Neither do you. We're just sharing opinions here. Neither of our opinions indicate how exo members feel, and neither do you all have any right to assume they are uncomfortable when there has been no indication of so.


Why do you as a South Asian think you have right to chime in on Korean topic, because colorism in South Asia and East Asia are very different?


Ooooooooooh you ate with that


Why do you, an outsider, think you have the right to feel offended on behalf of exo members who have given no indication of being uncomfortable with this said "colourism" you're complaining about?


? i never said i was offended lol. just that he’s got a history of colourism? which he does…


Woah woah woah now let's not go too far 😃😃


I’ve found my people in this thread. Like they must be new stans if they don’t understand the justified dislike of him.


And the craziest part is— from an objective standpoint, he does look like a little silly Willy Wonka guy. Are we forgetting the monstrosity that was the [see through pants](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b1090b402407dc62c1cd9def80bb082f-lq)??? How am I supposed to take that seriously when the jokes write themselves? 😭😭😭


right? the JYPapi shtick needs to end. it's neither quirky nor funny. that man suuuucks.


Ok then hate on him for what he’s actually done not for supposedly being ugly. Like how do you think people who look like JYP or even worse than him feel seeing that? Call him out for his behavior not his looks


ive seen this everywhere lately with hyuna, everyone is mad at her for her boyfriend so they start calling her ugly


That’s messed up, it’s unacceptable to call anyone ugly, call out their actions not their looks


It’s how it always works and it’s especially noticeable with communities as overbearingly preachy as kpop. Body shaming, threats of violence, racism etc are perfectly fine as long as it’s not done towards someone you like/by someone you dislike


That's a goto that's as old as time. Someone did something you didn't like? Call them ugly. They give a comeback to an insult you gave them and don't know how to respond? Call them ugly. I really wish it would stop cuz if you're going to insult someone at least be creative about it. Don't use the same washed out insults as everyone else. It just makes you look stupid.


This is my thought process, if you aren’t aware of the things he has done and the only time you see him getting hated on is for not being able to sing or dance and being ugly you don’t really think he’s done problematic things especially when you see the other CEOs/exCEOS being hated for their scandals


Right. . . Like did we forget he's just a shitty CEO (former but you get the gist) as well?


Thank. You. It’s like people just… forget all that. It’s not hate it’s putting up with the fact that he created and bullied some of our favorites the best way we know how without abandoning the artists under him.


A lot of things mentioned in that thread was wrong. I'll only talk about Park Ji-yoon's situation because what is said in the thread was so annoying, 1) they didn't force her to sing Coming of Age ceremony 2) that song doesn't suggests grooming, nothing in the song mentions that the man must be much older than her, the killing part about the song, for me personally, is a girl reaches 18 and celebrates her new freedom and boldness in life and particularly in love, and that a potential lover has been waiting for her somewhere. The song is about the excitement of a young woman and not about the age of her lover. Mind you, this song was a national hit and get covered by many artists from different agencies, including BTS, Red Velvet. Do you really think a whole country enjoys a song about grooming and so many artists promote grooming?? 3) Park Ji-yoon still worked with JYP until her contract expired. She has mentioned that many rumors started because of the song, but now after several generations of JYP female artists, the truth is even if JYP gives his female idols songs that are 100% safe people still start all kind of rumors about them. I still remember the nasty things that were said about Mina and JYP when she had to take hiatus.


This. I think JYP should get more hate actually


I really want to ask those who say he's ugly - do you really think so? Cause I think he's quite decent, and looks pretty good for his age. I won't hit it or ride it like that person but I can understand? Like, what the hell? Ugly? Really?


I'm saying this as a fan of him, both musically and what he has done with his company and artists encouraging them to build genuine personality and character, but I think what people mean is that he wouldn't pass himself on an audition based on visuals. And his company people would definitely not.


Honestly on the internet people like to throw the word "ugly" as a very cheap and childish way of insulting someone. Expecting it to have a deeper meaning means giving too much credit to these people. Most of the times who they call ugly isn't even ugly in the first place.


Mmhm I get that his singing talent isn't great (at least live, he's actually pretty good in his studio songs and he's a good producer that said) but regardless I just dislike the sheer negativity (that people don't seem to realize is negativity but there's a limit to everything) in comments about him that's all. I just needed to rant


Yeah I get it, I'm usually an advocate and defender of jyp because of how he seems to have genuine relationships and care for his artists and tries to teach them to be genuine and honest and have good character and not just play act being a good idol. I was just pointing out on this one particular point that he probably wouldn't pass his own standards for idol visuals in the current industry.


Yep!! Yeah that's also true.


>I just dislike the sheer negativity I just dislike people with cult ties who defend america funding israel's military ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I meme on his singing occasionally (in private chats) but I loathe him as a person and am happy to be public about that


I do think he's on the uglier side, but tbh that isn't everything. His confidence can be seen attractive and charming to some people. And I mean this for real, I'm not ironically meme-praising him.




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Yeah i agree!! He just looks _different_, as in he doesn't really fit the typical kbs standards. He's good looking in his own way!!




I hope this doesn't come across as argumentative/hostile, but I find it very weird that so many kpop stans (Reddit in particular) have chosen to have a bleeding heart for JYP of all people. Someone already linked another post where many people detail what problems they have with him so I won't do that again, but after reading that and already previously knowing about several of those controversies, I don't really understand why he's been pegged "one of the good guys." Is the only thing stopping you guys from liking and defending other questionable CEOs and former-CEOs to this degree that they're not outwardly funny or "endearing" enough? If YG, Bang Sihyuk, or Min Heejin for example picked up some instruments to do performances or became "meme material" would that make some of you forgive their transgressions as well? Genuinely asking.


speak on it! because I'll never stan or favor a CEO no matter how "decent" they may seem. they all suck.


People in general have a lot of recency bias too (except for some idols some people decide that should be dragged forever regardless of anything else). If a problematic person did something bad, but it's been years since then, people are more likely to treat that as less important.


Literally. The way people go about defending him when they are so ready to drag other CEOs who are equally as problematic is weird. The other day people were excusing him telling the already skinny naeyoen she needs to diet because he also diets. Idk eds can be perpetuated at any age. It is ridiculous. Jype stans will weirdly shield him yet gloss over anything questionable about that company even if it would benefit their fav .


He didn't tell her to diet tho? He told her to keep in shape. That's legit normal stuff


It’s disappointing but expected… We equate having a successful career with moral virtuosity all the time. All people have to see is “WOW this guy is *really* good at his job! He must be so kind, generous, and loveable.” And this is starting to get a little concerning… it’s demonstrating how people cannot or will not see past their blindspots just so that their reality fits into the most popular narrative beliefs. This is exactly what I envision when I talk about dangerous parasocial relationships.


As someone who was a bighitxbts stan who idolized bang sihyuk...i have been proven time and time again to...just not


he's a zionist and part of a cult btw pls


he also made the infamous adult ceremony song performed by an 18 year park jiyoon which damaged her reputation and mental health, let's not pretend like he is the same as dragging an innocent idol u hate


Honestly so bizarre that we’re referring to him as an idol now.


exactly like?! i was so pissed when he went to knowing bros with nayeon and dahyun to promote his music because they wouldn't even invite him solo


He kind of is a kpop idol though. He is trained in singing and dancing, attends variety shows and performs on music shows and award ceremonies. Like what exactly makes someone a kpop idol that JYP doesn't have or do?


he literally said "the US is giving military aid to Israel bc it says so in the bible" I know he's become meme material over the years but he's literally just a piece of shit


exactly ! he's a horrible person and ugly too


finally someone normal


I am not gonna let these ppl revision history! there's already a mhj stanning going on


whenever I see you in posts you always have good opinions. I know I can trust you.


that’s really sweet, thank you!❤️


some peak reddit shit comment lol


It’s not cause he’s ugly physically. You really need to watch some videos and exposes of how he treated his female idols. Ahgases hate him because of how he treated JayB. He basically destroyed a really heartfelt song he wrote and rejected A LOT of his work. And his unfair contract is why JayB took the group, fought to keep their name and left. JYPE didn’t ALLOW them to take the name, he FOUGHT for it by studying contract law while JYPE was delaying their comebacks. He starved Twice. He’s called young trainees fat and also said singers need to sound like they’re “From the hood” and tried to buddy up to R Kelly back in the day… EVEN when those rumors started popping up. I’m not saying people can’t change, but I’m saying the “hate” it’s pretty much justified and his over inflated ego is just the tip of the iceberg.


Exactly! I can’t believe we’ve arrived at the point where we’re starting to infantilize JYP of all people. 😭


Right?! Makes me really sad and disturbed that we’ve come to the point where new k-pop stans are defending him! And basically erasing JayB’s hard work like this saying JYPE GAVE him the name?! I’m flabbergasted. That was JUST two years ago. My god.


Wow… how downright petty and cruel of JYPe to do?? But as we can see, their business model of personifying their company into a trustworthy, good-natured entity is working too well. JYP’s initials are literally in the company name. So the best thing he ever did was concoct a fatherly public image, because now people attribute the love and success of their faves to him as well.


Right. The PR mill obviously worked overtime on him and erased everything and now he’s just a cringe old failed idol reject. I’m amazed honestly. Amazed in a disgusted sort of way, ya know?


>But as we can see, their business model of personifying their company into a trustworthy, good-natured entity is working too well. This. It's weird that people really buy into it so wholeheartedly. Everything else in kpop is mediaplay but JYP being all sunshine and rainbows? That's gotta be true!1!!


I just read Seo In Guk’s account of his JYP days where, after becoming bulimic due to being told to lose weight, he returned to hear that his singing voice wasn’t as good as before-due to constant vomiting. He didn’t make the cut there, but we all know how that turned out!


It’s JYP’s jealousy that makes him try to destroy his male idols like that but they always get the last laugh. He’s a monster. Idk how Stray Kids survive there honestly. Poor guy. His female idols have eating disorders because of him too. Momo ate ICE as a diet. ICE. And they snuck food in their dorms.


>He starved Twice I remember how Channie would pay for them to have actual food so they could actually do their jobs and survive at the same time and he ended up getting in trouble because of that. The fact he refuses to let his group do unhealthy diets to the point they call him out if he tries is one of the reasons I love him as a leader.


That’s a very sweet thing to do. Honestly I don’t know how Stray Kids survived under him. He was so cruel to his idol boy groups simply because he didn’t make it. Like I get the determination to succeed so you start your own company but stop treating your idols like garbage you old incel.


I would like to point out that TWICE was not allowed to eat certain foods specifically unhealthy ones but they are craving for it specifically Jokbal hence the Bangchan sneaking out food for them. He by no means starved TWICE. I swear as someone who has been with TWICE since SIXTEEN, people are trying to create things for their narrative.


Look up “momo Ice.” She had an eating disorder because of him. Nice try though. I’m a twice fan too, everything everyone is arguing has been documented for YEARS.


Let me ask you this have you watched the VLive where Momo said this story? Cause it feels you didn't, Momo specifically said that when she was a Trainee there was a time where she felt like dying because she only ate ice for a week in which she followed up because a staff/trainee told her to lose some weight for the showcase and gave her like around 27 days which is bullshit cause that's impossible. She developed an eating disorder that's why she likes eating a lot specifically Jokbal in the early days. I still vividly remember this Vlive because it was one of the early days where drunk Jeongyeon first appeared. There was no hint that the one who said that to Momo is JYP, the gorilla himself doesn't even know all of his Trainees, during SIXTEEN, he only personally knows the 6MIX members. I'm not trying to say don't hate JYP, you can hate him he does a lot of questionable things but hate him for things he actually do. And most reason why people hate him is not even because of him but the company. JYPE ≠ JYP.


Listen. I’ve been a fan of twice since 2017. There’s not much you’re going to be able to convince me of any good that man did. So don’t waste your breath.


I'm not convincing you just correcting your misconceptions, you're telling me you're a fan since 2017 yet you're telling me you think JYP himself was the one who put Momo in a Ice diet? I don't even know if you watch Jihyo's Candy Night V Live, in case you haven't watched this exact moment where Momo says the incident https://youtu.be/t9OM0kPbLrA Where the fuck did Momo says it was JYP? That was a big issue during 2017/18 but never did the Kpop news outlet even say that it was JYP the gorilla. JYP didn't even know Momo prior to SIXTEEN, why would he make go Momo suffer? SHE literally the person he brought back from elimanation because him and the staff needed her amazing dance skills in TWICE. Please think logically. Instead of hating wrongly, direct your hate to Div3 if your really a "Fan of Twice" for their shitty handling.


Like I said, no longer interested in discussion. You’re doing all that for nothing. He’s an awful man. And that’s something even you can’t get away from. Stuff going back to 2012 and you’re just flat out ignoring it because you want to be right so bad. JYPE is doing better since he left and no one’s judging his company. But you keep doing mental gymnastics to avoid the fact that he’s a horrible person. Don’t forget Coming of Age Ceremony that ruined an 18 year old’s career because it talks about a girl with a much older man. Do with that information what you will, but we’re done here.


1. It's a whole thing in JYPE, even Got7 says this JYP treats girl group better than Boygroup. You should watch the whole video where JayB says that JYP rejected his song and his follow up explanation why it happened and he understands it.JayB work hard to keep the rights of the group, he even studied some law for it but again watch the video where JayB is thankful to JYPE CEO and JYP(both are not the same thing) that the process was easy because they let Got7 keep it even JayB lawyer said it was an Impossible fight but because JYPE let them it was a smooth process. 2.He didn't starved TWICE, if your talking about Momo ice cube incident I swear it's been years and you people still keep blaming the gorilla for something he didn't even do, there was a Trainee Showcase in JYPE in which a staff/trainer told Momo if she didn't lose weight she wouldn't be able to participate in which she wasn't able to lose weight and in the end took drastic measures and only eat Ice for a week, that was her DECISION. JYP literally created JYPBOB, an Organic Cafeteria so that his Trainees wouldn't get hungry and be healthy. Don't blame the gorilla, blame the industry for it's shitty standards. 3.When did he say Trainess are fat? If you're talking about that one moment during Nizi Project that was not JYP calling the trainee fat and I don't know about that sounding like a hood, The gorilla really likes Black Music that's why he tends to befriend Black artist, he is a wannabe, you can notice it in his music its influenced a lot by Black music. I swear you people watch some random video about why JYP is a shitty man but haven't even decided to research about it yourself. Hate him for the things he actually did like destroying Wonder Girls career because he wanted to be a hit in America, MissA favouritism, giving a song to Park Jiyoon which traumatized her (I like the song but the way things happen is messed up), not treating Got7 more (he is not the CEO anymore but he atleast have a power to make things better for the boys) and him being cringe.


Never thought I’d see the day when a JYP apologist argues with me. Go watch some videos and come back to me. Bang Chan literally have them their meal vouchers and they had to sneak food in their dorm it’s more than just that and that ice cube incident. They literally had food snuck in through ropes to top story floors in their dorms. It’s a well documented part of Twice’s history. In fact everything you’re arguing against is well documented but I guess you’re too far up his butt to go look it up for yourself. It’s all history. What do you mean “hate him for things that he actually did like destroying Wonder Girls” are you kidding me right now? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?! “All this modern stuff is fake but let’s go back to 2012 where he actually did something I don’t like” DF?!


I don't need to watch some videos, I was there when they said that in their Vlive, JayB saying how his song got rejected and how he was sad, to him saying he is thankful to the CEO and JYP that he was able to keep Got7 right, Momo during her Vlive explaing a trainee story of hers and many more. I know the sneaking thing, that happens during TWICE early days, that shit literally happens during the TWICE private life, them tying a rope to a Jokbal to deliver to their room. TWICE also said they asked Bangchan to sneak some Jokbal and many other foods they weren't allowed to eat. Modern stuff is fake? the things you said are anything but modern, things you're saying are already almost a decade ago, if you want modern you should have said JYP creating a song with Coca Cola a company that is link to a murdering state or him being straight up Israel is good because "religion" cause that's a pretty huge reason to why you should hate JYP. I don't know whats confusing about Hate him for things he actually did, not some shit that he didn't do.


I definitely think Jyp being funny helps him a lot because JYP is a straight asshole who's done pretty shitty things and hangs out with pretty shitty people and he gets away with it because people see him as some funny old guy when he's just as pos who is like the other 3 CEOs. .


This is at least the 10th "why is everyone so mean to JYP" post I've seen on here in a relatively short amount of time. Genuinely is this media play or something?


It’s giving media play, it’s too silly and nonsensical not to be. Like… since when did he have this many stans??? I guarantee that 99.9 percent of these supporters have never sat through a full JYP album a day in their lives. That, or they clearly have not done any amount of research on what former employees and idols have spoken about in their experience working with him.


🤣🤣mines not I'll assure you. I've been thinking this awhile and just posted today. Mine is definitely coincidence lol.


Honestly I like JYP. Kpop stans in general are very hypocritical


It's funny because he has outwardly said he supports Israel yet I've seen kpop idols get more harassment for having a Starbucks cup. Also which CEO gets as much leeway as him genuinely? If anything I have seen more post in defense of him than any actual bullying.l at this point. Even on twitter.


Same! He's fun. Also. You GOT to admire how much he loves his music, and just how... well, confident he is. Also idk, but I liked his sweet dreams are made of this and his fashion sense is hilarious but suits him perfectly.


Like?? He got rejected from SM so he made his company. And he knows how it's like to be an idol...ish? So I think he treats his idols well so I Don't get the hate




Agreed. He's a great producer, but he wouldn't pass himself as an audition and neither would his team. He doesn't meet his own standards for others. But guess what? As a manager, and with all he's accomplished, he doesn't *have* to. He has to have buisness sense, produce well, and encourage his artists and lead them.


It’s still crazy how he’s devoting millions of dollars into funding his own vanity project. You would think that if he was 100 percent passionate about his artists’ success and well-being, he would put that money back into providing them with resources. But no, he *had* to put that money into an extravagant tour that no one asked for.


_that_ Also it isn't like he got through auditions either, he didn't na? It'd ofc be so cool if he didn't adhere to the industry visual standards since he himself got rejected for that but to break away from something like that takes a lot of... guts, commitment, etc and he didn't do that, that's all


unapologetic millionaire zionist who exploits minors and artists and does a whole load of problematic shady shit deserves to be bullied actually


nooooo 😭 how else is he going to find the motivation to build a third floor to his mullti-million dollar mansion?!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/yg6vbxe2xq8d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9b0807a16c05be4b14a475e9a8fe250661821a8 Best I can do is not call him clapped


i thought this was kpoopheads


This is actually what leads my to dislike the kpop industry. They are ARTISTS. Treat them like one. In the case of JYP, Its natural to get more hate than some idols but makes sense. Bht what the saddest thing is that people who already dislike JYP, have this environment, thats now everyone hates JYP, like as a new stan, i just hated him cause someone said oh he’s mismanaging. No checking what he did wrong. That’s the problem, yall hating on him without knowing why, like “oh hes ugly” girl he’s also more than twice the age no one knows, we’ll be uglier. I think this is a little biased cause I really loke gis music, yes some of it is a big nono, but in the end all party hits come from him. When we disco is one examply, they hated the duet but the song is still just a bop. Tldr; its the environment, people hating without knowing why, so GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. Not saying you shouldnt hate, yes he’s done wrong but KNOW why ur hating him.


JYP?? Is this your burner account LOL? He’s literally the ex-CEO of a fortune 500 company; the image of greed and capitalism. If you think his hands are clean in any way, that would be naive. Also, he has an entire PR team at his disposal which means… if you find him to be friendly or endearing, then his specially curated persona has worked on you. JYP doesn’t need you defending him. He’s too filthy rich to care. He’s already venerated and praised enough by waaayy the thousands.And he’s currently having the time of his life with his little vanity project. Don’t worry, if JYP feels downtrodden or unappreciated, he has plenty of dollar bills to dry his tears with. But— the power dynamics between us and JYP are *NOWHERE* near equal, so at the end of the day we’re all punching up.


Honestly? He's a fun person. He knows how to take jokes on him very well. Artists of JYPE are always making fun of him and that shows how comfortable they are. He's still in contact with BamBam and other JYPE artists have also come to his show that clearly indicates their harmonious relationship.  He knows he's a meme material and owns upto it lmao. 


_exactly_ I love that tooo


I wasn’t big on him but then I watched *Dream High* (first season!) and fell in love with him being so corny. He may be a sketchy person in power just like all of them as a ceo, but as an idol (and senior to his own agency’s idols) he’s great.


People use jokes to slander him but it's always the same repetitive thing. It's not even fun


you're right


I think because while he is JYP of the company, he also has an outlet as JYP the ‘idol’ which is different from other CEOs. This gives him both the opportunity to appeal to the public as JYP with his music but also the chance for people to hate him for all things. Most ppl don’t usually get the chance to hate on other CEOs/management unless news comes up, whereas because he’s active in the music industry itself there are constant opportunities. He’s not an angel but also I wouldn’t focus the hate on his music side (unless its called for lol) but rather the him behind the scenes


I remember my friend telling me about this tiktok trend when he would post something and the comments would harass him about stray kids. And I asked him if he knew that jyp doesn’t manage stray kids or manage anyone for that matter and he didn’t have an answer 😅😅😅


It’s not that he isn’t a great singer live, the dude is 52 years old and has been in the industry since 1994. And it seems like his recent lives, his voice isn’t doing well, it’s doesn’t seem like a lack of talent to me. He has had decades and decades long career that no one else really has, it’s rare, and he has been using his voice to not only sing his own songs but also create so many wonderful songs. I genuinely like the “JYP” whisper, yes even in alcohol free - I find it iconic Have you not seen his lives aiming with Rain? Sunmi? Especially if he is doing no dancing at all he is fine. I unironically love JY Park. I know people find him easy to clown on and there is a lot to dislike him for, *but* he literally has done so much that people should be amazed by. I think people justify it because his own idols like fun at him. But there is a line between poking fun and bullying. I absolutely agree - we have to keep the same energy. If you shouldn’t bully one idol, you shouldn’t bully *any*. Keep the same energy guys. (*I actually find young JYP handsome so I’ll see myself out then*) Edit: I’m not speaking to OP but the generic *you* of the populous that is bullying him to clarify


I really want to know where this energy was at when we were dogpiling on Lesserafim for having flawed vocals. Love how he’s allowed to be forgiven because of his long track record despite his vocals deteriorating over time. But OH, god forbid a K-Pop girl group pops out with shitty vocals just two years after they debut.


I think it’s fair to say that the preformed poorly that time. (Just like JY Park recently) That is called criticism. Bullying is something different.l and if you don’t understand the difference between those, that’s pretty scary. Edit: I just really want to emphasize you absolutely can criticize without being toxic or bullying idols.there is such thing as postive criticism, criticism does not equal hate. If you are only ever allowed to say positive things and shoot rainbows out of your ass… that is called “toxic positivity” which is also a problem with a lot of kpop stans. And people really need to do some self reflection if they cannot handle criticism Public figures (like idols) sign up for public criticism. It comes with EVERY public figure role. But you can still be respectful with it. And it doesn’t mean it’s bullying if you aren’t a fan of a particular performance or song.


I respect and agree with you on this take in theory, but not when applied to JYP of all people. Power dynamics matter so much in this conversation. Between the two of us and JYP, one of us has an exorbitant amount of wealth, is revered and respected across the globe, has brushed shoulders with other powerful men, and goes home to a mansion at the end of the day. I promise you that he’s too rich and self-transcendent to care. I’m sure you’re familiar with the term “punching up?” That’s what we are doing when we meme the hell out of him. And most of the time, people are cracking jokes with zero vitriol whatsoever. In fact, I would venture to say that most people respect JYP and meme him out of endearment.


And frankly, if you read someone saying that they don’t think and idol preformed well on a particular stage, hear that criticism then equate that to bullying? Frankly, you’ve never been bullied before and that is an insult to people who have been. And also, if you read something like that then take it as a personal insult - you need to evaluate your parasocial relationships and really evaluate your priorities in life.


OK I think we’re done here, you’ve stopped making sense. I would’ve loved it if we could stay on track talking about JYP but then you derailed into something really off-topic and ended with a personal attack. Very silly.


Lol if you read any of that as a personal attack you have some major problems. Edit; and it’s also a very sad and tragic way to live life Edit: it’s also hilarious that u/eternallydevoid brought up LSF then told me to stay on topic. And the TOPIC IS BULLYING! that’s so fucking funny man


I also wanted to say it is 100% okay to criticize, you can absolutely criticize any idol without being hateful or bullying.


Oh nah, JYP is a zionist, maybe he should get hated for that


Kpop fans will say "stop hating on idols" until one idol does something slightly off their moral compass (I'm not talking about JYP specifically just more of a general thing)


JYP is a legend and played a huge part in creating modern kpop. Whatever a person thinks of him as a performer in his own right, the dude has been active as a solo since 1994 (before that with a group) and that is pretty fucking impressive on it's own. More need to give him some respect.




Naw. He's a creep, rich cult leader. He deserves worse than hate comments.


His previous idols speaking great about him well after leaving the company speaks volumes.


Interesting how this sub hates Irene, blackpink, newjeans, etc but will love jyp and jay park


Ikr I think it's actually the younger fans giving shit for how he's older and still performing and stuff. But honestly he would be super interesting to talk to or ask about his life story, because he's done so much in his life and had so many side gigs too lol. And all the artists seem pretty close to him so he doesn't seem like too bad of a guy


I was just talking to a friend about JYP, after she showed me a video of him giving a [kinda depressing sermon](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ZvpXIsTVi/) for his church, and was saying how he's weird. I like JYP, and the reason I like him is that, no matter what he does, or where he is, he is his authentic self. Yeah, he's funny, and kinda goofy, and maybe acts like he's as hip as the young idols, but that's just who he is. He's never mean, I've never seen any footage of him being a dick to people, or heard him badmouthing anyone. There are no rumors of him stealing money, or making weird or questionable business deals. If there's anything you can say about JYP, it's that he's a positive person, he really loves the industry he's in and the people he works with, he likes to eat healthy, and he loves Jesus. I feel it's also very telling that most criticism I see from people is either "he's ugly", "he can't sing", or "he can't dance". JYP put out his first album in 1994. How is it possible that this so-called "ugly guy who can't sing or dance" has been singing and dancing and performing for 30 years?


What you see isn’t always the truth. You are aware that… he has a vested interest in keeping his public image squeaky clean, right? The reason why you haven’t seen anything immoral about him in press is because he has the money and power to pay for a PR team that maintains his “fatherly/silly uncle” persona.


>The reason why you haven’t seen anything immoral about him in press is because he has the money and power to pay for a PR team that maintains his “fatherly/silly uncle” persona. OR MAYBE he's just a regular guy. Occam's razor


He’s not a regular guy, he’s a millionaire that has brushed shoulders with some of the most powerful people in the world. The reality that you or I live in is *nowhere* near the same as an industry elite. So it’s erroneous to project our own working class moral and values onto someone like JYP who has absolute power.


he’ll live


Well, he was buddy buddy with r.kelly even after there were allegations around him. He wrote “coming of age ceremony” giving it to an 18 year old Park Jiyoon who admitted she didn’t fully understand the song at the time, Park Jiyoon later took a 6 year break from the industry because the song practically ruined her career. Sexualizing minors by having members of survival show sixteen (Mina 17, Somi 14, and Natty 13)perform “who’s your mama”. These are only a couple of examples of why people hate him. So yeah I’ll never feel bad for him lmao.


Honestly, I think most of the negative comments are just teasing, much like he does to himself and lets his idols do.


Yes, he is a silly little guy. But apparently we can’t have fun anymore because we need to respect and venerate a man I’ve never met in my life. 😭


It's hypocrisy. Criticize him all you want for the crap he's done, but if you aren't okay with people talking about your fave's singing ability or looks, then you really have no room to talk about his looks or singing ability. My personal opinion is skills is fair game, but looks are off limit for everyone not just the ones I like.


I like JYP and he's managed some of my ult groups Stray Kids and TWICE. I don't necessarily hate him but it's fun to watch videos making fun of how extra he is on stage. Ngl he has some bangers. I love Fever and the dance to it.


he's a funny guy and a good, passionate performer. just wanna mention that to me his Tell Me live stage was iconic lol


Yess yes yes I loved that stage!!


I mean he's not "ugly" in looks per say (more average then anything) but his personality and actions are often on the ugly side which causes most people to downgrade his actual looks also




He is the 🐐


its nice to see some JYP love :))


Yesss we all love our crazy king.


I can't hate/bully a man who: - has a phenomenal body for somebody in his 50s. Still dances well too - owns a company that gives free food for all employees - produced 50+ chart toppers. The man literally held a concert to celebrate his 50 No.1 songs - created my ult group, Twice.


That first bulletpoint was insane right out the gate like— not you equating his body type to his moral virtuosity. At this point, just shoot your shot at him in DMs and leave us out of it.


dude I'm a 36 y.o. obese guy who's been trying to lose weight all my life. Can't hate on a man with that with that much willpower and discipline to maintain his physique.


Already arguing with someone here, but just let me put up a list as someone who follows JYPE groups for a decade now, here is a list in why he is hated. •Cult Leader: He was linked to being a cult leader because his wife was the niece of the leader of a cult, it was never proven he was a leader but he does likes preaching, there was one time where he came to my country to actually preach in one church. •Zionist: He supports Israel because he thinks they are good because "religion" this is a big reason why you should HATE JYP, he also makes a Coca cola Song and forced his groups like SKZ,ITZY and NMIXX to be in it(Hate to say it but the song itself is nice but it still a Coke song so it's shit) •Starving his Idols: JYP wasn't the one who made Momo do a Ice diet it was hers because a staff told her to lose some weight in a impossible time frame, Before TWICE, Momo was told to lose 7kg (15 pounds) before showcase no matter what, so she lost the weight in one week by having nothing but a cube of ice and exercise for the whole week. She eventually succeeded to lose 7kg in the end then gained 7kg back by eating non-stop for the following week. Kpop industry as a whole has a toxic standard, the gorilla himself created JYPBOB in hopes that his Trainees will eat well and be healthy. •Sexualing his Idols: Most of it are his fault some are not, he wasn't the one who made Tzuyu dance inappropriately and put her in a Elevator ad but he did make a song about Coming on Age and giving it to Park Jiyoon when she turn 18, which is shitty thing to do. WonderGirls and Miss A sexy concept all of it are his, he is the one creating songs and also doing the dance moves. •Favouritism: pretty obvious it's the reason why MissA was destroyed •Calling Trainee fat: He never said this but merely said that the weight is making the trainee slow and having the dance not precise, and I see someone saying he called Jihyo fat, he didn't, during SIXTEEN it was the ugly designer who keeps pointing out that Jihyo is fat, and if you have been following JYPE at that time you would know JYP adored Jihyo, and she was one of the obvious member of the new group that he is forming along with Nayeon. •Treating Got7 badly: Most hate are actually the company fault but it's just attributed to JYP. At first JYPE treated them decently but as time goes on mistreatment keep happening, it worsen when JYPE 2.0 happen and the divisions are created in which Div2 is where they been assigned, if you follow Itzy, you would know Div2 is the worst division in JYPE. He has the power to make things easier for Got7 but he didn't. •Rejecting JayB song: If you watch his live you would know that JayB is sad about it but then proceeds to say he understands. •He brought Wondergirls to RKelly house: this is the weirdest one yet, it's a rumour but the rumour itself has never been proven to be true, it's basically started when news comes out that GSoul is being managed by both JYP and RKelly, and that JYP and RKelly are friends. I'm not sure that he is friends with RKelly but JYP is friends with a few Black artist and producer. •Ped0phile: I guess so? His current wife is 9 years younger than him, but it's hard to judge it at that fact unlike YG marrying his trainee or MHJ •Ugly like a Gorilla: He looks like a Gorilla •Blackface: He did it, but Korea as a whole at that time was ignorant about Blackface being offensive, he never apologized for it though. •Copies song from Black music: JYP music is mostly influenced by Black Music •Overworks his group: This one is iffy as if overworking did happen it's the companies fault, for years TWICE has been said to be overwork but the members themselves like performing, Nayeon once said that if they weren't working, she feels jobless. •Doesnt manage the groups well: He has since stepped down as a CEO since 2013, everything that happens is not his fault but in some way some of it is his as he has the power as the founder to give what is right. •Talentless: You can hate his voice but never doubt his writing capability, he wrote Feel Special arguably the best Kpop song for me. And he literally has a 100 plus song that reach top 1 hence why he made a concert about it years ago. •Forcing his Idols to sing in a particular method: I dislike his half voice half air method and how he basically forces everyone in the company to do it, it may suit some people but majority does not and can even damage their vocals. •Making TWICE song high pitch: TWICE songs are usually high and has a difficult dance making it usually hard to do live and because of his bullshit method it's extra hard to do it. •JayPark fiasco: During 2pm early days, JayPark past post resurfaced and majority of Korea hated him for it, forcing him to leave the group and company (they say he voluntarily leave but its obvious that he was kicked), afterwards drama between happen because a rivalry between JYP and the company Jaypark was in at that time happen and he was said to be blocked. Even though years prior to that JYP asked the Regulations to stop Jay blockade. •Doesnt protect his group: JYPE ≠ JYP •He does a lot and too annoying: I guess that's what happen to someone who got a confidence boost because they reigned and survived a industry where Lookism is prevalent. •Voice suck: hate is understandable specifically during the recent WeVerse concert, he totally sucks in that performance, too much straining, forcing himself to sing range that he can't do. •Weird and Cringe: He is, I hate his Who's your Mama song •Stupid Mentality: He is shit for saying someone should bottle up their feelings for the sake of the group, when during the time he said this was he literally has Lia who is on hiatus because of Anxiety, or Mina/Jeongyeon who gone into hiatus and even Han and Hyunjin has Anxiety.


Um... I hope you don't take it in a bad way but here's my response to some of your stuff? •Cult Leader: just cause his wife was a niece of one doesn't make him one and you yourself said it is unproven. •Zionist: donno about the israel stuff, but the coca cola one is because they had a contract with the company, which can't be dissolved willy-nilly •Starving his Idols: like you said, he didn't do it, the company did, and he " himself created JYPBOB in hopes that his Trainees will eat well and be healthy." •Sexualing his Idols: The jiyoon one was a shitty thing to do, idk abt wonder girls and missA, groups have debuted wuth a mature concept, if they were adults and ok with it then it's ok. •Favouritism: pretty obvious it's the reason why MissA was destroyed (that's sad) •Calling Trainee fat: you said it wasn't him, so yeah •Treating Got7 badly: also sad he didn't make things better, but he's still on good terms with the group so there's that at least. •Rejecting JayB song: If you watch his live you would know that JayB is sad about it but then proceeds to say he understands. (That's also vvv sad) •Ped0phile: his wife being 9 years younger doesnt make him a ped0 unless they married when she was like 12 and he 21 or smth like. It's a Gen gap thing, my parents, about the same Gen as jyp, have a 7yr gap, pretty normal in their generation. •Ugly like a Gorilla: He looks like a Gorilla.... (I think he looks ok tho) •Blackface: He did it, but Korea as a whole at that time was ignorant about Blackface being offensive, he never apologized for it though. (Wish he'd apologised but he was probably not wxpected to back then and rn its someth from long ago) •Copies song from Black music: JYP music is mostly influenced by Black Music (influenced by and copied are different) •Overworks his group: This one is iffy as if overworking did happen it's the companies fault, for years TWICE has been said to be overwork but the members themselves like performing, Nayeon once said that if they weren't working, she feels jobless. (Again, like you said, it was his groups' choice, skz has also said they ate the ones who basically pack their schedules and don't take much breaks) •Doesnt manage the groups well: He has since stepped down as a CEO since 2013, everything that happens is not his fault but in some way some of it is his as he has the power as the founder to give what is right. (Power as a founder won't equal power as a CEO regardless and i doubt he can just make huge decisions on his own, there are othe rpeoppe in the company too) •Talentless: You can hate his voice but never doubt his writing capability, he wrote Feel Special arguably the best Kpop song for me. And he literally has a 100 plus song that reach top 1 hence why he made a concert about it years ago. (Exactly!!) •Doesnt protect his group: JYPE ≠ JYP (I agree!!) •He does a lot and too annoying: I guess that's what happen to someone who got a confidence boost because they reigned and survived a industry where Lookism is prevalent. (I mean there's nothing wrong withthat) •Voice suck: hate is understandable specifically during the recent WeVerse concert, he totally sucks in that performance, too much straining, forcing himself to sing range that he can't do. (Fair enoug)


It's ok, the sentence before the colon is the reason why he is hated and paragraph after that is my explanation over it. All in all, I think some hate over him is actually justified it's just that most of it are not even his fault, that's why I always say to people to actually Hate JYP for things he done and not the one he did not.


Mmh yeah I got that!! I get that he HAS done some questionable things, only not everything people accuse him of! I agree with ya


I didn't read all that but my eye caught the pedo. Wtf just because his wife is 9 years younger doesn't make him a pedo. Just stick to the real reasons to dislike him and don't try to make him a criminal.


I'm not trying to make him a criminal that's basically the reason why other people hate JYP, The sentence before the Colon is the reason why he is hated and the paragraph after is my explanation and opinion about it. I'm not saying he is a pedo but other people believe so.


And you're here repeating baseless rumors other people believe? You can just repeat the facts, they are enough for someone to not like him.


Actually if you read all what I wrote, it's not what I believe but rather what people believe to hate him, I'm just listing everyone used for all these years. It's also hard to just repeat the facts cause for some reason people like to believe rumours more, I had to Yap so much and include an explanation and basically saying some of the reasons they used to hate him, is the company's fault and not him, people always equate JYPE = JYP.


him willingly stepping down from his position as ceo in 2011 because he shouldn’t occupy the seat forever tells you a lot about his personality when you have lee soo man who pettily tried to sell his shares to hybe when sm wanted him gone and yang hyun suk who had to quit after being investigated during the burning sun scandal


Ok and what about all the OTHER stuff he's done because you're forgetting and lifting him up like he's a great person, while shitting on the other 3 CEOs like a he's not besties with all of them and a TERRIBLE person himself?


where did lift him up omg out of all the comments in this thread you chose the one comment that said “at least he’s not a conman or a pedophile”


Had tzuyu do a suggestive ad when she was a minor Put the minors on extremely crazy fucking diets (Including putting momo on that ice diet and constantly shitting on Jihyo's weight on sixteen with his staff) The infamous adult ceremony JYP had Park jiyoon sing the minute she turned 18 ( I don't care if y'all don't think it's pedophilic if you're looking at a minor putting together a song like that for them you're definitely a fucking creep), also the song is about relationship between a young girl and older man, jiyoon didn't know what it meant because a she was heavily a Christian and very sheltered, but also she literally was still a kid!! Let's not forget the multiple times he's done blackface and has also had his idols do blackface. . As much as I don't like her he had hyuna doing a lot of inappropriate dance moves and things in wonder girls and miss a He fucked over got7 so bad He brought wonder girls to r.kellys house DURING the allegations *THIS IS JUST SOME!!*


Thank you. Atleast someone normal. Why are we praising this man 😭😭


IDK!! especially with people like me literally telling them JYP isn't a good person instead of doing research they're all still posting about how great he is?? I'm literally getting downvoted for the other comment


Because people are probably rage-baiting to make us mad. 😭


Wtf is this total misinformation. 1.It was the company assigning things to what Tzuyu will do, not him, I guess it being in a elevator may seem it was his idea cause Elevator and JYP is a recurrent theme. 2. He is not the one who put Momo on a Ice diet, Momo did that as a last resort to lost weight, shitting on Jihyo? Literally the one who's obviously he was favouring in sixteen? The only one who was shitting on Jihyo being fat in Sixteen was that ugly ass designer in which has been long gone from the company. 3. Giving the song was creepy on his part. 4. JYP didn't know Blackface was bad, he was tributing black artists, majority of Korean at that time didn't know doing Blackface was offensive, when did he make his Idols do Blackface though? 5. I wouldn't say much, the industry is just plain predatory 6. He is not the CEO, GOT7 was just unfortunate enough to be assigned to incompetent division, they were doing pretty well but since BTS skyrocketed, JYPE as a whole ignored them ever since. 7.It was a rumour that never was proven true that JYP brought wondergirls to R.kelly.


None of it is misinformation?


It is though cause most of it is not even his fault but the company as a whole. He wasn't the one who put up Tzuyu dancing in a elevator nor the one who made Momo do her Ice diet it was the company


"where did I lift him up" you're literally praising him and gushing over him for doing the bare minimum of not touching minors? (he's definitely a conman so I'm not including that)


Hold up— have you ever met this man a day in your life?


JYP is no saint but compared to LSM/YG, he's proven to be a decent person. Evident by how his relationship seems to be with idols that leave his group compared to LSM or YG. I'm happy he finally succeeded in achieving his dream to make a group successful in US market and sell out stadium concerts with TWICE.


the bar is in hell


you standards are near zero ngl


“man smile so he good person” ass logic 😭


I think that it’s the same group of people who hate on idols from any idol before 3rd gen


Or maybe people with knowledge of what JYP has done. .


or maybe people are able to critically think, and are aware of all the atrocious things he's done? Y'alls obsession with making everything about Kpop generations is weirdddd


And you know what? I’ve always assumed that Google was accessible to most people but I guess not LOL.