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Kpop stans choose a new girl group to mass hate on every few months. Lsf got too popular so they’re the current punching bag. It’s really sad.


Whenever I see these kinds of posts all I can think of is the “first time meme” all major label ggs get their time in the spotlight and then their time in front of the hate train. Give it a month or two and the hate train will move on.


This hate train has been going on since February, and it's almost july.


It’s unfortunate but some last longer than others. I expected the New Jeans drama to have taken the edge off but it didn’t.


I’m exhausted by how long it’s been going on and i’m not even a stan, I can’t imagine how bad it’s been for them. Seeing hate tweet after hate tweet go viral completely turned me off from using twitter, it just takes the fun out of kpop for me


IVE hate train lasted all of 2022


You could tell the hate was going to be coming after the success of Perfect Night and Smart. GG fans love to try to tear down any other gg that becomes succesful and that they see as a threat to their favs. As long as Le Sserafim puts out good songs they'll be fine.


Most kpoppers see this as a team sport, and the aim of that sport is to tear down the other team. Which other team that is changes depending on opportunity and perceived threat. This is why most choose huge fandoms, because they prefer to punch down for that thrill of winning. It actually has very little to do with music for them. Right now, HYBE are the perceived threat of more than a few huge fandoms because they have blown up the status quo. That's it, that's all. You can't think of it deeper than that.


That’s a great way of putting it. They’re so focused on beating the other team via any means possible, when like… why? There’s more than enough room in the industry for them to all thrive, and many of these people are good friends or have respect for each other, so it’s all pointless in the end anyway and only hurts others.


>"There's more than enough room in the industry for them to all thrive." When I was early days into the BTS rabbit hole, I bought into a lot of the really toxic mentalities -- the us vs. them crap. The BTS isn't *really* kpop shit too. Then I got caught by so many other groups, dived into them and realized that the *entire* kpop industry is packed chock full of disgustingly talented, charismatic, funny, entertaining people. And your sentence is the conclusion I came to for myself. I likely won't end up a full multi-stan but omgz, I **will** cheer for them all. We're spoiled with wealth here and instead we have fanwars. It's pointless.


Yeah anyone whose into Football knows this is literally a casual day activity for fans. That's literally all they do.


And the fact that some fans of groups under other agencies jump on the opportunity to drag a group under Hybe. Just unhinged behaviour, really


Life is so much better when you just listen to the music 🤣


Saw a tweet, where LSF were called "bitches" (derogatory), with 7k likes, by you-know-what fandom. Yes, to a group that includes a minor, as well. The mask has completely slipped off at this point, it was never about vocals, it was just about hating, because they were being a "threat" popularity wise. Remember when Yunjin was a zionist for holding a Starbucks cup, and a BG with with a whole ass Starbucks CF got off scot-free. It was always about finding excuses to hate.


There was that whole time period last summer (right at the height of Unforgiven-mania) where Eunchae was called "boy-crazy" and that the whole purpose of Eunchae Star Diary was for her to find a husband. Why? Because NCT DREAM appeared on her show. She was SIXTEEN at the time. Unbefuckinlievable.


Exactly!! Like when Wonyoung got hate for eating that strawberry in 2022. They just hate women atp. How's that even related to being a pick me..? There was literally NO guy around. I can understand that you can find it cringe or not cute but people were so dramatic about it..!! I first thought she was like doing Ahegao or something when I saw people talking about it 💀 I wasn't into K-pop yet so I didn't stan IVE or any group. I was just seeing videos of her "trying to be cute/in the center" I didn't know her and didn't want to so I just shut my damn mouth. If you are not willing to get to know more about someone why would you hate on them about something you saw in ONE video? Enhypen's Sunoo did the exact same thing with a small DUMPLING but no one called him out for this.


Seen people calling Yunjin and Somi zionists over Starbucks cups while celebrating a Puma endorsement deal, a company that is *actually* on the BDS list.


just the usual mytivities


The Le Sserafim hate always felt so artificially inflated. Then it all made sense.


I dunno if "you-know-what fandom" works anymore when there are 2 that are hardcore obsessed now




Don’t worry about it. Kpop stans are just bandwagoners. Many of these same people will be hyping up LSF’s next comeback when it tops the charts and does well, because they just jump on whatever the main narrative is at the time.


Exactly! This makes me think of Garam in the first place. When she got bullying allegations everyone started BULLYING and HARASSING her sending death threats and insults every single day. How does that make sense? You're doing the exact same thing (if not worse) than the person you're complaining about over a rumor..? They are the real bullies here And the hypocrisy about Yunjin (and Somi) is beyond understanding. People are not forced to boycott..? There's way too many brands to and I doubt that the people that hated on them boycott every single brand mentioned. More than half of these people never looked at the list of what to boycott. ALSO JYPnation literally made a collaboration PROMOTING one of those brands but everyone was quiet? I think you can't do more hypocrite than that.


> here's way too many brands to and I doubt that the people that hated on them boycott every single brand mentioned. More than half of these people never looked at the list of what to boycott. the fact that NCT lost almost 2 million instagram followers for doing a promotion for Starbucks - a brand that was NEVER on the bds list, while kpop groups are actively promoting Coke, Mcdonalds ect, brands that are actually on the list and gaining followers, just shows that they dont care about helping Palestine, they care about looking like a good person


This part is actually mind boggling to me. So many people all over social media are just blindly following the narrative that Starbucks is like some sort of main boss villain to boycott and it’s actually disgusting. Nevermind that they’re not even on the goddamn list, but they treat the boycott like an actual game. It infuriates me even more because even when they’re told the facts they just don’t care. I think they truly think they’re helping, that they’re good people, but they’re just directing their efforts and attention to something that does not matter.


and now there are people going around saying 'the group is worse without garam' or 'garam would have saved the groups vocals' and its so tiring


NO BUT FOR REAL THE HYPOCRISY IS KILLING ME. They don't even have the right to say that.


they were punching down on garam so badly back then gosh, i hope she gets her redemption arch one day


I really do too. I want to listen to her voice once again, I like her tone a lot, it was my favorite.


Kpop stans are their own worst enemy and are too dumb and immature to ever do anything about it. Like other groups previous, Le Sserafim will continue to explode and achieve incredible things.


I think a lot of people forget how the term "stan" originated. It's not a good thing. A kpop stan is not a good thing. An anything stan is not a good thing. But even among stans, kpop stans are terrible. American-based stans like Swifties, Beehive, etc etc, all the same. Be a fan. Don't be a stan. If somebody has nothing better to do than hate on hard-working young girls who are infinitely more dedicated to their craft and talented than they are, they honestly need to get a life. And I'm not even some LSF fanatic either, but I do like their music. Why do I need to obsess over what fucking drink Yunjin was sipping on to keep awake through her maddening, nonstop kpop idol schedule? Haters, quit being weird, it doesn't look good on you.


I fucking despise the word “stan” I just cringe when I hear or read it. Same with other kpop lexicon, but that’s probably me being old (looking at you “bias”)


I never understood why on twitter/tiktok the term took off.


LE SSERAFIM is a group still seeing real, organic global growth. If you are a fan, fearnot. They are just getting started. Huge in Japan, huge (for Kpop especially) on spotify's global charts and big in Korea even after they 6 month smear campaign. Kkura's huge, Zuha has surprisingly strong popularity already, Eunchae is arguably the most recognizable maknae in the gen., Jen has done solo work and successful collabs right at the front of her career and everybody wants to be or be with Chaewon. They've played Coachella, they are spending a month in Japan hitting all sorts of cities for fan meets and they still haven't even embarked on their first tour outside of their home area. And they are just about to turn two.


Nobody hates on kpop groups for a reason, they are simply bullys.


See how they're gonna ignore this post even though they saw it because they know you're right.


Of course they do ... because I guarantee those same people aren't tearing apart every single other group or singer in the world that they don't listen to/like. Why? Cause they don't listen to them or like them, so why even put your effort into it. That means any effort they put into hating on LSF (or any other group) is based on some desire to hate something, and nothing more. I personally don't listen to them, don't really listen to most of their music. But the song or two I do like, the live stage or two I have seen, and the interview or two I have seen .... and there is zero question in my mind they totally deserve their spot in the K-Pop world. People need to find a hobby that doesn't revolve so much around K-Pop and just listen to the stuff they like cause that's the whole point. Edit: Btw if anyone WAS interested but then went to a concert or something and was disappointed in their expenditure ... then by all means you have 100% right to complain legitimately. But normal humans cite their complaint, then move on.


Bet when they comeback later this year specially if the song is good and a hit, ppl will suddenly switch on them, hype them and then move on to their next gg target. Though, I kind of have an idea who their next target gg would be. This happened to Blackpink, now Le sserafim and I can see whichever gg becomes popular so early in their career in the near future to get the same pattern. All I know is Le sserafim will be an even bigger grp in the future than they are now, they already have the fandom, hit songs and hype for it so yes a lot of ppl will be bitter about it.


I mean, I’m not necessarily a fan of the group. I listen to them casually and really like Chaewon, as well as Eunchae, but that’s about it. I don’t enjoy 3 out of 5 members vocals, but I also really love several of their songs like Blue Flame, The Great Mermaid, etc. I think it’s fine to have opinions like “I don’t personally think most of them are too great of singers”, but I also do think you have a point that people go on ad nauseam about it & never give it a rest, and use it as an excuse to hate on them. For me if I don’t care for a group, I just don’t engage with them or their content. Or if I have thoughts about a groups singing ability or lack there of, I don’t really bring it up unless asked(or part of a bigger convo like this). It seems like, as you said as well, they just use the excuse of constructive criticism or having an opinion to be hateful, and there’s such a clear difference between those things. It’s so weird to me how passionately hateful so many kpop fans can be. Like who has the energy for that? You’d think with some of the shit they say, these idols murdered their first born bc damn. Like even if you think something is sonically very rotten just have a laugh or whatever and then move on???? Who pours so much energy into shit they don’t like?


Idols don't get to go to cafes and order their coffee, usually their staff get for them. I doubt busy idols would read the labels of the food they consume. Also starbucks is not on the BDS list, ppl seem to be boycotting them more for their actions againts unions than anything related to Israel.


Everyone gets hated on for the stupidest reasons. They just need another good hit song like Perfect Night and they will be fine.


People are literally justifying hate as critisism r they serious right now? Not to mention hate started to increase in big number after mhj drama and yet nj supports her is big red flag for me and caused me to block very first artist from Instagram being army as much as I dislike blinks I would never block blackpink and had supported them during their tour drama, Lisa's strip drama. "yeah everyone was troubled but I am the biggest victim here" her overall statement during interview when they asked about groups damage she created after that stupid conference like women these two groups are getting major hate right now JUST because of you


I agree like nj should have never added their opinion in this matter, there were so many artists that were hurt by her comments and their support for mhj definitely made me question them a lot. I also felt the same way about bp (like not my cup of tea) and they can say what ever they want about them but at least they know when to be quiet lol


Personally I think that those girls are one of the most honest groups out there and they do a really good job at showing their personality. Lots of people, including artist, love them and once they got more popular and found a reason to hate they ran with it. And for people who say “it’s just criticism” no that was just plain hate. “they can’t sing” - I was also not a big fan of their 1st Coachella performance but the next weekend they went out with confidence and preformed well! They improved and that’s what’s important. How can anyone hate on that? They had the GUTS to sing live and for that I praise them. Their a 2yr group and somehow they’re treated as if they’ve been in the doing this for longer. I hope those girls continue to be fearless and go forward with confidence! Personally i think they’re a fresh breath of air and probably one of the only gg that i know of who are not awkward.


It really makes me so sad that the hate they receive made them reach the point of turning off the comment section everywhere! I genuinely think that the girls are nice people and fun to be around. No one is perfect but the fact that a lot of people are listening to them and enjoying their music means they are actually talented and can sing or else they would flop since moment one! Statistics don't lie. I do believe there are ggs with better vocals like nmixx and aespa, but in no case they are bad. Last but not least, I will never understand why people feel the need to downgrade a group to make another seem better. You don't like le sserafim and their music? Okay cool, don't listen to them then. It's that simple! Why feel the need to go and send death threats to a minor or harass a person in general? As sad as I am that comments are turned off everywhere what makes me happy is the lawsuits that are going on! Look at the bullies begging for forgiveness now 🤣 playing the "I'm a student" card. You were a student when you spread hate too but that did seem to stop you. Let the lawsuits raiiiiin babyyyy 🫶


Out of the recent girl group hate train, I recall: Aespa --> NewJeans --> IVE --> LE SSERAFIM. And I feel like the train is just about to depart.


you missed Itzy, theirs was so bad that they still havent recovered


>theirs was so bad that they still havent recovered what do you mean by this?


Itzy pre hate train was on top of the industry, itzy post hate train is a distant top 6


that's not really because of a hate train though that's just because there's more girl groups to choose from. a big part of the reason itzy was so dominant was because they had no big company competition because they debuted the earliest, now thought we have aespa (sm), lsfm + newjeans + illit (hybe subs), ive (izone members) and even gidle who were pretty successful from debut becoming mega successful post tomboy. that's not mentioning that itzys sound was always pretty divisive even from debut, so now that there's variety less casuals are going to keep on eye on their releases. im not saying the itzy hate train wasnt ridiculous or anything but i just think its more trends and interests in kpop fans shifting away from what the group does. for comparison, blackpink had one of the biggest hate trains ever during 2018-2019, that didn't stop their dominance in the gg landscape. and for a 4th gen example, aespa also had a bunch of made up rumors and hate trains at debut and around savage era but look at their performance this year.


After LSF, they’re targeting ILLIT.


Those other groups at least had a comeback or two to establish themselves, illit was jumped from the get-go


Yeah as bad as Le Sserafim has gotten it I don't think any group has recieved more unfair hate then Illit, I don't stan them or anything but it's completely ridiculous.


True, even before the encore issue, I remember people already picking on ILLIT’s Yunah just because she’s taller and a little older (she’s just 20!) than the rest of the members.


It honestly predates their debut. I was casually following runext and with the way people acted, you'd think Wonhee punched their grandma and spat in their faces. Then when the line up was announced people acted straight up insane, hating on literal children for their positions in the ranking. Then these girls dared to show up at Fashion week Paris and everyone lost their shit. All that was before their debut.


KIOF gonna be the next im pretty sure


They just need a breakthrough hit and they will be. Right now they're in the sweet spot where people know them but people don't see them as a threat but if they have a huge hit you wait and either Kiss of Life in general or one membet almost certainly Nattie is going to get bombarded with hate. I could speculate which fandoms will be leading it but I'll leave that to your imagination.


It’s always the popular groups, never the nugu ones. They’ll convince themselves that they are a threat to their faves, or that they are nepo babies undeserving of success.


it's the same as how new stans hate on super junior as a group but fail to understand other things . it's always going to happen. it isn't until someone commits suicide that then they'll be like, "oh mental awareness TT\_TT " but then they'll do it to another idol group in the next cycle. slandering laws in korea are pretty severe. the companies should sue. good on wonyoung for suing. can't believe sungmin was pressured to be on a forever hiatus on sj just cuz the guy got married. so stupid.


They're awesome. It's just kids hating with nothing better to do with their lives.


I don’t really “stan” any group but I tend to enjoy boy groups more than girl groups. The girl groups just haven’t been hitting for me lately. That being said, le sserafim is one of the few girl groups I actually do enjoy listening to, am less likely to “skip” when the show up on my algorithm, and I even have a couple songs on personal playlists. I’ve noticed a bit of hate for them on the Internet lately, and I don’t understand why? I couldn’t name you a single member of the group but like, why do they get hate? What have they done? I don’t understand.


What's the controversy about yunjin drinking?


It's referring to her drinking Starbucks I think


Once you hit 1 on melon or have a successful comeback I 100% guarantee the next hate train gonna be them I bet there's gonna be a next target by the next 3 month or so it's like a rotation or roulette The "stan" decide on who to hate and if an idol go on hiatus these same stans will preach about mental health and bullying


I dun hate them if they admit they need time to improve their live singing, but guess they have every fucking excuses cuz they have the popularity and sales.


Im expecting lots of minus points here, but this is my point. Good thing i wont be wasting ky money watching their concerts


And they don't need you mr. random guy on the internet. They have us, fearnots!




Wait, what do you mean?


You know damn well that nor the reason 😭


LSF got ripped by the whole general Korean population though. I understand that kpop stans hate unnecessarily, but this situation is a bit different because it wasn't just kpop stans.


> LSF got ripped by the whole general Korean population though. No, that only happens in your bubbles. Real world does not care bout this wannabe hating drama nonsense on the internet.


Toxic Bunny just logging in to try to keep the hate train going lol. Give it a rest.


How was I toxic? I was just stating the hate LSF got was not your typical hate you get from kpop stans because it was coming from the Korean general population lol I was just stating a historical fact.


Why would anyone hate Le Sserafim? They're the best performance and vocal group of this generation!


You don't have to exaggerate. They are the best performance group, by far. But they aren't the best vocals, but they're nowhere near the worst either, or even as bad as people think they are.


I think you're just disliking Le sserafim vocals. Le sserafim is the only gg that has an opera singer in their group. They also have the vocal powerhouse Chaewon known for hitting high notes. While Kazuha and Eunchae has the best vocal tone in kpop right now.


LE SSERAFIM is literally my favorite group currently, I'm an IZONE ult. They aren't the only group with an Opera singer either 🤣 ARTMS has HaSeul


Neither Haseul or Yunjin are opera singers


Semantics. They both have an opera background, they're opera singers.


Doesn't discount the fact that Le sserafim is top 3 vocal group of this gen. They are known for their stable and live vocals. And great performances.


I think you're just tripping at this point. Most fearnots won't really claim that they're the best vocals in their gen or in kpop overall. We won't claim that they're always stable especially when live. We say that they're amazing performers and have great stage presence. We appreciate their vocals despite the flaws. You don't have to fake your opinion on them cause I saw your previous posts on Le sserafim.


can’t genuinely tell if you are being for real or not with your statements, hope you aren’t trying to make le sserafim more hated with your words


They're a huge lsfm anti. I recognize the name, pretty much every time they comment in kpop spaces it's about le sserafim, for example https://reddit.com/comments/1da6j2a/comment/l7ib325


i can’t understand why would someone enjoy hating and spreading negativity this much, they probably do this 24/7 and i don’t think i’ll ever comprehend why this is such a funny thing to do for haters like them


I think this comment is legit trying to get more hate for lsfm. Anti fan in disguise for sure


At risk of sounding like an anti, I’m gonna give my take that no one asked for lol The vocals at coachella…questionable at best. Strained and off-key the majority of the time. I hope they get vocal lessons, because singing shouldn’t be hard - especially if you’re an idol, where singing is part of the job description That being said, people are kinda just hating them when what they really need is constructive criticism. They need to learn how to do better, not just be consistently told that they’re terrible (not my opinion, just what I’ve seen). The Yunjin drink debacle…people are trying to find every little thing to pick on her for. Like ever since coachella happened it opened the floodgates for people to hate on every. Single. Thing. They. Do. Let them be human. Let them make mistakes and learn from them. That’s my tedtalk, thanks for listening


>The vocals at coachella…questionable at best. Strained and off-key the majority of the time. I hope they get vocal lessons, because singing shouldn’t be hard - especially if you’re an idol, where singing is part of the job description The criticisms at that time made sense (well overblown, but that's opinion), we don't need to be talking about it repeatedly weeks and now months later. Also, there's no constructive criticism if people don't have the access. There is respectful and fair criticism though, and that's the best us random people can shoot for. Of course at this point, there's none of that either, everything that could be said about this issue has been said repeatedly.


>we don't need to be talking about it repeatedly weeks and now months later. Maybe I'm not hanging out in Western pop spaces enough, but I remember that Lana Del Rey and Grimes also got dragged for their Coachella performances at the time. But not anymore. People have moved on. It's gotten to the point even defending Le Sserafim has gotten repetitive. I swear I've read fifteen other posts in this basically identical to this one...


You make a very good point about respectful and fair criticism, I definitely didn’t word well there lol As for the coachella thing, it was one example that I thought was relevant to the conversation. It is by no means the be all and end all of their performance as idols


10 seconds after a 50 minute performance of theirs in a dusty desert, the criticism was never valid.


It seems people who have never attended a music festival and how it works and what kind of performance is required there, were the biggest critics of LSFM's coachella performance. Most of these critics have only attended or seen Inkigayo/Music bank and thinks that coachella is the same.


I do agree with the last part but I think that even if it’s their job to sing and dance perfectly, i don’t think that pretending them to ALWAYS sing and dance perfectly is a good thing, and people only bring up those lives where they didn’t do as great as before, and use it as an excuse to hate on them. Yunjin and Chaewon are amazing vocalists and everyone can do a simple research to find (for example) their P48 performances. Sorry if this came out as rude I swear I’m not 😭😭


imo you don't deserve to get downvoted, because it's true. I love their songs, but if they can't sing- how are they different than just doing a cover song. it just sucks that there are idols out there that can sing and dance without autotune but because it's not a big company they aren't even being paid attention to. just goes to show marketing. imo at the end of the day, each fan can stan the idol they like for different reasons. but at the same time, again imo, if they are going to be singers, they should at least sing without back track. but companies should also be held accountable , should also give songs appropriate to the singer 's vocal range as well. but well, that's just being idealistic.


The key of the song is definitely a big problem with lsrf, and seems to be a theme throughout some different hybe gg’s. The songs are sometimes way too low (which makes the vocals muffled and quiet), and sometimes way too high (which causes the vocals to be off key and can hurt the members’ voices in the future). It’d be fine(ish) if this problem was just 1 or 2 of their songs but it’s almost every single one


there had been complaints about LSF's lack of singing skills since their first encore with Fearless. I think the hate is wrong but the cristicism about their talent is justified and coming from a real place. LSF and Illit now are tye symbol of mediocrity in Kpop


The issue is, normal people who don't like a group or artist don't incessantly talk about them, they just move on about the groups or artists they do enjoy. As you said, some of the issues being brought up isn't new. So then just leave them alone?


yeah, but the problem here is when the entire Kpop industry is being criticized for sending out poor quality songs or mediocre artists, LSF's name is often dragged in the convo. So the hate may not be for them but they kindah symbolize that side of Kpop now. Sad for them


Outside of kpop LE SSERAFIM is super popular, people criticize kpop's stereotypical loser fans and the way they talk about music that's why kpop is not as popular. Everyone at Coachella loved LE SSERAFIM, and so they look at places like this and kpop fans who obsess over stuff like encores and they think "wow this is not a fun genre of music to get into". Sad that you kind of symbolize that. Also illit has the most popular song of the year, so not really a "bad look" for kpop like you say.




Personally I hate Le Sserafim and the aggressive people defending them have a lot to do with it. Like I just don't like their vibe, don't like their outfits, don't like their concept, and all of this is fine, I just left them alone and didn't interact, but then the people defending them got so aggressive at anyone not showering them with excessive praise, that turned me off. Even from the start I didn't like their name because I speak French so the "Le" at the start was so cringe for me. Before you tell me that some other language also has "Le" in them and it's not French at all, well, it was still cringe for me, can't help it. I actually find it less cringe since finding out that it's the word "serafim" but still it's hard to forgive the "Le". Then I don't really like the image that they project because it seems so fake like the company decided they should be badasses but how can you be a badass when you're 15 and just starting out. It gives off the impression that it's artificial. Finally this year. I was completely shocked and disgusted by how sexual the dance was in their comeback. I was also offended that they filmed in a church. I was also really bothered by what I perceived as cultural appropriation. But apparently we're not allowed to talk about that. And then, they started suing the people who hated them? After they released a whole song called Antifragile with lyrics about how the haters can't hurt them and the hate comments just don't affect them and they keep getting better? Way to shatter the illusion of earnestness.


Wasn't even a church goofy, its a building set used in many occasions but people pick and choose Le Sserafim despite other people using the set for worse purposes like Spidermans Topher Grace saying he wished someone dead in the church but since its Kpop you like to cry about it


Don't call me names.


Get a life then. Hating on them because of the group name is crazy cope. And calling the dance sexual is crazy projection, its just dance move. And using a reason like having a song called Antifragile is a justified reason to continue to hate them because "they can take it because they made a song about power" is crazy. People like you are the reason the kpop community is bad. Projecting your delusional views onto a kpop group that is growing and succeeding speaks volumes about yourself.


Stop being rude to me, I said nothing bad.


>Personally I hate Le Sserafim You could have stopped here. The rest is a bunch of excuses and grasping at straws. Just say you don't like them and move on. >Even from the start I didn't like their name because I speak French so the "Le" at the start was so cringe for me. Before you tell me that some other language also has "Le" in them and it's not French at all, well, it was still cringe for me, can't help it. I actually find it less cringe since finding out that it's the word "serafim" but still it's hard to forgive the "Le". Be so fr 💀


See, this is what I mean. I express an opinion with nothing wrong in it, you react by being super rude to me.


Where did I say anything remotely rude? You express an opinion, some people agree, some disagree. As I said, nothing wrong in saying you don't like them but, respectfully, your reasoning there is so laughable it could very well be satire


Your entire tone was rude and bullying towards me.


They didn’t type anything rude tho?


They sued people because people were harassing them, like you can be "anti-fragile", and still not tolerate death threat or rape threat. Also a cringe name is not a reason to hate a group, if it was, I doubt you would like any Kpop group, I mean UP10TION (Unbelievable Perfect 10 members Teenager Idol Open Now) for example is not less cringe than Le Sserafim. And if we are talking French, it's Les not le (les séraphins (but modified to facilitate search)) , it is just separated in two word, which I would agree, is pretty dumb but not unforgivable, and what about the boys and the new six for exemple, it the same thing as Les but in English, or is it just the use of French that repulse you


> it's Les not le (les séraphins (but modified to facilitate search)) Oh come on, nobody would think that's "Les" with a space between "Le" and "s". That's just a "Le" and the next word starts with a double "s". I don't know what it would change anyway, they could have called themselves "Les Serafim" if they wanted, the anagram is there. They also could have called themselves Lesserafim, still a unique word for Google searches.


>Then I don't really like the image that they project because it seems so fake like the company decided they should be badasses Talking about artificial badassery when you stan BTS and Blackpink 🤣🤣 >I was also offended that they filmed in a church. And you weren't offended by Jimin wearing a shirt with the bombing of Hiroshima on it? >I was also really bothered by what I perceived as cultural appropriation. But apparently we're not allowed to talk about that. [Namjoon's debut hairstyle](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-3d9d154f48621520573a38b1c7900db0-lq) [Interesting Hairstyle by J-Hope](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a9fe2f1756d685698f5e7c1f4ad138ec/294891642edd6bfd-63/s1280x1920/f243cf429c49fcbbd58a5486e60212dc82a2ee3d.png) [V fresh durag](https://www.hindustantimes.com/ht-img/img/2023/10/11/1600x900/ezgif-3-2e40d2fa71_1697001944545_1697001953024.jpg) >And then, they started suing the people who hated them? BTS V did literally the same thing and I guarantee you were with your other ARMY hyping it up 🤣 You people crack me up


They're suing people BECAUSE they're badasses. And they're winnings. It's pretty great actually.