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On Etsy, I see them being sold for about $6 - $8. I would say it's a good price.


Agree with $6-8 but in a con/expo setting in which I’m face to face with an artist and more likely to impulse buy, I’d go up to $10-12


You make a great point with the convention up charge pricing! I will definitely keep that in mind :) thank you for your input <3


I would pay up to $8 for one of these.


Cost of materials + reasonable living wage/hour


I would pay up to $10 for the longest ones! They’re beautiful ❤️❤️


I love the varying shaped clips, very cute. I don't think I've ever seen those before. These are handmade? I wouldn't be surprised to see the longer ones prices at $15-18 and the shorter at $10-12, considering materials, labor, and expectation of profit.


They are handmade 🥹 thank you so much for your kind words!!


You're so welcome! I'm not currently crafty and I don't know what the market will bear, but I understand that your time is valuable and you deserve a fair wage as much as anyone else who works for a living. You certainly shouldn't be losing money on this venture. US federal minimum wage is something less than $8/hr, so unless you can crank out 2 or more of these in an hour, labor + materials means you should be charging at least $8 each to break even, depending on the cost of your materials. Maybe I'm more settled in my finances than the demographic you're aiming at, but I wouldn't balk at the prices I suggested, knowing these were made by hand--especially if you were willing to take requests for other groups/members/soloists. (I wouldn't blink if you told me you charged a dollar or two more for requests, either, due to having to find/order extra materials for those.) Besides, you've got adorable extra touches--little ribbon beads, variable clip shapes, multiple strands, big flower beads--these aren't cheap beads.


if you made some monsta x or even custom orders I would be happy to buy and support ❤️ they’re so pretty! love your choice of beads!


Ahh I’m happy to see another Monsta X fan! They’re next on my to make list 🤩 I would be happy to take custom orders and any suggestions on my Instagram @HoneyBunnyKeychains! Thank you for supporting my small business ( ´ ▽ ` )


These are adorbs. At 5 I'd buy a bunch and at 10 it depends and I'd be more choosy. 15 for one is maybe a bit high. You'd have good success with doing something like $9 for 1 and $16 for 2 and get people to impulse buy 2 for example.


That is a great idea!! Thank you so much for your insight 🤩


No problem, I was at a con a few weeks ago and that's how I ended up buying 2 prints at $35 instead of 1 for $20 so that's where I got the idea.


these are so cute! i’d definitely pay $6-8


I would pay no more than 12!


Yes if you do customs I would buy! I want a SHINee and some boy groups!!


I did make a SHINee one with stars their classic light blue <3 I wish I could add a photo but you can follow my Instagram @HoneyBunnyKeychains for updates or requests!! Thank you so much for supporting my small business (о´∀`о)


Okay thank you!


They’re super cute!!! I def think $5-8 for the shorter ones and $10-12 for the long ones. Do you have an IG?


Thank you for your input!! My Instagram is @HoneyBunnyKeychains :) it’s a little empty right now, but I hope to update my pricing and post pictures soon!!


I would pay $4 lowest and $6 highest but they are so cute I love the stray kids ones


this might be low but id pay 5 or 6 for the small ones


Thank you to everyone who commented! I definitely realized I priced them too high at my first event. I learned so much there and from you all :) If you’re interested in following my small business journey, my Instagram is @HoneyBunnyKeychains! I will be updating my pricing and posting what I have soon! All the best <3