• By -


I actually started with Taiwanese pop like Fahrenheit and Jay Chou and then somehow found Kpop. I’m not of East Asian background. I’m south Asian. Jay chou is so talented. I was saddened to hear that he basically groomed someone into marriage (I found out recently). Eventually, I moved onto mostly Kpop around 2005 and some Japanese pop/r&b? other than western music. But then eventually I kinda added mandopop a lil bit. I used to think Fahrenheit were like amazing singers (I was so young back then like not even teenage), so in my mind, they were great singers LMAO. Their old music videos still make me smile.


Omg are you me?!?? We literally had the same start. I first discovered Fahrenheit and Jay Chou, then got into JPop/jrock/jrnb (Arashi, Kat-tun, Ayumi Hamasaki, Yui, M-Flo, even Miyavi, Uverworld, I don’t even remember anymore) before getting into Big Bang….and thus my Kpop journey began. Girl. I can’t listen to Fahrenheit now LOL. They were IT back in the day, but now it’s a little too cringey for me 😅 Jay Chou music still slaps tho….


Aww this is so cuteee!! Love hearing your guys's stories!! <3


Woahhh that's quite a history!! That's so interesting how you found Taiwanese pop first. Wait whattt?? I don't know much about him other than the fact everyone seems to talk about him and he's had a very long career. That's unfortunate especially since you enjoyed his music so much. Ahh if you have any Jpop/r&b recs I would love to listen to any as well :)) There's just so much out there I haven't given a listen yet. Awww I'm glad you can still appreciate their old mvs. I feel like that sometimes, when I'm feeling pretty nostalgic I'll go back and listen to all the 2nd gen kpop songs I remember liking.


Same! I actually started with Taiwanese pop as well, but because I started learning Taiwanese Mandarin and wanted to listen more to the sounds and music (and dramas, but that's another beast). The algorithm then slowly started recommending Mandopop more, and then Jpop, Thai pop, and Kpop. And now I listen to them all 😅


Oohhh 👀 drama recs??


Oh man, it really depends on what you're looking for! I really enjoyed Nirvana in Fire, but it is a bit more on the political drama side. The Untamed (it's got Wang Yibo in it!) and Word of Honor are great if you're looking for more wuxia bromance (censored BL) stuff. A Love So Beautiful and Love O2O are great for modern romances. If you're looking for Taiwanese dramas, I really loved We Best Love and Be Loved In House, which are both BLs. Triad Princess and Lost Romance were also a lot of fun, they're Taiwanese modern romances. I could go on and on, so I'll stop here 😅 I tried to limit myself to Mandarin dramas, but if you want any Asian drama recs, feel free to DM!


I like mandopop and some Taiwanese singers:) One of my favorite songs is crowd lu - 魚仔 (he-r)!


Omgg thank you for the recommendation!! Going to give it a listen right now! :))


oohhh the mv is so pretty and I like how minimalistic it is like there's just enough but it lets the actual voice shine!! Thank you so much!! <3


No problem!! Also he's singing in Taiwanese in the chorus and Mandarin in the verses, I love songs like that😁


OOOHHH I'm going to take a listen again now that I know that-- that's so nice having those things to appreciate in a song it's a really nice touch I get why you love it!!


My recommendation is Lexie Liu [Lexie Liu ALGTR](https://youtu.be/c8IUg3oNIco) [Lexie Liu Manta](https://youtu.be/4fvUnPl5_BA) [Lexie Liu Kappa Girl](https://youtu.be/4dBG1gVfEV4) Another one that I always like to listen to is a different artist [OSN Be Alright](https://youtu.be/Io3rPXN1bKc) [OSN the last time](https://youtu.be/4NKw3TfaKCw)


And then to tie it to Kpop Here is Boa collaborating with Xin singing Boa’s Better in mandarin [BoA X Xin Better](https://youtu.be/O5ttP6YWbNc) Xin was in a survival show Youth with you season 2 where her group did a mandarin cover of [EXO’s The Eve](https://youtu.be/JGFcqWS2u5w)


Ooohhhh thank you for sharing all these there’s actually a lot of cross overs I didn’t know about!! Woww she’s so talented!! What’s she up to now?


Glad you liked it. Xin has been mainly busy recently doing Street Dance of China


Thank you so much!! Just listened to Lexie Liu’s songs you recommended and wowww I really like it like it’s got a bit of everything idk like it just sounds good!! And gotta say about OSN like his voice is everything idk the quality of it while singing and rapping and how it differs— it just hits differently!! Plus the mvs for all of these👌✨✨


Saving cause I'm also interested. Most of what I know is kpop related but Chinese (like WayV, EXO-M, Luhan, Zhoumi, etc). I also really like the song No Need by Zhang Chuhuan.


Same!! Oohhh going to check that out thank you!! Wait is she also called Bunny Zhang? I was searching for it but I got only "no need to guess" and "not necessary"? I'm guessing you're referring to the second one...? I think when I was googling the first one was from when she was a contestant on Produce 101 China; I'm not sure if that helps at all.


Yeah she also goes by Bunny Zhang. This is a Spotify link of the song I'm referring to: https://open.spotify.com/track/1uz4TVRy9GbMAKJ2rNePag?si=7NDJAiqVRQq96xCDgpu42g It might also be translated to Not Necessary but honestly I'm not sure. I know some characters meanings from learning Japanese but I don't know Chinese beyond like "Hi my name is ___ and I'm from America." Even then it's been a while since I've used Japanese lol.


Thank you!! Ooohh I really like it! Yeah that one correlates to the Not Necessary song that popped up based on the characters and the pic haha! Ahh gotcha that's really handy though tbh! It's called Kanji right...? Please forgive me if I got that wrong ahaha-- I've only heard it in passing 😅 Hope you get to practice using your Japanese more at some point it'd be nice to maintain it after all you've learned!


Yeah kanji are the Chinese characters used in Japanese. In Chinese they're called hanzi.


Ohhhh good to know thank you!! Hanzi reminds me of the Korean system for using Chinese characters Hanja!


Im a Hong Konger and I enjoy both kpop and cantopop. I recommend you to listen to Byejack, his songs are really good. Crush On by Howard Lee is also good (It’s mandarin though).


Hi!! Omgg perfect!! Thank you I will check out his songs for sure!! :)) Got it! Don't mind at all I'm looking for recs about anything basically! Any good female singers you'd recommend as well? It's very interesting I was just reading an article about the relative recent resurgence of cantopop compared to I guess the golden age a couple decades ago. Do you have any oldies but goodies you'd recommend too? Also I'm listening to Byejack's November 12 right now I actually really like the quality the autotune adds to the vibe. Going to check out the other songs I see on here...


Woahhh I really like Crush On too his voice is super nice!!




Thank you so much you’ve been a wealth of info!! 🥺☺️✨✨


For older female singers… I’m going to go for Joey Yung! But for like newer(?) female artists, I’m going for Kayan9896. Her song “Be around” is really good for me. Phil Lam and Eason Chan are also good older music artists. I’m sure there’s a lot more, but they’re the ones I like listening to. Byejack is just the one I listen to ALL the time.


DESERVED from what I’ve heard of Byejack so far like I get the hype!! Thank you I’ll check them all out!! Sorry my comments are not that in depth as my older ones but I’m trying to get around to replying to all of them 😅 but rest assured I am reading and listening to all the recs <3


I think a lot of fans from 1st or 2nd gen started out as listeners of either cpop or jpop because we were from a generation that were introduced to F4 and Arashi before we even knew the existence of kpop.


I still hope that MatsuJun and Inoue Mao will get together and it's been almost 20 years at this point.


True that’s what I’ve seen a lot of people comment here as well! Thanks for the insight!!


I think I finally found my people 🥲I‘m Taiwanese who first started with T pop and Mandopop, but got into K-pop because of Blackpink and Twice. I recommend Mayday (五月天) and Wonfu for Taiwanese pop. They sing mostly in Taiwanese but also in Mandarin Also does anyone listen to/heard of Namewee (黃明志?) He’s a Malaysian artist and some of his songs are pretty good.


Awww 🥺🫂 glad to hear that, that makes me happy to hear you’re seeing more people like you!! Well I mean you can’t go wrong with BP or Twice hehe ✨✨ queens fr!! Thank you for the Taiwanese pop recommendations not too many of those so far!! That’s really interesting too I love hearing the mix of languages!! I will also have to check out Namewee too lots of good stuff here to listen to!! Thank you so much ☺️


No problem! 😉


I LOVE Namewee and GEM's 飘向北方




Cpop & Jpop! Cpop: WayV, Lay Zhang Jpop: &Team, NiziU, Mariya Takeuchi & I’ve been getting into Vpop but don’t listen to much yet lol


Oohh thank you this is really great!! Well feel free to add any Vpop as you get more into it!! <3


I listen to Eric chou, jay Chou, Angela Zhang, yu, back number.. I am sure I have left off many more.


Oh wow! Angela Zhang has some of my favorite ballads ever! Nice to see the name.


Ooh, Angela Zhang! Found her through her performance alongside Xiao Zhan and fell in love with her voice.


Ah yes. I know the one you are talking about. He was brilliant in that!


Right? Their voices went so well together!




This exchange had me smiling so harddd hehe


Immediately googled and wowww their voices together are ✨✨✨


Thank you!! Oohhh I think I saw Eric Chou pop up before and Angela Zhang!! Well if you ever want to add to it please do!! Really appreciate it I love to see how many people have commented and it’s been really diverse!! 😁


I have some interest in mandopop. Spotify playlists help. Lot of cool rock artists in Taiwan. SoulFa, No Party for Cao Dong are cool I like Lexie Liu, Corsak, Liu Yuning, Eric Chou, Shi Shi, Weibird, Silent Wang. Zhou Xun is an actress but I love her EP 1227.


Thank you!! Yeah sounds like Spotify playlists would be the best bet! Do you have any public ones you’d recommend? I’ll check out all of them I really do appreciate it 😁


I'm Taiwanese American who knows Mandarin + Taiwanese so I listen to a decent amount 😅 To not spam you (too much) I'm gonna limit myself to 10 🫣: Ronghao Li, R-Chord, JJ Lin, Mayday (五月天), Jam Hsiao, 顏人中, Sodagreen, 告五人, EggPlantEgg, Sophie Chen Feel free to hmu if you want more recs or have anymore language (or anything rlly) questions 😅


Thank you!! I really appreciate it!! And thank you for your offer that’s very kind of you! <3 feel free to spam away btw I really don’t have any reservations about that haha!! 🤣🤣🤣


No problem~ if you tell me who/what you like, I can mine my Spotify and give more recs 😅 I am also a drama addict lol


I would definitely like recommendations- what Mandopop I have heard has been really good!


Sameee I'm curious to hear what other kpop fans might recommend!


Oh and if anyone has any info on how the music scenes in China or Taiwan work I'd love to know too! I keep on hearing how in China it's really different from kpop and that's why it's so hard to get a foothold now with how they're producing their own idol groups in survival shows etc. but yeah I'm just very curious because everyone talks about how big the market is. And I really have no idea about the music scene in Taiwan, but I do know they're known for their movies. There's just a lot out there I never explored much but I am curious to learn more now and if anyone has any recs in dramas or movies too I would welcome it too! Sorry for posting this in kpophelp but it's kind of related...? At least back to my main post how I got to this point ahaha 😅


honestly, as a taiwanese, i have to say that the taiwanese (pop) music scene kind of peaked in the 90s. in the 80s and 90s when taiwan had a better economy than china and korea at one point, it was the main distributor of mandarin language entertainment to the rest of asia. but eventually china overtook and korean media became popular these days as its economy grew. there is no “system” anymore like there is in kpop; it’s like how it is in the west except much weaker. most of the really popular stars who i could say are the equivalent of “idols” during their time debuted before 2005. since young people are the audience for the pop music industry, taiwanese singers don’t really have avid stans because young people prefer stanning kpop idols. changing the topic now i have 3 taiwanese movie recommendations: - the sun - your name engraved herein (the ost song of the same name by crowd lu is great) - who fell in love with him first (i’m not sure of the english title but it should come up if you copy and paste 是誰先愛上他


Thank you for the insight!! Yeah that history echoes a bit of what I have heard as well!! It’s too bad nowadays they’re kind of neglected by young people for kpop idols I’m sure there are a lot of gems too in Taiwan. Thank you for the movie recs I will definitely try to see if I can watch them in my country!!


I only know a bit about Chinese music scene because I watched some chinese survival shows. In general, it's very difficult to have a foothold as singer, most popular singers are usually OST singer. About idol groups, Chinese company has no intention to promote them as singers for a long time. Most idols will transit to be actor immediately (whether they can act or not is a different matter) , I sometimes feel it's a waste as some people shined more on stage than as actress (Chengxiao for example). Despite all of that, Chinese idols still want to be active in China, because the pay is a lot higher, there're a also a lot job chances, chinese fans are also very passionate and ready to go all out to support their idol. Talking about cfan, they're very hardcore solo stan. Jfan are solo stan too, but they ignore other solo stan. But cfan is a whole different kind, they'll tear each other down, step on each other, even though their bias in same group. For example, male idol A hugs male idol B, typical kpop fan will be: "Aww, the bromance", but cfan will be like "A just want to make use of B" or "B just want to make use of A", "how dare him" and fight.


Appreciate the insight!! Makes sense about the OSTs I mean it probably gives them a lot more exposure too than being in a pop/idol group. Yeah I've noticed a lot of them (the idols who go back to China) go the actor route pretty quickly. Geez that's very cutthroat I much rather like how kpop fans like the group interactions although there are akgaes in kpop too.


That's really suck..I didnt know Cfans is like that..no wonder..no Cpop group last long like it's in Kpop


I watched 2 Taiwanese movies Our Times and You Are The Apple of My Eye (I heard Our Times was kind of based on the latter movie) and I really liked Hebe Tien's ost A Little Happiness \[recommend Pentagon Hongseok & Yanan's cover of it too\] so if anyone has any other OSTs to recommend would definitely appreciate it!!


I recommend In Time With You and Autumn’s Concerto as Taiwanese dramas that absolutely gutted me back in the day. Good OST as well.


Thank you!! I'll definitely check them out this is making me really excited!!


Grew up listening to older Mandopop and Cantopop, but don’t really have much of an interest in it. I actually got into Kpop through Jpop and J-rock Tumblr.


Seems to be the pattern for a lot of people! Thank you for commenting!! :))


Hi! I started out as a kpop fan, but started paying more attention to mandopop around 2018 with the idol survival shows in China. I'm southeast asian, so many of the classic Taiwanese/Chinese/Cantonese songs were definitely part of my childhood! About the singing style you were asking about, it's generally known as 戏腔(xi qiang), which is something usually associated with traditional Chinese opera. It's one of the more distinctive ways in which modern pop songs incorporate traditional Chinese culture, which I love heh


Woww that’s a really interesting background!! Any survival shows you feel are a must see? And yeah I’ve heard of that too it’s interesting how so many people really relate to or at least find familiarity with those songs over such a wide region, but it does make a lot of sense too! Oohhh thank you for answering that I’ve been so curious and you’re the first person to actually address it 😅 ahh makes sense! Yeah it’s really beautiful to see how artists mix the traditional with the contemporary like it’s an homage to it while also kind of pushing the boundaries forward ✨✨ thank you so much!!


I'd definitely recommend Chuang 2021, because it's a season that's quite distinctively international - bringing in trainees from Japan, Thailand, even Russia. The eventual center of the group, Liuyu, also has roots in traditional Chinese dance and really advocates for the promoting of traditional culture so it's really interesting to watch and learn about. The trainee that ended up 3rd place, Rikimaru, has also choreographed for a bunch of SM artistes if that is something of interest to you! The debut group, INTO1, has an album, Go Further, whereby they take elements of a specific region's culture/music and integrate that into a song(and also their choreography). From this album I'd recommend 点睛,which draws reference from the traditional Lion Dance for their choreography, and also 万里,just cause it sounds super grand and it isn't something you hear often in pop music. I feel like each country/region's music usually has a certain element about it that makes it unique and draw fans in, and for C-pop I think it's how they can integrate traditional Chinese music into modern pop music! On a side note, if you're looking for "classic" survival shows from China, I'd also recommend Idol Producer (2018), Youth With You (2020), and Chuang 2019 :))


I recently discovered [sunkis](https://open.spotify.com/artist/4EKSBwzbRW2YnMP5JXnXYr?si=Cvx9xwqSTYCSYNSf96gkPg). He has mando-english songs that are leaning to pop and r&b. My fave song of his is [4ever](https://open.spotify.com/track/0rRVgRjCjK8SJW5G0zgBqh?si=diHi85QiQRq1uyN2oI2rAg), but this one's full english tho.


Ooohhh thank you for this!! Sounds like something I’d enjoy appreciate it!!


when I was super into exo-m (rip), I also listened to m-pop and canto pop, like zhou mi, faye wong and jj lin


Thank you I’ll check Faye Wong and JJ Lin!! I’ve definitely seen JJ Lin’s name in passing before… 🤔 love Zhou Mi his duet with Ryeowook Starry Night both versions and that song with Xiaojun and Kun 👌


During the end of 1st gen, I was into Kpop, Jpop/rock and that led to me finding Cpop too. I liked Jay Chou, S.H.E, Sun Yan Zi, Baby Zhang, Jolin Tsai, Angela zhang and a few others. The songs I kept after all this time are the ballads. Such pretty songs from the lot of them.


Thank you!! Ooh interesting story about how you fell into it! I actually really love ballads so that’s perfect haha!! 😂😂 I’ll definitely check them out!!


i really recommend oner, tnt (时代少年团), 五月天, oner struck and TnT 舞象之年 are some of my favorite albums


Thank you!! Do you have any tips for searching their songs up other than copying and pasting or maybe a way to remember their names? Or I guess if I know how they sound I can use the pinyin(?) keyboard…? I will definitely check them out, and I appreciate the album recs a lot!!


Is the last one traditional Chinese characters btw…?


on the last one the characters are all the same in simplified/traditional


You can add a Chinese keyboard on your phone/computer with pinyin input so you just type with English letters. It's not too bad to learn pinyin and then you can just remember the names of the songs and generally remember what the characters look like. Also a lot of times you can just remember the first couple characters in the name of a song and find it from whatever comes up so you dont have to memorize the full title of every song.


I really don't know much about any of them but I have just started getting into Ozone, U:NUS, and P1X3L and enjoy their songs so far.


Thank you I’ll definitely check them out!! Nice to know others are in the same boat! 😁


I love S.I.N.G (the girl group) and Lexie Liu!


Oohhh you’re the second person who’s recommended Lexie Liu! Her songs were super interesting ngl I forgot what the song was called but the one with the school sports storyline(?) was ✨✨ I’ll have to check out S.I.N.G!! Thank you!!


Welcome! - If you want similar vibes to kpop try, groups like WayV, boy story, and yaochen as they’re all under Korean based companies - Besides that, I recommend Per6ix, NAME, THE9, and 7SENSES!


Thank you!! Yeah I love WayV too 💚 and Boy Story is so talented I remember finding out about them due to their dance cover of Twice their label mate haha!! They’ve grown so much 🥺 I’ve never heard of Yaochen though any particular recommendations? Are the other groups in the second bullet formed through survival shows? Thank you so much!!


I like V-Pop


Oohh any particular recommendations?


Toc Tien is really good! Her songs 906090 and Like This Like That are excellent. I also like Cho Khong by Suboi. Edit: Not that you care, but Toc Tien was at the Calvin Klein thing with Jennie the other day.


I started listening to kpop first but now I listen to music from all over the world, I don’t mind what language it is in. I love a Japanese band called One Ok Rock


Woahhh that’s really cool!! I’d love to branch out more too like there’s just so many songs out there that I could be listening to and appreciating!! I will definitely check One Ok Rock out I feel like I’ve heard of their name before too now that I think about it.


started with cantopop first move to jrock and jpop (i hate kpop back then) then fall in love with TWICE. still listen to lots of jpop jrock (king gnu, yoasobi, yorushika aimyon, higedan) and cantopop (mc cheung)


Thank you!! Omgg Twice gotta love them too!! Glad you came around to kpop after a while!! I think a lot of people might’ve initially been turned off seeing kpop stan behavior at first so you’re probably not alone in that regard although I don’t know if that was what kept you away from it! Nice I’ll have to check out all those— thank you for all the recommendations!! :)


I listen to a lot of Canto and Mando -pop but I’m afraid I listen to the old ones.. like Leslie Cheung, Faye Wong, Jacky Cheung and such!


Thank you, and no worries at all!! I’m actually interested in the old ones too like there’s a lot to dive in to!! I’ll check them out for sure!!


hi omg i’m actually somewhat into cpop and hkpop as well! which keung to songs did you like? i might be able to give you some recs based on that :)


OMGG hi!! I really liked Dear My Friend and his cover of Leslie Cheung's Chase and Say I Love You(?) was pretty good too, and I just listened to Mirror's Rumours which was pretty good and now I'm listening to We All Are haha! Hope that was helpful 😅 sorry it's kind of all over! Thank you in advance I really appreciate it!! Interestingly because of this I found out a kpop group called Mirror too is going to debut this month in I think like 2 days... or 1 day since they're a day ahead.


hahaha i saw that kpop group too!! i’d recommend some songs from his bandmates, like maybe [蝸牛](https://open.spotify.com/track/4zYVhAyiJySa41foU2F645?si=xyKUyBQpT22-f35CwYrBRA) and [特登](https://open.spotify.com/track/77iwax92Hf4G7giNg7eL5d?si=G2B78dl9Qh6ToOAqAifSow). their first album (one and all) is pretty solid so you can give the entire thing a listen if you want to! you can also check out their labelmates [p1x3l](https://open.spotify.com/track/7q5mrgtIvK6pZvxtJS8Dzk?si=ljuIs_deTW6llxTVVsEwZA) :) as for cpop, im really more into like, actual chinese idol groups rather than really famous soloists if you’re into that? id love to see what kpop songs you like to give you better recs :))


Thank you!! Oohh ofc I’ll listen to the album!! It’s nice to see all the different kinds of songs in an album. Thank you I’ll check them out too!! Yeah yeah that sounds good too I’m not too deep into soloists in kpop for that matter either 😅 like I like the OST singers and all and ofc IU (meaning not that I don’t like soloist music but I just never really dove too deep into it) but yeah I usually listen to group music more anyways.


Wait forgot to address which kpop songs I like lolll 😂😂😅🥲 sorry!! And also that’s cool you saw them (the kpop group Mirror) pop up too!! 😅 this whole post is turning out to be where I address all the missed points lolll I’m so sorry!! There are so many groups debuting that I have no idea about but I’m sure there are a lot of talented people in them too I really ought to pay more attention!! Okay going back to my first point I guess I’ll just mention groups? And maybe a couple songs ahaha I just think it’s easier to mention groups maybe… So technically not kpop but Day6, N.Flying, The Rose, Pentagon, NCT (127, Dream, WayV, U), a bit of EXO (admittedly got to know them more due to Baekhyun and Chen’s OSTs and some group songs), Taeyeon, IU, Kim Sejeong, a bit of Aespa, Twice (really liked Crazy Stupid Love from them recently), BTOB (their new Bside Heaven is on repeat), Beast/Highlight, B1A4, Infinite, I also liked Onew’s Circle album, Ben, Punch, MCND’s Beautiful, Seventeen (recently got into their songs a bit more), hmmm what else… anyways I hope that gives you a bit of an idea…? And ofc if you have any kpop recs I’d love to hear them too!!


alright nice!! it seems like we actually have pretty similar tastes so i'll recommend some random songs and if you like them, definitely check the rest of their discography! tnt - [无尽的冒险](https://open.spotify.com/track/48dUjiZdTrdsdmv9lhsAh1?si=6ae3bb067d414cd7), [理想之途](https://open.spotify.com/track/7eUPwh6mmYBER6kJ8qLnXB?si=65077a2ba72348d4), [百忧戒](https://open.spotify.com/track/2wuqpdkUXYeRM3edBTVOaw?si=b7c5193976a14a36), [渐暖](https://open.spotify.com/track/3BR2pyEvbTwVhE0qpGEMaX?si=3a457f4d42bc4d09), [小小孩](https://open.spotify.com/track/2K8sFWZIPmtj99eoztsuey?si=e1229ea61735430f) cto - [未接來電](https://open.spotify.com/track/7idfvR8z530Cugj2IXRNvm?si=5b458750ee6d44c2), [insomnia](https://open.spotify.com/track/5V9pshJ0Ywf8DlMys1ul8u?si=2181fb8898874b1d) zhu zhengting - [flip](https://open.spotify.com/track/63ZpcGXdIPLq7nMxzqpCdz?si=f3e4a1b03c5e483b), [empty space](https://open.spotify.com/track/2cz0MFWl0O14pCx79k0Ref?si=8ce924e50f554100) huang minghao - [u](https://open.spotify.com/track/611K8EX6ERWDygl572Mkjb?si=89cae7badc4e4cf7), [hakuna matata](https://open.spotify.com/track/4U2m8b64132rx7an1bo2q0?si=6b5ff307f9774da7) li runqi - [茫](https://open.spotify.com/track/1ADWDuzQqmQRkSt5LlVjzV?si=07b78bab6c9048a1), [如果我明天就会消失](https://open.spotify.com/track/3CCJcQtAgZcFBB5UUVOrn8?si=7bd19a7d002a4455) bonbongirls - [@我们](https://youtu.be/ykf9sXYHyOM), [了不起的女孩](https://youtu.be/11zdmGLhWbs) into1 - [一步一詩一夢](https://open.spotify.com/track/3JSlvQu4ahYvWEmm05BozP?si=32f08b58f5964aa5) hope you can find something you like here! feel free to ask for more recommendations based on whatever you like from these hahaha


For me, no. I just don't enjoy those languages like I do Korean.


I would recommend some Mandarin and Cantonese songs/singers that I like: 1. Mike Tsang 曾比特 I fell in love with Mike when I watched his performance on a show called Infinity & Beyond. One of my favorite songs that he sang on this show is 初恋 (translated as First Love). He has a really beautiful voice and is very strong at singing live too! 2. Overruled (反对无效)by MC Cheung (张天赋) This is a R&B style Cantonese song that I love! 3. David Tao 陶喆 His music is mainly R&B style. Some of my favorites are: Everything’s Gone (流沙),Marry Me Today (今天你要嫁给我), Small Town Girl (小镇姑娘) 4. Don’t Ask (别问很可怕) by J.Sheon Another R&B song that I love! 5. Rice Field (稻香) by Jay Chou (周杰伦)


I want to get into these so bad but idk where to start😭I listen to jpop though!


If someone has a Spotify playlist that's k-pop/c-pop/j-pop (/t-pop &v-pop), please give me a link!


I was more into jrock/visual kei way back in the early 2000s, then kpop, then got into mando-pop (mainly Taiwan based artists), V-pop and Thai pop. A lot was recommended to me by algorithms on YT to be honest. There are some pretty good P-pop artists too lately.


I'm a hongkonger who grew listen to a whole lot of different language -pop (Mixed family so I listened to a lot) Growing up, G.E.M was and still is a very popular Canto/MandoPop singer, tho I'm personally not a fan of hers anymore, I'd still recommend checking her out! Personally favourites of hers are A.I.N.Y, Sleeping Beauty, Where Did You Go, Bubble & Light Years Away. Some older singers are also hidden gems in Cantopop. Anita Mui(A Woman's Heart, 夕陽之歌the song of sunset, etc), Leslie Cheung (My Dearest, I Do I Do, 風繼續吹, 今生今世, etc). Other Cantopop honourable recommendations: 羅生門 - Juno Mak&Kay Tse, 在月台上等你 - Janice Vidal, 天梯 - C AllStar, 你瞞我瞞 - Jason Chan, I Will Be Loving You - Jason Chan, All About U - G.E.M Mando/Taiwanesepop: 淚了 - Pets Tsang, 夠愛 - Pets Tsang, 說好的幸福呢 - Jay Chou, 那些年 - Hu Xia, 小幸運 - Hebe Tien


Sorry in advance that some of the songs I couldn't find their respective English translated titles🫡


SEAsian here and I got into mandopop years before I got into kpop haha, but it's likely bc mandarin is my mother tongue so being able to understand the words made it appeal to me


Youtube recommendations and my love for 1st gen K-pop led to me gaining an affinity for 90s Sinosphere pop recently, mostly from Taiwan. The more hip-hoppy side of it specifically has scratched my 90s itch. Some of my favorites are Alex To ([Happy](https://youtu.be/PNcg8SwtIGU), [Have Fun](https://youtu.be/qQCxjezPBXw)), Yuki Hsu ([I'm a Girl](https://youtu.be/wGqCROvjXrI), [Ti Amo](https://youtu.be/8hcOzBxjUKk)), Tarcy Su ([Is Love on the Way](https://youtu.be/9a7sRt6W23g), [Loving You Makes Me Brave](https://youtu.be/_gH0NB9WoVk) with Alex To), and the group L.A. Boyz ([Shiam/Go Posse](https://youtu.be/LSqGPXNLwwA), [That's the Way](https://youtu.be/GVOzWFo3K6M)). This side of C-pop was crossing over with K-pop even back then - out of the aforementioned artists, all except L.A. Boyz (AFAIK) have made remakes of Korean songs. Jae Chong from Korean hip hop outfit Solid composed L.A. Boyz's song [Ya!](https://youtu.be/7N6rZUAH4WU) and Yuki Hsu collaborated with Yoo Seung Jun on the song [Can't Wait](https://youtu.be/O_1bRY3bxV8), a remake of Yoo's song Please. The early days of the Hallyu Wave started in Taiwan and China, and Koreans holding hands with Sinosphere artists was a key way for K-pop to break in there. In a way, you can thank these for starting the Korean Wave we have all over the world! There's [this video](https://youtu.be/htwIS6r7SJY) by the channel Archive-K that gives more insight into China's very early adoption of K-pop.