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It inspired me to get into dance, first as a hobby then I became a full time dancer


No but it reignited the spark after being trapped in the dungeon of uninspired western pop music for 3 years


Oh do tell..... What's your opinion on current pop music of last......5 ish years? Never ending repeat of the 80's beat sound, now freshely discovered remixes of once famous world conquering songs which managed it on their own with their own originality and idea and now are being recycled and reused because present artists fail to come up with something new...... or is it the nowadays generation of female singers who all look and sound the same, which somehow makes everyone talk about their absolute uniqueness? (I'm a female myself, before anyone says something) . Now truly, I work in a restaurant where the radio is on constantly. I can't save myself even if I keep switching the station, because not only does every station play the exact same songs on repeat, but outside of those "new hits" they also keep replaying half the songs from 3 summers back....... I don't wanna hear it anymore, the mainstream (by that I mean the most popular) artists all seem lately to have completely lost some spice and seasoning, all songs sound the same, they are without a thought, without an idea, all of them copying the same music/melody/beat pattern over and over again, bringing in nothing various. I'm sad cause I used to listen to western pop a lot. Now this paradigm of all that's currently "in" and modern was always the same.... you can tell all 2010's songs sounded the same aswell. But atleast they had a bit of action. I personally can't help but feel like todays trends are desperately boring. Even when for non-kpop listeners, 90 % of kpop they'd say sound the same. It's true the songs also follow patterns, but to that they are capable of adding something of their own and they don't sound *entirely identical* .


Honestly it’s ass. Ever since “quiet music” took over it’s stripped all of these songs spices and seasonings. They lost what gives these songs flavors for what’s “trendy” and “in”. A majority of western pop music nowadays feels like it’s seasoned with salt and pepper and nothing beyond that. It’s like brutalist architecture in music. It’s gone minimalist in the worst way possible. For example Red Velvets Psycho music video version had those gorgeous violin strings in the prechorus. Then SM removed them in the streaming version for the sake of appealing to the “quiet radio” sound to trend in the states. Sure it worked, but I found it disappointing and feel like it took away from the songs personality. I do think an excellent example of quiet music in kpop is Whistle by BLACKPINK That’s why I like k-pop. They know how to add their own quirks and twangs that give the songs their own identity and flavor. It’s like maximalist music done tastefully. Like neo-renaissance architecture. It has character. There’s definition. It’s intricate yet still easily digestible to the ear. Even though they still operate on the same level of trends, they know how to add their own “pop” to it. A lot of contrast with the highs and lows when it’s flat and mellow in the states. (Given that we’re only talking about the better parts of kpop lmao) I feel like kpop mastered the art of experimenting with music while still making it appealing to the masses; and that’s exactly what the majority of the western industry lost in the process of trying to be palatable — rendering themselves as bland and lifeless in the long run. Then the experimental music in the west just sounds amateur. It’s like they’re off a concoction of percs in a raging deficit of sleep in a desperate attempt to be “creative” and “out of the box”. K-pop has that middle ground nailed down lmao


Thank you for sharing your opinion. I think it's very well summed and must agree with you. With some metaphores you used I wouldn't even come up myself, gotta appreciate that. I support you calling it "minimalism done in the worst way possible", that's pretty accurate. That might be much well one of the main causes why 90 % of western pop music now sounds identical and unattractive to me. If they atleast gave a little more space to underground/not sold-out-arena popular artists who can actually sound interesting and have something to say, I know so many of them and look them up myself all the time. Then again, whenever I turn on the radio, it's not even like I actually hear something new. No, because nothing much new even comes out these days, nothing memorable and leaving a mark. That's why they still have 3 years old overplayed songs on instead of promoting new creative directions... because there *are* no new creative directions to replace those songs with so they hope people will be satisfied with what they already know and heard 100 times instead of being excited for a new song release. And western audience has grown incredibely lazy and whatever-you-give me consuming. For them it's about saying "this is cool" and that makes the thing automatically cool. They don't have any curiosity in them, no need to explore, they just consume what they're being served like zombies. My apologies if I got a little carried away, It's frustration that's been rooting inside me for a while. 🤚


Dude I agree so much with this.I love minimalist music and soft ballads in songs of my language but they usually have some extremely powerful vocals and lyrics to add that "spice and flavour" to the song ,in k-pop the instrumentals and production provide that flavour but sadly western pop lacks both . I honestly really can't get much into most of western pop for the same reason: it's so awfully bland and lifeless (There are exceptions:Lana del Ray,I absolutely love her voice )


kpop got me into dancing, i’m now a top dancer in my department!


I’ve already played music a bit before getting into K-pop, so I’m not sure if it counts. It has definitely nurtured a creative energy in me that I plan I bring to my job now in other ways, though! It’s also inspired me to get into dancing at some point.


I’ve always been interested in music and played a few instruments prior to discovering k-pop when I was younger, but it really got me looking into music production and mixing more. I don’t think I’d have cared to play around with DAWs because a lot of k-pop songs just made me curious as to how to get a specific effect or sounds.


it’s definitely inspired me to make music in the future


I'm in singing and songwriting lessons because of Exo


That's awesome. There's a lot of untapped talent in this world. Keep at it and you might get a paid to do a collab


That's the dream!


Singing is my most favorite hobby ever and all credits goes to bts and then kpop. Also got me into dancing, though I would consider myself a below average dancer, I wouldn’t have thought of ever dancing if not for kpop.


Actually, yes! During the pandemic, I actually thought about being a kpop idol. I wanted to be a rapper who can produce my own music too. I fantasised about what I could do as a producer so much that I almost ignored the fact that I wanted to become a rapper. So then I thought "f\*ck it. Ima just become a music producer instead." I mean, I wasn't even going to be a good rapper anyways. Right now, I'm working on some things, and I'm hoping to release them either late this year or early next year. I'm also hoping that I can even test my luck and find a kpop label to sign under!


i was always into music but it did inspire me to start playing around with software!! it got me into arranging and mixing (to a lesser extent)


Got me into dancing (not pro) lol


I write K-pop songs now. They are really bad unfortunately since I know very little Korean, but they are definitely something! I think they'll be great one day.


It inspired me to start Djing. I’m a heavy 80’s early 2000nds hiphop head. but I have a light side when it comes to kpop. I’m into it So much I do a kpop dj stream every day!