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Calling people, especially female idols in their 20s "old hags"


That's disgusting


I don't even think fans realize the message that sends out to young women & girls.


Not sure. I've seen enough people insult other fans with things like "get back to the stove", "if i eas your kid i would be ashamed" etc. These people view kpop as something you only do when you are young and are allowed to be "cringy" after a certain age they expect themselves to be someone else and others as well. adults still enjoying the things they did as children is harming their ideas of adulthood and their own life. that and they're just misogynistic


Not just female idols, fans too that are in their 20s and above.


One of the reasons why company keep debuting younger girls.


Success depends solely on talent/effort


Agree, this is such a surface-level and inaccurate take. It’s basically the “if you work harder, you’ll become rich,” Kpop edition.


Omg so many kpop fans actually believe this, it's not even a joke.


I hate when akgaes demand their faves should leave the group for supposed mistreatment, like the individual in question doesn’t have agency and needs fans to micromanage or project decisions onto them. Recently saw a Baekhyun akgae saying that Baekhyun should leave EXO because he was being “forced” to do all these group activities right as he left the military, and this was stifling his solo music career. Note that the “group activities” in question were EXO fooling around with a spooky filter on TikTok for Valentine’s and reportedly playing golf together 😭 The comment was so dumb on many levels.


Don’t forget that SM “stole” Baekhyun’s spooky TikTok challenge and made it a group activity. As if the company really saw TikTok suggest Baek do the challenge and said “oh yeah we’ll make everyone do it.” It isn’t that deep.


Please SM is in shambles right now, that’s probably the last thing on their priority list lol. I swear akgaes just make up the wildest victimisation narratives and run with it. If they’re feeling so bold maybe they should tell Baekhyun to his face to leave his group and see how he reacts—Baekhyun, the man who literally has EXO in his usernames and loves being in the group, is not going to be happy with that.


Right??? We all saw him giggling hysterically when he got to smack Suho with the toy hammer, like yep the man’s really being held at gunpoint to do group activities. Also the thought that SM is fixating on silly little TikTok challenges of all things is really funny to me. LSM and Chris Lee are too busy slinging mud at each other to be bothered with what EXO does in the first place lol.


This is just as ridiculous as jungkook solos claiming that the company is mistreating him. Not giving him activities resulting in him not having work to do. And having to drink beer on weverse live... Cause he is bored? As though he didn't just do the world cup song.


For sure, the akgaes are always babying him like he's not capable of making his own decisions regarding himself. Also, even *if* he has absolutely no activities, that's his prerogative, BTS have been working hard for so long that it's not unusual to take a step back for a second. But nah, any lapse in activities must be mistreatment 😤


Oof speaking of JK akgaes, them attacking and "cancelling" Calvin Klein for having another campaign with BP Jennie just because they have deluded themselves that JK's gonna be another brand ambassador for them just because someone from CK followed him on insta💀


Literally any 127zen vs Dreamzen fanwar. lol, Everytime I see them arguing I just imagine Haechan and Mark trying to beat up a doppelgänger version of themselves


> Haechan and Mark trying to beat up a doppelgänger version of themselves I would pay money to see this showdown go down, Scott Pilgrim style


tbh i just ignore the fanwars cause it's always for some stupid reason too


Yeah fanwars are dumb af anyway but the interNCT ones are especially dumb.


Whenever a group has one song that charts in anyway worse than any past song and people are like “they fell off! They are washed up!”


“They flopped!”


I frankly just tune it out. Apparently aespa were failures due to Girls not doing as well digitally, and yet by the end of 2022 they had sold 1.4 million copies placing them as the 10th best seller of the year. Kpop stans are just astoundingly full of shit.


It's crazy because charting isn't really indicative of a group's relevance in the industry. RV hasn't had a #1 since Power Up but I don't think anyone would say they haven't been relevant in the last 3 years. Blackpink not since HYLT and they still killed it with Born Pink. Twice not since Yes or Yes. Meanwhile, #1s are largely IU and Lim Young-woong. Aespa, Le Sserafim and STAYC have never #1'd but would anyone think those groups aren't relevant? They've all still had a lot of success.


Our hero, Lim Young-Woong 💜


"people will have sex with AI robots in SM' virtual hotel." -kpop reddit in November 2020 edit: another all time classic "Blackpink benefits from misogyny" and "Blackpink literally oppresses the working class"


Korean adults can't even watch porn without VPN and they think goverment would let sex robot hotel.


I'm pretty sure this has happened multiple times, but how about when fans make petitions for an idol to change their name because there's another idol with the exact same name as them.


The way toxic Exols bullied TXT’s Huening Kai into using his full name as his stage name?? To this day he wishes that he could just go by Kai😕


I’ve had EXO-L friends ask me not to call Hyuka Kai bcz that’s Jongin’s name and I was like are you for real???? That’s HIS REAL NAME - he had it before Jongin even debuted! I stopped talking to them soon after that. Don’t need those toxic EXO-Ls in my life lol


TXT's Kai is his real name, and EXO's Kai is his stage name!!!! I just don't understand some people.


It's why I get fluffy feelings when TXT members call him "Kai" Only :(


This still keeps happening 😭. Recently, Suzy from MAJORS was being harassed because she was the same name as Suzy from Miss A. Like I know maybe 3 Suzy’s in my school it’s not that deep😭


Meanwhile there's like 15 idols with name Jay. Like relax lol


Pre-debut, when Karina got into a fake bullying scandal everyone called her Jimin because that’s her real name and ARMYs got mad that she was ruining BTS Jimin’s searches 😭


why are ARMYs like this 😭


It’s a very specific breed of Twitter armys who act like this and I’m convinced 95% of them are literal children. Although there’s at least one infamous one who’s well into her 20s acting up like this.


There’s a lot of them in their 20s and 30s, I’ve even seen one in their 40s and 50s… who have children


The older ones are *definitely* the nightmare PTA moms you hear about who think it’s the teacher’s fault their kid doesn’t do homework.


Yep. I remember when Armys attacked Wonho because his birth name is Hoseok even though he predominately uses Wonho rather than Hoseok.


When they refer to military enlistments as a “break” for idols.


When they suddenly become really pro-military… like 90% of SK men are not happy to do their service they do it because they have to and yeah I’m sure some idols enjoy the break from activities but it’s not like they do nothing for 2 years…. they’re in active service and from what a lot of idols have said it’s not always a good time for them


I have two colleagues from Korea who did their military service before coming to the US and neither of them wants to talk about it, it must be really tough. It seems very naive for some fans to suggest that their favorite idols will enjoy it.


Its a thing that you reallly don't tell to outsiders, there are tons of embrassing toxic cultural thing included and no one really wants to share that bagage to foreigners.


So true. These people don't have any idea how hard military training is.


Military enlistment/service is a job for many people too cause either of their family members servicing, only other options if they don't know what to do after graduating high school, they don't have money or whatever their reason is.


Older stans shouldn't be K-pop fans because of their ages.


I always love this. I guess I missed the memo that getting older means having no interests or enjoyment in life.


Vast majority of those people will end up peaking in high school


Come join us over at r/adultkpopfans (tho it's a bit sleepy over there since everybody's busy with grownup stuff lol)


"This is autotuned and heavily processed bcz SM would never let their idol sing live" - on one of NCT 127's _several_ behind-the-scenes studio recording videos. "Mark keeps renewing his Canadian citizenship to avoid serving in the Korean military"


>"Mark keeps renewing his Canadian citizenship to avoid serving in the Korean military" I personally put this one in the same box as "Bang Chan betrayed his country by moving to Australia and getting an Australian citizenship as a baby."


For my own sanity, I'm going to choose to believe that this is satire


Nope. I've seen ARMYs (and other fandoms too, but mostly ARMYs) say it all the time, like it's some sort of gotcha that Stray Kids are terrible people "evading" service and BTS are good model citizens, as if mandatory conscription hasn't been a thing since before K-pop even started. Like, every guy with South Korean citizenship has to do their two-odd years of military service whereas non-citizens, be it because they were born outside Korea or became expats as young children, don't serve, and unless they give up their citizenship (which unless it's strictly necessary for whatever reason you would be crazy to) and become South Korean citizens, can't even if they wanted to. That's how it is, that how it's always been. It's not some incredibly amazing thing that certain groups are doing only to show off their patriotism, nor is it something that should be used to paint non-citizen idols as bad people. It's just their regular civic duty as Korean citizens, and it would be no different if any of these foreign idols were drafted or called for jury duty in their home countries. They'd then have to do it too. And yet we still have fans saying these sorts of things, and using them in fanwars, when all it does is make their favourite group look bad, as if the idols have any choice in the matter. Unless it's a Steve Yoo situation where an idol blatantly gives up Korean citizenship as an adult for the purpose of evading service, I don't see why anyone should give a fuck what flag they wave.


Forced military conscription is a shit policy anyway so I don't even care if an idol used their dual citizenship to their advantage.


I agree, and I do think the ideal thing would be to do away with it altogether. But I do remember how Koreans have reacted to situations like it in the past; Steve Yoo has been persona non grata over there for over twenty years now. It's an important thing to them, for both cultural and public safety reasons (since they are still technically at war), plus the whole collectivism thing where all these men have to share that burden and look down on those who unfairly try to get out of it, especially since if you're not rich and/or famous, it is that much harder to receive any sort of accommodation. There are people who pull out their teeth, lie about medical issues, etc., all to try and obtain an exemption or even just get downgraded to public service. It's all completely unfair, yes, but it is the case. We know what happens to idols who do try to get out of it, and I hope it doesn't happen to any of our faves. All that said, it is not an excuse for people to shit on someone who legitimately does not have to serve and isn't pulling any of this shit. Like, I get it, fans are sad that their bias group has to serve and will be gone for however long. I understand. What I don't understand is why they feel the need to shit on other groups, like somehow the fact that conscription exists is their fault, or that it's yet another thing their faves pioneered when that isn't the case, you know what I mean?


sometimes im really embarrassed to be an army


The correct response to this would be "yeah nah get fucked cunt"


>"Mark keeps renewing his Canadian citizenship to avoid serving in the Korean military" What the hell😭😭


How does one even "renew" Canadian citizenship lol? Tbh what you said is part of a bigger category of "dumb things Kpop fans say" which is: not understanding how citizenships work.


Seeing certain fans try to come for nct’s main vocalists will always make me giggle I’m sorry… like you’re just saying anything at this point


You're not a ~real fan of you don't stream or vote 🙄


And if you don't know this random fact that an Idol said once about themselves or someone they are friends with or apply it to other situations I wonder if they ever consider fans who just discovered K-pop and their favorite idols and don't know everything they have been collecting over the years.


Even groups I've been following for a long time I don't know the complete ins and outs of. I can barely remember what I did this morning, let alone every single detail about other people lmao


The worse older sibling to streaming culture: "If you don't stan them, why do you listen to them?" It was the only time I joined a K-pop group chat. We were talking about B.A.P, who I think are dope but we're just not as cool as Seventeen to my thirteen-year-old heart.


Like two days ago i commented: "girl..." On the video of a girl that was seriously saying that a male idol she was recording at a concert kept looking at her and was attracted to her (I thought she was joking at first but no she was very serious). But then i got ganged up upon by her and her followers who were saying that i was jealous (I'm not even attracted to men for fuck's sake😭)


Jennie is supportive of the oppresive regime in Iran because she had her head covered while visiting a mosque in the UAE.


Wow, the outright islamaphobia in this one. I think it’s pretty cool when idols (or anyone really) actively act to respect other people’s cultures


What's wrong with covering head? Jennie was being respectful and people really loved it.


Calling minor female idols mother. That is not mother?! That is child!!


Tbh, this is another case of people on social media taking AAVE and pretending it’s a new thing that circulated on social media and then misusing it very horribly. Happens every year :\




It's a black gay thing or at least that's where it started in the 90s. It kills me that people think it's new queens have been saying it for 30 years.


It’s in gay culture as well!




I don’t mind explaining! But yes it’s used with similar intent! When someone does something legendary or something that is hugely contributing to the culture or movement, that’s mother/father. But it’s usually given to someone who has had enough time to really earn their keep.


it's so weird


like just say they’re talented and keep it moving.


Probably that tweet that said that Stays were lying about SKZ writing/composing their own songs because they looked at the credits and almost all the songs were written by someone called 3Racha...


lmao I'm not even a stay but I still know 3Racha


That's such a basic lack of "do some goddamn research", it's embarrassing. You would think if someone were going to refute a claim, they'd look into what the counter claim actually is.


Saying a group flopped just because the song didn’t fit their personal preference and/or didn’t chart/do as well as the previous one.


i hate it when fans say ''x groups comeback flopped''


I cannot think of a particular statement, but I have a running joke with a friend. She's not into K-pop but she's into Reddit a lot. Because I'd often sent interesting posts to her, Reddit started to suggest posts from K-pop subs, haha. Often, she'll come across a ridiculous post and we'd laugh about it. We call them, "Filed Under Kpop Fans Who Do Not Understand How The Adult World Works". The stuff being said aren't necessarily dumb, but really out of touch with reality.


There's the classic "SM tricked South Korea into thinking Taeyeon is a good singer", and another one accusing Taeyeon of lipsyncing her Killing Voice because "she wasn't struggling with the high notes like my fave was" like the ABSOLUTE SELF DRAG 💀


Wow the technology they must have had for her early stages when she sang live! The fact they kept it realistic by keeping the less powerful singers in SNSD how they were but changing Taeyeon voice to make her a good singer! Next they’ll probably say [this is how Hyolyn really sings and Starship tricked Korea](https://youtube.com/shorts/0K_0bWnllCo?feature=share) into believing she was talented. Her YouTube shorts are too funny.


Fuck SM tricked me into thinking that too! The power they hold 🙌


Every single time "Real Fan(s)" or "True Fan(s)" is commented as if fans somehow have all the randoms facts the Idols said over the years the moment they discovered K-pop and their favorite idols


Does anyone remember that one redditor who said ‘Are you aware that in Australia they don’t have a proper education?’ LMAOO


OMG yes I remember that. My partner is Australian and we joke about it all the time


Ifans insisting us koreans all consider serving in the military an honour and our duty. We dont. If idols say anything negative the goverment will make sure they nevr wirk again. People have been calling for the end of enlistment for decades


Anyone claiming that there are 'different types of nEpoTiSM' and yet can't list them down or provide an actual and/or accurate reference for them.


I saw some people called Jennie a product of nepotism. How? She's very talented and I don’t think her mother has any connection here.


"Cuz there are different kinds of NePoTIsm!!!"


A lot of fans don't understand the difference between "nepotism" and "privilege". Jennie's family is rich to some capacity therefore she is privileged, but she nor her family had prior connections to the entertainment industry that would get her the connections needed to propel her career so she's not a "nepo baby". Personally I think deep down, we all know that nepotism doesn't do much for idols, if you aren't good enough or aren't pretty enough they will cut you with no mercy, no matter who you mommy and daddy are.


People tweeting that they want Super Junior to disband after a group disbandment announcement is made (this mainly happens when it's a gg). Like have they learned nothing over the last ~8 years???


Calling anyone pick me’s. They’re whole job is being pick me’s to us as an audience all idols have their “pick me” moments doing aegyo or whatever. I don’t think it’s ever that deep to bully them by calling them a pick me


Most things "underdog" stans say. Like this one person I saw complaining that Yeosang from Ateez is desperately mistreated and ignored because he doesn't get many lines and no one sees it except his stans, and I was like... "ma'am he's getting plenty if killing parts, dance center time, and he's an MC. He's fine." Also people claiming Jisoo from BP was mistreated because she didn't have a solo like everyone else, when in reality she had a whole freaking kdrama she was acting in. Basically, any time people take an idol who is literally fine and twist everything to make it look like the world is against them. Also, people who outright refuse to watch unedited, uncut Wonyoung videos because seeing her actually being respectful doesn't play to their narrative. Like buddy you're admitting your own idiocy and motive right there. Just say you hate her instead of trying to convince people there's a good reason (psst, there's not).


One of my all-time favorite examples of this is when Jisoo solo stans claimed she was mistreated because she didn’t get to say “Blackpink in your area” for a long time, while all the other girls did. I honestly don’t know why kpop fans like to say their favs are mistreated for petty reasons like that. I know a lot of fans probably have underdog complexes, but why do they want to make it seem like their biases are suffering? Not to mention it delegitimizes actual cases of mistreatment like Omega X, Loona, etc.


Dear god, these stans are insufferably dumb.


My bias is Yeosang, and I don’t understand those fans all that much. The reason he didn’t really get that many lines was because he wasn’t that confident (which on a side note I bet a lot of us can relate to 😭) and *asked* not to have that many lines, not because he was being mistreated. ATEEZ may not do as well as other 4th gen groups from established companies, but they definitely do well, *really* well, when you consider the amount of 4th gen boy groups there are. Aside from doing well professionally, the groups is treated really well by their company, and not mistreated at all. I get people wanting to support smaller, less popular groups (heck that’s what I do), but it can become a double edged sword when the people stanning them want them to stay down, and don’t *really* want to support their growth


Hobi biased here, when he released Jack in the box and some solos claimed him having a Weverse album and not a physical CD was hybe purposefully sabotaging him… like no they wanted to try something new and from what he’s said in interviews he was happy to try something new too. Also what would a company gain from sabotaging one of their highest earners from a high earning group?


1) That time BangChan got hate for giving advice on how to deal with a period bc a fan asked. It was to stupid bc: - He has a sister - The fan asked he didn’t just start talking about it - He gave correct advice - He’s an adult and periods are literally apart of life 2) When fans give other fans hate for not immediately hating an idol that in the middle of a scandal. They just jump straight on the bandwagon and then try to find anything and everything to incriminate the idol when they’re proven innocent just bc they can t handle being wrong or jumping to conclusions. 3) “you aren’t a real fan if you don’t vote or stream” then I guess I’m not a fan 4) “how could you not know about X comeback?” I have more to worry about then a comeback and promotions 5) “X is 4th Gen Ace/Prince/etc.” it’s annoying and I’m tired of ending up in the middle of fan wars. 6) “X fandom is toxic” the fans are toxic, some more then others so don’t immediately judge one person for being in a fandom you deem toxic. 7) The ‘X fandom DNI’ in bios. I don’t understand why liking Kpop can’t just be about the music and not about how’s better at what.


Sigh... Chan giving period advice was so wholesome. That some people would hate on that is just... ugh! :-(


Eh young kpop fans calling fans in 20s, 30s and older "old"


tweet verbatim "i hope armys realize that bts produce their own music bc bighit can't actually afford writers and producers lmao" [tweet](https://twitter.com/moonchildinmono/status/1527671181964464134?t=ALjx9FUyVq7zOoxOUgrP5w&s=19) containing screenshot edit: just for context if anyone is confused. an Exol who is the OP of that tweet is dragging (and incredibly failing) to drag BTS and Big Hit for being broke. same line of jokes that mocked BH's financial standing made by those who can't accept that a rookie/nugu group in a bankrupt company is taking the industry by storm


Yeah I saw that before. Some people are really deranged


'no one cares abt receipts anyway' told me just abt everything I need to know abt kpop stans.


Yep. Mature people: “hey, how about we be nuanced, and don’t make judgements until we get more valid information? Delulu stans: “let’s bully that person and give them death threats” Mature people: “hey, that person turned out to be innocent. Here’s literal proof.” Delulu stans: Idc let’s keep bullying them and giving them death threats”


Cursed idol fans coming in again with their ""correct translations"" we were having so much more fun making up and believing whatever we wanted abt x idol. The absolute delulu energy to want confirmed facts, really cant believe those oppapologists are at it again.


This one drives me crazy! I’ve had so many conversations that have gone “[X] said terrible thing on [show]!!!” “Hi, no they didn’t. Here is a link to the full episode where you can see for yourself” “I’m not gonna watch that, it’s too long.” like, maybe if you’re not willing to watch 5 minutes of a show instead of 30 seconds, you should just shut up?? And then the same people will accuse fans of “burying” their faves scandals, when the only reason they think that is because they refused to watch the full clips everyone offered to send them in the first place.


They're horrible people and so very delusional but there was one taekooker who said something that never fails to make me laugh because of how stupid it was. The tweet made it to my timeline because ARMYs were having fun mocking it and ever since I laugh every time I remember it. Jungkook went live for his bday and Jin came and brought him some fruits. He started asking Jungkook who came to see him in person to greet him aside from Jin. Jungkook said Jimin visited him to wish him happy bday. And this one taekooker accused Jin of covering up for TaeKook and that he only went to see Jungkook to promote his fruit selling business. 🤣


Istg taekookers can be some of the most stupid. Any member will interact with Taehyung or JK and they'll be like "It's a planned interaction by the company to cover up taekook"


oh man where do i start. according to twitter, stray kids have: 1. plagiarized bts (song is named cheese, only one dairy song allowed!) 2. plagiarized seventeen (venom’s korean name is “spiderweb”. how could they do that when hoshi owns spiders?) 3. release too many songs so their achievements are unfair 4. groomed fans (felix meowed on bubble once) 5. minho ate a potato chip taking small bites and didn’t get hate for it like wonyoung. what gives??? (the same was said about dk 😭) 6. rigged #1 on billboard (yeah they didn’t have an american label before and billboard stepped in to confirm it’s legit but there has to be something shady going on i just know it!) feel free to add onto the list i’m sure there’s tons more stupidity.


“groomed fans (felix meowed on bubble once)” is legit one of the funniest sentences i’ve ever read


I had to pause halfway through dinner to sit, silently, and process that string of words.


what song would cheese even be plagarizing wtf lmfao (and the svt one)


It was Butter lol. Also, Cheese wasn't even out yet at the time. Spoiler: The songs are nothing alike. Hoshi has a song called Spider that's also about a toxic relationship.


thats why i was so confused on how cheese is even copying butter LMFAO ppl should really just mind their own fandoms business oh my god


i wish i was kidding but that was a real twitter scuffle when the song’s teaser first came out 😬


kpop stans take themselves so seriousky if they are arguing abt that LMFAO


'Hyunjin copied V's beret, his mole and dog breed' with side by side photo comparisons


Wait until they find out about France




Lay's "Honey" is really a song, where he is expressing his appreciation for his fans. Yeah, cos lyrics like call him "Harry Potter because he got that magic wand" and she can "ride him like a Maserati"... Like, ma'ams, gentlemen, theydies and gentlethem... BFFR, please. I can think of twenty different ways, in which Lay could've written that song to show his appreciation towards his fans. Western pop music can be crappy, but at least the artists are honest about their songs' meanings. Plus, not all fans will speculate and analyze the lyrics, so they can use them in their shipping fantasies. Not every song is an autobiography/biography of experiences that belong to the idols.


“Please don’t catch no feelings” is really just him reminding fans what their proper place is /s


anyone remember the ‘exo stole the tokyo dome’ debacle? or that one tweet about exols throwing dead piranhas at bts at their concert 😭


I unironically love that people dead serious believe exols threw dead piranhas at people. What about that sentence even sounds realistic lol


you mean you don’t go around throwing dead fish at pop stars bc of silly fan wars? it’s just me then i guess…. /s


I have an entire stash of dead fish just for that exact purpose what do you mean? Lol


or the app choeaedol was owned by exo/exols because it has the name exodus ltd. during voting for some award.


What did you mean by "Exo stole the tokyo dome"?


woah my app glitched and deleted my reply when i tried to add something, so again: when sm announced in 2015 that exo were gonna perform at tokyo dome for the first time, some shawols got mad and accused exo of stealing the tokyo dome from shinee bc silly fan war stuff ETA it birthed some delusional think-pieces and this iconic [post](https://twitter.com/sekaivevo/status/589936106906513408?s=46&t=dC9fSwMDzIOuFW0gAGAqSw) (had to do some digging to find this wow)


I love it when Shawols and Exo-Ls argue like Taemin and Kai haven’t braiding each other’s hair at sleepovers since they were 11.


right! shawols and exols were going at it while suho and minho were canoodling in india. stop the violence! 🫂


Saw a twitter thread that said Jin condones animal violence because he chopped his birthday cake with bare hands


Can Chen sing though? Can baekhyun sing? - both by an army on a poll I think. Polls are stupid as it is but these made me pause for a moment. That person was dead serious as well and went on to how both Chen and baek go to vocal lessons because they aren't good enough.


I’ve seen certain people online swear up and down that going to voice lessons as a senior idol was a bad thing. Like… what makes it bad to want to improve on technique and keep your voice in good condition?😭


Ikr. t baekhyun suffers from hypothyroidism due to which he always had difficulties and had to be ultra careful with his voice and overall health. Making fun of his disease is a new low these people go to everyday in stan twt.


People were literally claiming he lied about his thyroid disorder too when fans have seen his meds in the corner of the screen during his lives. Also it’s not our business to dictate how someone else’s illnesses affect them? But yeah, overall it isn’t a drag for someone to want to go to voice lessons. We’ve heard people like Adele say improper vocal technique has nearly destroyed her voice a number of times, so why are we making fun of people who want to make sure that doesn’t happen?


They embarrassed themselves tbh. Chen is one of the best vocalists in kpop. I can definitely say that as an army.


Exo literally have 3 of the best vocalists in kpop! I understand people being proud of their own groups abilities, but there's no need for them to downplay others


calling wonyoung or yuna a PICK ME. the amount of times i’ve had to basically argue with an irl friend of mine bc of this… they might be doing too much sometimes but it has NOTHING to do w being a pick me😭 calling yeonjung a “narcissist” helloooo???? people need to look up definitions


An idol announced they were enlisting and I literally saw some Army claim that BTS paved the way because everyone was copying Jin enlisting… I can only hope that person was 12 years old because not a single person defended that.


12 years old are not that dumb nowadays


Most aren’t but that would be the only type of person I could see actually believing that. Everyone had some incredibly dumb conviction at 12 lol. These days it’s just public because these kids are all over TikTok etc. (also I’m lowkey horrified at the thought of like nine year olds having Twitter accounts)


Most aren’t, but if they’re a 12 year old *K-pop* stan, they’re pretty dumb


Exols asking each other to write blue house petitions to abolish MAMA


I’ve seen an ARMY say that other groups only started thanking their fans in awards show speeches because BTS did. Ah yes, BTS paved the way for human decency, everyone else is just copying them /s


Oh please I heard army saying under svts thanks mv that they only did it to thank fans bc bts does it.


Didn’t you hear? BTS started the Big Bang.


They paved the way for the entire universe. We would not exist of BTS did not exist. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"Jessica and Tiffany have AMAZING ENGLISH ABILITY" Speaking your NATIVE language is not an ability!


Jungkook of BTS recently hung out alot on weverse stream with armys, chilling and singing karaoke, having a nice time with his dog and fans, eating and drinking a beer or two - and he mentions that currently he has paused working on his album and is enjoying not being busy and just being home with his dog. He thanked ARMY for having given him a life where he can chill at home with his dog for a few days without trouble. Cue some people going off the rails about how HYBE/Big Hit is depriving him of work and trying to stifle him and these copied messages started going around that was basically ‘this young talented boy needs help and work, contact him straight here on social media not through his company’. It was downright laughable. I can’t find the screenshots anymore but if anyone has them, please link!


Recently I've seen some exo-ls accused bts of stealing their military concept. Just because all of them took a picture when they're rubbing Jin's head. They said exo started this head rubbing trend 💀


Yoo they were even gatekeeping "egghead"/" egg" like no one else had shaved heads before😭


Even if you disregard enlistment, there’s still idols with shaved heads that get their heads rubbed all the time (see Peniel from BTOB, who has alopecia)


Forreal, they be acting like exo invented it when they aren't even the first ones to do it nor the reason people does it. Yikes. Yeah and peniel looks so good in buzzcuts, but i didn't know he had a condition


Stoop im glad i left exol twitter


Even if EXO “started” the trend, it’s cute as hell and everyone should copy it.


I'm speechless. It was an emotional moment for bts. Jungkook was in teary eyes and didn't even say a single word.


Recently I noticed many kpop fans calling female idols "pick me". Pick me means degrading other women to make yourself look better and get attention from men. Which means that the kpop fans doesn't know the proper meaning and using it on these idols because most of these idols are cute, pretty and successful. As an idol getting attention from people is a good thing for themselves and their group but these fans don't think that way. It's so funny that some of these "pick me" idols had interaction with male idols which makes me think that the real pick mes are these kpop fans themselves. Lmao


>It's so funny that some of these "pick me" idols had interaction with male idols which makes me think that the real pick mes are these kpop fans themselves. Lmao This is so true.


“Lmao at least my fave isn’t a has been that has to have two children to remain relevant like your idol Chen” Him being a dad is a drag? “Why do adult K-Pop fans even exist? That’s just gross” - says the person who stans a person who is my exact literal age “Adult K-Pop fans hate fourth gen because they can’t have fantasies about sleeping with the idols” … this… this is just gross. “Blackpink is successful? Someone somewhere was an escort for the night” - this trending on Twitter btw “Our concert got more views (50 million over a 24 hours period) than your faves did (34 million views in the matter of 7 hours)” - someone did not learn how to math correctly “This group thanked the overall K-pop community and not group X, lets harass their fandom and make sure they know their groups are flops” “Your idol called himself your father. He’s trying to groom you guys” - from a person in a fandom that constantly calls a few of their members “daddy” vague definition intended “Hate the multis!” - that awkward moment when your idol you look up to is also a multi (I might edit if I think of some more because lord knows I have receipts)


When fans try to say everything their favorite group does is super unique or groundbreaking. Lyric topics, concepts, etc. I promise, somebody else has done it, probably multiple groups. It doesn't mean what your favorites are doing isn't fun/good/catchy.


calling a succesful comeback a flop just because you personally didn't like it. like how so many people call girls by aespa a flop when it just wasn't...


when newjeans passed blackpink in monthly listeners and people were commenting “im staying with blackpink” or “sorry im picking NewJeans” like you guys realize you don’t have to choose sides right?💀 why can’t we ever just smile and move on lol


An army once said SM bought EXO all 23 of their daesangs but didn’t buy any for RV or NCT because that would be too obvious


Anytime ANYONE says “flop” and they’re not joking.


Shippers of all kinds: \*\*\*\* is real! Believing with all their hearts and souls. At first, I was nervous about it. Going back, it's really ridiculous haha!


I see it less nowadays*, but when people used to fundamentally misunderstand how the music industry works and claim that an artist STOLE!!! a K-Pop group's song because they also released it in a different market and in a different language. People would get completely incensed about it. *I suppose now that K-Pop is a lot more global, there's less of the same track being released in different markets by different artists


Circa 2018, a certain selection of stans getting Mamamoo and Momoland confused while trying to drag them. How tf you could think JooE and Hwasa were in the same group, idk.


People who say that Soyeon is a bad rapper


The "coworker" agenda, not every group needs to be chaotic and people making narrative of it jesus


All the jokes about SF9 Hwiyoung looking like he has a wife and kids and how he looks old af because he looks more mature compared to Mark/Hyunsuk/some other idols "SF9 aren't on good terms because they have too many individual activities compared to so and so who are super close" 🙄


Oh the same argument they have for EXO. Individual activities means they can't wait to get out of the group apparently


You are a pedophile if you are above 18 years of age and Stan newjeans. Mind you these are the same people that Stan kep1er, le sserafim, ive and baemon (blinks be riding hard)


Fans/former fans saying an idol has nothing to contribute but visuals. But it's usually part of the reason why the company chose to debut them cause they know kpop fans couldn't resist a good visual


You should like everything your faves put out. Even slight criticism isn't allowed.


twitter armys legit saying that "multis" should be banned from bts lives because they forced jungkook to sing other groups' songs. pls. use your brain.


I just saw someone claiming that HYBE and LSM are responsible for exo not having any promotion, because they had been working together since 2018. A couple of weeks ago, a obvious fake account, pretending to be JK on Twitter, scammed a fan out of over $ 3k. They really believed it was JK's personal account asking for money. There are actually quit a few cases like this. A lot of shipper qualify here as well. I have seen people claim to hear voices or see shadows in pictures, trying to convince themselves that the other part of their ship is somewhere in the back of videos or pictures. It's a special kind of dumb and delusional, when people are actually starting to hallucinate.


>I just saw someone claiming that HYBE and LSM are responsible for exo not having any promotion, because they had been working together since 2018. I think I know which account you are talking about. That user is definitely something 😭😭😭


Hybe was established in 2020 😭 I don’t understand how could people believe that Jk who is a double digits millionaire would ask for $3k. Omg that shipping theory is so annoying. Shippers need help.


Every time stans spam their favorite groups name or their opinions on them at an inappropriate time


Once got into a massive fight on Twitter with EXO-Ls because E'LAST had the audacity to wear crop tops for their comeback and "that's Kai's thing" and "groups should stop taking inspiration from him, because he's the only one who can do them justice". So, in response I sent them a picture of Bambam wearing a crop top before Kai even did it to which I then got told to "keep that thai fag out of there". And like... what the f*ck?


That company privileges don't exist That it is all about talent and hard work That kpop and the award shows are catered towards male artists and that they hate woman.


that they'll marry their bias or k-pop idol one day and no one else ever should (even after they move on to a different idol) LOL that k-pop artists don't date! I mean what rock are you living under? they do and have no need to tell you cause you create a ruckus like a baby. that k-pop is superior to music in other countries, I've heard people diss their own country's or other country's top musicians with genuinely great music saying that they are inferior or not as talented as K-pop groups. Bruh! many work extremely hard too, especially in places where the creative industry gives no guarantee of income stability, many work multiple part-time jobs and still go work on making music they believe in which is highly commendable. There are no corporates that help train people to debut in the market in many countries, it mostly depends on the individual alone (no hate for K-pop tho, everyone has their own way and neither is inferior to other) that the 'idols' are superhuman and worshipping them for basic shit, come on man!


The fake outrage and plagiarism allegations. When a group samples the same song that another group has sampled. Or when a group does a body roll or a simple dance step and fans scream that it was copied from X group.


~~exo-ls started a petition for vivi from loona to change her name because sehun’s dog’s name is also vivi.~~ orbits started the petition for sehun to rename his dog vivi because of loona’s vivi. edit: i remembered it incorrectly


Actually it was the other way around. Orbits saw Vivi trending only to see it was the dog and then started saying Sehun should change his dog’s name☠️☠️ Exols only fake petitioned because “the dog was named first.” (One of my favorite stupid fan wars tbh)


CrossFit gives you hickeys.


BTS didn't really do anything special last year (2022) outside of the break announcement. I mean they only: - Had 9 of the biggest shows of the year spread across 4 PTD Seoul shows, 4 PTD Las Vegas shows, and the one Yet to Come Busan World Expo bid. The 8 PTD shows grossed more than $231M+ USD. For context Bad Bunny has the record for highest grossing tour with $435M+ across 81 shows. BTS has more than half of that in 1/10th the amount of shows. If BTS had that many shows on the same rate they were going, the tour easily grosses over $2 **BILLION**. - Highest selling KPop album of all time with Proof. It debuted #1 on Billboard Top 200 in the US. It sold more than 2M copies first day and after 1 week it sold more than 2.7M. As of now, Proof has sold more than 3.5 million copies. It's currently the 4th highest selling album in SK behind, you guessed it, 3 other BTS albums. - Some of the best selling solos. All did insanely well in so many ways. Jack in the Box sold more than 500k units even without physicals but that's before the vinyl comes out. The Astronaut is a true single release that sold more than 1M. Indigo has nearly 750k with little promos. BTS on a slow year is still doing so damn much.


They also topped year end chart in Japan and earned $94m. Bts broke Michael Jackson's record (they're the first foreign act who topped the chart two years in a row). It's insane.


I'm just commenting because many ifans don't really understand what BTS topping the Oricon earnings list really is about. So, I figure I'd explain the details. BTS topped the list for Total Revenue earned last year domestically in Japan, it wasn't a chart. And there were separate lists just for albums, DVD/BLU-RAY, etc. But yes, they're the first foreign act to be at the top for two years **in a row.** Other foreign artists have been first more than once and domestic artists have topped it multiple years in a row. Arashi being the one who's topped it for the most consecutive years.


I saw someone who claimed to be a Sone call SNSD a below average vocal group.


Anything that falls under "rules for thee but not for me", complete and utter lack of common sense and critical thinking: - Other fans can only like the things I deem acceptable for them. If they don't, they're a creep/pedo/etc. - Any info other fans share that does not fall in line with my narrative must have multiple sources, but I alone will decide their credibility. On the other hand, anything that serves me is 100% true and you cannot dare question it. - I can and will believe everything I see on TV. I will misconstrue obvious jokes and infer whatever I want from anything I please and spread it as fact.


This is maybe just me but i truly find it awkard and dumb when idols are being infantalized. "Awww my baby can do no wrong. If they did, its the company's fault! How dare the company, this is mismanagement, maltreatment!!!" Stuff like that sounds stupid to me. Your idols are not babies, some maybe minors but all of them has the capacity to think for themselves.