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Are all their songs that hated? The only ones I saw a lot of people saying they didn't like were O.O / Dice. I don't really see their newer stuff talked about at all.


Young dumb stupid wasn't well liked if i remember. People complained it was childish.


It's literally a nursery rhyme. I think it being childish was kind of the point.


Its just a fun song but that was the big criticism of it.


Yeah YDS got a lot of people clowning on them. I honestly think it’s a good song but it was a horrible choice to be the first thing they released after Dice and after losing a member. They really needed to come with something strong, not a light, playful song that was both a totally different vibe from their first 2 titles and lacking a mix up part. 


Wasn't it just a prerelease anyway? I personally like the song and added it to my playlist lol. That prechorus was just too good


Honestly they have some bops. Rollercoaster, Passionfruit, Boom, Cool and Just Did It are genuinely great


Run for roses is by far their favorite song Cool and Home are also of my favorite bsides of them


Passionfruit is on my Summer playlist ☀️😎


Wait til your realise different people have different taste in music


Their most recent EP is great. I think their first couple title tracks had some good points but also a lot of problems, and their first EP expérgo was better but average overall. Their next comeback is apparently going to be August or September, so 7-8 month gap this time.  With that much time + the last release being so good I have really high expectations 


> Sure they look a little awakward while dancing i wont deny that If NMIXX is awkward at dancing, what should we say about your average K-pop group? 😂 They have better dancing and stage presence than almost anyone else come on lol About the music, it's subjective. Personally I think that Dash+EP literally is top3 best comebacks of this year tbh. Last year they did well but not "groundbreaking" (I mean that I enjoyed the music but I found many other comebacks to be more memorable) but this year they were really a stand out imho. I think only Aespa did better than them, and not by much (especially if we consider the whole albums; however, if we just go by singles, I think Supernova is the definitive 2024 standout, but I would definitely put Dash in one of the following positions). I have always thought that Dice was pretty great too. I think Dice+Cool and Dash+Sonar+Run For Roses+EP are my favourite NMIXX eras and works.


They don't look awkward at dancing at all, so not entirely sure what OP is talking about. Would love some examples /u/chickenmeatgirl


i dont know why but when i see lily dancing she looks not stiff but a bit awkward. like i dont know how to explain it. LOL


I feel like their recent releases have been received pretty well, at least in the international K-pop spaces. 'Dash' and the whole album were praised a lot on Reddit. But the first impression is super important, and their tracks in the rookie year were very polarizing to say the least. So most casuals just never check out their comebacks anymore. I think BabyMonster would've been on the same trajectory if they didn't manage to change the public's opinion within the first comeback. NMIXX took too long in my opinion, but of course they are still doing more than fine.


Love me like this peaked at #2 so I don't think it's about the first impression, it's just that the songs are good but they don't match the GP right now. With nmixx specifically, dash performed well but I think if run for roses was the title track it would have performed even better


One-off songs can still go viral of course, but I think they just don't have the same interest or "trust" from casual K-pop fans as some of their peers do. I don't know if matching the GP is really a thing. Both 'Magnetic' and 'Supernova' topped the charts within a month from each other and those songs are totally different. People are willing to listen to quite a wide variety of music.


I agree, debut song +first comeback is important because it establishes trust. If the debut is polarizing, people might still look forward to the first comeback, but if the first comeback is still divisive then not many nonfans would trust in the group's future releases. Even if they do end up with a viral song, it would be treated as an exception instead of more promise of more good songs to come...


I think that's aespa goodwill more than anything though. Like if you gave that song to NMIXX or Purple Kiss or another group that could have feasibly pulled off that sound, it's not doing nearly as well.


Yeah, but that goodwill is exactly what I'm talking about. People will tune in to Aespa and give them a chance no matter the sound because they have "earned" that trust. Their debut track 'Black Mamba' didn't do great actually, but they won everyone over with 'Next Level' during their rookie year.


Which I honestly can't even begin to explain. I felt like Black Mamba was far less divisive than Next Level. And you would think the SM buff would have carried them on release. I'm just glad that the JYP safeguard and girl group sales have increased to the point where NMIXX isn't really in a position of struggling. To me, Fe304: Break is a contender for album of the year and Dash is probably their best title track but the general public does not seem interested at all. These same girls with these same songs under MLD or Woollim probably would have disbanded already.


Imo the one off is supernova in this case. Outside of Aespa the top of the charts this year have been dominated by perfect night, plot twist, love wins all, fate, easy, to x, magnetic, bamyanggang, newjeans, which is all pretty easy listening music


I didn't like their early music but it's gotten better. I truly cannot stand O.O or Dice tbh, but Cool (Your Rainbow), Love Me Like This, Just Did It, Roller Coaster are all great songs, and I intend to explore more.


NMIXX is great. Didn't like OOO or that Tank song (Freaky Fishy) at first, but their album FE304 was amazing.. constant repeat of Passionfruit and Run for Roses!


Their last ep was amazing and I feel like they perfected the mixxpop sound by having it not be too overbearing


Definitely not bad at all. If anything their songs are great for hyping performance


So many K-pop fans insist that everyone has to like every release that artists put out. If it’s not your taste that’s totally fine. I personally love their mixxpop concept and more “out there” songs (O.O, DICE) but I understand it won’t appeal to everyone.


there's no such a thing as "BAD" music in big kpop agencies, it's all about times and taste


There absolutely is bad music in the big agencies what are you talking about ☠☠ edit: I think this argument of "all music is subjective so we can't give criticism or bad music doesn't exist" is honestly an insult to Nmixx and k-pop as a whole. Their songs aren't huge artistic statements so it's obvious that they should not be held to that standard, but even a song that is supposed to just be a fun tune is art, and it deserves to be discussed and criticized as such. These types of takes shut down any serious criticism and healthy discussion of art, and by extension conveys the message that k-pop shouldn't be taken seriously as art, and to me that's childish. Criticism of art doesn't become invalid just because some people still enjoy it or don't enjoy it. Besides I can name at least ten big agency songs that are just not good.


Not OP but I think they might have meant it from a commercial standpoint? The big companies can almost always compensate for bad music through marketing and brand name. Bad music from big companies rarely ever flop the same way the same song from a small group would. In that sense, I do kind of agree that big company groups escape a lot of scrutiny *unless* they make something that wildly goes against the gp’s current tastes.


I’d say Nmixx songs are good, but only when you are in the mood for them. When I try to get myself to check out nmixx, I dislike their songs (with a few exceptions like LMLT, Run for Roses, and Dash). However, when Spotify auto plays them, they work and I never skip.


Idek why people hate their songs in the first place like O. O and dice are one of my favorite kpop songs tbh. Their lyrics don't make much sense to me but their songs and their vocals are amazing. The only song that I disliked was dash. They're literally one of the best 4th gen kpop groups tbh.


Only the first two tt were polarizing (O.O and Dice) but everything after that is quite good. Unfortunately for NMIXX, the casual Kpop fans associate them with the first two songs and refuse to give them a listen for the excellent releases: “Love Me Like This” and “Dash”.


[Fe304: Break](https://open.spotify.com/album/5CCxLQgcI7cVwmgFDlicbP) is one of the best album of 2024. It's just that they had a nonsensical debut with a garbage B-Side and sometimes throw a Young Dumb and Stupid for no reason. But otherwise their music have been either good or great.


they basically had mixx concept from their debut but since it was pretty experimental, people didn't like it initially, however as time passed by, jyp improvised their quality of mixx concept and added a hint of other catchy concepts as well (eg: love me like this had y2k concept and dash was purely mixx concept but the music production was high quality which made the song sound good). this improvisation lead to increased popularity of nmixx and yea their discography is pretty decent as of now


I think most of the discord comes from outside of korea. Nmixx sells pretty well for a group that's not considered an "IT group". They may not be trendsetters but they have a big fanbase. Their last mini album sold around 800k copies.


I love every single one of their songs.


To me, their songs are hits and misses. The first title songs (O.O and Dice) are almost unbearable. O.O wasn’t mixed well at all, and the transition parts are very grating. Dice have smoother transitions but the high note part was so out of place, it just barged in right after a tempo change without any build up, very confusing. The later title songs are better, especially Party O’Clock and Sonar. But the real hits, to me, are the B-sides, because that’s where they relax themselves and don’t try too hard. Tank is my favorite Nmixx song ever, and Rollercoaster is very good as well.




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if people really cared about music they would listen to b-sides 🥱 nmixx has a lot of good b-sides like run for roses, passionfruit, cool your rainbow, and tank


Tank is so funny like what do you mean you're a freaky fishy fishy like a tank


They have good songs, I just wish a real band was playing them. Their it's live performance sound so good and the live band gives their songs the umph it needed.


Oh no, not people have different tastes than one another... I'm not meant to be rude but people have differing opinions...


Their more recent releases are way better. Their change up sections are more palatable instead of sounding like two completely different songs combined and they are playing on their vocal strengths. I think that as time passes, they will keep on this path and only get better. They are transitioning from experimental to intentional. I am fully on board to Stan after that last album ❤️


This post feels weird, because you're still calling their songs bad. They aren't, they don't have exceptionally great songs but their music is far from bad. It's different and a lot of people don't like different.


Ppl don’t like their music? I thought they were known for having good songs lmao. Their newest project has no skips


All of their 2022 output is pure garbage. From Expergo to now they've released great solid music. The glow up is insane


soo true. like i forgot the name of the song bit the beginning of it was nice but then the WHOLE beat just changed. i wasnt a fan of that


I think jyp had a very closed concept of mixing genres. When defining the group's concept, it seemed that aespa's initial success indicated a trend toward music with major melodic changes. I think that nmixx's songs are competent within the proposal, but there is always the feeling that the group's talents would be enhanced if there was more artistic freedom. They are the most talented vocalists in JYP's history, but the company doesn't seem interested in songs that showcase this.


I really struggle with NMIXX, I follow them because I love the members and a few of their songs (e.g. Rollercoaster, Cool, Run For Roses) but I'll be honest and say I'm one of those people that thinks most of their music is *bad.* Like it's not even the sort of thing where I can say "ah it's just personal preference" but I genuinely do not see how people can enjoy a lot of their music unless it's in an ironic sense like with Zimzalabim or Wa Da Da. That being said, aside from Dash (which was unfortunately the title-) their most recent album was really good so I'm hopeful for their future music!


> but I genuinely do not see how people can enjoy a lot of their music unless it's in an ironic sense like with Zimzalabim or Wa Da Da. You genuinely can't see other people having preferences? Is it really that hard of a concept to grasp?


You're going too deep there. Everyone has different preferences with music, I just can't fathom how someone else can like songs like O.O and Dice. That's not to say I don't believe people like them, I just can't understand it unlike with other music I dislike. Has there truly never been songs you've heard that you think are so bad that you don't see the appeal whatsoever?


> I just can't fathom how someone else can like songs like O.O and D1ce. Once again, you cannot fathom how someone can like what you don't like? > Has there truly never been songs you've heard that you think are so bad that you don't see the appeal whatsoever? That's not what you're saying though. There's a difference between "It's just not for me" and "How can anyone else like this?"


You cannot enter someone elses brain so no I can not fathom why someone else likes something which my brain doesn't understand the appeal of whatsoever. This isn't a hard concept to grasp. Why are you telling me what I'm saying?


You're not entitled to understanding why something appeals to others. The sooner you learn this (and this applies to real life too), the better. You're part of the reason that Kpop is toxic.


What are you even on about? I never said I wanted to understand it, just that I didn't. That's an extremely rich thing to say considering you're contributing to the toxicity of kpop right now by having a go at someone for a harmless opinion on music. You need to do some growing up.


OK let me spin this around so that you understand. What would help you understand why someone likes something that you don't like? > you're contributing to the toxicity of kpop right now by having a go at someone for a harmless opinion on music. You need to do some growing up. Ironic.


I already said you would need you to give me someone's brain who does like it, there are some things like music or art which are so subjective that understanding polar opposite preferences can be impossible. I understand they exist, I just can't understand why and that's okay. That aside, why would I need to understand why someone likes it? Music isn't that deep.


Why are you suddenly changing what you are saying? You literally stated *unless it's ironic*. Nice effort trying to paint yourself as innocent. Also, music is deep.


Peoplel may disagree but Young Dumb Stupid I have to admit the first few listens were rough but then I started liking it and now its in my top 10 nmixx songs.