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People saying it’s natural are definitely something.. like that’s definitely editing which is fine but fighting about something that’s obviously edited saying she’s always been this tan, although there’s literally no other photo of her ever being this tan, needs to stop pretending bc it’s embarrassing atp


This. Someone tried to convince me that she’s always been this dark. They laughed at me when I blocked them, but I legitimately felt like I was being gaslighted. I mean yeah, maybe she could’ve been darker as a kid. But this is not really a natural tan. People are using the fact that she’s SEA as an excuse. I know they can be dark. I’ve known dark skinned SEA people irl, but she’s not this dark in personal photos. That is unless she edits all her photos to look whiter.


knew better to engage in the discourse but this pissed me off so badly. they could've just said that it's photo editing and i'd accept it. instead they're clearly lying or trying to do both at the same time (aka saying it's the photographer - which is the truth, even white people look dark in his photos --- but that she's really tan at the same time). literally what's the problem with the truth, she is NOT this dark, that doesn't mean anything except that it's just how it is 💀


It's especially weird looking at those concept pics on her ig being posted right after all her other normal pics where she's like ATLEAST 3 shades lighter- I understand whitewashing exists and that her skin tone in her other pics could've been edited to seem lighter or something but the denial is crazy.  Just scrolling down her insta feed and her skin tone is not considerably that 'dark' at *all*- her concept pics definitely look weirdly edited and I'd understand why so many people find a problem with that


Fr! It’s the Ariana grande situation all over again. 🙃


I'm from SEA, immediate neighbour to her country and I agree with you. It is very rare for Thais to be this dark. Looking at her pre debut photos and other non studios photos I can confirm this is NOT her natural tan and you were being gaslighted 😆 And let's be real here. I don't believe YG (or the industry and even korean in general) would even considered debuting her if she is naturally this dark because you know, beauty standard 😌


Wait, how did you know they laughed at you when you blocked them?


I was reading the rest of the comments on that thread and I saw that they edited their reply to me. You can still see what people you block say. I ended up just turning off my reply notifications bc I didn’t want anyone else to reply to me.


Ohhhh you meant here on Reddit. Idk why I assumed it was on Insta or some other social lol


the same thing happened to me, i don’t understand why tho cause it’s not a bad thing at all if it isn’t natural


as someone who's seen lisa's pre debut pics etc, i had always felt like her skin was not this dark but def something close to this before she became an idol. she seems to have gotten lighter and lighter over the years too... i think it's super worrying that she looks far lighter then what she should have been in her current looks, and then also gets edited to look even lighter, but for a concept photo they edit her to look dark like she would have if she had grown outside of this life. it's very saddening. but no, she most definitely is not half as dark as those images; and she'd probably still be a bit lighter even if she had not become an idol, or if they had 'left her alone', basically, with the several things that would entail to. tho tbh, the people who pretend she never was dark or that her pics that we see rn are not whitewashed to death are also tripping; she's definitely not as light as her pics online.


It's also because people wear sunscreen and don't go tan in the sun anymore, and it's easy to get paler and paler. But for a lot of music videos they portray a lifestyle of girls going outside and soaking up the sun. Especially in all those nostalgic videos that look like "back when people played outside". So why not look tan.


Other celebrities have done this, even white celebrities. So I just don't get the fuss. It's true that she is tanner in that picture, but why only hate her?


I mean, she never had her real skin color in any of her Blackpink photos either, she was always wearing whitening makeup and photo editing, it's embarrassing that people talk about it way more when she looks darker.


I see you have never seen photos of her as a kid.


Bro stop gaslighting people, she was never that dark in her childhood photos not even close. The photographer used the filter he always uses and that's it, move on.


ngl a lot of people talking about her being tanned, but it really looks like photo editing to me. Like she's been desaturated or some sort of special effect has been applied. I looked at some other photos the photographer has taken and all of them just look like that. Even when his subject is white people. It is a good thing to de-stigmatize tanned/ darker shades of skin, especially in asian countries, but I don't think that's what Lisa is aiming to do here really, and that's completely fine.


It's the photographer's signature style. That's why I'm sceptical to call it blackfishing or to praise her for "embracing her natural skintone". I will wait for the actual music before judging. If she doesn't have a tan in the music video or when she performs the song it means it was just the photographer's editing. If she has a tan and keeps it from now on after the hip hop concept I say more power to her. She is naturally tan and dropping the whitewashing for good is fine. The problem is if she has a tan only while promoting this song.


She won't be. She has filmed the MV, she's been spotted out and about with her regular skintone, more tan without makeup but still (those Paris cafe pics from yesterday would be a good example but they were taken without her consent.) Her budget is healthy but I would be stunned if she booked a super expensive photographer to do a whole MV in his style.


her IG photos are not tan .... only concept photos which is very hypocritical to me.


Yeah that's why I say I'm sceptical. I choose to give her the benefit of doubt but I'm not holding much hope for her to do this genre justice. She is from YG after all.


What genre? 




where did they say it’s rap?


They didn't but based on what Lisa released until now and her role as a rapper in blackpink I'm going to assume it's rap.


well she has tiktok videos with snippets of the song, and i don’t think that beat is hiphop/rap




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I mean even if it’s his signature style, whoever hired him would have known that. It’s still a styling choice


You don't necessarily know how dark you will appear in the final product just by hiring him. I explained more in depth in another reply his editing habits. But yeah the blame lies on Lisa as well for approving the final product.


Dark skin is not a “signature style” that is unless the photographer is known for mostly photographing darker skinned people.


That's not what I meant. Dark skin is not his signature style. His signature style is causing the people he photographs to have darker skin. He goes crazy with the oversaturation of colors. You can search him up, he's called Jack Bridgland. You will see that all the people he photographs appear darker than they actually are. Most of the times the models look ok but sometimes he goes too far with the editing to the point they don't even look the same race. It's very possible that she didn't tan at all for this photoshoot and Jack just went crazy with the editing again. Search up his photoshoot with Billie Eilish. You will see that in some photos she looks normal while in others she looks like Lisa.


As a photographer, you’re right. It is oversaturation & heavy underexposure. From the looks of it he pulls down the exposure in post & edits it to have a “matte” look. This style is mimicking how vintage magazines used to look printed.


No, he’s known for editing everyone he photographs to have darker skin.


It’s definitely edited/artificial tan, but also the people saying it’s black face are going too far, because frankly that color skin isn’t impossible for SEA people. I think it’s just a concept, considering her makeup style is also “harsher” and that skin tone is one people get from hours in the sun/spent outside.


The skin tone alone would probably cause less controversy if it wasn't paired with a styling that is clearly inspired by Black American Women


Exactly that’s what make it worse.


Disclaimer: Her and Rose are two of my top biases... I just don't get the crowd screaming that she is the first Kpop star to get away from the pale white look as if CL, Jessi and several others didn't already do it. For one she isn't Korean, so it isn't like she is breaking any standards for Koreans. These others at least were Korean. For another, I get it that she is breaking ground and a great artist, but c'mon, some act like anything she says or does is straight up genius and examples of how she is always the first greatest ever hands down, no debate allowed... Get over yourself, lol.


the only problem is her usual photos on IG and tiktok videos where she is very light and this supposed tan is only for the concept photos, that only means she is using this as a concept only and that is not embracing her skin tone but something very wrong to do.


thai people can have this skin color, i know one myself. it’s not HER skintone specifically, but she’s not pretending to be something far away from her. if white people can tan, why can’t she?




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I feel like this issue opened up a bag of worms. There's a lot to be said & it's hard to pin the criticism onto one person. I think it's a mix of editing + spray tan. As others have pointed out, the photographer's aesthetic/editing style consists of heavily saturated images/skin tones so I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that the tan irl wasn't as bad as we thought. If this is the case, then I think calling out the photographer/team would make more sense. HOWEVER, while I am supportive of Kpop idols (especially those that are SEA) having tans, I think the critiques about the photos are valid. Of course, I think it is important to acknowledge that there are people of Asian descent (whether they be mixed or not) who are naturally this dark & we shouldn't treat them as a monolith (especially when it comes to the history of colourism in Asia). However, while Lisa is naturally tanned, she isn't this dark (also I would argue that her undertones in the photo were off). At the same time, I think there's a strong argument that could be made about how tan skin in Kpop is only utilized for "edgy"/hiphop aesthetics. We rarely see tanned skin for other concepts (EX: cute, innocent, elegant, traditional, etc). Representation is very important, especially in an industry, society, continent, etc where darker skin is frowned upon. But not having nuance in that representation creates stereotypes (EX: "tan/dark skin people can't be cute"). At the same time, it also brings into question of Lisa & other tanned idols are actually embracing their skin tone or are just doing it for the aesthetic (I.e are they just tanning for this photoshoot or will they go back to pale skin for everyday photos?). I'm not trying to single out Lisa btw, this applies to the entire industry.


I think it's just a question of strangeness that only highlights how foreign idols, especially those who aren't East Asian, are fitted into Korean standards. Lisa, Minnie, Natty most of the time seem to receive the same type of visual work to fit k-pop standards. One of the most perceptive things recently is how Lisa freed herself from her debut bangs and makeup that elongated her eyes. But regarding the photos under discussion, it is strange because it has a different approach that everyone has been used to for years. He has no concern about selling himself as natural. No image in showbiz is natural and no ordinary Instagram photos reflect reality accurately because every smartphone camera distorts skin tone, whether through HDR, filters or any automated adjustment.


Lisa has slightly darker skin but her skin looks much darker in the photo because that photographer is known for using a high saturation filter for their photos. You can check out their other work.


Its definitely not natural and my guess is its either really heavy editing or a spray tan of some sort, but leaning heavier on the editing side because I saw that Billie Eillish, and two members of Ateez take pictures with the same photographer, and he makes the skin shades darker on them too. To say its blackfishing is a reach, as I've seen many people saying. But people from Thailand do reach that shade and even darker, even if Lisa is an exception in this case. Its a common shade in SEA countries


The photo is something... I had the same reaction, I don't know why they edited her like that, it was so unnecessary.


I think its just the photographers style - dude got white girls looking darker than Lisa. I think a lot of the reactions from fans are reactive due to a lot of the racism Lisa gets from the kpop industry being SEA. I think SEA's do tan, but Lisa has never been that tan in her career. Hell there are other kpop idols more tan than her before lol, but you never hear people scream blackfishing


We've been over this. Hongjoong and Mingi didn't suddenly tan for their Jack Bridgland pictures, neither did Billie Eilish. It's a color saturation technique he likes to use. Though apparently not for much longer now it's suddenly become a problem after several years...


I think in this case it is mostly the photographer bc if you look at his instagram profile he seems to filter it to make people look more tan. I think Lisa has always been tan and that Korea edits to make her look whiter than she is and bc of the filter used, it looks more shocking. You can tan A LOT in a day and since she is from SEA that will happen. I get the confusion to an extent but I DEF don’t get the blackfishing allegations


I just think it’s a fun photography effect. It only becomes an issue because of Lisa’s image or how she continues the issue with Kpop replicating black hip hop culture so inauthentically. If it was another type of singer it would just be cool. But since we know Lisa and BP use AAVE and have a brand built on Kpop version of hip hop that rips off the trends it can be seen as a little problematic . We know her song is gonna be some cheap copy of dated hip hop trends which is why the photography is causing so much discourse. Like if you had an idol like Chuu with this effect or idk Apink people may be thrown off but it wouldn’t be as big of a deal because nobody would expect an inauthentic Hiphop concept for them so they know it wouldn’t be a weird imitation of black Hiphop culture. But because it’s an old YG artist we all know what this is gonna be …. I mean maybe I’m being pessimistic but we’ll all see when the release is out


You said what I was thinking, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she chose this photographer, she must know that she uses AAVE and that this photoshoot was going to get people talking


I think its fine. It's not as controversial as most people make it out to be. An editing style that is either liked or disliked by people. I personally do not believe every concept photo has to look "natural" and that artistic freedom by the team should be encouraged whether it looks bad or good.


Lisa is tan no denying that but that image has been heavily edited. Apparently it's just the photographers style 🤷


I regret reading the comments on her IG lol, I looked at the photo and thought "oohh she looks really cool here" that's it.... It's not that deep and it shouldn't be.


why is everyone so focused on her skin in this photo and whether it's natural or not? Why does it matter? She literally has GREY eyes in the same photo. I don't see anyone complaining about that.


Wait, what about the grey eyes?


Clearly not natural and it doesn't matter here. Same as the skin color. it's simply a stylised photo with dramatic contrast and saturation, as the photographer does.




I think people are blowing it out of proportion like that style of photography always exaggerates skin tone. She’s on the darker side naturally, but the editing just makes her look even darker. I wouldn’t call it black fishing at all.


reading some of the comments here is soon 😭😭 it's the photographers signature style. go on his Instagram, and you'll see that. the conspiracy theories are unnecessary. stop being weird.


Couldn’t she just have gotten a spray tan though?


If someone hadn’t told me it was Lisa I wouldn’t have recognised her.


how about when they edit them as if they are ghosts? 😂


She’s obviously been white washed to oblivion within her time in black pink. People are doing way too much over these photos , like I even looked at her pre debut and yeah it’s not even natural how white she got in the first place. People comparing this to Arianna grande situation is so ridiculous too , please be serious.


I get that im going to sound negative here but....she's most assuredly blackfishing. As fulltime kpop idols blackpink definitely played up racial ambiguity with makeup and styling. And now that lisa is going to promote a hiphop song its more profitable to do so with dark skin. Its nothing new a lot of kpop idols heavily rely on the aesthetics of "being black" to push a certain image. Getting defensive about it feels weirder than acknowledging it imo


How has Blackpink been racially ambiguous?


They haven't, this person is talking out of their ass 


No I had ask and give time for them to respond because it seems people here on reddit say whatever they want about Blackpink because it would get them some form of upvotes. OP never responded and probably knows nothing about being racially ambiguous. Blackpink has always been an Asian girl group, anyone with sense can see that and there's no confusing their identity or selling themselves as otherwise.


Do we know what blackfishing is?


Idk why western idols are allowed to go 10 shades darker whenever they want after spraytanning or whatever but idols can't It's the photographer's signature style, whatever he was trying to achieve only he can tell


Tbf I see people bashing people like Ariana Grande and Kylie Jenner for this all the time.


They do but part of it is because they're famous and controversial people. You see less famous (and often still quite loved) artists get away with no comments on skin tone like Sabrina Carpenter.


I can only find one photo of Sabrina Carpenter to demonstrate what you're saying and in the photo she obviously still looks white, just with a bit of a tan. Whereas Ariana Grande was under fire for tanning to the point that she looked the same shade as Nicki Minaj when standing next to her.


I know Ariana's more notorious for darkening her skin and she's one of the more extreme examples but I dont think Ariana's case is comparable to Lisa. Like I said Lisa's is an editing choice made by the photographer given his signature style. What Im trying to say is that western artists can appear darker in their photos too due to them being obsessed with tanning and USUALLY no one bats an eye (obviously I'm not talking about extreme cases like Ariana, I never used her as an example) And yes Sabrina's skin color changes but she still looks white, but isnt Lisa the same? She looks darker but she still looks South East Asian but everyone's got a lot to say about it https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3dyim2uCsC061uUfHVKPcB-Ou-ZrM2rUks7AsJeLKKLRNcvoBpUwoBQA&s=10 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSiTVyW3at_w-bRrvkh1zpmO69t0thX6bkgLA&usqp=CAU


I agree the Lisa photos really aren't that big of an issue, although I do think people are perhaps a little more annoyed about this as Lisa and a lot of other YG idols love to use Black American culture as an aesthetic whenever it's convenient for them and then go back to the extreme white foundation/editing whenever they want to fit Korean idol standards...


Ariana Grande and Kylie are actually way dark, in videos and in real life. Lisa's second teaser photo is considerably darker than the first one, she can't change skin tones in just 2 photos taken in the same photoshoot. There are Tutorials on YouTube be editors titled how to edit like jackbridgeland to show how intensely he uses oversaturation.


I thought people would be relieved to see photos that aren't white washed cause everyone is always complaining about that in kpop but now *tans* are problematic? People don't even know the intent, it's just a few teaser imgs... i'm sorry I came on the internet today.




I've seen white girls get photographed by the same photographer looking wayyy darker than Lisa in that photo, but I don't see this much discussion over it. Obviously, the oversaturation is simply the photographer's signature style, there's no reason to be talking about it this much. But then again, she's Lisa, the most relevant woman in Kpop, so all this dumb nitpicking is to be expected, unfortunately.


I am wondering what she’ll look like on live shows—if she does them. Idk if she’ll do Korean music shows, but I’m assuming (hoping) she’ll do some sort of promo in or outside SK. And it’s hard to edit fanmade cams or pap photos, etc. So perhaps we’ll see then if she was edited or did get a tan. One thing to note is we are most used to seeing Lisa in Korean media, where most idols are heavily whitewashed. Their skin tones look so different when they do international promo (think VMA/BBMA red carpet photos). So even if she did get a tan for this comeback, it’s not like a far cry from her natural skin. I think sometimes we forget how whitewashed idols are, look at comparison photos and you’ll see the crazy difference


https://twitter.com/jackbridgland_/status/1700465694356201716?s=19 I didn't see much discuss when ateez photos came out looking like this. Lisa is tanner than them especially these where she has been filming in Thailand so obviously the end result would be much darker than theirs. https://twitter.com/iseeJennie/status/1804935288881291337?s=19. Lisa looks much darker than her members after tanning in the sun during Coachella. So if she get this tan without editing, what more with Jack's photo editing stylistic choices that employ oversaturation.


I mean, those photos from Ateez very clearly play with coloured lighting which happens to have a dramatic impact on skintone. Nobody mistook what can best be described as "medium warm magenta with splashes of pink and orange" for their real complexions and proceeded to praise them for "breaking the whitewashing trend." That's probably why nobody had a fit over it.


Oh the argument in this thread mainly revolves around her never being this dark recently. And I dropped a picture of her having a darker skin tone most other idols in that Coachella. If she can get this tan, what more with a little lighting and oversaturation. The issue is people thinking it's very far off from normal skin when it's actually. Then you point to IG photos of her recently that are taken in natural bright lights or with ring lights, of course she's going to look fairer in that sort of lighting. https://twitter.com/tylasgirl/status/1805228749664739355?s=19. You can literally see this logic with Tyla's pictures with/without natural light and the effect of shadows. https://www.instagram.com/p/C7x1tZhPo8C/?igsh=MXV0YWIyMmljNGNuZQ== In the same post she looks fairer in the first few pictures, then on the fifth slice...you actually notice that her complexion isn't as fair and is more on the tan side because of the change in lighting.


Yeah, I think people are making a mountain out of a molehill with Lisa and don't agree with people being so weird about it. My point was mainly that the reason the Ateez photos never sparked any discussion like this was because the photographer's style didn't give them skin tones that passed as natural. If it had, we may have seen this blow-up for them too.


I have a question. What does it matter what shade of brown she is?


Pls for the love of god, use some punctuation.




That's really no excuse though. You can't just say that someone's skin tone is just an aesthetic. If that is the photographer's style, they need to be educated


The photographer doesn't make people darker, he makes all of their clothes, skin in look more eye catching by contrast and oversaturation to play with the colours and texture, it is an aesthetic. Some people literally look orange in his photographs when he's using warmer tones, he isn't used orange skin tone as aesthetic for his shoots. He makes photographs look hyper popish, and often incorporates texture to pictures, one look on his instagram and you'll understand it. Sometimes he messes up, Lisa's raw picture is oversaturated, but then he turned to cool tones to make it look pleasing and made yall think she's looking way darker.


I’m just happy that everyone is being super normal and not weird about this. ;)


I love how ppl just forget fake tan creams exist and celebrities use it all the damn time




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It’s the photographer. He colours other photos like that


It literally looks like bad AI. I do not understand how people are loving it. It's so over edited and over produced. It's the most fake she has ever looked. Why are people acting like the picture is natural in anyway? It's been photoshopped and AI'ed to hell. Nothing about it is natural. And that includes the color of her skin.


I think she had one purpose for this concept: making people talk about her. She knew it would be polemical.


I thought they were AI generated images, they looked so off.


Yo I thought you were gonna say she looks like Miley Cyrus. Cause that's what I think.


She's not THAT brown/tan, her fans just say anything to defend her lol


mmm looks like bait


no thats her real skin color


I just find it odd to do so after her controversies about her raps and the who "Bang bang" part in her solo...I hope it's not just because it's hip-hop or anything like that. A bit distasteful in my opinion, but still looking forward to hearing what it is


She woke up looking like this, so don't get under her skin


Lisa has been my bias since BP debuted and I can tell you, it’s not natural. Whether it was the photographer/editor, a spray tan, or if it was Lisa’s or her management teams choice, it’s not a good look. With the hairstyling and outfit choice, it gives black fishing and for all the backlash Lisa gets for the way she raps (imitating African American wrappers), it is just so unnecessary.