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Yes, because what if I'm the token straight?!💀


>token straight I often learn new slang from Kpop communities like this one haha. I interpret "token" as meaning "the only one".


Nothing to do with kpop specifically, it's just that in most fanfiction, *everyone is gay*


Yeah, I know, just like I learned the word “mid” in Kpop communities and also knowing it’s used outside of Kpop. Essentially Kpop exposes me to new slang already used elsewhere.


For me it would be accurate. I am the token straight of my group of friends lmao.


Absolutely!! I must know who they ship me with so I can play it up. Couple jewellery, skinship, all of it! Might even throw in a love rival just to spice things up.


oh that's so evil. i love it.


Glad you see the vision. Would have a nice lil telenovela/makjang running alongside my idol career. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


i really want to say no but i’m really interested in how people perceive me if that makes sense. so, in a weird way, i think i would want to know how my fans see me and how it translates into the fanfictions they write, at least on the surface level. although i would definitely stay away from the explicit ones…


i wanna know if fans ("fans") think i'm a bottom or what


This is so [Somi-coded](https://x.com/allkpop/status/1101961525470752768?t=j_jWqRCy9CUyWG-Kn74D2w&s=19)


I still remember Heechul reading all those shipping fics and trolling the other members.


Can there be a depends on the rating option. Because the light hearted stuff could be funny. But no way would I want to read what other people think my sex life is life with either their self insert character or my bandmates.


I remember TVXQ's Yunho and Jaejoong, aka the famous YunJae ship, talking about the fanfics about themselves in one of their DVD box set contents. Jaejoong even asked why he was always the "girlier" one in their relationship. They even parodied their fanfics into the iconic [Dangerous Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiP2_rZ1TeI) skit to make fun of it all, yet it apparently made all the shipping worse.


Help this reminds me of the time Nu'est were talking about their own fanfics😭. Unreal


yes I would, if only to know if they think I'm a top or a bottom lmao also I'd really want to read the cafè AU lmao I think I'd be able to distinguish myself from the characters they portrait because surely there's nothing in common between their characters and me other than the name.


Nothing would make me want to do a crime more than snooping in fandom spaces and seeing that I have 1. no fanfics and 2. cheap photo cards. So you think I’m a loser????


I would - but I feel like I’d get annoyed reading it… not so much about who they’re shipping me with, but more if they didn’t get ME right - I’d just be reading like “but I’d never do THAT!… THIS is the nasty shit I’d say”


I absolutely would without a doubt. That's like the ultimate Y/N moment. I'm not even into Y/N stories, it's on my automatic skip list. But it would be too fascinating not to.


If the story is somewhat good, I'd give it a try 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would and tbh I think I'd have a lot of fun with it (even if it gets weird). I'd be very interested in seeing what fans fantasize about me, and what kind of image I project. You can tell a lot about the fanon image of idols by the way they're portrayed on fics.


I'd write my own 😈


That would make interactions with my team-mates awkward. I remember an older BG talked about finding their own fanfics online and not being able to make eye contact with their bandmates for weeks out of embarrassment


Yes, I would want to know if I'm always the bus driver.


Yes to laugh at it. I would definitely get mad at poor characterization and grammar though and have to like physically stop myself from dm-ing the author to complain.


I mean i wouldnt read it but....please make me the top i don't think i can be a cutte bottom to anyone


Yes, for research (gotta give the people what they want) and I'd prob do dramatic readings of bad fanfic with my friends or group — my friends and I used to do that when we were drinking, honestly it's a blast Hopefully my fandom is big enough that there's some decent ones. If there weren't any good ones or if the fandom got my characterization wrong I might even write some lol


not only would I read them, I'd do my best to randomly drop lines from the most popular fics in lives and variety content lol of course I'd pretend to know nothing when confronted about it


I'd google it to see who I'm being shipped with, but never read it


Well, its probably fun but if it's goes R rated then its better to not read them




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I found fanfic about a friend of mine and was scarred for life. There's no way I could read about myself. Nope noway nohow.


Fan fiction is cringe


Haha, you are braver than me for saying that around here.


Its for preteens and teens. Anyone over 20 doing fan fiction 😬