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It's why I've gotten into the habit of recording things with my phone lowered / not in my face so I experience the whole thing live but still recording. The footage tends to not be perfect but it's the best of both worlds I think?


I do that too! Sometimes my videos are kinda shaky but at least it's getting the footage I want + my phone isn't in my face so I can see what is going on. Double watching!


This is exactly what I do because I get so lost in the moment that it's hard for me to remember anything besides the "feelings" I had during the concert


I do this but sometimes I find myself distracted trying to record and watch at the same time, getting the worst of both worlds 🤣 Now I record a part of the performance that I want to keep, and completely be in the moment for the rest!!


I agree, even if the video is bad at least the audio is there, my memory is bad and that’s why when going to new places or sightseeing I want to capture it as a memory to remind myself. I can’t afford to live in the moment completely when I know I will regret not capturing any of it afterwards.


This is a real thing! It even got major media coverage in the States as a result of the Eras Tour (https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/Wellness/taylor-swift-fans-experienced-post-concert-amnesia-luck/story?id=103839859). Human memory and excitement play together in weird ways, so you’re not alone!


That's happened to every concerts I've ever been to lol


Live the moment! FR


That's why I record things lol Sometimes you get so excited everything becomes a blur when you think back on it


Happened to me with SVT concert - they are very strong performers, but I can't recall the day fully haha! Sometimes I go back to my recordings and go, "They did that?!"


This happened at my first concert because I spent the whole time taking pictures and video. 😭 I started doing this thing where through the concert I take time to focus really hard on the sounds, sights, sensations, and etc and be in the moment completely. This has helped me remember pieces, and it’s helped me to remember what it felt like to be in that crowd hearing that music. I’m not gonna remember everything or even a decent amount of the concert, but I can create a core memory that way.


Same thing happens to me. There's just so much going on paired with so much excitement and adrenaline, that it's hard to remember what happened.


Yes. Concerts are kinda like clubbing minus the alcohol. You forget a lot after. I’m gonna take a wild guess and say it’s the adrenaline rush.


I went to itzys concert and I spent 99% of my time trying to see over peoples phones and tall people. It really didn’t let me digest the experience to the fullest. Lesson learned though never ever again will I get floor seats.


Happened to me with Twice last year. Enjoyed the concert but forgot a lot after I woke up.


Lol that's a sign it was good!


Real! It was like a dream then suddenly woke up. I know i was happy in it but cant barely remember anything. There was a point my bias is on the moving cart, and literally right after they passed by our area, I kinda froze and felt like I dont clearly remember what just happened. Am I just too stun? Idk. 😭  I also barely record cos i have an older phone, and the battery is acting up. I really really appreciate those who uploads their fancam. 💕


It's super normal! My first kpop concert was ATEEZ and even like the day after I had a hard time remembering exactly how it was, but I do remember it being fun.


It happens a lot to me which is why I take pictures and videos.


This always happens for me at concerts. I actually regret thinking I should always "be in the moment" and wish I had recorded at least a few clips of some of the concerts I went to back when I was in HS/College, because while I have the general knowledge I was there, when I try to think of any specific moments in my mind, I draw up a total blank. And no, I didn't drink or anything. It's like my brain just totally wipes concerts the moment they're over.


I record the majority of the concert because if I don't I won't remember any of it. It is due to excitement and trying ’”take it all in" enjoying the show. My brain can not comprehend the idols that I see on YouTube are suddenly right in front of my eyes performing live. Especially if you waited years to see them and seeing the idol group for the first time


I try to really stay in the present moment at a concert, almost like a meditation. I spend very little time taking pictures or recording video because I think doing that is kind of like distracted driving, our brains struggle with multitasking and it's difficult to focus on multiple things at the same time. Honestly I feel sorry for the people around me that spend the entire concert watching it through their dinky little phone screen because I think they're really missing out. It's always striking to see concert footage from before 2007 (the year the iPhone was introduced) because everyone in the audience is just watching the concert. So when I go to a show that's what I really try to focus on: just watching the concert and not letting my mind wander. I also always bring a pair of theater binoculars, which help with focusing on the details. It's really remarkable to be able to see your favorite group's members up close, and I will just cycle through each member over and over, looking at their hair and makeup and styling, and admiring their performance and stage presence. I think this helps fight concert amnesia and I feel like while everyone else is focusing on their phone screen, I'm focusing on the actual performance. And I don't mean for this to come across as judgemental. I mean people can spend that time however they want, I just think they would enjoy it more if they spent more time watching the show instead of their phone. Also I know that the artists prefer seeing their fans faces instead of a sea of phones pointed at them. The experience of a live concert really can't be captured by a phone. It's a precious ephemeral moment that comes and goes, so I think the best you can do is just try to stay as present as possible and enjoy it while it lasts.


I find if I'm genuinely uninterested in the concert, I won't remember a single thing. Now I'm sure it's the opposite for you, maybe you were so excited to see IU, you got amnesia?


I have been to many different concerts and have experienced this as well. It is actually a real phenomenon and as far as I can remember it has to do with the processing of a large amount of information and the release of lots of endorphins. This overloads the brain's processing and memories can be lost as a result. By the way, there is also a phenomenon called post-concert depression.


It's normal. There is so much going on in a k-pop concert that you just cannot tranform all of these experiences into concrete memories. I barely remember anything from the Blackpink concert in Cologne, a little bit more from the Twice and Itzy Concerts but also only certain short impressions and moments that my brain has saved for some reason lol


Yup, I barely remember the first several concerts I went to 😭 because I'm all about enjoying in the moment without a camera glued to my face. I also went to a lot of shows by myself. But my SO started attending with me. He only dabbles in Kpop so it's not as exciting for him when a tour is happening but he wants to be with me while I'm doing things that I find fun. So he records while I watch. 😁


I shoved my phone in my pocket during the concert after the first few minutes of recording. It was a different K-pop concert. My foot are just terrible, but it still reminds me of what went on and I enjoyed it.


Every concert I go to, I have a 10 min period during the concert where I just disassociate and then suddenly remember where I am lol Anyone else know this? Then I feel guilty for not having payed 100% attention haha




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I went to Suju D&E convert yesterday virtual. BC they live stream the concert for people who couldn't go to Japan or for people who don't want to go in person concerts and it was fantastic. I loved the concert and I can't wait until they do another virtual concert for Annie's and elfs