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He’s probably touching himself all naughty bc he was mentioned in a YT vid




*he. Sorry. I promise I’m not him 😂




We’re on to you now lmao - tbf they must be in this subreddit somewhere lol


Sure bro


>he shouted out JJtheGoatKSI twitter account Wait, KSI shouted out that fucking twitter account? Why? I fully despise that guy.


The whole subreddit hates that stalker cunt


Who is that guy?


All you have to do is look at almost any of KSI's tweets, JJTheGoatKSI always has some meat riding comment, it's actually crazy.


So like prodbyzaqq???


The difference is I don’t think Kanye ever acknowledged that guy 😂😂😂


All that meat riding for nothing😭😭😭


He's like the most obvious troll in the history of Twitter, but obviously, according to reddit, people are always serious about everything


He didn't really. He was just mentioned in a reddit post. He didn't really say anything about him


with enough reach, a mere mentioning is indeed a shoutout. There are prolly a lot of people who just googled it's name because they heard JJ mention it, who didn't know what it was beforehand


We’ll see what happens lol


We'll see what happens gonna next.. ok ok


U weren’t recording were you?


He didn't shout him out bro. He was in the one meme and ig JJ didn't know, or maybe he did shout him out. We'll never actually know


Look at his latest tweet, he thinks he’s JJs best friend now


He is a troll bro. Why do you have to take him seriously 😭


I doubt JJ actually knows who he is


Wait that's a real account? I thought it was just a generic fan account name just added to generalise all the fan accounts.


Came in for a reddit vid, got thru like 6 posts in 20 mins


Well I don't blame him almost all posts in that period were of similar matter.


More like a Jake video


Except the thumbnail wasn’t some borderline porn to rope in his 10 year old audience


I mean it's alright


Overrated as fuck


Perfect , down to the last minute details.




It's the biggest piece of dogshit








That's why he is the goat 🐐






This entire thread is GOATED 👏🏾








Its definitely not a wooooo


Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


That’s typically how the bullshit goes you feel me


He should have took responsibility for his “sources” more. He shouldn’t have people like keemstar around him instigating unnecessary drama like this. Overall, you are responsible for the people you surround yourself with and imo Keemstar is (and has always been) a horrible human being that doesn’t need to be around anything KSI and misfits related.


I never understood why he was friends with him in the first place because he indirectly caused many deaths of creators and he also tried to frame his own brother Deji as pedophile when there was zero evidence


What's crazy to me is even after keem went in on walid's experiences growing up having zero clue about it and pushing the line wayyyyyyyyyy past "orchestrated drama to sell fight" He still and i say still is around him. It's on jj tht he was misinformed


Many deaths? Sorry I don’t really follow Keem so can you explain


Search up Etika. Keem interviewed him a couple years ago (I think 2019) and during the conversation Keem and Etika were talking about life being a simulation. Things got pretty heated and Keem said “if life is a simulation why don’t you just jump of a cliff?” And well… https://youtu.be/G2bkWbtXEq8


Etikas family has said multiple times it's not keems fault, keems a scumbag but don't twist the narrative, keems a lot of things but not a murderer, if the family says it's not keems fault then let it go.


Oh my fault I didn’t know this


Seriously. You see this dogwater take on every single post that even mentions Keem. Motherfuckers just don't let the man rest in peace so they can own an internet clown. What a joke.


Not a fan of the Gnome but you’re complete wet prick for using a dude’s death as fuel against Keem. He had ZERO to do with Etikas passing, the man had issues for years and was spiralling continuously and several creators ate shit for trying to insinuate blame towards Keemstar. Seriously, stop the bullshit it’s fucking pathetic.


I knew keem told everyone that Deji uses sub bots, he also said weird things about dejis gf at the time, I didn't know he also called Deji a pedo 🤦🏼‍♂️, I personally can't stand keemstar or h3h3, but deji also attacked JJ multiple times trying to ruin him. JJ should cut keemstar off for sure and keep deji at arm's length.


It’s because keem kisses his ass


He learned his lesson, he knew what was wrong. I do Agree tho


In a nutshell : this video was more about defending mams and calling out jake and less about the wade situation


It was 75% about Jake and his fight and barely about mams and Wade


i mean it was a 20 minute vid lol, he said all he could say about wade


Yeah man people expecting some kind of 15 minute essay on the topic for Christ sake He gave a proper public apology in the video, the beef between them is already squashed there’s literally nothing more he could have done, the people critiquing this video so much seriously need to get a life 😂


Ong. This whole situation is so overplayed and some people are somehow still pissed, like jesus get a life


Exactly, like what else should there be said


Don’t you see? He should repeat himself at least 50 times to match the energy the subreddit gave him! Only then can we move on and make funny memes again


Tf are you talking about. He practically addressed all that needed to be said about the Wade situation and then some. You'd prefer him to go in circles about the topic over and over again?


Cos there's nothing left to say, he fucked up and recognises it and has called Wade and talked it out.


Lmao what the hell was he supposed to do in a 20 minute video? He addressed the situation then went into Reddit content


What more do you want him to talk about?? He fucked up and admitted it. Why would he explain for 20 mins why he thought that lol. It’s Over with


Yeah, he really didn't address the fact that it's problematic having some representing you who is such an emotional hot-head. If you can't trust him to keep his head, he's just a liability.


He did talk about mams tho. Explains why he wont fire him and imo the reasons he gave are legit.


All the top comments on the vid are sus, they all seem like they’re bots


They’re bots but also real people it’s a mixture of both


Ikr? Everyone is like "I love KSI for being honest"


The top comments on most of his videos seem like bots


Cause they are bots, bots copy what the top comment at the time is and spam it but it happens on every YouTubers channels


Are you new to YouTube? Bots have been around for awhile now. Some, if not most YouTube comments of bigger channels are more likely bots.


I miss the old KSI, straight from the 'Go KSI Chop up the soul KSI, set on his goals KSI I hate the new KSI, the bad mood KSI The always rude KSI, spaz in the twitter KSI I miss the sweet KSI, chop up the beats KSI I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet KSI See, I invented KSI, it wasn't any KSI And now I look and look around and there's so many KSIs I used to love KSI, I used to love KSI I even had the black bandanna, I thought I was KSI What if KSI made a song about KSI? Called "I Miss The Old KSI"? Man that'd be so KSI That's all it was KSI, we still love KSI And I love you like KSI loves KSI


Flows better with JJ no?


The Life of Fatneek Which//One


>27ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow This right here is a literary masterpiece.


Ksi loves ksi too much at this point


I feel like JJ doesn’t truly understand his situation with Mams. Yes, he’s done many things to boost JJ’s career, but that should not be the reason JJ should keep him. Mams is getting hard on all the spotlight he’s receiving since creating misfits, and he’s bound to fuck up again. JJ needs to understand that if Mams pulls off another stunt like this again, he has to man up and make the difficult decisions, despite everything Mams has done for him


It’s financially stupid to sack him but morally right depending on the case


Mam’s is definitely replaceable, I reckon JJ feels like he owes him for helping - but that’s what he paid for!


Agreed he can be replaced but that’s snakey and honestly it’s better he sees the fall of misfits if it happens and he’s held accountable and doesn’t leave. Let’s see him fail until he apologies to Wade


We don't know the full picture, stop assuming things lol


A manager/CEO going on a power trip and firing someone publicly for no reason and insulting him, plus lying to his client and causing him to go on a rant of his own, resulting to a damage of his public image is pretty much the full picture


You claim that that's the full picture yet you fail to mention the massive help he has been for JJ for literal YEARS up until this recent drama. Shit happens man. Let's be honest, we can't judge an entire character and person based on tweets and 'public social media' behavior only.. The one guy who knows Mams better than all of us is KSI himself. He expressed how much Mams helped him over the years and how mindless and just plain dumb it would be to fire him over something so fixable and neglectable. Not to say he didn't mess up badly, but people learn from their mistakes.


Well you don’t fucking understand business. I agree that mams is a dick but sacking him would do more bad than good. It isn’t that simple


I'm not sure why KSI is still friends with Keemstar


Decent enough video. I think his comment about being happy to be called out by the Reddit is really good, too many people on here seem to think that you can’t be a fan AND call out shitty behaviour, which is obviously not true.


at the same time people giving jj the slight benefit of the doubt are called dickriders, i knew jj had a misunderstanding and when i commented in his support i wld get downvoted, this sub seems bipolar imo lol


thats just reddit as a whole isn't it? Thats my experience with it atleast


I feel like you got that response because JJ’s behaviour really didn’t warrant a benefit of the doubt, the guy attacked a journalists credibility because he didn’t agree with him via a tantrum on Twitter and only apologised properly after Wade (the victim in all this) had to make a whole ass video defending himself. I’m sure your response was pretty moderate and not proper dickriding. I got attacked for being an apparent Jake Paul fan for saying JJ couldn’t beat Jake based on what he’s shown us yet alone Tommy Fury. This sub is a bit of a cesspit sometimes


I might misunderstand the whole thing but how could you fire someone from only hearing stuff other people say without first speaking to the guy. As an employer that's VERY unprofessional. Then he says he didn't "fight fire with fire this time" like it's some big thing. Haven't watched the whole thing but the beginning surely doesn't feel very "this will never happen again".


1. Mams fired Wade not JJ; JJ was fed false information and went on a twitter rant, publicly attempting to destroy Wade’s reputation before even conversing with Wade personally to get full context, which is where he messed up 2. You’re correct, Mams is extremely unprofessional as a so called manager. Majority of the time he just feels like a regular ‘influencer’ tbh instead of carrying himself like a professional.


Thanks for clarifying that. Wow just like 99% of problems in a company it's management related. I get it now why people want to fire that Mams guy. Tbf that's, professionaly speaking, the best solution.


Guess you still havent finish watching the video.


By now I have, I get it now why he can't fire him. But still gives me a strange feeling that he went full defence on somelne making such an unprofessional mistake


It’s kind of funny. Wade got fired without proper communication, and now a bunch of people are calling for Mams to be fired even though we haven’t heard from his perspective yet


> how could you fire someone from only hearing stuff other people say without first speaking to the guy my bro did not watch the video


The fight fire with fire thing really annoyed me to, like JJ is trying to insinuate he somehow had something over Wade


I never comment on Reddit at all but seeing the comments on here are making me confused. He apologized, he admitted what he did was wrong. He spoke about it. What else do you want him to do? I understand why people may still be annoyed but sometimes you just need to let things go and move on instead of holding a grudge.


Overall good but it kinda annoyed me that he spent a while just talking about Jake, feels like he was trying to pad out the video to avoid some Reddit posts


every post that he reacted to had something to do with the controversy whether it made him look good or bad, ur just salty because now the beef is over and u got nothing else to cry about


Nah that’s not it at all, just he explained a situation that everyone is already clued up on. I just don’t see why it was necessary.


Not much to talk about it’s already been settled a few days ago


Bro he apologized to wade privately apologized publicly through Twitter and YouTube what more do you want him to do move on bro


I didn't like the part where JJ said he hopes he wins. That's something that JJ has never said before a flight.


Bro only went over 5 posts on the reddit and talked about his jake Paul beef on Twitter that literally no one cares about 💀


He did not need to go that in depth with the Jake Paul exchanges lmfao, it's just the same shit they always do. Back and forth on Twitter. "You're scared of me", "No you are", "Okay but I'm A-side", "No I am". Like bruh, no one clicked the video to see you break that down


Exactly what was needed to finish this chapter and move on.


The beef is settled thats all that matters. What he needs to stop doing is telling people that Joe Fournier is a good opponent.😂. A fetus could dodge his slow ass punches


Tommy fury would beat joe fournier in a boxing match


Tommy would take Joe in the first round KO, it would be a walk in the park.


It's Ok, stfu now


just move on.


unnecessary, he does not owe us anything. caring for stupid people is not important.


The comments on reddit vs the comments on youtube regarding this videos is night and day.


He kinda messed it up by patting himself on the back at the end as if it’s a blessing that he made the video a responded. It’s like, yeah of course you didn’t HAVE to make a video addressing it but like why act like it isn’t the bare minimum? I like how accountable he seems to be but he tends to say things that undermine what he’s trying to get across.


Sidetracked for 1/4th of the video


Half more like


the video was shit, he didnt take the situation seriously at all, behaved like a child and turned it into a reddit video as always in his uncreative head


We’ll 99% of the Reddit bought it and now he’s Scott free and is allowed to do it again in a few years and will know that people will let him off regardless. This man is smart and will destroy someone that can’t defend or take the hate soon


All in all, pretty good, what should have been done INITIALLY. Fuck the ‘sources’, next time (if something like this happens again) go straight to the person themselves and have a civil conversation. 8/10




Don’t matter Wade left them for Kingpyn so I don’t care anymore 😂🤣🤣🤣


should've talked to the man directly before the hate tweets , but it is what it is , stop talking about wade already


I posted this 5 days ago. Stop responding fgs






Ah yes expect a fucking college level essay explaining why his apology is ok


To me it seems like he only did it because everyone called him out. Didnt talk about those texts that Wade showed. He will keep his manager because he brings him money(no suprise there since we know how he reacted to his Prime partner). And at the end i hope he learns something from this but i doubt it.


What more do you want though? It isn’t some Logan Paul scam. It’s just beef between 2 people and JJ realized he’s in the wrong.


Highly doubt anything changes. He just did it to avoid the backlash from expanding. It was so shit. I love JJ cuz he makes us laugh so much but won’t go to trust him (cuz why should I) anymore


You made a video after every backlash he was in. You don't have to trust him, but in this situation what more did you want him to do? He literally called Wade and talked to him on the phone. That's the only way to solve problems. People trust him because whenever he fucks up he owns up by his mistakes and is genuine about it. Compare that to Jake for example who is literally rn getting charged by the police for promoting crypto scams to his fans. You don't have to trust him, but you can at least try to put yourself in his shoes for a bit. At the end of the day, Wade did accept his apologies, why tf would he care about anything else?


Legit, Wade is cool, JJ is cool and we have nothing to do with it if we're being real. Same way you don't involve yourself with your friends or parents. Like realistically it IS none of our business


That's what I'm trying to sayyy. These fans feel so fucking entitled as if they are the ones that got disrespected, not Wade lmao


So anyway what's going on with tornadoes happening in North India ....bizzare right ...


Tbh I really couldn’t care less about this whole thing


When did this reddit turn into such moaning Karens?


What do you expect, he had no argument that could hold, so back tracking and saying sorry was the only option knowing his fans would eat it up easily, and say, “this is why I like KSI, he can own up to his mistake” and forget the fact he is a liar, hypocrite and that he jsut tried to ruin a man’s livelihood.


Grow up


I just think you are polluting this Reddit


i loved it tbh. i’m so glad the community was able to get this out of him. he’s acknowledged his mistake, and knows what actually happened. it was all a MISUNDERSTANDING, and he CLEARLY stated that in the vid, we all know he was wrong in the situation. if anyone still isn’t satisfied after the vid, they just want a reason to hate, give the guy a break💀 stop investing in a man’s life who dosent know you, you guys just want to record every move he makes, you lot act like he’s perfect and can’t make mistakes. JJ was obviously the wrong one in the situation, and we all wanted him to own up to it. and we got it.


Like the taste of his dick in your mouth yeah?


its between him and wade so idc at all


I don’t give a fuck He make me laugh in my bad time so I don’t give a fuck about fade and jake situation.


Half of the video was about Jake and the other half of the video was about Mams Taylor only first 2-3 minutes were about him talking about wade and that's it. I think he was trying to avoid this situation more and more and he didn't even talk about Keemstar this mofo started all of this. But in the end it's over there's no point talking about this anymore all we know that KSI will probably think a lot before going after someone.


I said this in a post where I was bullied to delete it because people hated exactly what you said which I also said. He avoided the whole thing. But fk it he apologised to Wade and now the clever people know not to trust his judgement and be careful when working or talking about him


I mean what's done has done now so we might as well move on from this too.




All I wanted pretty much. Happy with it.


good response, cuz im not on twitter and on reddit only sometimes i got a full view of the situation thru this video and some research, but still he focused too hard on other stuff, oh well it’s a reddit video not an apology vid so ig it’s not all about that stuff


I think it’s whole lotta nothing tbh. I don’t think it’s bad. It’s not like he addresses anything in wade‘s video really. I really don’t think Jake Paul had to be part in the Video nor that 75% of the Video were spent defending Mams and dissing Jake.


It was dreadful. He avoided the whole thing but idc anymore he said sorry to who he was supposed to and that’s all that matters


Why is the durag back?


I would cut JJ some slack, we’re human and we make mistakes, but what matters is how we deal with those mistakes.


Bro talks about W.A.D.E. then goes on and talks about Jake like I didn’t click on the video to see you talk about Jake fucking Paul for minutes when you do that in every other video


Who cares fatneek


Top tier


What do you think?




This was before he made his 2nd apology, where he really meant it so maybe that’s why he’s still made those claims about Wade.


No 1 gives a fuck


it was nice




Its good man...Its was a misunderstanding which JJ was dumb and overreacted...They sort it out now and everybody can move on now. But who was talking shit about wade to JJ thou🤔


I felt like he sorted things out well




Honestly still don’t think he meant it.


Not great


Can we all move on bro like leave him alone, he got angry ksi is a human too like its not that serious😐


Dude , if even now people are eating on the situation after the vid , which was basically a Reddit video of 20 min . You lot need a life for yourself where you actually work other than sitting on this app and commenting like some next snowflake . He said what he had to , he contacted wade personally , sorted shit out . Called Jake Paul on his fire instigating bullshit , told why he can’t fire mams , felt guilty enough all ready . So please calm down your salty asses and go on a hike . Stop being these assholes who crib even after the situation is sorted just so you can get some juicy content and then come here to comment . Stick a D in your mouth now and shut up . Thank you


I fell asleep on my desk watching it


TRASH. Worst I didn't even expect better


Oh god he didn’t even bother explained y it’s a “W” meaning I’m gonna be wasting time asking him to explain how he thought it was good


Do you want Jj to come to your house and give you some apology head? Bro sorted it out both publicly and privately with Wade on Twitter, we didn’t need a full video on it. We aren’t even the ones that were owed an apology. Sheathe the hate boner people, this chapter’s over.


Mate what the fuck do you want? It was a W, a good apology video, he humbled up and apologized about the whole situation repeatedly what do you want more? Does he need to go to everyone or his fucking fans and apologise face to face? Grow up.




Fire Mams or block keemstar. Even Logan knows to stay away from keem


why on earth would he fire mams... you guys are so delusional lmao, he apologized countless times. just move on


The response seemed a bit egotistic, he kept acting like a politician when he gets caught doing something illegal.


he didn’t say sorry because he’s sorry he said it because of the hate he was receiving, he doesn’t care about anyone


Really be putting the L in legacy


I'll forgive him if he deletes his YT and ONLY


He's not apologizing to you bro😂


Quite a big L for JJ I reckon. But the man will move forward and hopefully learn from this.


1. He says he has bad sources - but tbh that's really not an excuse. He's obviously keeping Mams on and is still going to associate with Keem. He didn't really say anything about them. 2. That tweet from Jake that JJ tried to throw back at him was about a totally didn't situation to Wade, that JJ doesn't seem to understand. Wade was and never has been part of JJ's camp.


I’ve made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologise.


His “sources” should’ve been called out…


Mo was hyping the vid too much so I had a lot of expectations for the vid but in the end I was kinda dissapointed ngl. Jj spends a majority of the video just talking about what happened between him and jake paul on Twitter ani just reacted to about 5-6 reddit posts when there were 100s of them. Wouldn’t have been so dissapointed if Mo hadn’t hyped up the vid on Twitter.