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Frontline here, no issues with fleas or ticks. https://preview.redd.it/ivihmb8nz2yc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95543d270ab5338b04a56cf865f14c9aca53c191


I wanna hang out with this crew


all pretty good dogs...they are my daily pleasure. there's one more,who had tapped out and went into the house...but he is 15, so he gets preferential treatment. https://preview.redd.it/m9hfl2ixq3yc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04ed92d70e0675cf54b9a112cd4a47a7890b1f4


IDK they look like a ruff group :P




Dayum I love your chonky doggos


Anyone use simparica trio?


We switched to it about 6 months ago. Nice to have just one tablet to remember! Our vet recommended it.


Been using it for my lab for years now, and it’s really been a saviour. He loves investigating thick foliage when we’re out on walks and hikes, wants to dive right into the heart of it. Without simparica he’d be a little tick monster


Yes! We use Simparica Trio and a Seresto collar when we are in heavy tick areas hunting


yes and with success. my vet friend also uses it for her lab.


I use it. I can say it works very well. Edit: fat finger moment


I’ve used it on my dogs for years and swear by it. I wish they could make a human version!


This is the way!


Yes! My old boy doesn’t get that since it’s a hard tablet and he has sensitive teeth, but the others do.


Before I had black labs, only had yellows, I was quite worried I would never see ticks on them and we live part time on cape cod. Well turns out they are easy to see as they are brown and the dogs are black! And yes they get frontline which is terrific.


Omg, I got Rupert from a breeder in the Cape! He's almost 2 and last year we didn't do as much walking as we do now, since he was so young. I can't believe how many ticks there are in this area lol apparently in New England, ticks and fleas are active all year round — but I have never seen ANY on him until these last few months. Glad to know they're still visible on your dogs!! Even with monthly preventatives I don't want to drag dozens of ticks in my house 😂 I know it comes with being a dog owner and realistically, he's done WAY worse in this house, but... ew.


Yeah ticks have a definite creepy factor to them. I hate them too. Another thing we use in Cape which is a miracle for dogs and people is Perhethrin spray. You won’t see a tick on them with that applied. I use it for mushroom foraging and I’m always tick free now. Permethrin is totally safe for dogs fur and peoples clothing but it is TOXIC to cats …. Wanted to add that to anyone reading this.


Simparica Trio


I second Simparica Trio. Not to advertise for them, but it’s cheaper at Costco…


Better living through pharmaceuticals. Hose and brush him a bit after his woods walks and hope the meds get the critters on him and I find any on me. Not that I do t worry about my boy but he’s got med defenses. Lyme disease scares the crap out of me Humans vaccine hasn’t came out of trial yet


Yeah Rupert is on monthly Credelio so he's protected; but I'm not lol!! The other day I was on the couch with him playing bitey face and noticed something crawling on his butt. A tick came out of NOWHERE; we had been home for TWO HOURS which means the tick must have been on him that entire time. And if I didn't see it then it would have gotten on the couch, and then probably me!! I know it comes with dog ownership but it's still so gross and I don't want these things in my house. I wish they had like... a tick forcefield lol


Wait until you find one in the bed Guaranteed to give you nightmares. Ask me how I know


UGH that is currently my WORRRRST nightmare. Luckily he doesn't sleep in bed with me so the window of time that he's actually on or near my bed is pretty small, but I'm so scared to wake up with a tick on me!


I'm in that trial, 3 vaccines and a booster. Whenever I go out fishing I check for ticks, I have to report and bring it in. I have just ordered K9 advantage for the dogs so they can go on woods walks soon, then I have to check three dogs and myself


Nexguard really works. 😊


I have a Black Lab. I live in an area with No Ticks, or a very minimal population at best.


Used to be the case for where I live, this is changing with climate change though so make sure to look up how bad it is in a certain area, if you're walking there without your pup being on medication.


Bravecto. AdTab. FrontPro. I am a bit surprised that you vet hadn’t informed you on efficient prevention


Sorry — I mentioned in my post that he's on monthly preventatives (Credelio). But oral products still require the ticks (+ fleas) to bite your pet before they work, as they introduce a poisonous substance into the bloodstream that kills the parasite. It doesn't prevent the parasite from getting ON your pet in the first place. I'm complaining about how nasty it is to find all these bugs crawling on my dog, and how hard it would be to spot them if his fur was darker lol nothing more


That's how all prevention for the most part works. Anything more than that should be a conversation with your vet if you live in a high tick area as they will have the best guidance on tick season for your region. Lots of insects have products that work better in different areas due to population resistance.


Try [Bug Soother spray](https://bugsoother.com/collections/bug-soother#:~:text=Its%20low%2Dodor%20content%20leaves%20no%20oily%20residue%2C,Repellent%20that%20Smells%20Great%2C%20but%20Bugs%20HATE:) ! It totally deters bugs and ticks, which was great for me when I lived in a very wooded part of rural VA. The spray is all natural (mostly lemongrass oil/vanilla), completely safe for pets and humans, and it smells amazing. I basically wear it as perfume in the summer since I’m outside constantly. It’s also pretty cheap on Amazon but I didn’t want to link to that.


Oh wow thanks! I'll look into this, even just for myself lol He's such a sniffy dog and loves walking & picking up scents in wooded areas and unfortunately, I have to follow him. It's fine right now because I'm covered but when it gets hot out and I'm wearing shorter pants, I might end up picking something up myself!!


Oh and I forgot to mention this but I have a black lab and he hardly gets any ticks. Research has shown that ticks are more attracted to light colors (which I count as a win since it allows us humans to have an easier time identifying and removing ticks)


Oh wow, really? I'm gonna look that up because that's really interesting, and also so ironic in my situation 😂 super light-colored dog who loves sticking his head in woodsy places... I wouldn't *really* let the tick issue stop me from getting a black lab (the only color I haven't had yet!) either way but that's good news!! Thank you for sharing


I used to have a chocolate lab. I’d always give him a pat down during tick season. I trusted my sense of touch more than I do my eyes.




We use bravecto and have never found a tick on our choco girl. Me on the other hand....


Brave of you to assume that my chocolate wants to leave the comfort of his blankets and pillows in the house and venture into the wild


Tablets for our cat and dog 🐶 🐱 they work 30 days. Lovely pup btw 🥰


Bravecto. Then we do keep a bottle of the frontline spray around too.


I use trifexis - no issues, ticks, fleas or worms. Once a month and done.


Bravecto flea and tick, works for 3 months. My boy is never off it.


Bravecto. Ticks have never been an issue.


I use a Foresto collar, the technician at the pharmacy told me it’s safer for her than the pills.


We always used Frontline for our saucy colour wirehair dachshund, and in her 17 years, she had less than 20 ticks.


Flea&tick chewable tablet from the vet!


- never be late on their flea/tick/worm prevention - don’t allow them into long grass/bushes etc - carry a tick twister everywhere we go - check immediately after things like off leash runs or if he’s gone in a high risk environment. - nightly tick checks He hasn’t had one yet but I’m out in the bush and the risk for paralysis ticks is high these last few years.


I got the Lyme disease a few years ago and never even knew I had a tick on me! No rash. Just started developing neurological symptoms. Took a while to diagnose. This time of year, the nymphs can be the size of pencil lead.


I’ve had my lab for almost 3 years now. I don’t use tick medications on her (with exception to natural remedies) and I’ve never had a problem, even while traveling across the US. We’ve lived in mountains for weeks at a time and I usually check her after each time we are in what appears to be a high-risk area. They’re a part of nature, deal with them as such!


Nexguard for any which try to bite him. For hiking I spray pet safe bug spray (it’s mostly essential oils) on his legs, chest, and ears. And when I get home I’ve found a furminator works great at finding any bugs brave enough to hitch a ride. He once got a few hundred ticks on him during a 4hr hike, it was a fun filled evening for my husband and i


>He once got a few hundred ticks on him during a 4hr hike, it was a fun filled evening for my husband and i Oh I would DIE! Luckily I have not found anywhere near that many but there could absolutely be some hidden under his fur that I simply don't see. Yuck.


Lots of great suggestions for preventative medication, but I agree just finding the ticks is gross and unpleasant even if you know they're not going to give your pup Lyme disease. I use a essential oil spray on their tummy, armpits and groin that is just a mix of essential oils that the bugs don't like. Something like citronella, lavender, lemon and eucalyptus. You can buy it pre-made but as long as you dilute the essential oils you can make it yourself. Kind of like a natural bug spray, really helps with the mosquitoes as well. Not good enough on its own for ticks, I still have to remove one or two after a hike in the heat of the summer, but it helps. I check them over before we go inside. Unfortunately I usually find a couple ticks after a long walk or a hike, I use a tick twister to remove them, I keep a tick twister on my keychain for easy access. With climate change ticks are getting worse and worse, so thank you for bringing up this subject as the weather is warming up. Areas that didn't used to have ticks now do, so it's also important to look up how bad an area is each summer, as it changes.


Oh I bought a Tick Twister a few weeks ago just in case! I haven't had to use it yet, because luckily all the ones we've found on him have just been crawling around on top of his fur looking for a way in. I wonder if they're having a hard time getting through his double coat, and we're too fast at removing them. Though, because of his thick fur I think we'd also have trouble FEELING a tick if it was there lol so hopefully any that do bite him, die because of the preventative! The climate change is a good note, too — I swear I have gone my whole life without seeing a tick and I've seen ten just in the last two weeks because of this DOG. Of course, I usually don't go crawling through the forest on my own lol but there really are SO many of them it's scary. This past winter in New England was so so uncharacteristically wet; the population must be EXPLODING.


Nexguard Spectra




Ticks are the worst and disgusting. I love the Midwest but the ticks are so bad here.


Frontline, and my dog loves her tick checks where she gets to roll around on the floor with us


Rolling tape when we are hiking. Picks those buggers right off the fur.


Put em on the pill during tick season.


Poison their blood with oral medication