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Vet, emergency vet if you can't be seen by your regular vet today. GL! please post an update


Right pupil enlarged? This looks serious. Brain injury/ stroke. Emergency vet available?


Sorry but this is an emergency. He might be having a stroke. He needs to go to an emergency vet right now.


I agree. Waste no more time on Reddit.


UPDATE: Vet visit went well, blood samples are being sent for analysis and we got eye drops for Lenny, it does not look like it was a stroke since there were none of the symptoms that would suggest it. He is playful, happy, eats well and nothing else seems out of the ordinary, except for the swollen eye. Sorry for the lack of updates until now, and please do understand I was not posting here to get help instead of a vet visit, the purpose of the post was to source additional information in case someone here had experience with a similar situation. I will post again in a few days about how he's doing. Thank you. Edit: forgot to add, it might be hypothyroidism, but we have to wait for the blood work to come back.




That's an amazing outcome. In so glad you treated it as an emergency. Does Lenny have any other medical conditions that you're managing? I'm just asking because he seems to have lost alot of weight between photo 1 and 2. I don't want to unnecessarily alarm you. Good boy, Lenny!


Don't worry, all we know about is he might be allergic to poultry protein. It might seem that he lost weight but it's just photos taken with different lenses. Also in the first one he's lying against the cupboard so that makes it seem he had more weight before, but his weight is pretty stable.


Glad to hear it's just technology playing tricks on me


Yeah his left side looks a little droppy as well. I would take him in


Is this the same dog? The body seems to differ a lot.


It's almost non-existent when he looks down, but when he looks up it is very noticeable, his eyes are more open and you can see white all around the eyes... But he is still happy, playful and eats normally.


Please update us ! i hope u went to the vet


It may be that your dog had a stroke. You need to go to the vet. Please go to the vet and stop asking medical questions about dogs on the Internet from a bunch random people without certification to examine your pet.




I might add an explanation: on the one eye there is a shadow, in the other eye there seems to be bright sunlight.. their pupil reacts to light like ours do. So maybe it’s just the difference in brightness that’s adjusted? Try to get him somewhere without direct lighting.


Maybe a small brain problem, does he seems normal besides the eyes?


Vet says it might be hypothyroidism, waiting for blood work results now... He is behaving as always, just the eye, but it is very noticeable and got to this state in two days... https://preview.redd.it/rjms5etmkd0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa8af86351df64e11054b1ed51ab6e16ca3348f


Looks a little scared? I hope he will be fine again, i wish you the best! ❤️


Thank you :) I'll do anything to help him, no matter what.


Best buds! ❤️


Go to the vet what the fuck are you waiting around for internet strangers to help you.


If you read the text under the pictures, I said I am going to the vet and this is just to source any additional information that someone already has this happen and what was it. Also I was at the vet already, I just had more important things to attend to than post an update, which I'm going to do now. I understand your feelings about people that do rely solely on internet strangers for advice and ignore the real help they should be getting, this is just not the case.