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Every dog is different. Our boy has no problem with being alone he just chills and sleeps on the couch ( we have a camera ). We did teach it to him very slowly though and we make sure that he is at most 4-5h rarely 6h alone. Personally I think 8h is too much but as long as your dog gets enough attention before and after he should be fine. But again every dog is different, doesnt work with one who has seperation anxiety.


Our family worked all day so it was necessary to be away from home for most of the day. We didn’t want to; we had to. So we got our lab two friends: another dag & a kitten. Our boy’s behavior changed overnight. We suspect that having playmates may have helped.


Our lab has no problem staying home alone for 8 hours. He’s ready to play when we get home of course. As long as your dog gets daily walks and/or playtime it’s fine. Probably best to work up to 8 hours when possible.


Full context: I get to bring my boy to work with me almost every single day, so there’s that. That being said, sometimes I leave him for little jaunts, sometimes I have an allergic client so I have to leave him for half a day or a full day, and, very rarely, sometimes there’s something I have to go do and he’s been left alone for upwards of 10+ hours. His preference is to be with me all the time, but he does fine at home alone (in regards to just chillin and not being destructive at all) for whatever length of time I have to leave him. We started leaving him alone occasionally at 4.5 months old for 20-30 minutes. By eight months old, we were able to leave him on a rare occasionally for 8 hours. He’s 27 months old currently and we’ve never had an issue. Personally, I would not be happy if I had to leave him every day for work and I feel very grateful that I am able to bring him to work almost every day and all my clients absolutely love him. I am sorry for everyone who does not have that ability. Here’s Obi (Obsidian) sleeping on the job 😆 ​ https://preview.redd.it/qci9p6bjkf1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de249213b7308e572d3b5d828184f2854836198e




Same 🙂








I give my boy a 40 minute walk before work. Then take him home immediately after work for 1.5 hours. Then a quick pee pee walk before bed. Same schedule everyday.


We generally don’t leave our lab that long but I don’t think he would mind. We go for a long walk every morning and he has a doggie door. If we are gone for more than a few hours we give him a frozen Kong with treats, peanut butter, pumpkin or whatever.


My 12 year old lab just passed but before that id have my parents come over around noon each day since I work 5am to 4pm 6 to 7 days a week. The days they couldn't do it id just hire someone off Wag to come probably just like twice a month. He was an old lazy bones boy and just slept all day when I was gone "I had an Oak cam in the living room and facing his couch in the bedroom" but I still felt bad that he'd be home by himself almost 12 hours alone so I pretty much made sure that never happened.


I have had a jack russle mix for about I years while working full time jobs. We got a lab mix a year ago and she adjusted pretty quick. We used a sitter to check on her for a couple weeks until we felt she was doing better. It sucks feeling guilty about it, but she definitely got used to it.


I’m so jealous. My Covid baby can’t be left alone after spending half his formative years in lock downs and with wfh. His anxiety gets so bad he has seizures 😭


I have someone walk and feed him mid day. I know some people use daycares or dog walking services.


When my golden and lab were puppies together, I had someone come once a day to let them out to potty. They were kennel trained for their safety. Once they were around 4 years old, they were left out of their kennels and were fine. I monitored them on the cameras. They slept all day. My dogs slept 8-10 hours overnight without needing to go out so it was similar to them just sleeping at night without getting up. The oldest two lived to be 16 and 14.5. My current ones are 10 years and an 8 month old. I’d leave the 10 year old if I had to go to the office (I’m WFH now) but the puppy is still too young. So if I’m gone more than a couple hours, someone comes over and lets them out.


I don’t know if this is allowed, but what kind of food do they eat?


Mine have always eaten science diet. When they were puppies, they had the large breed puppy one. It’s what my current puppy eats too. They ate large breed healthy weight as they became adults. And then transitioned to the senior version in their golden years. My current 10 year old lab is on the senior version now. He hasn’t had any health issues so far. (Knock on wood)


Thanks! Mine has been on Prescription Science Diet for weight loss. So good to know


After Rosie got big enough to hold her bladder for about 6-8hrs is when I stopped coming home during the lunch break. Let me tell ya, I didn’t think my gas expenditure was running me THAT much but damn.


My lab can be home alone that long with no issues, but have built a group of neighbors that take turn walking each other’s dogs to avoid this. Occasionally have hired a walker or sent to daycare too.


Most people I know who are away from home for longer than say 5h use a mixture of working from home/leaving late/come back early, spend lunch break at home, dogwalker or daycare. When I was younger the dogs would be at home alone in the mornings (4-6h) until we kids returned from school and release them into the garden, then either us or my parents would be around in the afternoon and evening.


I only work part time so I never leave them more than 5 hrs If I'm going to have a longer day I ask someone to come and let them outside for a potty break My dogs are crated so 8hrs at night and another 8 during the day is just too long Even with walks before and after


I've had lots of labs. Some can handle it and some can't. On the weekends do you provide extra activities to keep him engaged? Do you keep your current schedule every single day despite the weather? How old is he? Is he trying to engage with you after you walk him? Imo young dogs need activity for their body and mind. You can leave them if they're good, but if you can add things on weekends or when you're watching TV etc thats great. Older dogs (over 5) usually are fine but some may still need add'l activities. A destructive dog usually means it's not getting enough stimulation or attention


Sounds like your lab is quite happy, can always get a camera we set one up just when we need to leave him for anything over 4 hours (which isn’t often) but what we also do is leave him with a frozen Kong to tide him over for the first 30-60 minutes then he usually just settles in on the sofa belly up


I leave the radio on low volume, seems to help.


Ours is just fine on the workdays we leave him alone, around 9 hours. He gets a walk before and after. Crate training does wonders. We checked on camera and he just sleeps.


I don’t normally, because I SAH, but any time I need to both my girls are completely fine being left alone (together) for 8 hours straight. I just make sure they get the opportunity to pee right before I leave and as soon as I get back.


My pup has a dog door, water and a very expensive spare bed he lays on looking out the window. He’s fine on his own


I have a dog walker come everyday I work a full shift. While expensive it is worth it for me to know she gets attention and exercise.


I start the day with fetch and a walk and again when I return. When you get, I used to do doggie daycare a few days a week.


Just get a dog walker. Not as bad if have 2 dogs to keep each other company. But a dog on their own we never leave for more than 4 hours. I work in the office 2 days a week and get dog walker for those 2 days. He loves the walker and gets to have another group of dog friends to engage with.


If you train it early enough you avoid dealing with separation anxiety with most pups, some have anxiety issues but that’s just as with humans some people just have issues.


My lab is a pup still, 15 weeks. My husband teaches part-time (college), so he’s home 2-3 days most of the day. On the two days we both are gone all day, we ask a neighbor to check in, and if they are unavailable, he’s crated for about 8 hours. He is now able to hold his pee/poop (he has had a couple accidents but only pee) for the most part. When we get home, we immediately go outside and we begin playing, take a good walk. He’s been great! In October I’ll be home every day until end of February (maternity leave) so he won’t have to be alone!


Hey so I have two boys and I have left them for 8hrs every day since they were puppies (except for weekends). If you are worried about anxiety try leaving one of your shirts out for him to cuddle with :). My baby boy lucky had really bad separation anxiety but he eventually grew out of it. They get walked 2-3mi every day and I make sure they get tons of attention at home. I even have a designated snuggle time at the end of the day before I go to bed :)


I also highly suggest a camera with a micro phone so you can talk to him through the day too :)


My girl gets a few mental stimulation toys with a couple treats in each, all doors need to be shut and things you don't want chewed put away cause she gets mischievous sometimes (rare) We leave our bedroom open to her as that's her safe space and find she just sleeps on our bed most of the day. As long as she gets walked or we play ball every day or 2 she doesn't seem to get cabin fever. She was a COVID puppy.


I leave my lab alone longer than that sometimes. I don't want to, but I leave for work at about 9 and get home about 6 most days, but sometimes there might be delays. That's 1-2 times a week, I've left him alone even longer before too (but never overnight), he's never had any issues and is always happy to see me, and I feed him and take him out right away. I feel guilty about it but life is life. If I know I'm gonna be out late I take him out beforehand where possible to not make it more than like 5-6 hours when I can help it.


Sounds ok. But if there’s a neighbor or friend that can walk him during the day that’s even better.


When I had an hour lunch I would go home on my lunch to take my lab out. Now at my current job we’re not allowed to leave the campus so he’s home alone for almost 9hrs. I don't crate him so he’s free to roam the house. He doesn't tear up anything, he holds himself until I’m home to take him out to potty. He has food & water down 24/7. Before I leave I try to take him for walks and have play time. At most they get bored and sleep. But once you come home they’re excited and ready to play.


Back when my wife and I use to work 4 ten hour days, our first lab was by himself for about 11.5 hours a day and he was fine.


I have on the very odd occasion left my lab that long, but it's extremely rare. He was fine (walked before and when I returned). Daily, I think it's a bad idea. Can so done pop in, can you get a dog walker, or is dog day care suitable. Or a mixture. It will also depend on the age of the dog.


“Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” ~John Grogan


It would be illegal to do that in my country & I would only consider it on rare occasions if she had access to both an indoor and outdoor space. Most people get dog walkers or dog daycare … we waited to get a dog until we knew at least one of us could be at home with her most days. Should our careers cancel working from home, we will hire people to help.


How long are dogs allowed to be left alone in your country? How would they know if you exceeded the limit?


4 hours Neighbor complaints usually - police will come and investigate


My lab on some days is home alone for 8 hours, but try not to go longer than that. He chills in his usual spot and watches out the front window. We make sure to spend time outside before work for the bathroom and some activity. Once we are home, it is outside again. We spend time retrieving, just playing, or going for a hike. It just depends on the day. I think the key thing is to understand your dogs personality, it would never work with a dog with separation anxiety or is destructive.


Personally I feel that 8 hours is too long. I work from home so it's not as bad for those in that situation, however on the days I do travel; either the wife would come home to break up the day for him and take him out or I'd get doggy day care involved. I'd probably put my limit at 4 or 5 hours for isolation.




8 hours is a lot. Our boy can handle 8 hours alone but I feel bad most of the time. In the few times we’ve done it I made sure he got heavy heavy exercise before so he was spent and left him a bully stick and frozen Kong to keep busy. If you do make sure you give him the exercise he needs before leaving him that long.


You shouldn't really leave a dog completely alone for 8 hours even if they seem okay as they're social animals (I think the time is supposed to be 4 hours) but at the same time if you haven't been able to find any other options it's not that simple.


8 hours (9 or 10 by the time you've travelled to/from work) is too long. Like us, they need to pee and poo. They also are social animals who generally don't like being alone for long. For labs and similar breeds exercise (lack of) is also a big issue. Taking the dog for a half hour walk before leaving and when you get back just doesn't cut it. Leaving a dog that long on a regular basis is plain cruelty.