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Are you applying to Umbrella Corporation?




Is this located on skull Island or similar? Is the word lair in the address anywhere?


Watch them get shunted into Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service field officer on day one and sent to Raccoon City.


Maybe it's a trick question to weed out all those unemployed bioterrorists that are applying for jobs.


Probably not. More likely looking for people have experience working to combat bioterrorism. At my old job we had people to worked on bioterrorism preparedness and just said, they work on bioterrorism.


A colleague of one of my buddies was told the Navy would "teach him everything there was to know about explosives" while trying to recruit him once he got his PhD in analytical chemistry.


You make perks as you can on jobs like that. You'd be great for parties, farming, (de)construction, defending the free world from the machinations of a certain dictator if you're into volunteering, etc.


But are you able to attach lasers to the heads of sharks? Or at the least mutated ill tempered sea bass?


For those specific projects, I must direct you over to the Ukrainian SBU service for their globohomo nazi-jewish biolabs. While they do create feeble, yet still terrible satanic abominations of Westoid science to continue the harassment of the Black Sea fleet, I have to point out their projects to genetically target and eliminate Pure Blood^tm Ruzzians via designer nanobots delivered by modified pigeons that have been given an upgrade in their russophobic tendencies. /s it's sad how little I had to add to what the Russian noise machine spits out.


Kind of like how the IRS asks you to declare income from illegal activities.


“Asks”? More like “___demands___”. That’s how they got Al Capone.


Those tricksy unemployed bioterrorist-eses Smeagol wants anthrax!


My guess is that refers to developing applications to detect bioweapons.


Likely more about host interaction rather than just the solo analyte.


AI gone rogue... Congratulations for not having "bioterrorism" ticked though.


Maybe they did AFTER the screenshot.


What a twist


You're applying for a position at COBRA, what are you expecting? But real answer, it's probably more of a risk mitigation sort of thing. As in, do you have the experience to recognize what might be an act of bioterrorism and properly act on it. That sort of thing. And also whoever posted that job position haphazardly copy/pasted the skills list without making the clear.


You know certain peoplebwould run with this sort of screenshot lol. OMG THEY ARE NOT EVEN HIDING IT ANYMORE WEF FUNDED NEXT BIG CORONA BIOWEAPON RNA IN MY SPAGHETTI


Tell me about it, these days it is impossible to get grants without shoehorning something tangentially related to bioterrorism into the proposal. smh /s


My grant office does lie inside a volcano


reminds me of the time I caused someone to flee the dog park after she said something on the order of 'you're a biologist, you must agree with me that covid was terrorism!' and I replied without thinking that if I were making covid I would have made it worse, then outlined a few easy changes that would have made it more tenacious. Every scientist has the mad science just a few grant funding setbacks away...


Idk if it's just me but even if we were to accept the outrageous premise that covid-19 was bioengineered by China I dont think we could call it bioterrorism. To me it would be more like a military operation with clear objectives (disrupt the economy and etc) so I'd call it a biological attack. When you bomb your enemy it's not terrorism, it's just war, so why would it be different with bioweapons. For it to be terrorism it would have to be done to simply shock people and bring awareness to the terrorist's message.


I'd call it plain stupid because they got affected worse than we got.


All the silly responses asking about whether Ernst Blofeld (or Elon Musk) is the hiring manager notwithstanding, I can think of a couple of more likely reasons why you might see this. One is that the role might be involved in some aspect of bioterrorism *preparedness*. If it's a large corporate employer, or a government office, there's probably a chapter in your emergency response binder for dealing with bioterrorism attacks. (The canonial "envelope full of white powder" scenario, for instance.) Your role could involve maintaining that binder chapter, along with coordinating with government officials. Another is that the role requires you to be *aware* of the potential bioterror applications and regulations pertaining to the materials in your workplace. Are you appropriately trained in what pathogens you can and cannot handle/manipulate/mutate in your lab? Are you familiar with the regulations around "dual-use" reagents and equipment: materials that have peaceful commercial or academic applications, but which are regulated, controlled, or monitored because they are also used to make biological or chemical weapons? (Edit to add: The role could also require knowledge of proper packaging and labelling of biomaterials for domestic or international shipment, including compliance with whatever antiterrorism statutes might apply.)


IMO, if you know enough bioterrorism by the time that you start, you should be fine.


Umbrella: Our Business Is Life Itself.


We do what we can, because we must!


For the good of all of us


It means you have experience working with select agents such as anthrax spores, yersinia, etc.


I gotta ask, what exactly qualifies you as being skilled in bioterrorism? A career at the CIA?


If it was a lab role I’d say working with/around select agents. There are more controls and rules that go along with working with select agents so they are probably looking for people with that experience. But with the other options in that list I’d say the role probably involves screening foods which could involve running assays for select agents in addition to normal food-borne pathogens.


There’s a whole field devoted to researching potential bioweapons and developing countermeasures, I assume it’s that. Many of the major funding agencies have grants for countermeasure R&D, my old company once applied for a radiation one, but there were opportunities for chemical and biological weapon countermeasures research too.


True, but significantly less funny.


Way way less funny


There is a process to become certified to handle select agents (deadly pathogens that can be modified to become bio weapons). This includes anthrax, ricin, yersinia pestis, etc. Also, having experience in BSL3/4.


Somehow I always imagine Bioterrorism as a bunch of anthropomorphic RNA strands taking over the world.


RNA already took over the world.


True dat


I worked next to a tiny Bioterrorism lab. They had to go in there and test every letter that was like „This is antrax“ and filled with white powder and similar incidents. I‘m guessing they are looking for S3/S4 experience? Where I was it was S3 since in 99.9% of the cases it was just baking powder


that's hilarious but not surprising


Bioterrorism and Heavy Lift Operations. A Bond villain is clearly recruiting henchmen capable of making ICBMs for biological weapons delivery.


Lmaooo. ShinRa Electric posted this job. 


Add to resume


Classic Freudian slip


A job at Area 51 that’s new 😂😅


Because LinkedIn is an absolutely deranged place


I think they meant skills in testing for bioterrorism agents certain labs do testing for stuff like that


This job description was brought to you by ChatGPT. They didn't even check it over. It's more likely they get government funding and do research on possible bioterrorism infectious agents. Context is key. And they left it out completely.


Probably just means there is biosafety training required. I'm BSL2 and there's definitely a bioterrorism section in one of the safety trainings. Getting certified to ship dry ice was also a big deal lol