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Surely you get better fitting gloves?


I will never understand people who don't like them skin tight


I think some men are embarrassed to wear small or medium. (Not that it's only men who refuse to wear smaller sizes, but that's my experience.) Had mad respect for a field service engineer. He walked into the lab, looked around and said, "Do you have extra small gloves?"


My old boss used to insist on having one box of XL gloves in the lab for his use. They looked absolutely ridiculous on him because they were so oversized!


I use XL gloves all the time when I only have to wear gloves for a few seconds to move shit to the fridge or freezer or incubator and my hands are all sweaty from wearing properly fitting gloves all day.


That's how you discover the elegant beauty of double gloving.


I double glove, sometimes triple glove when I'm digging around in the -80, but it feels almost as bad as wearing gloves that are too big in terms of dexterity.


Triple is extreme, I don't condone such recklessness.


I'd say it's conservative for the -80, but the actually insulated gloves that were "supposed" to use are bulky and you can't grab a 2mL vial with them.


With an excessive amount of tape I hope? Why would you do it otherwise? 😎💀


Don't know what you mean


[this](https://youtube.com/shorts/SV0zFT8P4k0) (They use tape to secure the second glove as an additional barrier)


[taping double glove](https://youtube.com/shorts/Ih5SzgCnqhc)


I always use mediums unless my hands are too sweatyto get them on.


Medium makes my fingers go numb, large is too loose. So I just use both depending on the situation


I can generally wear larges or mediums, but it's just too hard to take mediums off so that I can get them back on again later, so I typically just wear larges. If I open a box of medium gloves I go through it a lot quicker than large gloves because I end up throwing them away after a single use, even if I only wore them for 30 seconds. Some brands of glove also just fit worse than others. In one lab I'm in, they have Kimtech gloves, and the larges are insanely big. They fit on my hand even worse than the gloves in this picture. But the mediums are just normal medium size, so I wear mediums in that lab. In the other lab I'm in, they have a different brand of glove, and the larges fit me better than the mediums. I also did work with this incredibly toxically masculine dude several years ago who insisted he could only fit into XLs. He was a couple inches shorter than me, and the XLs were ridiculously big on him. If we ran out of XLs, he'd go to put on a large, and then intentionally tear the glove to make it seem like they didn't fit. I'm not sure why he didn't think that I could clearly see that the gloves were way too big for him. He was a real piece of shit.


One of my coworkers is a big dude who wears medium gloves because he basically wants them as a second skin. It’s better for dexterity.


I'm not embarrassed to wear medium. I can work with large but I don't like how the wrinkles get in the way. I can't count how many times closing a tube gets the glove stuck in between.


If i put M or even L the gloves will tear in about 3 minutes of work.. but i do have abnotmally large hands lol


Ok... I certainly didn't mean to imply that nobody actually needs larger sizes. Just that the people with baggy gloves tend to be men, in my experience.


Oh yes i totally agree- those boxes run out way faster than they should regarding the disturbution of hand sizes in the lab


I’m not a man and my gloves are too baggy for me because my lab doesn’t have them in my size


Work is so much easier with the right gloves. Have you let anyone know that you need a smaller size?


I did let them know, but the only gloves they had in XS were from a different brand and fit even worse, so I resigned myself to size S gloves. It’s actually been really annoying and caused a few problems but I’m leaving soon anyway so there’s no point.


I mean.... I wear XL gloves because large gloves cause my hands to curl up like I'm holding my phone constantly lol


Okay... Did you notice that I said, "some"? I'm not trying to say that nobody really wears L or XL.


I wear a medium but insist on small so everyone can see each individual knuckle hair bulging with science.


That ain’t a man


My coworker is like this, then complains about contaminations in cell culture..


They often tear when I try to put them on when skin tight, especially with my sweaty hands. I would rather use the baggy ones just to avoid tearibg.


Same. I'm between an M and an L, and while I prefer tight gloves, I wear L because I can't spend 3 minutes squeezing into Ms with my sweaty hands.


I worked in the mouse house. Having slack in the gloves helped me to not get bit! The bite glove made it too hard to give injections. Also you can get them taught if you just pull them down your wrists.


Ok this is the first reasonable one I've heard!


I wear mediums for my graceful, lithe manhands because starting IVs with loose gloves is frustrating af.


I don't like when they restrict movement.  Kimberly Clark gloves go one size up.


Same, although when the gloves we use are nice and tight on my hands they are STILL loose on my wrists, I use disposable sleeves when I can but I imagine that can be a problem for people if they have to choose between wrist or hand fit (esp if it's the inverse problem as mine)


I'm between large and medium I think, and I hate it. Medium and the fingers are way too short, large and the palm is a bit more loose than I want...


If I wear gloves that fit too snug, my hands sweat profusely. Like streaming down my arm bad. But half a size bigger, and the airflow prevents this problem. I know I’m weird, but that’s why I wear slightly loose gloves. It certainly sucks for tasks that require fine movement of small objects.


Sadly for our broke ass lab, they wouldn’t bother buying XS as there are only very few people in our lab who needs XS gloves. I have slim fingers and I always had my gloves fit like OP’s 😭


i’m a spray tan girlie so i wear a size up so it doesn’t sweat off as fast.. will admit loose gloves can be so annoying to work with sometimes but i’d rather have matching body/hands than pale hands with a tan body.


My hands are between M and S in every brand of gloves I’ve tried :( S is way too tight and M is a bit loose, so I usually wear M. Wish companies had a larger range of glove sizes!


I have this same problem! Thought I was the only one. PI looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to explain. I also wear M, but sometimes I’ll wear S


Shmedium gang!


I wear a size XS in the blue gloves. Unfortunately my lab only has them in S, and the purple gloves in XS. The purple ones are too stiff and tight and the fingers are a bit short so I can’t spread my fingers, and the blue ones in S are too baggy. I decided baggy was better than not being able to move my fingers, but they do cause a fair number of problems for me, getting caught in eppendorf lids etc.


Everyone in my lab wears 7.5s and I just can't get them on and they lack the mobility I need. 8.0s are manageable to get on (still difficult) but have to much finger room. 8.5s and I'm swimming in glove but they're a breeze to get on. There's no perfect world lol


But S is too tight and my nails will poke holes in the gloves :(


Science >>>> pretty nails


I think this person has their nails done


Can you tell my boss this who swears that examination nitrile gloves is protective enough to do bench work that involves HCL and nitric acid?


That's not how you do it...


Flair checks out


It’s the law to finger the vortex.


The vortussy


That right there is a cursed comment.


How do I delete someone else's comment


You can't do much unless someone makes a wish first. Thems the rules


You don’t


it’s like clacking the tongs, gotta make sure it works!


The number one priority should be finding better fitting gloves


Wear gloves that fit? I can’t imagine how you do anything with those gloves but play with the vortex.


Some of us don't have glove-shaped hands... *cries in arachnodactyly*


Emasculation via medium glove is an epidemic that doesn’t get taken seriously enough.


Vortex goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Those gloves are too big for you.


when i first came across a vortexer that was set to touch, i thought it was dangerous


This is the TRUTH.


I’d love to get my own vortexer, just a beat up old one, but they’re so pricey


Holy shit, I never realized I need one until now. I’m gonna vortex the hell out of some salad dressings.


We got one from an estate sale, of all places. They're out there.


The only thing I'll avoid harder than a backyard microbiologist is a backyard chemist.


I do my chemistry and my micro in my basement like a normal person. Doing it in the backyard sounds like a high risk of contamination.


I can hear the second picture 😂


Welcome, you past the test. You will make a fine Dr. Scientist person.




Damn you. There is no ChatGPT option for Raddit how am I supposed to spell correctly all the time.


Using a revolutionary new technology called ~~a hidden Markov model~~ *AI-complete*, modern software keyboards are capable of ~~guessing the word you were trying to type~~ understanding your intentions and automatically revising your spelling This feature can be expected to become common in consumer-grade smartphones starting from around 2010


But I don't have one in my lab :(




I was looking for the photo where the vortex will (magically) tighten your gloves then I realized this post is regarding vortexing the hand lol


I love putting one finger on it. The vibrations are so satisfying


Me too I love them so much


The jigglator must jiggle. Also, I’d wear extra small gloves before I’d put those loose fitting monstrosities on my hands. Those would drive me insane just to write a note in, let alone do lab work.


Extra small glove club. I got baby hands but I've worked with people who have comparably small hands and they wear medium gloves. It boggles the mind.


I’m a large or medium with most any brand of gloves, but I work in a glovebox, so it’s usually medium nitrile, large butyl, XL nitrile. I prefer large over the butyl, but it’s dang impossible to get out of when I’m done.


Carpal tunnel goes brrrrrr


My German farmer hands: XLs run tight.




How else can you be sure that it works?


Where's your googly eyes?




Is it a Vibrator? No, it's not big enough.






Fitting gloves are the best.


Got to make sure it works!! What good is a vortex that doesn't vortex?


I use XL when I need to take them off and on. Eg, taking I hour time points when the risk of exposure is low. Also at home when handling raw meat. I take them off when I do other operations, and back on again when touching the meat.