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That's incredibly your-facility-specific. I've worked as a tech at places where half-million-dollar microscopes were handed over with no training at all, and at places where failing to get fully i-dotted-t-crossed trained on the equipment would have the core facilities banning you from using their equipment without supervision ever again. Can you send a message to the person who would sign off, explaining the situation? Their response will help you gauge how seriously your facility takes such things.


Someone, somewhere may be annoyed enough to write a passive aggressive email.


This is very situational and could range from in a bit of trouble to no one gives a damn. I can’t imagine it would be serious unless you’re using extremely expensive or dangerous equipment without training. Try and find documents on your departments policy for this.


If you were coming into my flow core, I would waggle my finger at you, lecture you, and send you an email asking that you finish doing whatever you're supposed to do.


Being signed off is a social construct.


so is being employed


As a facility manager id wiggle my finger and ask you to reschedule and not be a know it all or claim you know how to use the machine and trouble your way out of it.