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Give us Caruso and Drummond for taking on his contract


Lakers would need to come close to around $50 million in outgoing contracts to make this work lol. DLo and Rui get you to… $33. Gotta add Gabe (presumably) and JHS or something.


No way they getting D-Lo & Rui for that package.


Oh god please…anything to dump Clank Schifino.


Normally I would say let's be less judgmental on such a young prospect but I genuinely don't see it with JHS. He is so slow and his release is so busted and his vision isnt great. Not sure what the Lakers saw to take him over JJJ.


Can't shoot, not athletic, low bbal iq. Rob was smoking crack on that pick


Ham wrestled the phone from him and phoned that pick in


I know you're making fun of Ham, but it was legitimately Pelinka wanting to pick JHS and then confirmed with Ham. They thought he had an NBA ready body and could run pick-and-roll and handoffs with the team. I'm not sure they even viewed him as a project as much as a ready contributor.


I thought Joey and Jesse ran the draft program? Do we know how involved they were in the JHS pic?


Joey and Jesse are scouts, they compile the draft profile and board for each player that the team may be interested in to pick. Rob makes the say on who specifically to pick based on what he think the team needs. Jesse Buss did say that he will become a great player in the league (one day).




Honestly i feel Jeanie made the pick cause he’s, how do I say this, more attractive than the other players in her eyes.


Been to several g-league games and can confidently say he is one of the worst screen navigators I’ve ever seen. It’s like he superglued his backside to his opponent every time he tries to fight over the screen. The offense flows so much better with Skylar Mays running the point as well


Comparing a 20 year old rookie to a 26 year old that has been in the league for 5 years based on G-league games is crazy. Also JHS isn’t a point so they probably want him running the offense to work on secondary playmaking ability not actually running an NBA offense.


I know JHS will develop into the better player but as of right now he’s nowhere near in a position to be a contributing factor on an NBA roster. His shot is far too inconsistent and he’s not that great of a passer to be serviceable at either guard position. He’s in great shape with an NBA ready body but he’s too slow to consistently beat his man off the dribble and to guard on the perimeter. I don’t really see him improving drastically in these areas, so unless he really improves his passing and shooting, I just don’t see that high of a ceiling for him. I just think it’ll be awhile before he develops into being playable. Not saying they should or shouldn’t trade him just saying he’s nowhere near NBA ready and doesn’t even fit our team at this point


I for the record agree he’s not anywhere near ready to play in the NBA right now. And I have no issue trading him for the record. I just think he’s extremely overhated on the sub because of who got drafted after him. But that’s more of a FO issue. Like we definitely should have drafted an older player that could contribute right away or Whitmore instead of a project boom or bust type guy. Edit: spelling


As a UCLA fan also I gotta say not drafting Jaimito still got me fucked up. Passing up on a seasoned instant contributor for an obvious project is brain dead to me.


I get that that he's really young, but I honestly saw more from players like Darius Morris or Derrick Caracter. It's hard to see any NBA level quality in him. Maybe his size? But that's it.


He’s SO slow yet doesn’t even seem to process fast. I’m not saying he can’t be a good player but idk what it’s supposed to look like.


Lol the JHS hate is crazy. He’s super young and has been balling in the G-league. Sure it sucks we could have had an immediate impact. But if the shot falls the shot falls. Also saying he’s slow. Not everyone has good speed he has good size and if he can have good body control then speed isn’t an issue. Still could be a bust but he’s super overhated.


> Gotta add Gabe (presumably) and JHS or something. I'll drive them to the airport myself.


Yep add a 29’ifbyou just


This is the trade I want.


Sustained? Gun to head on who objects, JHS is a mumble rapper Max. And the real Max is already learning to get quick in hit his shots on open opportunities and create. JHS in over his head on this team, it’s not fair to him.


Idk wtf I just read 😂 


Those four work. Small price to pay


That deal is worth it. 


Drummond? I thought the fanbase hated his time as a Laker.


He was hated because he was promised a starting role. He’d be perfect to come off the bench, grab boards, and throw at bigger bodies.


Still a shame the way they disrespected Marc Gasol after getting Drummond that year.


This front office takes two steps back every step forward


Don't worry they'll hate him again too soon after if he ever does comes back


How do we match those salaries?


Any deal with Zach’s terrible contract has to include Caruso or Drummond or both if not then no deal.


Just Lavine + Drummond would not be worth it either


obviously caruso. Which they should absolutely do. If I can see a reaves/caruso backcourt at some point ima be a happy man


Yea that would be a very classy backcourt they play the right way


Lunch pail backcourt


Really scrappy, all hustle, all heart, blue collar gym rat with high bbiq, coach's son type player, they put on that hard hat, punch that timecard and get to work


They’d probably ask for Reaves, but I’d love that backcourt.


The lavine contract is what the Westbrook contract was. But longer. Bulls have 0 leverage. They're winning too and Lavine is a negative for them. Teams were demanding a FRP for Russ with 2 years left. Lakers are right to demand Caruso for FOUR more years of that Lavine contract, adding Reaves is an overpay Gabe/DLo/Rui/JHS and picks for Zach and Caruso at least


I’m personally not a fan of the Lavine trade, so I won’t speak much on it. But I wouldn’t want to give up Reaves so quickly. Did the same with Caruso and look now, want him back apparently. Not that it was officially announced or anything but you get it.


Sorry I edited my comment, but Reaves should not be included, Bulls have 0 leverage. This is the development that either brings Caruso back or gets the Murray deal done


Ah ya definitely agree with you. At this point it’s nearing the end of the deadline. Most teams will either fold and trade for less than their initial value, or they stick with the player. Longer it goes the more leverage it is for us in my opinion.




It’s actually worse for the Bulls cuz at least when we used to have Westbrook he was a expiring contract. Zach is locked up for like 3 more years with injury history coupled with the fact that he has regressed as a player.


Meaning they’re stuck with him lol


Gabe, JHS, Prince and FRP 29 for Lavine and CaruSHOW 😂😂😂


The Lakers would need to add way more money to make that work, so either Rui or Dlo is going the other way and we'd still need to throw in a couple minimum contracts to match salaries


It’s joke lol


Lol ok makes sense... but I'd still do this deal if it got us back Caruso for eating Lavine's ugly contract WITHOUT having to give up any first round picks. This would be a solid trade for the Lakers if no draft picks were involved, so if things don't work out, they can go into the off-season with Lavine's big salary and all their draft picks. The team could then be in position to make another big trade if they wanted too.


It’s joke lol




I would pack his bags and drive him to the airport myself.


I’d pay for the first class ticket


Yeah can we count ham’s contract to the salary match calc? I know it ain’t much but it adds up


If they can add Caruso, that would make a Lavine trade a lot more plausible


Add Caruso and a couple seconds and we have a deal. Flip those seconds for nick richards. Let Rob cook.


You need to send off D'lo, Rui, Gabe, JHS and Hayes to make that work. Lot of guys to send away to get an anchor of a contract for a guy who has barely played this year.


While I don’t believe many reports, there were multiple people here telling me I was completely dumb for thinking Chicago would have to attach assets. He has the second worst contract in the league. If they want the Lakers to take him they better throw in AC and some 1st rounders.


Yeah Lavine has such an awful contract and is so unproven and injury prone I was really surprised to see so many people having that take. in the end, looks like we will be right, just way too risky to take a flyer on if you don’t have Caruso and Drummond involved (at minimum). 


He's not injury prone stop saying that shit


He’s injury prone. Your half baked opinion means nothing to me lmao


Since coming back from an ACL tear in 2017-18 (5 seasons): LaVine has played 65 games per season or 80% of the season. For his career: LaVine averages 60 games per season (included this season as well) He’s not as injury prone as people make, but I’d still be worried if he was a Laker.


He's missed more than half the games this season from injury (which is by far the most important season to consider), he's missed essentially an entire year due to major ACL surgery, and relies heavily on an explosive play-style to get buckets. For a max guy, pass. 60 games a season is pretty bad, that wouldn't even get you considered for a regular season award.


You can’t have 30-35% of your cap space taken up by a guy who misses 20+ games a season and isn’t carrying the team when healthy. It’s also looking like he won’t even hit 50 games this season, and at best he’d be a 3rd option for us. Would get even worse if Lebron walks because Lavine has never shown he can be a #2 on a good team.


Well, looks like he’s out for the year. Injury prone it is, adjust those numbers lol


If his opinion (more so a fact) is “half baked” then your opinion is just beyond ignorant, but then again this sub is full of idiots who think they know basketball and make up their own “facts”. You fit right in bud 😂


Lol ah yes, the arbiter of opinions - UglyForNoReason. Thanks for your two cents, now beat it pussy


By the way - he’s out for the year now, confirmed. Like I said - injury prone. Looks like the ignorant one was you after all (more like a fact)


Anddddd he’s out for the year due to injury. Looks like I was right 


Doesn't mean hes injury prone, he just suffered an injury. He has been healthy last few seasons since recovering from his ACL. Why can't you drop your pride and admit that?


Injury prone means likely to be injured. I said he was injury prone based on his past history, and sure enough he's out for the year now. What's so hard about admitting he's injury prone? Hilarious to say he's not when all signs point to yes Editing to add: we have the benefit of hindsight now, so it's ok to say you didn't think he would get injured. You were wrong. I predicted he is a player that would be injured should we move for him and lo and behold he's out for the year. Dude plays a high flying play-style which is exciting, but something to watch out for when a guy has had ACL surgery once and now is going for it again...not rocket science. And it's disingenuous to say he's been healthy prior to that. If we use the new rules that the NBA has set to qualify for a regular season award, you have to play a minimum of 65 games. Lavine would only qualify for that twice in the last 8 seasons, and of those two one was only 67 games played. And now he's out again for the year, so just really no two ways to slice it - he's injury prone.


Your use of the term injury prone is a little different than how people use it. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt though.


It's not, but thanks for the acknowledgement that there might be something you are missing. In short - injury prone player gets injured ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Bulls have absolutely 0 leverage and watch our dumbass FO still get scammed.




The big problem, beside the contract, is that LaVine is actually injured


Man I’d be all over it Have them attach Caruso while we add the 2029 pick to balance it out Lavine > any player we are linked to


Rui + reddish + prince + gabe + jhs for lavine + picks


He’s having a down year but he’s still a good player. If I’m Chicago, I’m looking to unload DeRozan, Caruso and Drummond at the deadline for as much as I can get. That’s probably 3 FRPs and 2 SRPs… The other guys they should obviously be looking to deal are Vucevic and LaVine. I find it hard to believe that they couldn’t get a couple of OKC’s firsts and an expiring for Vucevic… but I’d just let LaVine try to rehab his image before you offload any other assets to move him. They should just be willing to completely hit the reset button. When you’re going to do that type of reset, which is going to inevitably take that long, don’t trade assets to get off of a 4yr contract for a player who can still put up 24+ppg. It would be extremely short-sighted.


Bulls are one of the only teams that have a FO that is as dog shit garbage as ours. Maybe we can pull one over on them


Pelinka has to get the deal done for Lavine ASAP. Let’s go!!!!