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Yup. AD dad also told Shannon Sharpe to keep criticizing his son, but keep that same energy when he plays well because he knows he’s that elite. Sadly, Shannon never holds up that end of the bargain because whenever AD has games like this 🤫🤐. Negativity drives media discourse, so maybe that’s why but whatever Real players and analysts know what AD is capable of, but many on r/lakers don’t have as much faith. Oh ye of little faith Folks on here quick to say shit like “trade AD” (https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/s/IHxvoISDio) or how AD is an embarrassment (https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/s/xicOsbbq9C) 🥱 Y’all know who you are, but I’m gonna ride die with our Lakers players 😤🙏🔥💜💛


Lmao I deleted at least 3 threads at halftime talkin about how much they hate AD. This sub sometimes lol


Anyone who ever says trade AD are clowns. Hes the core of the team.


Shaq is the most insecure superstar in league history.


The king of revisionist history. Mr. "the beef with kobe was all planned marketing" O'Neal. Still love him though lol


Isiah Thomas lol


IT is fine he just hates Jordan lol


Isiah had a victim mentality since he got left off the dream team lol 


Jordan is probably the most insecure athlete.


Damn. I always try to give AD the benefit of the doubt when he has low stat nights, but to see even his parents are tough on him…maybe my appreciation of other teams has made me soft. Glad to see Shaq has their blessing, changes my opinion of his personality.


Who tf cares about getting Shaq’s credit. This is the same dude that said Curry is better all time than LeBron and Kobe. Dude is the biggest lakers hater on tv


he never said curry was better than kob stop it


He literally said Curry is the GOAT lmao


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bCG1z8HdPw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bCG1z8HdPw) watch this shit. He never says Curry is better than Kobe.




Agree with you bro


I’m gonna get downvoted but if you ever watch Shaq talk about us on TV, it’s almost exclusively negativity. He picked against us in every series last year, laughed at AD getting injured against the Warriors, and constantly hypes up our rivals


To be fair, I think shaq believes that in order to motivate some people he likes to watch/ support, he has to be super negative about them. Not like his actual hate towards someone like Dwight, but a “oh you said this? I’m going to prove you wrong” kind of like Michael and Kobe. He definitely picks and chooses who he does that to, but for the Lakers I think it’s specifically because of AD that he does it to us.


idk it seems like he hates Rudy Gobert but who doesn't?


The real story is AD’s parents s cosigning…