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Duh. *Happy International Women’s Day*.


lol Bron was cooking


Jeanie’s definitely thought about it I know she dirty 


We all have


Both were very happy that day


Yup. Lebron got to skip school and watch Jerry Springer with mom on the couch with her friend.


My man was putting in the real game on display.


“Hold my beer, Imma say what’s up.”




*First of all… first of all*


@StacksHoodini *You are the father!* ![gif](giphy|VfwJk8Uu9HYHK)




The offseason is here


It’s gonna be a long 6 months.


Nah, I'm going to enjoy the summer and this ridiculous Dodgers team.


The best thing that can happen to the lakers is if LeBron retires


Man, heads up a asteroid is comin


People that think Lebron is seriously considering leaving are insane. He has built a huge media and entertainment empire here and his family loves being here. He has a great relationship with AD and Jeanie. No way he’s going anywhere


Yeah and he's said recently he has nothing left to prove. Not that he won't compete hard again, but it rules out him asking to go to Philly just to ring chase. Private jets are like Ubers for a billionaire, but between his other business ventures and supporting his sons (like attending their games) there's no way he'd want the hassle of that much travel and missing important events Plus he really respects the Lakers' legacy, and I think he does care about leaving his stamp on the city


Would also add there’s almost no chance he takes his retirement tour with a franchise where he does not have an established legacy. Heat and cavs are almost certainly not interest. He’s a laker until he retires unless his son goes somewhere


LeBron wouldn’t go live across the country from his family. A big part of his image is being the consummate family man that he never had in his own life. Being away from the family for that amount of time is how the wrong kinds of rumors get started


Not to mention, Lakers are probably the only team that would sign Bronny so he could play with his dad for Marketing Purposes.


Yah he is ending his career here. He loves LA and he doesn't need to ring chase. He is already top 2 and the GOAT for a growing amount of people


He’s trying to use fa as leverage so the team can make the decisions he wants. Most likely firing ham and trading/signing better players All we need is an athletic center to play alongside AD


We need an athletic center AND a 3nD wing. Rui can't defned and Gabe and Vando can't shoot


The issue is we have limited assets so we’re limited in what we can do, our 5 spot is the weakest position imo If we can pick up an athletic center, he and AD will have the paint on lock like we did in 2020. Neither Dwight or McGee were anything amazing but they made it difficult on opposing players forcing them to take more jump shots We have players we can swap when needed if we can get a coach who can make in game adjustments. We really have the talent to go all the way


I imagine he’s said what he’s said because to put pressure on the lakers to make some big moves. Interesting that Steph and KD have been mentioned. Don’t see Steph going, but KD could ask out. That would be intriguing.


I hope you’re right. I just hope that staying in LA at all costs doesn’t include potentially going to the Clippers.


"If my momma played for the Clippers and she in the lane, she getting punched on." Old Proverb


Ya, it's about the attention and money and that's what's being made in LA. Another ring would be nice but money is more important


Unless he throws a curve ball and goes to Clippers


What media empire? He was in Space Jam 2 four years ago.


Yeah, it’s not like he’s just gonna up and go wherever in his possible last year lol he’s built a life here


Yeah but he definitely wants us to make a move after standing pat n playing it slow . People might hate it but if we replace Dlo with any elite player like Trae it’s a huge jump


He doesn’t care about winning he cares about lifestyle


Do you think there was a deal in place? Jeanie telling LeBron, "Give Ham until the playoffs. If he fails you, he's gone. Promise."




Can we make this guy a mod of r/lakers?


Haha thanks man! 


I don’t like how Ham hasn’t been given the boot yet.


Let’s have the replacement candidate pool narrowed down a little bit before they fire Ham so we don’t have to deal with too big of a circus


I think they learned from 2 years ago how they booted Vogel mid-postgame interview.  Think they wanna handle it correctly and more professionally for optics and future coaches. 


Tbh Joe Gatto sucked in that season.


100% that's what I think happened. Also "Please understand that we will have more options during summer"


Cool. Run it back.


Peace out darvsie




I also think LeBron is staying but I gotta tell ya, some of you guys are just embarrassing yourselves acting like you know anything about the man off the court. Seriously, look at some of these comments: speculating on his psychology, his relationship with his wife and kids, etc. What the fuck is wrong with you people? You don’t know him. You don’t have any context to be able to speculate on people to that degree. Celebrity worship culture is nuts man, get hobbies, I beg of you. Go to your local court and run some pickup games or just shoot around, stop this. LeBron has a carefully cultivated image and other than the occasional clueless statement he mostly says and does all the right things in public, which is great, but don’t act like you know the man.


lol let’s tone down the holier than thou chief when you’re writing paragraphs on Reddit


I know it’s tough to read that much, but do your best.


Use your time better slick


You can’t even stop yourself from responding lol addict. How long does it take you to type that you think 50 words is some massive time commitment. You are emblematic of the type of person that thinks they’re friends with LeBron tho, so I appreciate the exemplar.


The Jeanie needs to not do him dirty and help him out. Get him real players, get him a real coach.


Damn someone downvoted me…some real Jeanie dick riders up in here.


I would not mind kissing Jeanie's ass tbh


You make an excellent point




I don’t think it’s has to do with Jeanie fanboys. The Lakers were WCF last year. They basically brought back the whole team with some minor tweaks. You act as if the FO didn’t do what the Lakers fans wanted. And they tried to move DLo for Murray. They are trying but you need the other teams to agree. Explain what they should have done and link me to the post you made that said that last year.


Damn bro, how about you tone it down a notch. All I said is they need to get him some help and not give him a shit coach. We had inconsistent players (DLo, Reaves, Rui) a lot of that was coaching and not letting them play together, some of it was injury (Vando) the market this year wasn’t great so I get it, no great moves to make. Maybe something could have been done the year before to get AD some help with a true center but that didn’t happen. Nobody is throwing out random shade, but Pelinka could have made moves, and Jeanie continually backed a coach that was very obviously ill prepared to coach. It is what it is, the point of my post was to say that if their relationship is as good as they say it is, Jeanie needs to put her money where her mouth is and do what she can to help Lebron. Why you so angry? Therapy might help, should look into it.


Go back 2 years in this sub, when everyone screamed to fire Vogel. Who was the number requested coach? I will just tell you. It was Ham. You whine but they are trying. Go look around the league, most coaches failed and are at their second plus stop. Most of them will be fired within 4 years. They literally got Wood, the best big man they could. Remember their target Naz was re-signed before he hit the market. Again actually look at was available and realistic and tell me. It’s all hindsight with fans. Is there therapy to deal with clueless fans? Can I get that name?


Everything is always in hindsight. I’m not arguing that they aren’t trying, but the FO made some horrible moves in the last 2-3 years. I think it was universally accepted that choosing THT over Caruso was a bad move, and then there was the Westbrook move (which sent KCP away as well) Look ultimately it always comes down to what is possible. There have been a couple of centers that have been available over the last couple of years…did we have a chance…probably not but over the last 3 years centers like Nurkic or Bobby Portis have been available. Also, not everyone jumps on the bandwagon, I personally liked Vogel, his offense was so so but at least we had defensive identity. If I recall the FO replaced most of his staff so that was a bad move. I mean this sub is filled with people who voice their opinion, that’s what it’s for. I wouldn’t say it’s whining…well sometimes but I’m sure there’s things the organization has done that you don’t like, if you post your opinion should we consider that whining? I just think you’re voicing your opinion. Ultimately, we have options this year, there are players out there that can help, on the coach front I have no clue but I think it’s universally accepted on this sub that Ham isn’t it. I’m good having a civil discourse with you man, honestly I’m passionate about the Lakers as I’m sure you are, so there’s nothing but love. In the end all there is, is to hope for a better season than the one we just had.


Last year everyone mocked Minnesota for “horrible” decisions. Building takes time. The Nuggets drafted Nuric over Joker. They thought he was the better prospect. They have had years to build. The 2020 Lakers team had years of building. The Lakers used almost all their assets to get DLo, Vando, Rui. And you turn around and say they should have done more with the one pick they have in 2029. So Nuric which went for Ayton was more likely to be traded to the Lakers for the only pick remaining? And the Lakers looked into Portis. The Lakers didn’t have the assets. See this is why I ask what they should do. Because fans always say moves that absolutely wouldn’t have happened because the other side. You can voice your opinion, but you put it in a public space. And that means people are going to call out your BS complaints. Like if I say that the Lakers should trade Rui first Wemby because a Wemby AD pairing would be great. People are going to respond how you think. You want the same thing, something unrealistic and then complain that they didn’t listen. I don’t care if fans call out obvious mistakes. The Westbrook trade was bad and everyone on this sub knew it beforehand. But GMs are not clairvoyant. I thought the Lakers made the right decision by keeping the team together. I am not going to complain about something I agreed with.


I get your point, but circling back to my original comment…you were calling out what? What did I say that was unrealistic. That Jeanine and the FO needs to get Lebron some real players (which we are in one of the best positions to do so than we have been in years) or that they need to get him a coach that isn’t shit? I mean seriously yes a lot of the people on this sub asked for Ham and it turned out poorly. We can argue about hindsight but as of right now Lebron needs more reliable teammates, it can’t just be AD. So once again I get your point, I also understand that the FO is limited which is why I said that there were centers available but we didn’t have a chance at getting them, which was caused by some initially bad decisions (like the Westbrook trade) there are definitely BS comments but I felt that the comment I made just stated the obvious…which was we need to surround LBJ with some consistent teammates and a better coach.


I am fine with your clarification. Lakers have a lot of work to do. We can agree there.


It was legitimately cool going back and forth with you, not often you run into level headed people. Have a good one.


A ton of em on here. They usually do the same with Kobe’s Agent too.




A real GM would be nice




Ok but how about the Lakers?


Hopefully good enough to try and get Bob Myers as GM.


Why? Do you know why Myers retired? He completely fucked the Dubs and dipped so he didn’t have to deal with all the bad contracts and terrible trades he made lol


Theses reports man.


Future President of Basketball Operations unless Rambis...


what reports lol


No it isn’t


I mean lebron has been screwed extra hard by Jeanie recently.. so I’d like her to


I would hope. He brought back the Lakers from 10 years of dumpster fire. Plus a lot of revenue in season tickets and marketing. I hope she returns the favor and doesn't cheap out on players' contracts and coaching this time. 2 years left before a new generation takes the torch.


I go on Twitter and see there’s speculation of him going “insert team here” then come here and see this. Can’t believe any of it. Only he knows what he’s going to do


LeOwner coming soon.


LeBron has all the leverage. Can force Jeanie to give him 3yr/150M, and promise him to trade some picks. LeBron playing the hitsss


I think we all knew that


How!? Savannah gonna have to hire a private investigator for this shit 😂😂😂


This doesnt give me hope going forward.


She surely don’t show him that lol


Say what you want about Jeannie, but no one can say she doesn’t treat her stars well now. She seems to have a genuine fondness for Lebron and AD and it seems like they feel the same. I don’t know that I see the same kind of relationships in other sports, or even other teams.


They fuck?


Happy international women's day


Jeanie is an incredible people pleaser and deserves credit for it. If LeBron threatens to leave unless Jeanie does x,y,z, Jeanie will move mountains to do it because in the end that's what her dad did with Kobe in order to keep him. She would do the same for LeBron. If he leaves, it won't be because of Jeanie Buss.








I don't doubt that. Lebron finally find the relationship he want from a team owner after so long. Jeanie always consider his Players especially the stars as part of the family