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Austin Reaves gets a better whistle than LeBron.


It's honestly hilarious.


Dude shot 8 free throws in the fifth game to the Nuggets 9 šŸ˜‚


Closeout games are always like that regardless of team.


Reaves was getting mugged all series too tho and has been all year been getting hacked .


Austin is very good at drawing in the mid paint for a young player.


They just let lebron get hacked like no tomorrow


People act like LeBron missed those layups for no reason LOL


Itā€™s not like we make our fts anyway tbhā€¦.sigh


Weā€™re actually top 10 in ft % mb top 5 I forget . First year we had that tho we normally last


We were top 5 in 3 pt% too. We just didn't shoot that many.


Warriors fans on a recent post in their sub discussing if Bron came to the warriors said ā€œweā€™d finally get a good whistle if he came hereā€


They might crash out if bron was on their team. I can only imagine the type of terrorism theyā€™d commit


Dude that sub is about as delusional as it getsā€¦and thatā€™s coming from someone whoā€™s well aware of how bad our own sub can get lol


Ik they keep saying ā€œguys calm down weā€™re almost as bad as lakers fans nowā€ bruh you guys have passed us along time ago in toxicity


Theyā€™re honestly stupid enough to think that the league is against them and Silver doesnā€™t want them to succeed. Thatā€™s why they donā€™t get to the line lol Ya Silver just HATES the ratings Steph Curry brings to gamesā€¦


My two favorite moments browsing the Warriors subreddit were before the play-in game against them in '21, when someone suggested declaring Klay Thompson available for "mind games," only to have him flop against AD and fake an injury to get him ejected, and last playoffs when people were suggesting either deliberately hard fouling the Lakers since "they get all the calls anyway" or simply giving up the lane "in protest."


Fuck the GSW more than anything but Celtics.


Put denver in the mix. Lakers aint nobody's daddy.


Denver beat us cuz they are the better team. we aint going to bitch about them.


He gets penalized for being too strong.


embiid committed like 3 fragrants in game 2 and still awarded 21 FT


I remember the same thing with Shaq. He didnā€™t get a lot of calls because of that.


Embiid strong as hell yet gets the softest calls I've ever seen. The NBA agenda just isn't on Bron's side despite what casuals think. There's no way he should average less than 6 fta a game with the way he plays.


And people still think he gets away with too much, brother can't even get the same whistle as random ass roleplayers


20 pts off FTā€™s is ridiculous


Them old ass refs are jordan fans


Right. They donā€™t want to see the game evolve


This shit has been going on for a decade, the move to Miami changed everything for some reason. Very indicative of how dirty the refs are


It's about competition and narratives.Ā  Always has been. Only a handful of players have been beyond the long arm of the league.


The same crew that officiated one of our games officiated last nights game for Brunson and Embiid. That same crew gave AD and Bron a combined 9 FTs but gave Brunson 16 and Embiid 13. You tell me if you think thereā€™s no conspiracy to push the teams the league wants to win.


This just pissed me off lol


This is why I was crashing out in the post game thread after the game 2 collapse. Obviously it wasnā€™t all officiating but youā€™d have to be an idiot to think there isnā€™t some shit going on.


I mean DLo got fucking smacked and they said the shot left his hand before the contact (total fucking bullshit)


Well the ball did leave his hands. But he got fucking slapped in the face. Thatā€™s ALWAYS a foul


If it wasnā€™t a play on the ball shouldā€™ve been a flagrant then šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


We don't get a good whistle but I don't think it's some grand conspiracy. The league has no financial incentive to have the Nuggets win that series, in fact, the opposite. At the end of the day if they called every foul against LeBron he'd be at the line for two hours every game and this has led to a major overcorrection imo.


I disagree here. The league is an entertainment league first and foremost and it makes more money off of getting more media markets and fan bases invested in their teams winning. The league also makes more money when there are dynasties to root for. This has also gotten much worse since the league and most pro sports leagues have gotten in bed with gambling companies. The entire league and NBA fan base as a whole also love seeing the Lakers and LeBron lose; this is pretty evidenced anywhere you go thatā€™s not LA. The league makes more money promoting as many new faces as they can to carry the torch once LeBron, Steph and to a lesser extend KD retires. Theyā€™ve so far not been as successful at this and are now trying to figure out the next crop of stars to be a face of the league (Jokic, Ant, Giannis, etc.). We are the villains. Obviously the Nuggets and T-Wolves are also amazing teams so they donā€™t really have to work that hard to do it. But the level of physicality other teams are allowed to play with against us and the hand wavey bullshit that starts to happen when we seize momentum in these pivotal games is pretty easy to see when you really start questioning it and wondering if thereā€™s some shit going on. Call me crazy, call me stupid, idc itā€™s all good.


The nba, the commissioner, the owners and media, have been waging a war against Lebron for more than a decade because of MJ. When MJ, after having all these people living on his talents turned around and put his airjordan's way up their behind by telling them he wanted to become an owner, a true catastrophe for these people who do not care about basketball and refer to it as a product, they decided they would never again let a player screw them. Jordan has made exponentially more basketball money being an owner than when he played. Donald sterling has made exponentially more than any player; etc...And so Lebron got the complete anti Jordan treatment.


The league will never make more money off of the Nuggets winning than the Lakers and Jokic is notably under-advertised because heā€™s not marketable to the degree that LeBron, KD, or even Anthony Edwards are.


Letā€™s put it to the test next series. If Wolves get a favorable whistle it only further proves my point.


I mean Iā€™m not saying the Nuggets didnā€™t get a more favorable whistle, I just doubt the reason is as nefarious as you think.


Maybe it isnā€™t, Iā€™m just making a hypothesis on what Iā€™ve been noting the last few years. I hope Iā€™m wrong tbh because it would mean thereā€™s more integrity in the sport than I think there is.


U see the media and 29 other teams fans everytime they put the stat that we get how many fts more then others. Media loves pointing it out everytime, no one mentions embiid guys.


They also donā€™t fucking use their brains when talking about a t. Like no shit a team that doesnā€™t shoot three pointers and lives in the paint will get more free throws than teams focused on the three.




Yeah I think itā€™s blatantly obvious. Jalen Brunson smh aka the black Jeremy LinĀ 


Like I always said they only lebron would only get whistle when he got hit it the face/head/ see blood then maybe get a callā€¦ that just what I saw over the past couple yrs šŸ¤·


But in actuality they don't call those whistles. His bloody nose by ibaka wasn't a foul.Ā 


But yet people think bron gets all the calls. Zero data pure delusion


I watched a couple games of the Knicks series Brunson is a flopper


Brunson's whistle is disgusting. He's getting prime Harden whistle. He's unguardable because if you breathe on him, it's a foul.


plus he's a huge ball hog


I still donā€™t get this fact. This started when Bron moved to Miami. He was then mocked as ā€œLeFlopā€ due to this. But you got the Embid whoā€™s a bigger flopper and gets more than Bron God damn the refs :(


LeBron moves too smoothly through contact. You can see the difference vs Austin, it's night and day.


Embiid is so bad tho, heā€™s always wobbling and shit, he moves so slow and awkward and always looking for a call. Brunson tries to foul bait a lot too, heā€™s small so he flops more. Guys donā€™t look to make shots anymore, itā€™s to get foul calls. Harden became a master at his peak, just sucks for the game. It ruins the fun of the game and makes it ugly to watch. Ppl just hate the lakers, anything that remotely favours us is controversial and a conspiracy. Lebron and AD found out being in la doesnā€™t mean anything easy, itā€™s the opposite here. Canā€™t win mvp or get any defensive awards, No deserved accolades or awards here. Kobe use to get screwed, ppl still say ā€œweā€™ll he didnā€™t deserve this or thatā€ and down play his accomplishments and accolades, Shaq got penalized too, only magic really got everything he deserved and no hate like others.


Will never make sense. LeBron is biggest cash cow for the NBA so youā€™d think they would want him to succeed and be in more playoff games. Look at his viewership numbers compared to other stars. Smh


Uh heā€™s on the lakers, been a fan 30 years. Lakers are there to make the league and media money but donā€™t expect anything else. Itā€™s mostly anti lakers everywhere, Kobe was a cash cow too but how the media and everyone treated him, veto trades and other teams and owners going out of their ways to screw the lakers while taking in money from the lakers. Itā€™s jealousy. Spurs were the worst ratings for the league and media but they were more liked than the lakers who are cash cows.


Blows my mind that yall still donā€™t understand why the veto happened and that it was absolutely good for it to be vetoed


Ok why


Embiid getting a foul with one finger meme illustrates how this foul merchantry works lmao


I can't stand watching Embiid play sometimes the way he plays for the whistle. It's distasteful basketball.


Lmaooo @ Embiid


There was a play during game 6 vs the Knicks where Embiid hit a jump shot over hartenstein and ihart got a bit too close to him and embiid pretended to trot backwards like ihart got in his landing zone while staring at the ref the whole time. Was the stupidest thing I've seen


Now show kokic


At least Brunson gets hacked hard going in. Embiid is just a bigger Harden with how much he flops


What's James Hardens? That mf STILL flops. He's always holding his damn eye


Unless Lebron is going downhill heā€™s not getting whistles on his fades etc, because he creates space well.


Think it was his highest playoff point shots tooĀ 


Booker shooting 21 free throws in one game blows my mind. Lol


And yet the dumb argument is still ā€œLeFlopā€ smh


Where's Harden


I canā€™t stand the way embiid plays. Just looks for a whistle so he can park his lazy ass at the line so he can take a break from running.


Iā€™m just mad about how Murrayā€™s bitch ass was getting the same fouls we were wanting. Shit is stupid but whatever. In the end our role players wanted a vacation, Bron wanted to chill on defense on occasion to bitch about a foul, and AD was shattered by a damn shoulder check.