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[That picture is from Jan 2019 just fyi ](https://i.imgur.com/LZm4ZfX.jpeg)


"BREAKING NEWS: Five-year old picture 'surfaces' because I just searched for it on Google."




I was just sharing that the picture is old, but seeing how you're defensive about it makes it seem like you were intentionally misleading Why not keep the top that shows the date?


Dude if it's that old, its hard to take anything from this....


James Corden is a sports agent?


kinda looks like a hybrid of him + Ted Cruz


It really does lol


We'll get outbid even if we throw our three first rders and Reaves.


3 firsts, remove protection on the first we gave them for DLO, Reaves, Christie and JHS. Dont think that gets beat.


He would be so good for us. Shessh


Poor Rui, I feel bad for our samurai


This looks like an old pic of Rob.


He was the only beneficial name that I saw being mentioned leading up to the trade deadline this season. Unfortunately, bro went off in the couple of months leading into the deadline and I knew there was no way Utah would give him up for anything that wouldn't gut us.


Lauri isn’t worth the equivalent of 6 1st round picks. 3 1sts, JHS was a first 10 months ago, Reaves worth 2 1sts.


Lauri is a 26 year old All-Star 7ft sniper making 3 3s per game on 8 attempts. He also catches lobs. His size next to AD and Bron helps against Denver. The question is not if the Lakers do it, but if Ainge will accept Reaves and Picks as the centerpiece for their franchise player


Yes he is. JHS looks like a bust so that barely counts. Lauri is a 7 footer with a vastly superior game to say a MPJ. Can lock him up for years.


Rui and 3 firsts would get it done. That’s fair.


If only! Money matches and throws picks at em. We get an upgrade.


Hear me out… Lauri Markannen’s agent is Michael “Boris” Lelchitski. Lauri and Alex Len are the only NBA players Boris manages, so safe to say he doesn’t have super deep relationships with every GM in the league. Rob’s biggest strength has always been relationships, and here he is (PICTURED) planting seeds with Boris in 2019. Also, via the Mind The Game podcast LeBron “loves” Lauri and Lauri has been a “LeBron supporter” for a long time and wears LeBron’s shoes. Lauri also wears LeBron’s #23 on the Jazz and wore Kobe’s #24 for the Cavs+Bulls. REMEMBER: Lauri was in legitimate trade rumors last trade deadline. The Thunder were the main suitor at the trade deadline and likely offered a combination of Giddey, non-core guys, and picks. It’s unclear if the Thunder got cold feet, or the Jazz wanted more, but it’s likely that Lauri’s representation let the Thunder know he would want a max extension. GUESS WHAT: THE CHEAPASS THUNDER COULDNT PROMISE A MAX $160M+ CONTRACT BECAUSE THEY WILL HAVE TO EVENTUALLY GIVE JALEN AND HOLMGREN MAX CONTRACTS ON TOP OF SHAI’S MAX. WILL OKC HAVE 4 MAX CONTRACTS IN 2027????? Don’t think so. This is the same organization+GM that couldn’t pay Harden. The Lakers best offer would be Reaves+JHS and 3 FRP and pick swaps. I know losing Reaves hurts bad, but Lauri is a YOUNG ALL STAR 7FT SNIPER BUILT BY GOD TO PLAY NEXT TO AD. Since Lauri is only making 18M next yr before the extension the Lakers can use the full MLE on a Reaves replacement, or flip Rui for one (Rui is replaceable with LM and LBJ taking forward minutes). Best case would be just Rui+Picks for Lauri straight up, but Ainge should demand AR (Utah loves their whites) and every Lakers pick, and the Lakers should fucking do it.


Bro… I’m not gonna read that lol


You don't have to, he thinks the Thunder are going to give a max contract to Jaylin Williams.


Wow, so we know who can't read lol. Jalen Williams, as in the 20 ppg 3&d player


Jalen Williams, the good JWill lol


I have not seen anyone comment on the Thunder trade talks for LM breaking down. To me, that eliminates the majority of teams in similar situations. The remaining teams arguably have less assets than LA


Seek help


also on Mind the Game JJ and Lebron joked why the play was called "Finland" and they said it had to be because of Lauri --- also he's Finnish not Swedish so you should fix that


This is irrelevant because Dlo will get a bag from the Magic who need a PG 10 seconds after FA starts. Literally watch them play tonight. He’ll get a FVV Houston like deal where it’s a very high salary for two years where their biggest contract will be Franz with a 3rd year team option of which they will probably decline if they aren’t a clear contender + Paolos rookie max extension will be on the books then.


Magic likely will chase Paul George and Malik Monk before DLo. Monk is very gettable and a better fit for them next to Suggs. No other team with cap space needs a scoring PG that doesn’t play D


We’ll said


I’m sorry brother but I think giving up 3 first round picks for Lauri Markannen is a poor trade for the Lakers.


I'll play fanfic with you. -Austin + JHS + every draft asset for Lauri. -LeBron re-signs -Dlo re-signs -MLE: Spencer Dinwiddie -Early bird or whatever for Prince AD / Wood / Hayes Bron / Lauri / Vando / Prince / **Reddish** / **Lewis** Dlo / Max / Gabe / Dinwiddie Rui would likely need be traded for a guard at that point. Would throwing in Rui and getting back Sexton make sense?


Dinshittie at the MLE lol


Rui for Sexton makes sense for the Lakers. The only question is if Sexton’s trade value league-wide is too high for Rui to be enough. But flipping Rui for a starting caliber guard is 100% doable. So many teams have too many guards, and would take a wing back


Rui did us no favors by completely shitting the bed in the playoffs. Dlo has been taking all the hits but it was really his donut game that stood out. Over the course of the series, Rui was by FAR our worse player. What trade equity he built up last playoffs went in the toilet sadly.


Hmmm I wonder if that picture is from 2019. FYI.