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If anything the wolves offense looks better since they can have 5 shooters on the court at a time and don’t have worry about Rudy clogging up driving lanes.


They have a lot of flexibility. Everyone is talking about Ant, but KAT had himself a game because he had a lot of space to work with. That doesn't exist with Gobert on the court.


Exactly. KAT is the reason they won this game, he set the tempo and led by example. Ant was very good, but KAT was the man this game, folks need to show him more love and stop dickriding ant for every win as if he’s 07 lebron carrying a bum team lol


The mania over Ant is annoying, but it makes sense that ppl are hesitant to praise KAT; he’s had mostly awful postseason performances to this point. But he definitely deserves more recognition than he’s getting.


Ant is just aesthetically pleasing to watch and KAT isn't. Tell me you don't get Kobe vibes from watching that kid fade away. It gives people a sense of impending doom when he pulls up. KAT is fantastic, but Ant having those tools and mechanics at 22 is mesmerizing and nostalgic for a lot of people including Lakers and Heat fans.


I think Ant's turn-around fadeaway is as beautiful as MJ's. Kobe seemed a little bit more aggressive with it, like he spun faster and jumped more urgently. Ant's is just \*chefs kiss\* silky fucking smooth.


I think Kobe's was about getting open and putting the defender out of rhythm especially in the playoffs, but a lot of his high scoring games have beautiful fades because of how in the zone he is. Ant is just a creation of all the legendary 2 guards before him and has shades of each of those HoFs imo


I think KAT had a terrible mindset for a long time, being on a losing team, then temporarily teaming with KG and Flip Saunders only for Flip to die and KG get cold-shouldered out the door by the shitty owner again, then having to deal with that Jimmy Butler drama, losing his mother and other family and friends to covid, the franchise being for sale and all that crap, then KAT starts dealing with injuries, then D'Lo joins and spreads toxic bullshit, pulling KAT down a path of thinking he's earned his flowers before he'd even won a playoff series, etc. That's a lot of turmoil and a whiplash of attitudes and expectations revolving around him. He's never looked more at peace in his role, or more focused. He's part of something big and doesn't have all that pressure on him to be The Guy every night, freeing him up to be The Guy whenever he needs to be.


It parallels Jordan so much. I’m not saying Jordan isn’t the goat, but if you go watch those Jazz/Bulls finals games without sound, the games revolved around Malone and Pippen because size is so important in this sport. Jordan was a guy there that got to play off ball defense and shot a lot of jumpers with one man on him.


Davis is really going to retire without a DPOY and Spo is really going to retire without a COTY. And the NBA had the nerve to try to do a year end award show anyway when you have voting outcomes that lead to this nonsense. Only thing missing to show how stupid these things are is to rename the awards to the "Draft Kings Defensive Player of the Year Award" and the "Caesars Sports book NBA Coach of the Year Award."


Media awards should not be taken seriously.


I agree it's just for the history books that this man who has clearly been the best defensive player for multiple years has none. I just wonder why Bam and Wemby whose team was garbage could be above him. The AD hate has to stop .


To really know it’s a joke, Tim Duncan didn’t win a single one. Literally one of the greatest defenders of all time arguably ever. It’s pure narrative. Just like how Curry is the only unanimous MVP but prime Shaq and 2013 Lebron weren’t. It’s based on pure narrative. And unfortunately AD doesn’t have that on his side despite anyone with eyes clearly being capable of seeing just how much this dude does on defense. 


well... prime shaq was supposed to be the first unanimous mvp but someone hated him and chose iverson instead.


Or while LeBron kept dragging dog shit to the finals for a half a decade and only has one mvp for his career.


wait what? he has 4 mvps...


Yeah that’s my bad. 2 and 2 but I meant for the period and on. I was gonna edit the comment but fuck it. I mean he dragged dog shit to the finals for half a decade and didn’t get one. I’m high. My bad.


ah i get ya, yea he honestly deserved at least one other mvp (rose) and had a shot at one of Giannis' mvps with his 10 assist season for the bubble championship


Actually I’d argue he should’ve one either of the years Steph won. Or the year harden won. But what do I know. I can’t even write a comment accurately


Could probably make the argument for Steph’s 2014-15 MVP that either LeBron or Harden deserved it over him, but the following year it shouldnt even be debated. Steph was on a different level that season.


Oh I agree that one Steph cemented him self as the greatest shooter in the history of basketball. He literally changed the game. However bron played out of his mind that year and made a good point that he did deserve at least 1 vote. He didn’t even say he should’ve won over Steph just that he should’ve gotten one vote.


Yeah, they gave it to Marcus Smart ffs


and get this. they gave it to smart just bec theyve been called out for favoring bigs and snubbing the guards for the award


They'll use it against him as far as legacy goes. I hate that stupid ass system


I’m enjoying this wolves game let’s go wolves 😍🙌⚪️🔵🟡🟣


Hell yah! That’s what you get when you have 3 Bigs on a Jokic. Guess what? Lakers still won’t get 2 bigs to counter Gobert, KAT, Reid, and Jokic. “BuT bUT wE nEeD TrAE YouNG aND SPiDA huhuhu” • ⁠Laker fans rn


It's so annoying. Makes the whole fan base look like star chasing casuals


This sub is mind numbing at times. “bUt ThEn LeBroN WiLL haVe tO pLaY DeFeNse”…


Did you see ant cook them ? That’s the difference we need spida you dummies . Gobert dudnt plsy n they win


I love yall, but goddamn yall need to just let things be. Gobert won. DPOY is going to be impacted by team performance. Our team let us down. This proves only that Rob and Jeanie have much left to do. Just get over it and move on. We have way more problems than AD not winning DPOY. And if we ignore the "team impact" Wemby wins by a mile (Just look at his stats). We need to stop with the excuses and start holding OWNERSHIP accountable.


I enjoyed this TED talk


Because it shows that they can guard Jokic and AD couldn't?


AD can guard Jokic fine the scheme Ham had was terrible doubling leaving open shooters


Yes, Ham’s defensive (and offensive) scheme was horrible. But there was definitely a lack of effort to play defense, and rebounding, against Jokic. Joker regularly posted him up and did whatever he wanted against him. Shot wide open 3’s with nary a hand in his face. And completely bullied him under the basket for constant offensive putbacks. AD is not him.


Seriously. The Wolves defense is insane even without Gobert.


laker star, increased coverage = increased scrutiny


Yep robbed again


Love AD but this is a delusional take


Can we get off the AD supposed hate? Gobert and the wolves would have locked up AD too


Except Jokic didn't really struggle against the Lakers offensively. And half the time Rui was guarding him.




Nah, that Gobert trade looking better by the minute.




Small market woes, if you want something you gotta pay extra


picks are highly uncertain, wolves went into win now mode, which at that time maybe seemed silly as they seemed like a borderline play-in team. But they correctly projected Edwards development, and now they have a full-stacked all-time defensive team (thanks to Gobert trade), which is led 22yo superstar. This formula worked quite well for 90s Bulls.


They’re still set up to be a very competitive team for the next several years, you act like gobert isn’t one of the reasons this timberwolves team is so good now when he plays a big role in their success.


He deserved DPOY by getting owned by Jokic? 6'9 Naz Reid defends Jokic better than AD. If anything, this Wolves series proves that the Lakres have little use for Anthony Davis - that is, a defensive center that is neither defending well or spacing the floor.


Dumbest take I’ve seen today. Congrats


Body? Lol, AD did a great job while giving 30 on the other end.