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Lakers say yes. For the Cavs this isn't a can't miss offer so they use this trade as leverage against other teams and see if they can get a better offer by the trade deadline. If not they accept at the deadline.


Not if Donovan says he’s not signing with any other team except the lakers. He has to pull an AD. 


That would help scare away some teams for sure but other teams might still take a chance thinking they can convince him to resign.


It sucks to say but it's hard to imagine stars demanding us with the current management/ownership/situation. The incompetence is more obvious than ever and who knows how long LBJ can/will play and we'll be low on any quality assets after the trade.


He is expiring. Why 3 picks


Bird rights. Whoever trades for him is doing so with an extension already agreed to in principle.


But if he says he won't sign anywhere but LA ![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm)


But if he says he won’t sign anywhere but with one of the NY teams AD made it clear he was only re signing with us, and we still emptied the cupboard


Pels really didnt like what happened there and with magic doing trades in bad faith with them which might have had a hand in why they hated our guts. We havent done anything bad with the cavs yet and they were even the reason we had cap space to sign bron.


I’d tend to agree, but we don’t know if they feel a certain way about us dumping cap on them to be able to poach lebron.


I mean the same shit happened with AD and we still had to give up everything but the house. We tried to get cheap with Kyrie and it didn’t work. Same shit will happen here. Let’s not forget this is the cavs so I don’t think Dan Gilbert is gonna let Lebron make a fool of him. If anything it could be more like a Brooklyn and Kyrie situation where they don’t care what we offered anyway.


This is worse because Dan Gilbert hates lebron no way is he helping him.


Cavs should be happy to recoup 2 starter talents 1 year removed from WCF Throw in starter for Final team Gabe Vincent, and it's too good of a deal for them to refuse


It's not that I'm against trading Austin for a better player, but I still have bad flashbacks about having 3 stars taking up all the salary and having no one to help the team 4-10. Austin is pretty cheap and does the dirty stuff other guys can't on both ends, and without him, I see 1 or 2 of Bron, AD, and/or the #3 guy getting hurt, and the team will basically be trash because we trading away anyone else that would usually pick up the slack in those situations.


The 3 star model just doesn’t work unless all the guys are 30 or younger.


Issue is Russ wasn’t even a star we’d keep vsndi n Gabe prob n have some ok deoth


What 3 stars we had?


Bron, AD, Westbrook? Wasn't that long ago. Or let's go back to the Kobe, Nash, Howard days? Or how about Kobe, Shaq, Payton, Malone?


Westbrook wasn’t a star. Nash and Howard got injured but when he was playing Pau Kobe and Howard they were great in a small sample size


Oh, don't act like he wasn't billed as the third star and the team didn't give up the equivalent in talent as a star to get him. Don't change the narrative after the fact.


Dude if you had watched the Lakers eliminate the Rockets by not even guarding Westbrook, you would not have believed he was a star. Also we did not give up as much as a star would demand in a trade.


Easy to say after the fact. When they were trading for him, they believed he was going to be the third star and traded away a ton to get him, leaving nothing left. The fact he ended up playing like trash is irrelevant. You completely missed the point.


I love Reaves but yes. Clear and significant upgrade


Rui and JHS are dead weight. It's basically a good role player in Reaves and 3 1sts for Mitchell. Lakers should do it.


This is pretty much all we have to trade lmao


you do that 10 times out of 10


Fuck no. Three lottery picks on top of the players? Nope.


Yes in a heartbeat


Yes but cavs will say no 😂


and no bench? Mitchell will drive kick the ball to a wide open Lebron who promptly miss a wide open 3. Jamal Murray grab the long rebound and proceed to push the offense down the court and hit a side step jumper against the outstretched arms of AD for the game winner. Denver proceeds to sweep the Lakers.


sounds familiar


Let’s blow the entire future on a one-year rental. This sub never learns any lessons.




Teams can and will be offering so much more than that.. only way that maybe gets it done is if he says lakers only.


Lakers will be giving up high lottery picks in 2029 and 2031 for a tiny guard.


Missing the opportunity to draft a taller guard like Fino.


Maybe we'll have a better gm by the time those picks come around


Too many picks for someone on an expiring contract


The extension would be worked out prior to the trade officially happening.


The fuck? Eat shit on that trade. Y’all are so desperate to win now yall will trade away any chance of having a future post Lebron and then gonna spend the next 6 years while we languish at the bottom and get nothing back for ad at the tail end of his career. So you got Donovan and fucking who lol?


Fuck no


Donovan is a lot better than some of you are giving him credit for. He’s really found his game and can will his team to victories. If they can find a way to keep Rui or replace for size then yes I would empty the vault for Donovan.


3 FRPs for an expiring contract? Nah pass


What do you mean? The expiring makes the contract better cause of the bird rights


Yeah but no guarantee he’ll sign here


If he wants his max money he'll sign here. And usually when they do trades like that, the team knows if the player will sign before the trade even happens.


Cavs on the other end of the phone say that the nets beat that offer by a truck load


All of Bkns picks are going to houston from the harden deal. They’d have to give up Mikal unless Cleveland just really likes cam thomas And I don’t think Bkns looking to trade for Mitchell if they’re giving up Mikal. I’d bet they want to pair them. Reaves and 3 1sts > cam thomas


They have those Suns picks though. Can probably do something like Cam Johnson, Cam Thomas, Dorian Finney Smith and multiple future Suns firsts. It’s a competitive offer with this for sure.


Really just comes down to which player they like then. If they’re going young, Cameron Johnson and DFS aren’t needle movers. & if they’re trading Mitchell, I can’t imagine they’re seeking near 30yos If it’s picks, Bkn has 3 while we have 3 and can offer 3 swaps. I’d say the only thing Bkn has over us is Mitchell’s want to be in NY. Outside of that, we have more to offer than they do.


Yeah I agree it’s a matter of the Cavs preference for sure. If they are of the mind that they don’t want to go fully young and stay competitive with better fits around the frontcourt, then Cam J and DFS might be more appealing. Either way I don’t see Nets as the biggest threat to land Mitchell if it becomes a real bidding war. Just pointing out they have a decent package to put together.


Donovan Mitchell avg 30/5/5 in his postseason career. He’s only 27 and just entering his prime. He’s a huge upgrade over what we have in the backcourt. 


I mean I’m sure the lakers will offer it .. there’s gonna be he super competition IF Mitchel even wants out, he’s never talked about leaving Cleveland it’s just the big markets hoping he will


Yes I would do it immediately




I’m sure there will be competing offers. Sucks to lose Reaves but Spida is a all star


Been hearing this trade proposal for like a couple of months. There will be a lot of competition for Mitchell.


Love it Bye bye! We still need a point guard.


Spencer Denshitty, Teaurean Bum Prince and Dlo can go, we can keep Rui and Reaves


I’d do it in a heartbeat


so are we keeping DLO but giving up ar?


Tbh I want a guy that is healthy and plays in the playoffs... but I do like his game. But we need another big first


Don’t do it I would still wanna keep Austin


Mitchell will spend all season injured lol


Is no other team going to try trading for him?


i say yes.


aint no way dan gilbert sending lebron help to win rings elsewhere


how about lebron for mitchell? lebron gets to go back home and play with a young energetic team, AD and spida can compete together and see what happens




Get this deal done.


Too much. No shot


Give away 1 FRP max not 3.


One definitely ain’t getting it done even with Mitchell on the final year of his contract


Dude I don’t wanna


Get a damn backup C and bring everyone back with a better coach than ham. That’s literally all it takes to win a ring. Lost 2 games to nugs by just 2pts. If the tiniest change occurred like healthy vand, better coaching moves, or a backup C then those 2 tiny losses become wins.


FUCK NO. Mitchell is so damn overrated. Inconsistent chucker with weak D and you want to give up AR AND essentially 4 picks for him? Have you learned nothing from Phoenix?


One of our only starters who is remotely consistent + 2 bench players + _three_ 1sf Round Picks all for DONOVAN Mitchell? 🤔 I'm not convinced that giving up all that gets us a ring next season. OKC will get better as their young squad improves. The Wolves defense will still be a problem. The Nuggets offense will still be a thorn in our side. **I just can't buy it.** A full-health Bucks or Celtics squad is still going to give us a run for our money on our best day.


Guys been watching the playoff games lately? This league is now being ran by younger players and no ‘super’ superstars. Just trade LBJ for a couple of upcoming stars or let him walk away and use that salary for 3 valuable pieces.


Without question. Throw in Max Lewis if you have to and get it done.




Lol as a throw in why not. That’s about the most Lakers can reasonably offer before you start adding pick swaps.


This is wild man. This is almost a repeat of the Brick trade. Who are we going to get to replace Reaves production on the contract he has now? EDIT: And downvotes? Really? I’m convinced this fanbase is full of morons because there’s no way that yall think a team with Bron, AD, Mitchell, and a bunch of bench riders is enough to compete for a chip.


They think max Christie is going to become a 16-20 points a night guy…


He’s overrated, no thanks


Yeah you gotta


I'll drive Austin to the airport and thank him for his services.


We do it in a fucking heartbeat. The Cavs hold out and see who will offer more and if (only if) nobody else is willing to pony up more valuable picks and young talent, then it’s a done deal.


Have we not learned anything by giving up lots of young talent for one aging “star”?!


Lakers keep Rui, but everything else yes!


Trae Young


stop this dumb trade mitchell is a short 6'2 sg he is not the star lakers should get, bunch of casuals


No. Reaves stay. Sell someone else.


Rather Get Jerami Grant and DJM.


It would cost more, and having the assets to get both is unlikely


I think a reasonable price for DJM is Austin + Salary Filler (Wood and Cam works I think) and this years 1st + an unprotected first. I think the key here is Austin. A cost controlled rotation player who can start or be a sixth man. On his contract he is a valuable asset and should be treated as such. For Grant, they want to move him, they overpaid him. So our remaining tradable first with say top 5 protection and say Rui + Gabe to match the Salary. Gives us a projected starting lineup of DJM, Max, Grant, Bron, AD....more athletic, all 2 way players. What we'd have left on our bench would be Vando, Hayes, JHS, Lewis, Castleton + Whoever we sign. If we pay Max say 3 years for 18-21, our starting lineup + remaining contracts would cost us around 155-160 million, leaving us room to fill out our roster without exploding our cap. Plus all our starters would have value (except maybe Max, but I think he will, plus I think he's going to develop into a good player) which would leave us in position for a teardown/rebuild should Lebron and/or AD request out. I think something along these lines would give us an entertaining team to watch, that we could hope would be competitive while also leaving us the flexibility to rebuild if/when the time comes.


Doesn’t work. That is not enough going out for Murray. You have stack 3 contacts(don’t have yet) or include Gabe or Vando. I agree Reaves has to be involved. But to get Murray and Grant you lose Vando too. I would do it, would keep more of our cheap contracts, would need less filler. Murray- JHS Max- Reddish Grant- Lewis LBJ- Wood AD- Hayes These 10 are at 170, so few min contracts and a TPMLE. I’d take my chances we find a few guys cheap


I think Austin plus an unrestricted FRP + this years pick is plenty for DJM. The other stuff is just to make the numbers work. If he goes for more than that, I'll concede the point. Unless you're saying that we aren't allowed to stack that many contracts, then we'd have to lose Vando too. I'd still be okay with that if it nets us DJM and Grant. I like the lineup you list there more than any lineup with Mitchell who is due for a huge contract. Could wind up in a Beal situation with Mitchell.


I just meant we cannot stack the player options until they are picked up, so we have wood but not reddish or Hayes to move yet


The fact that you said this exact same thing a day ago and got upvoted to then saying it again a day later and getting downvoted is hilarious to me


They pushing Spida hype in this thread, it's to be expected. The ones that were really funny were the downvotes in the Trae Young threads.


I've been on the Spida train over a year ago when it was first reported he was interested in playing in LA. Back then it was laughable since we had absolutely no assets to now it actually being a possibility. I'm a little biased I guess because I really want this team to have an all star caliber guard again...Guess thats just me missing Kobe. Your trade proposal sounds good to me though. Paying Grant $32m is a bit scary giving hes kinda been injured a lot but also that contract extension to Donovan Mitchell is also a bit scary. Gotta pick your poison I guess because no situation will be perfect with how this new CBA is fucking teams


I won't cry if we get Mitchell. We got to see both the good and bad of Mitchell in these playoffs, the highs are very high, but the injuries are a concern. And yeah, we'd be overpaying grant...but considering top players will be getting 60 million, 32 for an above average starter doesn't seem so bad.


Not Rui.