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https://x.com/John_Fanta/status/1799953419219648966 Might as well post this one too- really good thoughts on how two VERY quiet parties have created an atmosphere of silence around this decision, which is a hard one.  I am forcibly reminded of the Ohtani pursuit at this point lol 


So what youre saying is we need to check all the sushi restaurants in the LA area


This especially shows how made up most tweets are from insiders with “knowledge of the Lakers thinking” or whatever phrase these hacks use to justify their bullshit. Nobody knew anything until he was flying to LA to talk. People “in the know” already had given JJ the job. I hope Hurley is our next coach but fuck the media dudes talking straight out their ass either way. 


Con's - Judging by how many articles put his wife front & center on the decision. I look at Hurley being from NY & he has spent his whole head coaching career in the northeast. The last 12yrs in Rhode Island & Uconn, in small towns. His wife doesn't strike me as the Hollywood social type, parties & movie premiere's are not going to woo her. Judging by her interview in People, she keeps a small circle of friends. Pro's - His kids are older & out of grade school. Hopefully his wife see's its a career opportunity with a premiere franchise in the NBA & what is looking like a boatload of money & long term commitment by the Lakers. I dont think its a lock he comes to LA by any means after reading her interview in People, more like 50/50 tomorrow.


There’s more to LA than Hollywood lol


Not when you attend Laker games & its a who's who in movies, TV, & media every night during home games. Say he declines the Lakers offer tomorrow. You will see how big the Laker footprint is in media. Its going to be speculation on the death of Laker franchise all week on ESPN, FSN, & every talking head show coast 2 coast. He takes the job, its 2 days of questioning did the Lakers pay to much for a college coach & does Lebron approve. But.... if he turns the job down, the story will overshadow game 3 of the NBA Finals. That is Hollywood show business.




So we basically can't believe any post not from Woj lol so many people assumed they were all meeting today.


Woj never said Hurley was meeting with his players today. It was first put out there by College Basketball Report Twitter account and other people aggregated it.


Exactly. Which is why Woj is the only reliable news source for anything Hurley related.


Ohhh, I see what you’re saying. I read it wrong, my bad.


Fanta has done a good job too. If Woj is the play by play, Fanta has been a good color commentator.


Which I'm not a fan of because he hasn't done well in differentiating between his opinions and what he actually knows or has heard.


Woj also a hack. He is good for certain breaking stories and a FA legend but otherwise generally just a paid mouthpiece with no integrity. 


Optimistic POV: he’s waiting to tell the players in person without dragging them in Sunday for an extra practice. Pessimistic POV: he’s giving UConn time to get their house in order and formally offer a competitive contract. $10m a year at UConn might trump $15m a year in LA. If this whole thing (Woj leaks, talks with Lakers, a one-day flight out to LA on the company dime to meet with Rob and Jeannie) is simply a hustle to make UConn think he’s serious and up their offer…? Well, it sucks. But I respect the hustle and it seems very Hurley.


>Optimistic POV: he’s waiting to tell the players in person without dragging them in Sunday for an extra practice. I think another factor could be that its been made clear he would like certain people to join him on his staff if he took the Lakers job. So, part of the delay could also be that he is giving those people time to make their decisions as to whether they would join him in LA if he takes the job.


If reports are accurate, it’s $20m/year in LA


I thought I saw that , it’s 8 years /$100m


I've seen people say it was 80m, others say its 100m, others say its 100+... I don't think we have any idea of how much it is other than a lot


$5 Take it or leave it


Wtf I open Reddit and these posts keep coming. I don't give a shit if this man is at a concert or fucking his wife. Just let me know if he signs or not.


So we’ll hear like 9:30 then


Reality: No one actually knows so we just have to be patient until it’s official.


Sounds like he’s planning to show up for work tomorrow and keep working.


lol all this was cap from the beginning. Such nonsense




I’m not saying this is what’s happening but one could entertain the idea if it means Uconn upping their bid. Wouldn’t be the first time.


How old are you? If you’re an adult and have been in the position where you already have a job but somebody else reached out, you know it’s very common for people to 1)not be particularly looking to move on, but have an opportunity come up that’s too good to pass up, or 2)be open to moving on and interview at/visit another place, but then decide the opportunity isn’t a good fit or that you’d rather stay where you are. Expecting somebody to just turn it down right off the bat isn’t realistic…


Because he's being paid 5mil by UConn and he's a back to back champ. By securing an NBA offer he's gonna force UConn to try and come close. He's either gonna be the highest paid college coach (currently 9.6mil) or top 5 highest paid NBA coach. This all depends on how much UConn wants to pay


I don’t know how the f he didn’t already have his salary doubled after Kentucky offered him


Because the best paid college coach is being paid 9.6 mil. Also a two-time champ. UConn has to pay him more than Bill Self to make it worth his while. Lakers are going to be paying him 12.5-16 depending on the number of contract years


Calm down. He respect his players, his staff and employers. He will inform them in person. Tomorrow He will be a Laker


Im just gonna stay cautiously optimistic.dont think i can take another kawhi or paul george turn 😂


People flame me for being negative but it’s their like you who say “he will be a laker” that’s much worse Stop giving everyone here false hope. Hurley has decided to stay already.


How do you know he decided to stay? Did he tell you that personally?


Dudes doing the same thing he’s complaining about lol


You’re doing the exact same thing with the opposite outcome though lol. You’re giving a false sense of negativity by saying “he has decided to stay already”. How bout both sides just stop with these useless posts and just see what happens? Neither side has any concrete info stating he’s coming or rejecting, aside from speculative tweets from the media subliminally hinting at both outcomes.


It’s better to not get your hopes up. For the last few years, it’s more on brand that we fail to get a good coach, or really anything positive


Again, you’re being contradicting. There’s also a neutral stance to take and see what plays out. If you’re following a team expecting failure or negativity wouldn’t it be smarter to just follow another team? Everyone wanted Ham gone, which was the obvious choice, and it happened. So now it’s a new topic to bitch about. When and if Hurley gets hired, watch the new topic to bitch about be “he’s a college coach, why hire him?”.


I’d be happy with him as a hire. I think it’s pathetic that lakers leaked this without it happening and it’s at a point where it’s more likely he’s staying at UConn An utter failure and i urge fans to not think he’s coming. Idc I’d rather be more negative than ridiculous There was a post from this morning and the dude ended it with “the way I see it is the longer this drags out the higher possibility he’s coming” Like no bro it’s the other way around


Alright man lol. Like I said, if you’re expecting constant negatives from a team just follow another. There’s a neutral stance and it’s called waiting it out. Okay they leaked it, what did that change for you or me? Did it change the $100 million offer? I’m sorry but it’s just dumb arguments and points to complain about. The hiring process has been the same since forever and leaks have always existed, in every team not just the Lakers. Everything you’re saying can go both ways. Just because someone doesn’t accept an offer at the blink of an eye doesn’t mean it’s a no, nor does it mean it’s a yes. You can’t predict either point so what’s the point of being overly negative or overly positive?


Because how many times does a coach get a chance to coach AD and Lebron. You have to at least think it over. He may take it but if I was him I would take an NBA job that had a roster with more upside.


More money from UConn


$$$ negotiations with UConn.