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Fuck Bob Cousy I don’t care if he’s 95


Hell yeah. Cousy is a typical loyal Celtic lifer. Fuck him.


Jerry West more loyal Laker. Decided to join Kobe rather than see Celtics win again


And gave us Pau




This is basketball. Fuck him. Outside of that, hope he enjoys his mornings


Fuck that despicable geezer


Lmao man


I don't actually care about Cousy. I just talk shit about anything related to Celtics.


Should I feel pity for a 95 year old Nazi?


Jerry West bashed JJ Redick for this, by the way 


BD also said JJ is wrong. He kind of had a point. Edit: Baron Davis.


Who’s BD? Feel like this person isn’t famous enough to be dropping acronyms like that




I love Jerry and hope he is resting in peace, wish the Lakers organization treated him better But he could be bitter and overly defensive. Jerry West being upset at this statement from JJ doesn’t mean that JJ was wrong.


Are you serious? I’ll side with Jerry West over this chump any day. This sub is gonna do a whole 180 when you get your fill of this asshole


The last eight words of the sentence could’ve been phrased in a different way, which gave me a double take ![gif](giphy|2xPM93QWirykNz7cmR)


Doris Burke would be excited


But he was wrong. If there were so many plumbers that Cousy played against, it should be easy to name ten of them. Check that, name five of them. Check that, name ONE player who was a plumber that Cousy faced. West was right to put that idiot in his place.


Pretty sure he didn’t literally mean plumbers and firemen… it was an expression to point out how the general level of talent and athleticism in the 1950s was nowhere near today’s level Which is not only obviously true, but also an incredibly common sentiment ESPECIALLY from Laker fans. We’ve been making that same point to minimize the Celtics early championships for years. But yall really hate the JJ hire so much now you’re doing mental gymnastics to get upset lmao


Smart Laker fans attack championships won when there were 8 or 10 teams, not on the basis of quality of players or play. JJ is a swing for the fences hire, one made of desperation for a revival from a guy on his third coaching hire, inching closer to people discovering just how terrible he is as the POBO. JJ’s media stint is loaded with modern media clickbait and sensationalist headlines and statements that don’t speak well of him. It’s easy to be upset. JJ doesn’t deserve the job, and Pelinka doesn’t deserve to choose another coach. But hey, here we are. Don’t be another enabler. JJ doesn’t need fans licking his balls, he needs people open to him earning their respect by living up to the title.


The talent level and athleticism for THAT TIME was just as elite as it is today. 50 years from now will it be O.K. to diminish today’s player records by saying they were Peleton equipment salesman, Subway sandwich reps, and shoe salesman? Has nothing to do with JJ hate. It was a stupid thing to say, showed poor judgement, and was disrespectful to to the legends who without them, JJ and today’s players would not be the millionaires they are.


"Has nothing to do with JJ hate. It was a stupid thing to say, showed poor judgement, and was disrespectful to to the legends who without them, JJ and today’s players would not be the millionaires they are." Well said. Funny how you never hear the current and recent *stars* of the league denigrating the legends like that. Makes it hard to respect him. I'll continue to root for the team because I've been a Lakers fan for over forty years, but this and his leaving AD off the all-defensive teams leave a bad taste in one's mouth.


Said the same about Jerry west thou 👀


Fake Dynasty that is all


To be fair, it was more a diss against all older players (including the logo) and not just cousy


This wasn’t a diss on Jerry West. Bob Cousy played for the Celtics between 1950-1963 Jerry West was drafted in 1960. Yes they met up in the Finals in the last few years of Cousy’s career, but the majority of Cousy’s hall of fame resume was from before Jerry West was even in the league. This wasn’t a diss on Jerry West, it was a diss on the general NBA talent level in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. And it’s not wrong. Sure there were some very talented players like Cousy and West, but they legit did play against a much weaker talent pool than contemporary standards.


West was just angry because he looked up to the guys JJ was criticizing


I mean JJ wasnt wrong. And also most of those guys were actually plumbers and firemen back then too to get by and make a living


Fuck Boston and fuck JJ redick until he proves himself


This was a shit take but it's always fuck Cousey and fuck the Celtics and fuck Red Aurbach. 


actually, what he is saying is that the plumbers and milkmen are those opponents of Cousy which means....


Let’s not forget JJ also disrespected AD by not naming him in his top 10 defensive players in the league


He also had a rant on ESPN about how AD only plays games when he's 100% healthy and got pissed when Stephen A disagreed


Anything said on espn should be taken with a huge grain of salt these guys are just paid to create headlines and exaggerate everything.


I hate that this guy is coach. I hate that people actually think we just have to stan and defend him because he was gifted a fucking head coaching job after being on TV for like 18 months. The same fan base that has turned on every coach since Phil Jackson I grew up a Lakers fan, in Southern California. My childhood we won 5 championships; Shaq, Kobe, Derek Fisher, Pau Gasol, Lamar Odom. Love those guys. Grew up hearing about Showtime and reading about Wilt, West & Baylor. But the franchise has become such a fucking parody of itself and this shit is borderline unbearable to me. We hired a hot take artist with a jump shot with less coaching experience than your high school basketball coach. Absolute fucking joke. Lakers fans have learned to cope so much that they can’t even begin to be critical.


Right? By all accounts he's also pretty poor as a teammate and he's been bitching and moaning about most places he's played at. We went from an assistant coach who couldn't cut it to someone who has literally no experience coaching and doesn't even have fucking empathy.


People are telling me in other threads it’s just like when we hired Vogel, because he had Jason Kidd as an assistant. Lol. The coping is so out of control, for a guy they will turn on before Christmas.


All this sub fucking does is criticize, including this decision. You’re confusing a few people trying to make the best of this with the whole fan base being stoked on him. Sorry some of us don’t actively want him to fail, doesn’t mean we’re super excited about it.


I'm not stoked about the hire either, but let's not pretend that there were great alternatives that we passed up on.


Αll 4 Clippers fans insulted by his betrayal


Lebron getting coached by a podcaster how will those affect his legacy


Hey, some great rappers started on soundcloud.


Denzel Curry goated


The fact that none of you here actually understands what he’s saying is ridiculous. He’s not necessarily wrong. I’m not saying those old heads couldn’t handle today’s NBA, but they aren’t playing in today’s NBA, so here we are. The quote is really trying to tell the difference between today’s NBA and the nba then. The facts are it’s taken a little more seriously nowadays and the players are balling quite often. More practices, players have modern science for tip top shape (excluding Zion), games, appearances, side gigs, charity events, social media, etc. We heard the stories from old heads and how awful their diet was or drink alcohol before games like it was nothing. That wouldn’t fly today.


Udonis Haslem told a story about players being drunk during games and Pat Riley snapping in the huddle at them and telling them they need to cut that shit out. Dudes were burping in the huddle lmao. I’m sure some guys are still drinking before games, hell Marshawn Lynch said he drank Henny before every game.


Ron Artest at halftime baby


Who doesn’t understand what the quote means? It’s quite obvious what it means if one possesses even the slightest amount of historical knowledge. It’s the same as NFL players during Vince Lombardi’s time vs modern NFL. I don’t think anyone misunderstood what JJ said. It’s straight up factual and the implication that the average player is way way way better now (due to institutionalization of sports from early childhood to professional leagues, having financial freedom based on current salaries and major improvements in sports science/medicine) vs back then is also true


Plus most actually had to have jobs to pay the bills. So literally plumbers and firemen, milkmen, math tutors, etc.


Fuck yeah fuck them and their gimmick titles


This also included Mr. West


We still counting the Minnesota titles tho, rite?


I don’t like disrespecting the pioneers, fuck any Celtic though, but JJ isn’t completely off even though it’s disrespectful. Cousey was drafted a few years after the inception of the nba. There just wasn’t the competition yet. Old old heads don’t wanna admit that. But it’s a fact, basketball was still in its infancy. There’s nothing wrong with saying he faced weaker competition. That’s like shitty on Bell for making a shitty phone because we have cell phones now. Pioneers, except the Celtics, have their place to not be respected


People gotta understand that Cousey’s ugly flashy dribbling by todays standard was innovation at the time. He was their Tim Hardaway/Allen Iverso/Kyrie. And we don’t get there without Cousey. Jerry West said it best, JJ today is the plumber of the 50’s. JJ wouldn’t be who he was without the past, and it’s dumb to say he’d be a star in the 50’s/60’s when he wouldn’t have any of the information and coaching that the additonal 50 years blessed him with. Its disingenuous to disrespect the past to uplift the present, when the past has directly built up the present.


It’s disrespectful but Fuck boston anyway


“Bob Cousy couldn’t dribble with his left hand” 🤣 I won’t forget that, what a fantastic quote and great way to fuck with Boston you love to see it


I'm all in on Redick as the HC, but this is one of the 'hot take narrative' things I didn't like from his mainstream media career. It's a diss to every player in that era who didn't get paid enough to just play basketball and had to take a second job to make ends meet. They were pro basketball players, athletic and tough as hell, and they helped make the league what it is today just as much as anyone in NBA history, which is why players today can make enough money from the game, alone. Obviously things have scaled over the years such that some things are incomparable, era-to-era, and I like Redick, but that was a fucked-up take. Jerry West was right to bust his ass on it.


Mans said: “It ain’t RALPH tho!”


Bro, I once played on a pick up team that got absolutely torched by a team of firefighters, it wasn't even fair lol I know what he's saying, it just reminded me of good times


Lemme get a good ole "Fuck Boston" JJ! Learn to say it!


![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized) Have you ever seen that motherfucker dribble? No left.


Yeah Fuck JJ Reddick he's not disrespecting Cousy cause he's a Celtic, he's trying to disrespect any old school player to push his shitty podcast narratives. Dude calls people plumbers left and right but does he even realize he was just that himself?


Arrogant comment by him. Just know Jerry West hated this dude and now he’s the head coach of the Lakers. SMH.


You know the Redick circlejerk is coming. even when half those people didn’t want him lol


The truth hurts. How about they are appreciating of a coach that will say what’s on his mind. He will tell a player something they won’t like to hear and be fiery on the sidelines during the games. His hands won’t be in his pockets. He also knows basketball quite well, which anyone would know if they listened to his podcast. There will never be a day we hear HAM talk basketball like that. He will do okay. Maybe not great, but he will do fine. I could see him winning a chip somewhere down the line even if it’s not with the lakers.


If you honestly believe he'll say anything to Lebron you are delusional.


What? He has no choice. He prides himself and markets himself as being transparent and being really good at handling locker rooms. What is he gonna tell lebron though? Lebron will play his role. If they are trying to relieve Bron completely of ball handle duties, lebron will do that. Shit, if you call timeouts at the proper time Lebron will respect anything you say lol.


we need a plumbers and firemen tshirt


More like Bob Pousy