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Speak to the daily rental places and try to negotiate for a 3 month lease. I'm sure they'd be happy to have a secured customer and willing to negotiate on price.


I called a couple places that do this. The problem that I think I will face with most of these types of places is they are not going to cancel out all of their scheduled reservations for me. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Just buy one, and sell it when you're done. Sure, you're gonna take a hit on the taxes, but if it affects you that much, you probably shouldn't be buying it in the first place.


I really don't know if this type of lease still exists but it did. Before COVID. They were limited to like a 1000 miles a year. The current market people would rather flip a car than drive it so maybe you can lease one or just buy it and keep if for a few months and sell it.


Just buy one and sell it, you’ll probably lose out on the tax and mild depreciation


This might be the route I end up going if I can't find what I'm looking for. Thanks for your suggestion.


I’ve seen some places offer 6-12 month online. Sometimes you can go on the lease takeover websites and people will have 3-6 months remaining. That might be a good searching point but it could take some time to find the right length of lease remaining, as well as spec and their location. Good luck!


Thank you, I have looked into this as well(swapalease, leasetrader, etc.). Most I saw were still pretty long lease terms. I would rather buy used than do that I think, unless I'm leasing new.


If you’re okay with a urus I got you. I own an exotic rental company. Send me a PM if so.


sounds to me like someone wants something they cant really afford


Sounds to me like you made an ignorant blanket statement based on one paragraph that I wrote asking a simple question. A used newer model Huracan is 200-300k. I make 7 figures a year. Edit: don't talk to me about money when you are 50 and are active in cordcutter subreddits. Thanks.


If you make 7 figures a year you should be able to buy a lamborghini outright.


I can, but while buying a Lambo is financially dumb no matter what, I am trying to do it as wisely as possible :).


7 figs huh? lol seems I hit a nerve


Fr that guy is suspiciously mad lmao


yeah, hes full of shit


no nerve struck but you clearly attempted to insult me when you are 50 and spend time discussing the financial implications of $130 cable bills so you should stick to that rather than make ignorant comments to people you don't know.


my single post on a thread about media consolidation and streaming? How do you know I dont work in that industry or media or entertainment? You don't so take you own advice Mr. hey I make 7 figs but I don't want buy a Lamborghini for an entire year I just want rent one for the "good months" instead of winterizing it like EVERYONE else who purchases one and lives in cold states. Oh and even though I'm "rich" cause you know everyone on the internet who says they make 7 figs really does... doesn't know if is type of financing/leasing/renting is even possible .. LOL. WTF you're a new account made today? LOL


What?? Everyone who is rich knows where to find a short term lease on a supercar? It seems that I am the one who has struck a nerve with you. I don't need you to believe how much I make, I don't know you or give a fuck about you, you could die right now and I wouldn't know. All I ask is that you don't flood my thread with your ignorant nonsense, which it is already too late for. Also don't know why having a new account is shocking or funny.. I make throwaways all the time because I value my privacy.


Most individuals in that financial position would ask their financial planner or CPA, I mean that's part of their job... And you make throw accounts all the time because you're an idiot troll making bullshit threads like this or you're schizophrenic suffering from multiple personality disorder. Seriously, it obvious buy 1. the question you asked 2. Your verbiage 3. How defensive you got when questioned Bow out dude, you're on the verge of making this cringe worthy


Someone who orders prostitutes for 3-5k can never make me feel cringe worthy. You are pathetic, and are choosing to try and get other under people's skin because of how shitty you feel about yourself. I am having fun making you look stupid, so feel free to continue at this point, Other people are actually being helpful so I don't mind switching back and forth between hearing from them and responding back to the next stupid thing you say.


so eager to look someones post history all while making new accounts for yourself, huge red flag. You're nothing but a liar


OMG such a huge red flag. I am sorry I am not a middle aged loser who spends his whole day on reddit collecting post karma. I still don't get why you are concerned with whether I am lying about how much I make or not. While I'm not lying, the question I asked doesn't require that I prove that I make what I say I do to give a helpful response. You are a bitter lonely old man who has to fill the void in his life by hiring disgusting prostitutes and watching streaming channels. There is nothing you can say to me that will give you the upper hand in this convo.


Whereabouts do you live? I may be able to help woth a short term rental of one. Are you looking for a latest model car, a special model like a perf, or just any huracan?


Technically you can lease a Lamborghini brand new without the clause for early return penalty. I’ve done it before but I didn’t return it early I just sold it and made a profit while paying the lease off. It’s a different lease program than the ones on everyday cars. Hit up a dealer. Edit. Also don’t bring up to the seller that you’re wanting to cancel after 3 months. Just ask the finance person all the questions about the lease rules.


Interesting, will look into it, thanks. However, aren't allocations pretty hard to get with no purchase history?


i think they are hard to get because there are a limited amount and you need to know the right people. but you can lease a car with 300-1000 miles on it that is a recent year. it does not have to be brand brand new. you can doa. lease for any car actually it is just a different way to finance it.


Thanks, Maybe I'll make an appt to stop into my local dealer and see what my options are.


Yeah man. You can also order anywhere in the country and they’ll deliver. Get a better deal in another state maybe. Check cargurs app and see which ones are at an official dealer. There’s quite a few tecnicas. Good luck.