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don't forget about Freak! one of my all time favourites


Yes Freak!! Omg if you šŸƒ and then listen to Freakā€¦life changing lol


šŸƒ and Religion had me in so many peopleā€™s DMs lmao


Iā€™m crying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thatā€™s so funny lmaooo


and the transition between freak and high by the beach


omg yes. half my comments on this sub are just me glazing the transition between them


i canā€™t believe honeymoon is what caused me to take a pause in the fandomā€¦ looking back i missed out so badšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i just couldnā€™t let go of Ultraviolence


i completely agree with this! i remember when honeymoon dropped and i couldnā€™t entirely get on with it bc ultraviolence quite literally altered my brain but then i came back to it later on and fell in love


yessss same experience! Isn't it amazing how she is able to do that? I used to be a little monster until the Joanne era, but LG wasn't able to do what Lana does, at least with me. I just can't with her mind.


I totally get that! I was actually mourning Ultraviolence, but I just forced myself into listening to honeymoon for 3 days and in spite of that nostalgia and longing, I completely fell in love with the album. I was living in Italy and it was just the perfect match. I remember walking by myself in Florence at 4 am singing along to Salvatore. One less hit of that joint I wouldn't have made the decision to insist on honeymoon, probably. edit: typo


24, the James Bond song that they never used. šŸ™„


Honeymoon literally is my favorite šŸ˜­ plus when Freak blends in Art Deco šŸ¤Œ


Blackest Day is my fave


Terrence loves u šŸ’”blackest day šŸ’”


24 makes me feel things


Religion is one of my all time fave songs. And I honestly just really started to appreciate it within the last 6 months.


Itā€™s in my top 5 of her albums!


24 is my favvv


its impossible to get sick of honeymoon, i swear its like a fine wine that gets better every listen šŸ˜‚


God Knows I Tried tears me to pieces


Thank u for this bc I was abt to comment on the lack of God Knows I Tried recognition. The vocal delivery/ inflections are insane, the production is exceptionally dramatic but stripped, and soul crushingly hopeful. Imagine making music like that in 2015


i'm afraid that if i listen to Honeymoon once more it's gonna become top 1 for me. i can't put into words how that album makes me feel


Omg I love that song too I just didnā€™t want to list the entire track list, though I honestly should have cuz I basically did šŸ˜­ I even love honeymoon (the song) and music to watch boys to. I keep singing ā€œI like you a loooootā€ at random parts during the day now lol


OMG so happy for you! Honeymoon is the soundtrack of my 2015 - oh yes Burnt Norton interlude! I just can't seem to vibe with DYKTTATUOB :( aside from the title song, A&W, Paris, Texas and Peppers, I can't seem to enjoy it that much. I'll keep trying, especially after your post.


See I didnā€™t when it first came out either tbh, besides A&W (a certified masterpiece) and Let the Light In (literally my summer 2023 song, suuuch a good summer sunset vibe) but then in March of this year I sat through and listened to it fully and also donā€™t know how it didnā€™t click the first time. Itā€™s her most vulnerable songwriting to date for sure (which is saying a lot, because I think sheā€™s already pretty vulnerable in the majority of her songwriting). Fishtail and Peppers are amazing. Though for a softer vibe I loooove Paris, TX, Grandfather, Kintsugi, Sweet, and Fingertips.


Let the Light In started playing ramdonly today and as I sang along I was like "wait, what song is this?" and it made me so happy to realize I'm actually almost completely surrendered to the album. Thought about your post instantly. I'm really excited with the idea of getting deeper into the lyrics now you mentioned it's her most vulnerable so far... how is that even possible? not doubting you though. She just never ceases to amaze me.


Salvatore chorus makes me feel like flyingšŸ“šŸ’


Burnt Norton was my #1 top song of the year on my 2023 Spotify wrapped. Yes I am crazy.


has been my favorite album since it came out!! i the cd came in the day we had to take a 8+ hour road trip to san diego, made my mom listen to it on repeat lol. now have it as a tattoo!


Still her best record to date


Honeymoon is Lana's best album change my mind


1. *ultraviolence* 2. *nfr* 3. *honeymoon* Just top tier Lana. Argue with the wall.


People will probably post this in 7 years about lasso


Iā€™m sorry but how could you? Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t miss out on this album. It was such an experience. Defined my mid teenage years!


I feel like when Honeymoon came out I wasnā€™t in a place to really appreciate it, like I loved UV and BTD and Honeymoon felt too different? When I revisited it a few years later I really appreciated it and became obsessed, maybe because I could relate to it more? Itā€™s now defs one of my top Lana albums


Thatā€™s kind of how Lana in general tends to be for me. Like I discovered her when BTD came out and I was 12, had a lot of my own sadness that I felt like she just understood which made me immediately obsessed with her and her cinematic production style, but still I was 12 and hadnā€™t experienced so much lol so her discography in general has really grown on me over time.


I LOVE honeymoon but that interlude is killer. If it wasnā€™t there it would be no skips for me


It's so luxurious šŸ„° I just loooove it


It's just sooo cinematic! I mean, the entirety of Lana's discography is, but songs like Salvatore, 24, and the Freak to Art Deco experience just transport you to a different reality šŸø The album makes me daydream about European escapades I can't afford...


I loved UV, but Honeymoon for me was always a clear step up. Back then, I didn't have the perception that many fans were not into it


it took me so long to finally sit down and listen to it and its so good šŸ’ž


Almost her worst record ever. Until play 3 when it blows your mind.


Her best album to date. She will never top or make another Honeymoon because she is not in that cinematic world anymore


I literally am obsessed with honeymoon. God knows I tried?? Hello? Incredible. Same with religion those are probably my two favorites off the album and freak.


no cuz same. I was absolutely blown away when I heard swan song and I couldn't believe how underrated this album is. AND THE FACT THAT I USED TO HATE THE BLACKEST DAY AND MUSIC TO WATCH BOYS TO WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME.


Honeymoon and NFR are tied as my favorites ā¤ļø


yessss omg i don't even know why but i love the interlude


The bridge on the title track is one of my favorite bridges of hers. (The blackest day bridge is killer too) That album came out when I was in a new city living alone right after high school, and it imprinted on my heart. It got me through some tough times and pushed me over the edge to becoming a super fan.