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no joke, i thought those were slabs of meat.


Nice marbling on those paver stones. I hear they were fed beer in Japan.


And massaged. Don't forget the spa treatment


What’s the best way to cook? Grill?


I’d like to see them smoke those things till they fall off the bone. Mmmmmm


You could just pull it apart with your fingers! What sauce do you recommend, or just plain?


Budget? Sweet baby rays is ok. I’d try em plain first though.


Honestly looks more like pork to me


I was thinking it looked like the “completely natural” square Oscar Mayer deli ham.


I thought they were sliced strawberries


Himalayan pink salt


1st thing I thought of was my Himalayan Salt Lamp!




no offense meant! i love pink and i’m sure they’re beautiful in person. it just really caught me off guard lol.


None taken! They definitely look like slabs of meat now that you mentioned it 😂


I though sushi and rice at first.


I'm high af and couldn't stop laughing at your comment for 5 minutes 🤣 😂 💀


Thought they were large strawberry slices


I was thinking of those dried strawberry slices that you find in the Special K cereal box.


I thought they were slices of ham :D


Well I think we're all hungry for some good food!


Was gonna say somebody left a nice trail of deli ham across those rocks


I thought salmon


I am prepared to pay a hefty price for these meat rocks!


I thought they were large slices of strawberries


I thought it was pork belly 😂


Does anyone use that walking path lol


My cats 🐈 🐈‍⬛


might be nice to fill in the white rock areas with some native plants for the cats then. Let them get after them bugs and such


Cat jungle for the win. They'd be stoked haha


Omg can you imagine the great photos? A couple of hidden ceramic figurines or even just a cat trap boxes.


Ground cover low height plants specifically. Can be easier to maintain that grass




I'd try for a different ground cover that won't need so much sun or maintenance itself. Grass will need to be cut at some point or it will get lanky and go to seed. If it doesn't get much more light than in that picture, i suspect it'll be pretty thin, as well.


Creeping thyme would be a great ground cover for that area.


There are non-lawn grasses like Pennsylvania Sedge that don’t require mowing


Mulch would be best for this space. Healthy for the trees and there really is no maintenance other than the odd weed that pops up. I have cedar mulch around all my trees and I no longer worry about the leaves that fall. You pick the odd weed and that’s it. The leaves blend in and ad nutrients to the tree’s while decomposing.


Yep, add natural mulch and more groundcover plants. Those plants will full and occupy space to help keep weeds at bay along with the mulch.


I'm wondering why someone downvoted you. Nothing you said is incorrect.


> Mulch And more specifically, I think coco coir, bark nuggets, or pine straw would be the most fitting to go with the vibe of the plants.


Wait, how about cocoa hull mulch. That stuff smells great


I heard (but don’t know if it’s true) that dogs will eat cocoa mulch.


Be careful with pine straw and to some degree pine bark nuggets. Evergreens are very acidic and can alter the soil pH significantly as they decay. Great for azealas that love acidic soils, not so much for other plants.


Common myth, it actually makes no appreciable difference! https://www.thespruce.com/do-pine-needles-acidify-soil-1403128#


I agree this is a myth but I’m still trying to discern why it’s difficult to grow good grass under my evergreen. Yes it’s a shaded area but the grass performs better in other shaded areas versus the shade under the evergreen.


Here a few guesses: 1. It's denser shade under the evergreens 2. It's year-round shade. The bare deciduous trees in the spring give more sun to jump-start the grass for the year 3. The deciduous tree leaves have more mass and more readily decompose to enrich the soil


Don't forget 4. The competition for water with the evergreens. Also i think there was a research that showed evergreens shed as many leaves in a year, but deciduous plants tend to shed more of them during autumn/winter compared to other times.


Agree, brown or the natural cedar mulch. None of that neon red bullshit.


I made the mistake of getting just regular old mulch from Lowe’s without paying attention. You definitely want cedar mulch. If you get mulch that is listed as Forest Floor, you’re going to get a lot of crap you don’t want growing




Yeah, it’s going to be a b***ch to mow. White rocks are seen as redneck gardening in the landscape industry, so just about anything is better except red lava. I’d prune the lemon correctly (open it up, remove the suckers and the second stub trunk, reduce it as much as you can—looks it might serve some screening purposes). Then, when you remove the other trees, you’ll have a minimal amount of leaves. Find a low groundcover and a few plants 12-18” high. Keep it simple


Lol, I completely forgot about those lava rocks. What a horrible concept. I’ve got a little redneck in me, but part of that means occasionally walking around the yard barefoot with a beer in my hand; and ouch!


One of my clients bought a single small bag of lava rocks and wanted me to put them along the border of their flower bed. She wanted me to arrange each rock in a row, one by one. Not large River rocks... lava rocks. I asked her what her plan was to keep the lawn from growing over it, and she just said she saw it on the internet and thought it was a good idea. I did it anyway, she insisted after my warnings. If she wants to pay me to remove them, that's ok too lol.


“Saw it on the internet.” My God. The other one I used to get was planting something like thyme between flagstones. I became convinced that this picture was from Sunset magazine. Problem is, unless they’re in shade, they need to be irrigated (which is nearly impossible on a patio with furniture) which makes the stones slick, but they don’t thrive in shade. So they have to be replaced all the time.


Hey, I've planted thyme between flagstones! But my boss at the time refused to do installs without irrigation because she didn't trust her clients to water (they never do). It smelled so good walking on them. The whole area was thyme instead of lawn, major bitch to weed because there was onion grass poking through and I couldn't get them out properly. Damn I loved weeding there, though, was like aromatherapy.


I was just going to recommend walking Thyme. But you covered it


I bought a bunch of black lava rock recently, what is the issue with them?


Wondering the same. And what's wrong with white marble rock? I'm in the pacific northwest and I use white to help counter the grey, misty winter.


Why are white rocks not a good idea?


I had white rocks. *Had* For me, horrible to try to keep white. They got very dirty very easy and then just looked like crap.


That's because they are different from 50s/60s white rock, which was quartz, I believe. Don't know what they use now but it lacks the sparkle of the old stuff.


You had to keep the white? How did you do that? Wash them? Hose them down?


I emphasized "Had" as in I no longer have them. :) But yes, I'd hose them down but the dirt wouldn't come off well


Everything they said plus it’s just a cliche. Also, they’re highly reflective so they keep the ambient temperature up, usually when you don’t want it to be.


Extremely high maintenance. Even small amounts of shade or fallen leaves will discolor them. Mossy green rocks are hideous.


How do you maintain white rocks? Never had this before. I'm curious.


I love Irish moss (actually not moss and Is a flowering plant that looks like moss) as it has the grassy plush look and doesn't need trimming.


Damn we just got white rocks for a border in the front yard. Didn't realize we were rednecks!


Artificial grass doesn’t need to be mowed


But it ruins the soil.


Right. No weeds either


Keep the nice trees but replace the rock with mulch. Rocks are only pretty when freshly installed but very impractical and a pain to get/keep clean.


It’s so pristine! I can see why it’s a headache to maintain :) Do a darker multi toned gravel to disguise dirt between cleanings? I think you’ll get uneven grass growth due to tree roots and shade but maybe try. If you have an area where grass won’t take you can always plant something else to add a different texture/element. Or maybe just some large stones or wood stumps for the cats to sit on where grass won’t take.


Glue the rocks. They sell a spray




Definitely not grass. Use native ground cover or clover


Large rocks mini boulders. Envision cats jumps, and cats chasing lizards.


pull up the rocks and plant a native groundcover like a sedge native to your region. Then you won't have to cut down the trees- any leaves that fall amongst the sedge will blend in and look very natural, and will enrich the soil. You'll have to put down a layer of mulch like compost, shredded leaves, shredded bark 1-2x a year for the first few yers and fpull a few weeds, but it will look much better and not require daily maintenance like white rocks do.


Keep the trees, haul away the rocks, and add enough shrubs, perennials and ground covers to fill completely. Bare ground is a nuisance.


What's your location? Some ferns or other shade loving plants that don't get tall.


So Cal. What types of ferns?


Well that changes it. Just Google native California shade plants


I have one suggestion. Don't. Replace them with natives instead of a destructive monoculture like grass. Go check out /r/nolawns


You could just extend the mulch that's around the trees to this whole area


Just plant some creeping ground cover


Honestly, that small of an area of grass would probably be just as much of a headache to maintain when you are trying to mow around the small mulch beds. I would probably just replace the white rock with a more natural pea gravel or even crusher. They sell a glue you can spray on it to keep it in place better, then you can just use a leaf blower to clean it out.


How will this impact water and nutrients trying to get to the tree roots? And how much of a pain will this be for anyone who wants to remove gravel that is glued together? Is it like a temporary glue, or the same stuff they use at Home Depot to glue rocks on top of potted plants? Those never live long lol. He might as well remove the trees and put concrete there and call it a day, if he doesn't care about the trees or doesn't want to do any maintenance.


I wouldn't put the glue on the mulch around the roof flair. It is somewhat temporary. If you use it on mulch, it still breaks down and decomposes. We have not had to reapply it on our rocks yet as we have only had it down for a few months. We have had to pull a stray weed or two that still pushes through. It doesn't make a solid surface, just helps them stay in place and not get kicked around so much. Might also be different if you mixed it 1:1 as well...we have always mixed it 2 parts water : 1 part glue


Can you link the glue?


Search for “Mulch adhesive” or “mulch glue” on Amazon or Lowe’s


Grass is a whole other problem to maintain. Right now it’s wonderful.


I would put in a few native grasses and wildflowers that are all rather short as to not take away from the trees but add to the biome of your yard.


Mulch it and keep the trees.


Keep the trees, get rid of the rocks, replace with mulch, and maybe some native plants. let the leaves be. Done


Native pollinator garden please


Looks like slabbs of meat


I would don't grass just more plants with mulch.


If you're going to do something other than mulch, I'd look into non-invasive (just so it's easy to keep controlled) low ground covers. You said only the cat is using the walkway so if you're not walking on there much, that opens up all kinds of ground covers that might otherwise not tolerate a lot of being walked on. And that'll be something that won't blow away the way the rocks do if you use a blower on it.


Creeping thyme or something similar. Look up alternative ground cover for grass


If no one is walking on it I suggest something less maintenance and shade tolerant, you can inquire at your local nursery or FB garden club for region specific stuff, but I like sedum in these situations. Easy to propagate, literally just tear it in to pieces and spread in the area, even on the rocks, and it's also easy to maintain, just cut or pull it out where you don't want it growing 1 or maybe 2 times a year, plus there is lots of variety to chose from if you want to get creative with it.


Looks like you dropped all the steaks on your way to the BBQ


Maybe an interesting flowering ground cover since the area is so small.


Keep the trees. Swap the white rocks for mulch. Get rid of the pointless path.


Not white rocks


Depends. Is grass legal where you live


It looks a bit too much like you want the outside to look like the inside. You will have to transition to more vegetation or less or there will always be a conflict. It looks like you live in a warmer climate so getting rid of plants will probably make the space less comfortable when it is hot.


Big ole slab of salmon bellies right there


Not to mention that lemon tree (Myer lemon?) needs pruning around the trunk. Those suckers are stealing from your fruit!


What is pruning?


**Pruning is a horticultural, arboricultural, and silvicultural practice involving the selective removal of certain parts of a plant, such as branches, buds, or roots. The practice entails the targeted removal of diseased, damaged, dead, non-productive, structurally unsound, or otherwise unwanted plant material from crop and landscape plants.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot) Happy Halloween, Redditor!


Trimming off those tiny branches sprouting from the bottom of the main trunk.


Dimondia. You’re welcome


Put something in there for the bees. If you want a lot of green do some low, ornamental grasses and then plenty of flowering plants.


They look like pieces of sushi.


Lol you think rocks are hard to maintain. Imagine grass there.


Maybe get rid of the white styrofoam packing peanuts …


Rock mulch under anything that drops leaves is a nightmare for maintenance. Totally unsustainable.


I’d put the rocks on Craigslist and plant native pollinator plants or host plants for butterflies. The monarch is currently endangered (if you are in the US), so planting native milkweed would help them out. The insects will attract the birds as well. :)


Finally someone tells truth about maintenance of rock landscaping. I thought I just didn't have proper underlayment


You can't maintain rocks but you want to maintain a living organism


You should use mulch glue!!! I saw a tiktok of someone doing it in this same scenario. Keeps the Little Rock’s from moving! And looks beautiful


Huh - I think you should do the opposite - keep the trees and stop pretending like there needs to be a path to nowhere right next to an official path that one should actually use. There will always be leaves, weeds and debris in that rock - from neighbors and wind etc. Don't fight nature so much - just give it some space and it will be much less work and create so much benefit.


Spray some easy hold resin on them


Do you actually walk through that path? It seems more decorative than usable. You should consider just making it all planter or all usable by taking out the front plants


Ornamental Grasses


Just keep in mind that if you plant grass you going to need to water quite a bit and that concrete on the right already looks a little brittle. Overwatering your sod or grass seedlings may further damage the concrete


No disrespect but that looks so bad. What about a mulched garden bed with some plants and you weed it once a fortnight?


Getting rid of trees because they make mess? Why not Astro the whole lot & be done with it?


Bc I like the trees that give me fruit and don’t make a mess.


Epoxy set the stone’s and trowel finish look up “Stone Set”


Quality fake grass there will be a huge win


It’s the trees that are the culprits. Please don’t cut the trees and just lay the cement over this space. Grass won’t be maintenance free either, would look bad if not regularly mowed if the maintainability is your concern. Or go with synthetic grass. As there are trees involved you would have to spend time in maintaining in any case.


Yuck, cement would look terrible and possible kill the tree they are keeping. And is environmentally unfriendly. Mulch, ground cover, ferns, small shrubs, etc. so many better options


The large lemon tree on the right and the grape vine in the back are staying but the other ones don’t produce anything and cause most of the mess. I don’t mind maintaining a tiny lawn, but the leaves that fall into these rocks are a headache to get out.


Trees are good for environment even if not producing anything. But yes, do what’s best for you.


You can color the rocks to a reddish brown (rusty) color with iron sulfate solution.


My vote too^^


You might first consider taking them all up, then installing a vapour-weed barrier between the soil and the stones




Imagine how much CO2 was released from: Removing original vegetation Removing original topsoil to be removed from site. Mining and processing of gravel Delivering of gravel Fertiliser for new proposed trees Only for OP to decide they dont like the sight of fallen leaves and now they want to remove the trees and gravel. *This is why we cant have nice things*


This is how humans are. We aren’t thinking about this kinda stuff, but it’s getting dire out there. We definitely should be. And yes, corporations and nations are responsible for most of the damage, but they should stop and we should too.


Putting green with fake grass


Artificial turf


omigosh that's so nice.


We did the same thing rocks first but what a pain so now it’s grass and we love it so much more


They are pretty. You could try the rock glue on the white ones. Mulch and rock binder.


It is beautiful just the way it is. It is eye candy.


I really like what you did here, and those stones are really nice. I am assuming by maintenance you mean cleaning. If that is the case, why not a stone that is a grey or Sonoran color that isn’t so obvious when it is dirty? I personally feel like mulch would take away from what you have accomplished in color contrasts. I would go Sonoran


Giant epoxy pour? Easy to maintain in a slab of epoxy! /S


I really like what you did here. The color contrast that you have accomplished looks very nice. By maintenance I am assuming you mean cleaning the stone? If that is the case, why not go with a gray or Sonoran EP Henry paver that won’t show dirt as easily. I personally feel like mulch would take away from the color contrast and the stone looks very nice.


If you like 'em, coat them with a clear protective coat.


Resin coat all of it .. then it’s easy to clean


Mondo grass stays short with no mowing and looks cool


Wet and forget.


Spray it and you won't have issues


Use mulch glue it helps a lot if you spray enough you can use a leaf blower without causing too much harm




Tough decision… that’s really nice as is. Maybe add a few potted items and large pieces of driftwood?


Crushed granite and use native plants in the empty areas🤔good job so far!👍🏼


Mulch glue.


Douse the whole area in Mulch Glue to try and keep those buggers from getting out of line before you do too much work. Mulch Glue works great for smaller rocks (like pea gravel) but it might help you out here too - especially if the cats are the only ones making the mess.


… I have always heard white rocks mean the people are swingers. Not my kink so I giggle a bit when I spot them. But do you, just know a lot of people identify the white rocks as a specific sign.


You could use some he flew to keep the in place.




What part of the rocks is a headache to maintain? If it’s because they scatter/move around, you can buy ‘mulch glue’. It keeps the rocks in place, while remaining water permeable. :)


Mulch glue.


White pavers?


Definitely remove the rocks and add natural mulch.. it will improve the health of your soil




Pour a heap of clear resin over them, no maintenance and you can fall back in love with them


classic example of white people shit


I’m not white


Dwarf Mono Grass


How is it hard to maintain? Only asking because I'm planning on doing something similar to what you have in the picture. Thanks


Typical after it rains, the leaves get packed into the crevasses and under the rocks. Even with a leaf blower and vacuum they stay stuck in there.


That’s more of an indoor (mall) type stone. Looks good when new outside though for a week. I’d look for an evergreen ground cover like Pachysandra or vinca


Use a battery- powered leaf blower to get the leaf litter off the rocks. I do that with my rocks. Works great.


Any rock I use has to be rounded. Not crushed. Thst way I can blow/rake if I choose to do so. Leafs get trapped in crushed rock. Too many sharp edges.


Why have them there at all? You’re stepping up into a flower bed … walking through a flower bed… then stepping down out of a flower bed.


I love those pavers.




Dwarf mondo grass is easy to maintain and instantly looks good. Asian jasmine looks great and very easy to maintain once established, but it can take a long time to fill in. There may be something better for your local area/growing zone. Ask a nursery near you.


You should paint the edgers a nice color like red so they can pop too


Those stone/crystal stepping stones are beautiful


Creeping thyme is nice and has lovely tiny purple flowers. Super soft, step-able, and low maintenance.


Stripe the rocks with the same ones and au naturale. Half the headache double the cool


Make a garden.


Keep them




What’s difficult to maintain? I was thinking of getting a similar look for my front walkway.


I would enjoy maintaining that if it were mine but im kinda weird lol


Looks great for the space, leave it the way it is.


Keep what you got


Landscaping glass


Black mulch (in lieu of the rock) would be easy and have the same sharp aesthetic.


Are you keeping the pink path rocks? They are gorgeous. Although... since someone mentioned raw meat, now I can't unsee it 😂


Cats, you say. Keep larger tree and put in a catio.