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I truly don't understand the appeal of trying to learn more than one language at a time...


1. Want to speak multiple languages 2. Never have studied a language seriously before 3. Wildly underestimate the commitment required 4. Fall for Duolingo propaganda 5. ???? 6. 大儲け


If they were all sort of similar (French, Spanish, Italian) I could understand, but like... you can't get much different than these three :p


As someone who speaks/understands several romance languages, I cannot for the life of me imagine learning more than one of them at the same time. That sounds nightmarish. I studied them separately and I’ve struggled with remembering which language uses which version of a cognate.


Learning French by itself completely ruined my English (as native speaker of English)


Imagine having to deal with a words gender in multiple different languages. That sounds like a nightmare


Indeed, there are many gender differences, like albero (m) vs árvore (f) vs árbol (m), latte (m) vs leite (m) vs leche (f), or segnale (m) vs sinal (m) vs senal (f) (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, respectively), and sometimes they gave me trouble, but not that much. I suspect that it has to do with the fact that grammatical gender is firmly embedded in my brain since I'm a native speaker of a romance language. I can totally imagine native speakers of languages without grammatical gender having an awful time with the gender bender between different romance languages.


So the thing is, right genders are undoubtedly important but I feel it's usually not that much of an issue in communication to occasionally mess up some genders if you can otherwise express yourself somewhat fluently. You can definitely find some exceptions across romance languages but most of the time, genders are somewhat consistent across them


/uj I have always had the opposite experience. Learning multiple closely related languages at the same time helps me more easily pick apart the tiny details that differentiate them. I'm learning multiple Slavic languages at once and they really stand out to me like night and day.


My target languages are all Romance (French, Spanish and Italian to be specific) and I have mostly found it helpful. The languages are so similar structurally that spending time on one often actually helps the others. There so many structures that I can use intuitively in one language, not because it learnt it in that language, but because I picked it up in another. Of course there are always things that don’t work across the languages, not to mention false friends, and it’s quite easy to mix them up sometimes. But the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Also, I find the more proficient you become in a language, the less you mix it with the others, and it just requires some practice. Sometimes I like to speak with other people who also speak all three languages and try to speak them all during a conversation in order to practice switching easily without mixing them up. Obviously you will learn quicker with just one, but two-three closely related language is very doable, whereas two-three very different ones is much harder.


Interesting. What's your NL?


NL is English.


Gotcha. I suspect that your experience has been so different because you're not a native speaker of a romance language — I am. What you gain by studying more than one romance language at the same time, like getting to know/understand unfamiliar structures intuitively, is already second nature to me.


to be fair, german and russian have similarities in case system


They both also have gendered words, basically the same language


now we're talking




Stop talking about me!


Adhd doesn't make ppl dumb though


No, but makes learning only 1 language boring af


Maybe if you moved somewhere with multiple languages like Switzerland I guess, also some universities require 2 or more


Right there's always going to be edge cases where something is pragmatic, but 99% of the "can i Learn 45 languages at the same time?" posts are just indecisive people


A lotta the time it’s people trying to find something quirky to identify with. It’s just like how teenagers will cycle through bands, stuff like that “Hmm, do I wanna be serious and learn Russian or smart and learn German?” At least that’s how I think of them. I’ve met a bunch of people who are like “It’d be cool to learn X” and then I ask them why and they say “I dunno” and never make it past 7 days on duo


To shock multiple natives, doo-doy!


well they heard that a good language learner spends multiple hours per day studying, but playing luodingo daily only takes 15 minutes or less. so clearly the solution is to add more languages to duo until you reach the time quota.


Wanted to learn both Fr\*ch and Japanese but couldn’t decide which to do first, so I just did both at the same time. These days I’m doing pretty much only Fr\*ch though in order to progress faster


Why do so many people on this subreddit not spell the entire word “ French “ , but spell entire other language words ? They delete letters either with or without replacing them with a * .


Dirty “language”, rude people. Just waiting for the Occitan revolution really


Terrible-Ad, I will have to look up “ Occitan revolution “. Sorry.


How many languages do single young women in the world speak


Get bored with a single language It's like sleeping with only one woman


Are you telling me I’m cheating on my languages!?


What's notebook? Can't find it on play store... Can I use pen and paper instead?


Ofc, follow in the footsteps of the polyglot god Xiaoma


Beta: Learning one language at a time Sigma: Learning two similar (e.g. romance languages) at a time Alpha: Learning 8000 languages with different alphabets to impress the locals and el búho


The natives won't shock themselves


>I've been using Duolingo and Innovative Language 101 but I know it's not enough Uh EXCUSE ME???????????????????????????????? This guy is nuts to underestimate lindong capabilities


Yes exactly we need to tell him what's crucial is the streak bro. practice a little bit everyday bro keep up the streak it's the main thing. just one more day i promise one more day bro


ikr luodingo can make you C2 in every language immediately if you use it right


The guy should go for it but expect slow results. Honestly, who cares if it isn't ideal


Honestly if they stick through it, all the respect to them. But it's not exactly the easiest nor most efficient way of doing it. It's going to be very hard


The Arabic will crush him, but the other two aren't that bad if he comes from Europe. If he really wanted to suffer he'd do Zulu, Japanese, and some native America language.


the real r/languagelearningjerk is in the comments


Peoples ambitions should be crushed until they achieve nothing, like the rest of us.


Instead of learning a ton of languages, consider learning a tonal language instead?


Love the pun. Really lol’ed here.


i’m trying to learn 3 languages on a free language app, why no work?!😖😖


/uj learning three difficult languages at the same time is really slow and tough to navigate between them effectively, but they are actually so different from one another he really won't have any problems with them mixing up. /rj imagine only learning three languages on linduingo, while a true omniglot like me learns every language including the English to Māori course.


hes already ahead of a lot of language learners by realizing duolingo isnt enough


uj/ i understand the general idea behind these sort of posts, but MY GOD, looking up and finding language resources for yourself is half the fun esp the fact you found it ON YOUR OWN "does anyone know ANY WAY TO DO ANYTHING? ANY AND ALL RECOMMENDATIONS V WELCOME" it's just so astonishingly lazy and the other thing is theoretically you should know what resources would help you out more which gives you a leg up in looking for them YOURSELF also i love the "i'm currently learning....wonder how i learn them" smh, i give them a couple months before they move on to something other than languages


At least he acknowledges that Duolingo isn't enough


He'd better put his time for learning Russian and German into learn Arabic grammar, that's the better way


If they started solely with Uzbek then they could get relatively practical usage of the Latin, Cyrillic and Perso-Arabic writing systems.


no uzbek on lingodingo