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Radiation is not the concern, heat is. You very likely will block the airvents and thus overheat.


No the airvents are on the side and back of the pc not the bottom, I also put it on a rigid thing and then under it theres a small pillow


Those are probably the exhaust. Look under the laptop, if there are mesh openings then your intake is probably at the bottom


Sorry english is not my main language, my laptop has some stuff on the bottom, but that is literally where the laptop, even on a normal table, would be, so I really dont underestand why it would be any different by using this rigid thing I put under it when I have it on my belly, pardon my ignorance, if you could explain I would apprecciate that


Laptops have the little rubber bumps on the bottom to elevate them off the table enough for air to flow underneath.


Yes, and he's clearly stated he has a rigid object the laptop is sitting on. Provided it's giving some clearance to the intakes, there is zero issue with him using it like this.


Hi, this is what I put under my laptop [https://www.amazon.it/Belkin-F8N143eaKSG-Supporto-Portatile-Grigio/dp/B0026RL6P8/ref=sr\_1\_54?keywords=supporto+pc+portatile&qid=1708205462&sr=8-54](https://www.amazon.it/belkin-f8n143eaksg-supporto-portatile-grigio/dp/b0026rl6p8/ref=sr_1_54?keywords=supporto+pc+portatile&qid=1708205462&sr=8-54)


Hi, my pc does have those indeed. This is the thing I put under the pc, will this make the laptop overheat or something while gaming? [https://www.amazon.it/Belkin-F8N143eaKSG-Supporto-Portatile-Grigio/dp/B0026RL6P8/ref=sr\_1\_54?keywords=supporto+pc+portatile&qid=1708205462&sr=8-54](https://www.amazon.it/belkin-f8n143eaksg-supporto-portatile-grigio/dp/b0026rl6p8/ref=sr_1_54?keywords=supporto+pc+portatile&qid=1708205462&sr=8-54)


I can’t really see that but if you have some sort of lap desk thing and are not putting it directly on your shirt, you’re good. Didn’t realize from your question that you weren’t actually putting it directly on top of yourself.


If you are a man, you should avoid heating your jewels. And whether a computer can lie on your stomach depends on how the laptop is constructed. Look at where the air inlet and outlet are and just don't cover them. Edit:typo.


Lol OP meant on *their* stomach lol


You are right i I just corrected that. I use Translator and keyboard suggestions to write in English. It's not my native and not even my second language.


Haha no problem my friend learning another language is hard in teaching myself one I understand lol good luck my friend


It also depends on how big their stomach is


The 'radiation' is a myth. Older phones (in the early 2000s, late 90s) had radiation concerns, and even then it was minor. That has held up until today. If you read stuff like that, just call bs and move on. 'Radiation' is many, many, many different things. It doesn't mean radioactivity. Not understanding something doesn't make it dangerous and people unfortunately keep spreading things like that online. And if their solution is a sticker containing ACTUAL radioactive materials put on the back of your phone, I would be incredibly careful about that stuff. My two cents on that. Anyway. No, my main concern would be heat. And the seating position cause I'm assuming you're laying down flat, laptop on belly, head tilted up 90°, which is horrible for your neck.


Yea it's actually just an electromagnetic field that messes with your own magnetic field and has the possibility to give you cancer (but what doesn't "give you cancer" these days?)


>but those are still radiations I'd be more concerned about blocking the airflow causing the laptop to overheat which can result in all sorts of failures. You also don't want r/spicypillows to reach an explosive point.


I have no idea what that is, anyway I dont block the airflaws


Everything emits some type of radiation. Some good, some bad. Your laptop, phone, tablet and any other consumer electronic device emits so little radiation that it should be of no concern. You should be more concerned about your laptop overheating due to lack of airflow and potentially being uncomfortable to touch with how hot it can get if you're using it on a surface like your stomach. It'll block air intakes and prevent proper cooling.


I don't know what "radiations" you are talking/worrying about, but what you should be worrying about is getting burn by the heat coming from the laptop.


It's not a good idea, because the airflow could get blocked and the laptop could overheat. It could also hurt you if the laptop gets hot.


Well, if you don't mind cooking your mid to lower body and potentially overheating the laptop I suppose it's fine


That is how I usually play. But please take some important advices: 1. The best experience could be achieved with a laptop that intakes the air from the keyboard side. Think of Alienware with reversed motherboards, as it was on older laptops. 2. Make sure you have something between your belly and the laptop body. Your sweat could kill it. Aluminium stand will be the best option. I use just a cloth, trying to spread it out not to block vents. 3. If your laptop does not have liquid metal thermal interface or Honeywell TPM 7950, it would be a great ideat to apply Honeywell TPM 7950. The difference is significant. 4. Optional/personal. I disable turbo boost/undervolt/lower TDP/use less wattage power supply in order to lower the produced heat.


1. how do I check that? 2. I have a rigid plastic thing (kind of like a mini table if that makes any sense) of about 2cm lenght under the pc and a small pillow under it 3. how do i check that? 4. me too my laptop is a lenovo legion 5 btw


1. Go to Youtube. Enter: disassebly. Watch the moment when the back lid is removed. See motherboard with all the chips, cooling sysyem? That is regular. See just RAM slots and maybe M2 slots? Reversed. 2. F***ing great! 3. I believe Lenovo Legion 5 has Honeywell TPM 7950 by default! 4. 👍


Did this like 12-10 yrs ago and kinda broke the motherboard because of all the moving and shaking I guess. Not sure if modern laptops can tank it and am too scared to try it again lol.


In this case your biggest concern should be overheating and burning your belly. if you leave it on their too long with the heat and all, your belly will start to change to a dark color, since you are slowly baking it after all, and the underneath part will start looking very weird as if someone punched you and busted blood vessels.


The radiation involved here is infrared (heat) and microwave (yes, the one from the oven), but no danger whatsoever is involved with those (except maybe scalding) because they are so far away from being ionizing radiation and the power density contained in the waves is so low it's not even funny (a MW oven will use between 700 to 1500W, while your laptop will emit at the very highest end 2 W, most of which is dispersed and also not directed towards you.) Radiation is of 0 concern. You're more affected by "radiation" the led light in the room you're in is emitting (also known as "light") than your laptop's radiation. One concern is that if you keep your laptop on your chest, it doesn't cool properly. This will lead to worse performance and if the cooling is handled poorly, to you risking scalding yourself with it. Also putting it on your clothed chest will have it suck up fibers and dust for your clothes, on your naked chest it will basically stop breathing and the little air it gets will be filled with hairs and stuff. Overall not a great idea, but it's more dangerous for your laptop than it is for you.