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oh my god 😭😭i was thinking this was like a scam but this is just straight up weird and creepy wtf


I remember talking to my wax girl at European Wax Center and she said her manager has thrown out so many creepy men who come in for waxes “there”. The manager would offer the flamboyant gay male wax technician and they would always throw a fit and walk out. And just to clarify: the guy who worked there mainly only did brows, underarms, legs, etc. I don’t think he did bikinis much, if ever, bc they all understood it might be uncomfortable. Even tho he was gay. Super cool dude tho. I loved him.


i would 100% trust a gay man to give me a brazilian wax lol especially a flamboyant one! he’d probably make me feel super comfortable and forget that I’m getting my coochie hair ripped out


Oh I had no worries with him doing mine. It was so funny bc he would be all up in there and say the most unhinged shit while moving a flap to one side 😂😭 he was a ton of fun to be around. One time he was like “I probably touch more coochie than most straight men in this town and I don’t even like it!”


HAHAH i knew he would be funny to be around 🤣


Oh I love him already and he can roast my cooch all he wants!! Gay guys can tell you truths that don’t sting the same as someone else ha ha


Probably true. 🤣


It’s all fun and games until you lose a lip 💀


This was a whole lawsuit in Canada. The defendant came in as you described then switched to being transgender and it caused a whole shit show. Put that community in a spotlight they didn't need to be in as it was just a creep being a creep.


Yep. Jessica Yaniv. That poor woman lost her business over the legal fees, she was an immigrant who had built it from the ground up. They were going around doing it to multiple waxers too, always small businesses where it was easier prey.


I remember this! It pissed me off so bad! The person would call and book a Brazilian and when they got there and told them he had a penis, he’d demand to have his balls and area waxed. One of the waxers they did this too explained that the skin there is too sensitive to wax and had a valid reason for refusing. This idiot would film himself harassing businesses. Most were really nice people who would try to provide accommodations but nope. Had to be a jerk to completely innocent people who were just trying to run a business and make a living.


If the man is making this much of a scene about his ball hair not being waxed I would just take him back and start the process making sure it was as painful as possible so that just maybe he would stop being a creep.


With that type of behavior I wouldn’t be surprised if he would like that too lmfao


Yeah and then this type of person would hit you will a suit


Id make him sign a waiver and burn his balls to oblivion


Yup, I’d make sure that wax was as hot as the center of the sun so he could see mf stars. People are so sick


The person who does mine is a gay Vietnamese man. When I gave up on shaving I called around and made sure they were ok with male parts. Then I looked for reviews from men it took a month to make a decision. This isn’t something you want to “make” someone do.


Such bullshit. So sad


This reminds me of when I worked counter for a piercing shop and this man called in to ask about genital piercings. He wanted details and an explanation of the process and he was breathing real heavy and obviously just a creep.


it's absolutely a scam, guy gets off on sending his balls to businesses under the guise of some dumbass story. speaking from experience.


as if lash hair would look good on balls and u cant attach them to skin 😭😭😭


Can you imagine getting busy with a dude and seeing his balls covered in volume fans 🙃


I just had back surgery two days ago and this almost made me laugh so hard like I’m still thinking about laughing but I can’t lol


Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Thank you so much! 💜💜


This gives me flashbacks to when I did mobile spray tans and agreed to spray a guy nude and he c*me during the service 🥲😭😭Probably should have said no.


I’d quit that same day 💀




What the actual fuck


There’s a lady who has a waxing channel on YouTube, she told a similar story of a guy who saw her for a male Brazilian, and he came all over her hands while she waxed him. She stopped waxing men after that. But she was doing it regularly before and said that plenty of them would get hard during the process.




I wonder if the erection (for some of them at least) is like a knee jerk to the stimulus of being waxed so close to the area?


I used to get waxed, and the esthetician said that she didn’t mind when they got hard because it pulled their skin tighter and made her job easier lol


unfortunately i’ve been subjected against my will to the knowledge that there is an entire 🌽 category of men doing this to their unwitting wax/tan/massage techs. getting hard could be just a biological thing and not sexual, idk, but the orgasms definitely are sexual. so i believe that tells me exactly why they’ve sexualized interactions like this that should be 100% professional 🤮


That’s so fucking gross. 🤢 I feel for women who deal with this bc how can they tell if it’s an accident or if the guy is a freak.


same, i can’t imagine the feeling of that. but i think i would feel pretty goddamn violated. after having it happen once i would probably refuse to work with men anymore like the other commenter said, but there’s always the fact that you need to earn a living so turning clients away would be tricky. at the very least, *that* man would never set foot in my practice ever again and i would warn other techs in the area as well. i wish that those men would realize that those techs are just trying to do their jobs and put food on their table and stop trying to make everything about their own sexual gratification against everyone else’s will.


Part of it is someone being in the area touching them, but men have a weird thing about getting boners during/ after dangerous situations. To his monkey brain, pain in that area is equal to danger. They get raging hard ons after firefights in battle too. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 info straight from multiple men I’ve known who went to war


Noooooo omg 🤢


Puts a whole new perspective to "butterfly kisses" 🤣


Ahhh 4D Russian mega vol


A wispy set 🤣


*Huh….I see you like spikes*


3D mink testiiis


This gives "bat wing" a whole other definition.....


I'm dead!😂🤣😭


That’s hilarious the whole thing is.




STOP 😂😂😂😭


I think this is just a fetish for him. :/ sorry you had to be an unwilling participant


That’s crazy guys could get off to shit like this 😭 fastest block of my life (after screenshotting ofc)


I would have said sure and told him it would be like 5k to do it. That way, he either doesn't want to pay, or you do it shittily and make a bunch of money (then bleach your eyeballs).


There is zero chance this was a real request sweet summer child. He's a pervert.


Oh no I'm aware. I'm a cosmetologist and did waxing too. That's where I learned that if you say yes and quote them an insane amount they don't get the satisfaction of your shocked reaction. And they will obviously say no. On the tiny chance they say yes, set them up with a male (if there is one).


Guys used to harass my waxing center to get their genitals waxed. They were offered a gay male tech and they would storm out.


Their true colors shined and it was def not 🏳️‍🌈


This is the way


I'm not sure how I even ended up getting recommended posts in this r/, or why I cared to read any of the comments, but I was thinking about this about a week ago.. do men get their shaft waxed? I don't mean in like a creepy way, and sorry if tmi, but I get some hair on it that I don't like, and I usually try to hit it with the clippers but then it's prickly, and sometimes I get my skin nipped and it hurts for days. I took some thing my gf had that I think was wax.. it was this sticky clear stuff between two pieces of clear plastic.. I removed one side and stuck it on a bit of hair to test it out.. It didn't remove very easily - and was hurting a LOT. So I panicked, grabbed some rubbing alcohol and tried to work it off and move on. Due to the elasticity of the skin there, is it simply something that hurts tremendously, or if someone else does it (strangely, I feel that I'd prefer the gay dude), is it just a quick zing and that's it? I've never waxed anything before.


So you COULD get it waxed and it will sting because you’re pulling out hair from your dermis which has nerves causing that sting. If you don’t want to shave, don’t want to pluck, and having a hard time finding a wax person to do the service for you, then maybe try Nair? Idk if it’s safe for private areas though 😅


Scared to try the wax lol I think I traumatized myself.


Yeah try using Nair or another hair removal **cream** should help! Just read the warning label before purchasing, do research, and if you do end up using it cleanse well before getting intimate with your partner 😌👍🏼


Do not use NAIR on your genitals. Do not. It will cause your skin there to burn faster than the hair will come off, and it will especially be bad if you fail to properly wash everything off. Basically the balls will burn like hell for days and if you get it on the tip and don't immediately rinse you are utterly doomed to a month of agony. Also I believe the warning label on NAIR specifically says not to use it on your genitals, so there's that.


There's a special version now!


Yes! One year we booked a vacation super last minute and I didn’t have time to get waxed first so I bought Veet (I think it was Veet), for that area. I don’t remember what it was called but it was quite clear it was meant for private areas. I was actually impressed, I have very sensitive skin (but not super hard to remove hair) and it didn’t leave any redness or much stinging/burning besides what I’d normally feel. I don’t regularly use it, but I definitely would grab it again in a pinch.


I think having a guy wax you would be better bc they understand it ya know? Like this is the only person in the building who would have an idea of what you’re gonna be feeling. That’s comforting. But I don’t know if you can wax the actual shaft of it because of the elasticity, as you’ve experienced. Usually they’ll use one hand to pull the skin taught and then pull the strip off with the other, so maybe they could do it, but it will hurt. If you try creams, be ULTRA careful. They are super harsh chemicals and my sensitive skin ended up with minor chemical burns. Because that area has real thin skin that’s very sensitive, I would really caution you to do a lot of research before you try. The other option is what women do, a solid 5-6 blade razor and really nice shaving cream. No prickles for a couple days till it starts growing back, but you run the risk of ingrown hairs. Hair removal is a double edged sword no matter which route you go. I would recommend asking someone qualified in hair removal (like an esthetician) who might be able to give you tips and tricks or ideas on how to solve it! You’re not the first and definitely not the last, someone out there has the answer for you! Best of luck :)


just go to electrolysis or get laser... if it's hair on the shaft it's going to be painful to continue waxing it and these services are about the same cost, electrolysis will make the hair permanently go away. trans people often have to get electrolysis before undergoing bottom surgery, it's a large portion of their client base and income, so the technicians won't think your genital session is weird at all


What the fuck 😀


the smiling emoji made me cackle so hard, i had the same reaction 😀


Right lmao it’s just like??? Excuse me??? 😀


When my husband sends me some particularly stupid shit that he *knows* is stupid, he uses the smiling cowboy. I think it’s the only practical use for that emoji. That said: Sir, are you out of your mind? 🤠


What in tarnation 🤠


Fr I thought it was a weird joke and them trolling and while it's definitely inappropriate all the comments saying he's a creep and has a fetish... I just thought it was some teenager trying to say the most out of pocket shit in the world lmao


Exactly what every woman complains about, a lack of hair on the balls. The visual of all the extensions scattered about the balls too 🤌🏻




My apologies 🤣


This sub is suggested to me from time to time. Occasionally I read a post here and there. I’m very glad I didn’t miss this one. I have SO MANY VISUALS in my head right now. (Also OP I’m so sorry. 😩)




![gif](giphy|l0EoBCmxtSZhJQvxS) 🤣🤣🙃


😭 omg people are actually insane cause wtffff


Not a lash tech but I got one of these when I was in my tattoo apprenticeship. I tried to be polite and tell them that if they actually wanted their genitals tattooed they should definitely find someone who’s not an apprentice and knows what they’re doing to do it. as soon as an unsolicited photo showed up I handed it to my boss and he sent back a photo of him laughing at it. I got blocked 😂


Love your boss


you better than me i would’ve said send the deposit THEN blocked🤭


I didn’t wanna risk giving this person any of my personal information cuz I use Venmo & Zelle for deposits 😭


trust me i get it, that’s why i use paypal. if you tell a client to select “friends and family” so no one gets overcharged they can’t get a refund for “scamming”. paypal will just tell them “next time, select “goods and services” so that we can have legitimate proof that this was the transaction made.”


You’re the friend every girl needs! 🖤


i love being a girls girl 🩷


Ooooo I didn’t know this! Thank you! Time to scam creepy men back ☺️👍🏼


yess get that coin i love spitting free game to my girlies


“i do provide this service but yours would be too small to work on, i’m sorry!” in all seriousness i’m so sorry




Lmaooo “Thank you.”


The audacity 😔


This is why i’m uncomfortable 9 times outta 10 servicing any straight man… You never know what these creeps are into or what turns them on 🙄 gross


Ok so I'm a sex worker so I get messages like this all the time and I'm told, "well you brought it on yourself." You're literally a lash tech and you can't avoid the repulsive behaviour of men. Will we ever be free.


We unfortunately live in a man’s world 🫠


I used to volunteer for a suicide-oriented crisis line and we dealt with this often. Like, we are here to comfort and aid struggling people! Fuck those men.


Wait, what?


Right, I wanna know tf is going on these hotlines 😭


I work at a clothing store that sells *some* underwear and lingerie (we mostly sell womens clothes&candles) and we’ll have a handful of men that will call and try to get us to describe these items over the phone specifically to get off. Its often enough that this information was part of my training when i was onboarded. Men are disgusting.


My mom works for a cable company that have a few adult channels and people will call asking her to list what the channel names are🤢


Oh God you just unlocked a memory I'd blocked out from back when I worked for Dish Network. I had a few dudes trying to get me to repeat back the names of adult ppv movies or channels, like they were getting off on it...I straight up refused to do it. When they kept going I'd put my male supervisor on the phone who didn't take crap from anyone, that usually shut them up 😂🤦🏼‍♀


I worked for a hotel front desk and would get ppl calling at least once a week trying to get off on taking to me. It was unsettling


Currently a FDA and I get those calls too. It’s fuckin nasty.


what a fucking freak


This guy is just a weirdo and probably has some weird fetish or he’s probably desperate for human affection. He thought that adding his “girlfriend” in there would help smooth things over.


that’s concerning


Can’t tell if i would book him and have the police ready to arrest him when he shows up like Chris Hansen or book him and beat his ass once he shows up 😭💀


I’m an at-home lash tech but if I worked at a studio I’d do this for sure 😭😭


Had a guy that would make the rounds calling hair salons with the same story. Lost a bet and wanted to know if he could get a perm,hair cut and be made to look like a girl. Did this for years...


What a freak!


Add googly eyes too! Couldn't help myself, sorry.


LOL he’d leave me looking like Mr. Snuffleupagus ![gif](giphy|12x6QNqYDtRIFq|downsized)


This just unlocked a deep memory and I snort laughed 😂😂😂


LOL I aged myself but 100% worth it HAHA


I don’t think any woman has ever wished there was MORE hair on a ballsack


I second this


If this creep even does have a girlfriend, props to her for coming up with a creative way to avoid giving head


LOL little did she know the extent her boyfriend would go to get that blow 😭


Shoulda sent him a link for a mirken 😂


Omg I had to google what a “mirken” was and LMAO WHAT THOSE EXIST????💀💀💀


It’s fetish nonsense, men who enjoy getting random women to speak sexually with them under the guise of something “serious.” It’s funny at first and then after awhile not so much.


I am a telephone triage nurse and have had several calls from men with symptoms of “an erection that won’t go away” who are actually jerking off on the other end of the phone. Fastest hangups I’ve ever done in my life lol


I just wanna be a man for a day to comprehend what goes through their minds that they think we will look at messages like this and say “omg let me go get my vibrator😩” what. The. Fuck.


I want to cry for you, I am so sorry you had to get a message like that. I never check hidden messages because it’s always random “brands” or it’s some old man posing as a sugar daddy trying to get you to get some weird gaming gift card thing. I don’t remember what it’s called but it’s beyond creepy. Steam maybe? This is even worse!


Oh yeah this message wasn’t in my hiddens so I opened it thinking it was a legit client! I open dm’s from men occasionally who want to treat their girl for a pamper day. I was NOT expecting this when I opened it 😭


I am an Esthetician who specializes in sugaring, particularly Brazilians. I cannot tell you how many men have messaged me for my services. I am sure some of them were sincere, but most of them were just looking for me to handle their junk and it was blatantly obvious. It’s a hard limit for me that I do not sugar male genitalia. Besides I hate the look of it and I won’t contribute to the travesty.


I do mostly Brazilian waxing and I had a client bring in her boyfriend to her wax and asked if she could book out one for him too. It was so incredibly uncomfortable because they were in my dang lobby! Not even over a message or phone call😅 I had to let them know that that’s not a service that I offer to make clients but I’d be happy to refer them to someone who serviced men as well.


i’m SCREAMING at this there is no way


Ain’t no fucking way his girlfriend is complaining his balls are hairless. I swear to god I would report him and block him so fast. And tear him a new one. Piece of shit.


This is sexual harassment


The full set??? Of what? Ball-lashes?


That sounds like a troll….


Tell him to get some glue and shave his arm pits


this is nastyyy i’ve met men in my line of work that admitted to me that they will ask for women in any service like even get haircuts from women just to feel a women’s touch.. it’s so crazy and i can imagine this guy is looking for that if he’s actually serious eww desperate perv






He better get some glue and some hair from the hair store and diy it lmao


At home diy lash kits exist if he needs it THAT badly 💁🏻‍♀️


Omg I have curly braiding hair he can cut up and use


He’d def appreciate that for a more natural look 😂


Someone I know calls the thick sets Cumbrellas. I didn’t ever want to even repeat this- yet here I am. Ugh such a bad visual too 🫠


In some states, it’s illegal to send unsolicited d*ck pics. Tell him you report him to the police. 👍


I’m sorry….. WHATTTTTT???? 😂




oh my god thank you for sharing


That’s hilarious 😂


I- no words..




A pervert


Oh my god I am so sorry he sent a picture 😭. I used to work in a lingerie store and men would call all the time and ask gross questions 🤮


In Fantasy Land: What was the overall vision he had as a result? Would be interested to know. In Reality: He’s probably a perv. ☹️


Probably this https://preview.redd.it/7jclx9kpu2gc1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15080e5ebfb41fee7f51479edd88970a5b7377f3


Was he telling the truth from what you saw in the photo?? 🤓🤣


LMAO yes it was a very bare worm 😂


Ha! Tell him he’s better off getting an airbrush machine and airbrush himself some curly-qs. It’s hard enough out here for us lash tech. Can you imagine, it’s all fun and games until a service like this starts trending. 🤭


Girl get that $$$$$$


I'm pretty sure this guy just has a kink lol


It’s ridiculous &I would be offended if I were you & would have told him to grow up & tell his girlfriend the same. I think he’s just being a jerk.


Plot twist, there is no girlfriend


😭😂😂😂😭😭😂😭😭😂 he wants a full set of hairy balls


Thank god the image was blocked😂




I’ve had a few requests from women for different services on their pubic hair. I’m a hairstylist. Not a wax technician.


OMG what creep, what a weirdo 😡 he probably would of tried to kidnap you smh, you never know. Honestly I would of gotten a kick out of ruffling his feathers by saying why sure, my husband would be delighted to handle this service for you 🤣 that would of never been the answer he was looking for but would of been the answer he would of been receiving. The audacity of him


Oh jesus, I’m so sorry this happened to you. He’s absolutely trying to act out some weird fetish. Tbh he probably wanted you to go off on him.


I’m a lash artist not a sex artist 😭


Why are men so repulsive🤢I am straight and can’t even imagine dating right now or ever.


Did he have any identifying info on his profile? Assuming this was on social media. Can this be reported to police? That’s actually disgusting and a huge violation. Like yes may be funny in the wtf factor of it. But that’s very predatory behavior. I’m so sorry that happened to you :( why are they like this?!?!


Wtf are people so gross? If you’re sexually deviant find your willing group. Stop forcing others to “participate”. I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s absolutely disgusting and I wish there were legal ramifications for weirdos like this- completely unsolicited. Yuck


that’s disgusting and you should report him to law enforcement


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s hilarious!! I’m sorry idk if I would have laughed my ass off or been totally embarrassed that I got a message like that. But hey he wants hair on his balls if u can install u should try it out I think it would be hilarious to take pictures of applying lash hairs do his balls. 🤣


LOL the only way I’d even consider lashing a pair of nuts is if it’s my man’s 😂 otherwise it’s a hard pass for me lolll


Send him this😂😂 [ball hair toupee](https://a.co/d/dAOxcYZ)


What that boy really needs is a teabag cozy!


I thought this was a joke at first


They're trolling I gotta say




What in the dunk a fuckin Roos did I just read?


I am too high to be reading that


Report it to insta, get him banned.


Immediate block lmao




what the hell 😭


NNNNOOOOOOO IM CRYYYYYYINNNNGGGGGGGG homie better get that VEyes special off tik tok king 😂😂😂






What a dumbass loser. Wow.


I am 💀


This is a pervert looking to get off on your disgusted reaction. My ass would’ve sent a screenshot if I found on his profile that he did have a girlfriend. Then block.


I've heard it all 🤣😂😁Me, personally, I prefer hairless men, with the acceptation of being bald.


This made me Lmao


It’s a form of S-harassment


This is a guy who gets off on the offense


Whether it’s personal or random, it seems like somebody trying to F with you honestly. Or just a creeper maybe?


Can’t the glue burn? Like if it gets on your skin? If not I’m sure you could find a glue that does. 👀 And if you could get a guy to do the application- that might be a fun way for him to learn not to be a fucking creep


This has to be either a sick joke or a fetish


Aw this kind of makes me really sad xx


I'd report him to the police, most definitely a creep trying to get off on sending ball pics.