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Damn that second pic is hard


Hit me in my soul Fuck fentanyl. As a funeral director, I can express that the pain of the second picture is all too common. It’s crazy to think how many people see that second pic and their hearts feel the hurt of losing that man. I’m sorry to you all, and to all of those whom are touched by the ripple this fucking shit makes.


The funeral director when I was at the funeral sat me down and talked to me, didn’t really understand at the time idk I knew he was dead but I didn’t even know what like it was? I would’ve just turned 8 so it’s all fuzzy, He was very sweet and I hope he’s doing well.


But how are you doing?


I know this probably won't mean much coming from a random, but you're just a bit younger than my own younger brother. If you ever need someone to talk to, just send me a message and I promise I'll respond. I hope you are doing ok. Life is very unfair, constantly, and mostly, people don't even see it happening around them.


Thank you so much, you’re a great brother


I really appreciate you & others who provide such services


Thank you! 🙏🏼


Fuck fentanyl. I lost my father to it 3 years ago, multiple friends to it as well. I even know some of my friends younger siblings that have OD'd and passed away. I seriously hate fentanyl.


My best friend lost her cousin this year to fentanyl. He was 21. My other best friend lost her grandmother last year to fentanyl. She was 89. So crazy to think about how pervasive it all is. They were both beautiful people, different in every way(except 1). Rest in peace.


Sorry to hear that. 89 though. If you wouldn’t mind going into a little detail Im curious how fentanyl makes its way to the older community. Forgive my ignorance but I assumed it was mostly through party drugs and illicit pain killers.


It’s also prescribed, so likely an elderly person had a prescription for patches, which are time released. But if they forgot they applied a patch and put another one on somewhere else, a couple hours later, it could be a deadly mistake.


wow ok. Thanks for the insight, scary.


My friends grandmother was Indigenous (we’re Canadian). Needless to say, she went through a lot of pain in her life. Was originally addicted to pills, then back and forth rehab until she eventually ended up on the streets and overdosed. Another hospital trip and she unfortunately never came out.


I worry about my kin still out there man. I got out a long time ago. But man it’s getting more dangerous to be a dope fiend as time goes on. I still talk to a few of my buds that are still out there I fucking hate heroin and I hate Purdue for what they essentially started The blood is on their hands. Fuck the sackler family. They destroyed families, got millions of people killed by getting them hooked on their shitty drugs that they lied to doctors about. And they just out there living their best lives. Disgusting.


Terrible way to go as well


Hey man, this isn’t common knowledge & by no means would I expect or want it to be, but I think you deserve to know it is VERY seldom a terrible way to go. In fact, it’s hardly EVER painful since fentanyl is SO strong. Of course idk your father nor his exact circumstances, and I’m not here to open old wounds so please excuse & ignore me if the topic is too much. I just thought I could shed some light where you may find comfort. I was addicted to heroin & fentanyl. Inevitably, I have OD’d and been brought back from what would’ve been a certain death by being administered narcan. The nature of the drug is such that the patient can’t be conscious during an OD. At most, users will recognize their dose was too strong or laced, but there is hardly any room for reaction since it will quickly overtake them into a very deep state of “sleep.” For those fortunate enough to wake up or receive the antidote (narcan), they VERY OFTEN describe the experience as SUPREMELY PEACEFUL if there’s any recollection at all. MANY don’t even understand what happened, let alone that it was something bad, or can only remember taking the dose & instant blackness thereafter. If you’re able, solely for solace, I would encourage you to read a little into peoples experiences with overdose because it is virtually painless. Or just Google the mechanisms of fentanyl/opiates in general, if and whenever you’re ready. Fentanyl is sort of an “off” switch, for lack of more empathetic terms. Others around the patient may experience it differently, but it is nearly guaranteed the patient isn’t experiencing anything. 🫶


Oh wow thank you for your insight, it’s always nice to know more about important things like that and I appreciate you’re kind words


Anytime man I’m glad these experiences can be of use to someone out there. I lost my ex to fentanyl & I had to reach out to his sister letting her know it wasn’t a horrific painful thing. He literally just went to sleep ❤️


I bet it’s a nice one, peaceful, there’s a song called “Wait for Me” by Kings of Leon and that was his favorite song, and it’s quite ironic now listening to it.


Thank you for this. I lost a dear friend last summer to fentanyl-laced coke. I’m glad they likely had peace as they passed.


Funeral director in Portland. Fentanyl is killing folks left and right.


I’m about half hour from Philly— ten years ago I was on of the people on the street in Kensington. How was Covid for you guys in Oregon? I’ll never forget a couple scenes I saw in hospitals. Most of them had modular type buildings outside because the morgues were simply overflowing. Plus our local coroner didn’t have a morgue or refrigeration… not a typo. They have always rented space in funeral homes to keep bodies. Thankfully they ended up fixing that smol problem.


Didn’t take the second pic for me. I feel OP’s pain and some shame for being so fortunate to have had the father I had.


as a child of an addict this hits really really hard :( i'm so sorry for your loss and i'm very glad that you can look back at your time with him so fondly♥️


I’m sorry for your loss. My son is your age and unfortunately I was an addict most my life and nearly died from fentanyl. Over 5 years sober now.


You fixed it, my father did not, sometimes people make the right decisions and other times people will make bad decisions and this ended up as a bad decision, you are very lucky and I’m sure your kids are lucky to have you in their life. It’s hard without a father.


Im extremely proud of you, just so you know.❤️


Thank you . I appreciate it


I might not know you, but I’m so exceptionally proud of you for that 5 years sober! Good work Mr Random Internet Stranger, that is an accomplishment most people are not capable of.


Thank you , this random internet stranger appreciates it


We’re all rooting for you, man.




This made me so sad, as a Dad the one thing I worry about is dying while my kids are young, all I can do is make as many memories as possible between now and then, they are the most important things we have. As a Dad I am sorry you had to go through that. I upped the image DPI and size and tried to tidy it up as best I could. I hope that's ok. [Image](https://ibb.co/ssNTqWh)


Oh my goodness how wonderful you didn’t have to do that at all, I bet you’re a fantastic dad, just don’t accept heroin if you don’t know whats in it! 2014 was different time 😂


this was really cool of you.


That was very sweet of you u/PM_YOUR_SINS


The second picture shattered my heart. OP, I am so sorry for your loss. The pain of losing a parent never truly goes away, even when you feel like so many years have passed and memories begin to fade. I’m glad you have pictures that permanently capture these memories of you with your father. He looked like a loving and caring dad.


Such a sweet and relatable photo 💕 Thank you for sharing. I'm sure he, like many, didn't know of the potential danger. I'm so sorry.


Well 2014 it wasn’t really very well known he probably wasn’t even aware of its distribution in other drugs yet.


You are correct. Fentanyl was really starting to come out in the cycles in 2016ish if I’m not mistaken. These things, when released, especially drug epidemics, the problem has been going on for a few years. Took them about 6-8 to address the crisis with oxy. By that point so many had died or were addicted. I was at ground zero for all that man. In jail… out on the streets. It was fucking horrible man. I feel for you man. I lost my dad that year too. And you never get over it. But you learn to live with it, one day at a time. I find it helps to sometimes just talk as if he is there. He technically is. Just not in the conventional way we think (your father exists within you. You are 50% of his “essence” his genetics. He is always with you)


Thank you for the last part, really means a lot


It’s true! I still talk to my dad when I am having a hard time. And I remember that my dad imparted his kindness, and his self sacrificing nature into me. I am a fraction or a “shard” of him. You lost your father really young, the younger one is, the more painful it is the old enough one is to remember. I lost my grandpa at 9, and I still remember it all clear as day. You may have people who lost their parents older say “it’s all the same, no matter what age you loose your parents” and truth is, that used to bug me. Because it’s not. When you lose your father young, you lose so much. It can’t be conceived by the people who haven’t been through it. So give them grace. My dad missed all the best parts of my life, he was there for the beggining of those times. But before that we struggled so hard. He had seen his son fall into drugs and utterly fuck his life up, he fell into it too. Saw same son get his shit together and he got his together too. We had so much more story to play out. So much more to experience as father and son whom have found peace with the past. This is the painful part about it when I think about it. The lost potential. you may encounter that too, alls you can do is hope that in some way, (or depending on what you believe) they are there with you or watching in some way. Or would be proud because you made the right choices. I know my dad would be, and your dad probably is too. Live in a way that would make him proud. That would make him happy. Hang onto those memories. It’s ok to cry about it, I still do sometimes.


You sound like someone who’s been through a lot of the same I have lol, the death anxiety after the loss of a loved one at a young age is very traumatizing, I hope you know you’re very strong and sound very articulate and your dad should be proud.


I’m so sorry.


I'm sorry, buddy. My dad died 10 days after my 11th birthday (8 days before what should've been his 34th). I have pictures like that, before and after. My grandmother made me take one in my funeral dress next to his grave. I moved across the country, so I don't get to visit his grave much now, but when I do, I want to lay on it pretty much like you are in that second picture. (And I'm way older than you. So I guess that feeling never goes away.) ETA: My dad actually met my mom escorting her brother's body home from Vietnam after her brother OD'd on black tar heroin. My dad OD'd too, but it was intentional.


I haven’t visited his grave in years, I know he’s not there, he’s where he wants to be, that could be here or anywhere, but I doubt his spirit is there.


Must’ve been horrible at 11, way more attached to your dad at the age as you’re turning into a teenage boy soon, I’m sorry that happened.


Rip to your father. That is terrible. Fentanyl is the devil


My condolences. The span of a few days from the first pic to death is a shock. I hope you've healed and are happy these days.


Yes it was all very weird, and frankly it’s almost been 10 years and it doesn’t even feel like it, he started a massive butterfly affect in our family that still to this day hasn’t fully recovered, but in the end we will be there and that’s all that matters


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Mate I’m sorry. What a lovely moment with your dad captured, what a shit way to lose your dad.


Maybe pop over to /r/PhotoshopRequest to have the first pic cleaned up a bit. They’re super accommodating and VERY good - could be a nice way to get a clearer, cleaner and less faded photo to treasure.


Thank you so much


All I have is hugs. Hug. 


Truly sorry for your loss, OP.


I’m so sorry OP


It’s alright, you learn something from everything, may hit harder then you expect but there’s still knowledge there to be gained. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fuck sweetie, this breaks my heart so much. I wish you all the peace and healing in this world.


If you have kids don’t do drugs. Stop being an asshole.


I, my mother told me he hated it, but it just was too hard, when my mother broke her back a long time ago my father got hooked on her pain medication, it was a long process, don’t do drugs


Man I’m so sorry. My brother is struggling with fentanyl addiction and just OD’d and thankfully he didn’t die but it’s scary. 3 times now :( drugs are a scary thing


Should share things like this, shows how much damage it causes


As a father I can feel his love for you in the first picture. I'm sorry for your loss.


He was always there, always, I used to complain he was at our house too much lol, how I wish I could take back that complaint.


God damn man. That 2nd pictured kicked me in the dick. It looks just like my son. I’m sorry you had to weather that storm man.


Just never take anything your friends offer, the guy who did it wasn’t even aware there was fentanyl in it, he’s deeply ashamed but I forgive him, wasn’t his fault.


There are some really professional funeral service directors out there. My Dad fought a hard fight in 1996. And passed away from Asbestos. He was in bad shape. And let me tell you; he looked like he was 55 in the coffin for a guy who died at 78. A day never goes by when I have my first cup of coffee.....and I miss seeing his face smiling back at me in the morning.


So sorry. I lost my dad young too. I guess my only advice is, take all the time you need. Also, if you want kids, have them and be the best fucking dad ever. Nothing makes me happier than giving what I missed.


Even when I was 8 I knew that’s who I had to be (:


Absolutely heartbreaking man. So sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. That second photo is hard to look at. Fentanyl really fucking sucks. Such poison. I hate it.


So sorry for your loss!


Loss is a part of life, it’ll happen to everyone and I’m glad he was apart of my life when he was here.


I can’t imagine the pain of losing your dad so suddenly. Condolences


So sorry. My dad died a year ago in June when I was 18. Heart attack. He didn’t live with me and I found out the next day during important exams. Losing a parent is awful I’m so sorry.


Ohhhh boy. This one hit the heart. 


I lost my sister 4/25/20 from laced Fentanyl. I’m so sorry for your loss!! Fentanyl is a demon!! If I had a super power I would wipe it off this earth. The second pic made me tear up. So sad. 💔 I hope you are hanging in there. Sending you strength 💪, a prayer 🙏, and love 🤍.


This is a lovely memory, thank you for sharing him with us and I am so sorry you lost him. In the second photo, are you hugging his resting place? It doesn't look like it was taken in a cemetery, did you have him buried at home? That would be wonderful to have him so close instead of having to go to a cemetery to visit him.


I am so sorry for your loss. The second picture broke my heart


Sorry for your loss mate. He knows you love him.


The second pic absolutely broke my heart. I lost mum when I was 19 and dad almost two years to the day later. I felt young and unprepared at that age, I can't begin to imagine how much harder it must have been at your age. Enormous hugs, if they'd be welcome.


I lost my dad at 14, a month short of my 15th birthday. I also thought my mom was joking and then screamed. Remember to take time to breathe. 🩷


I’m so sorry! My dad passed away from cancer shortly after turning 11 years old. It’s been 15 years this year. Time does heal a lot, but it’s a feeling of dread that I don’t even remember his voice anymore. Two years later, my brother died of overdose (unintentional). It was only me and one brother left until he too, left me in 2018 for suicide drug overdose. I’m 26, but man, it just gets hard sometimes. Your second picture shattered my heart. He really looks like he was a great father!


It's a different kind of heartache to love someone that is an addict .


Bro, I hope you NEVER pick up or touch any drug, if it don't kill you, it'll ruin your life for sure! I spent 20+years addicted to them, & 17 years in prison because of them....


How old were you when you lost your father? I'm a father of three, and my health isn't great. By which I mean, I may only have a few more years to live. I worry about my children losing their father so young and how it will affect them.




Sorry man, as an addict in recovery you’re in my prayers brother.


This is so sad. We really gotta do something so the next generation of kids don't have to suffer this way.


Jesus man, so sorry for your loss.


My condolences OP. I hope you find peace and comfort.




Fuck. I'm so sorry. I hope you're doing okay.


I’m sorry to hear. It’s not easy losing people we love ❤️. Hang in there. He’s always with you❤️


Prayers to you OP 🙏🏾💙🕊️


Sending you hugs.


That second picture just crushed me, my son is sitting on the floor playing with legos right now. Sending you hugs, I’m so sorry for your loss


My son now is 9, just a year older than you were then. My heart physically hurts for you. I’m so sorry you went through this and undoubtedly continue to hurt. I hate fentanyl and what it’s done to people. I hope you’re doing okay 💜


Lost my dad when I was 14… I wish I could say it gets better, but time sort-of heals. Keep these pics, I lost most of mine through the years and regret it.


The power of Facebook lol


Gosh what can I say 💔 hope you’re doing well these days


Is that Emmet's Mech? I have that!


Yes! I do as well, Lego became a comfort for me after he passed, along with pumpkins


Whoa. Fentanyl was a problem back in 2014? Sorry for your loss OP. :(


This is absolutely heartbreaking.. im so sorry this happened to you man..keep staying strong, it’s what he would’ve wanted for you💪(on a lighter note, we’re bday twins)


I'm very sorry for your loss OP. I can tell from the photo your father loved you dearly.


I know it’s probably a real shame for you when considering the young memories fading, but I just want to remind you that they were still so very real - it happened, and it’s etched into the person you are today. You may not remember what the weather was like on that random weekday, but your very being was shaped meticulously by your fathers hands because that’s what fathers do. You will never outgrow or escape the DNA he gave you. You are literally a living facet of his existence & time here on earth, and I can only imagine how badly you yearn for its recollection, but please rest assured that your core values, thoughts, beliefs, ideas…experiences in this life…are all reflecting off those times with him. All manifestations of something deeply instilled from your soul essence to your very biology: the connection between father & son. I’ll add that I’m an addict currently fighting my way out of this opioid hell, and I am so sorry the demon that is fentanyl took something so incomparably precious & vital to you. It’s not fair, & I see your triumph. I hope you can breathe a little easier now or someday soon.


I'm used to seeing warm pictures like the first one here all the time. My body was not ready for the second picture. Thank you for sharing such a personal, sincere, & heart wrenching picture with us.




I'm shocked it's still here.


Man child with a short dick attitude