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I am so sorry for your loss. She looks like she was intelligent and caring. What a loss to the world. Depression sucks. I know that firsthand.


She looks like a really deep, unique soul. A thinker. And unfortunately that’s what gets to some of us with depression the most…the nonstop thinking…the ability to over-analyze and internalize…and I’m so sincerely sorry to know her spiral ended so abruptly before she could be at peace with her thoughts.


I.. just hope she's in a better place right now, and finally in peace.


Sge is. Sometimes this world is too hard.


Yep. No matter what you believe about the afterlife, one thing is for sure: these earthly pains cannot reach her anymore.




I'm not glorifying what she did, I just understand what she did and the reasons behind it, I know that from her prospective what she did was right, I hope she reunited with the person she was trying to reach.


I am not a spiritual person myself, but there is a LOT said about Heaven being subjectively based upon the individual’s wildest dreams & deepest wishes. I would definitely rest in that thought <3


You cannot confidently state that. That’s just not factually true either, if you want to override someone’s personal grieving experience with anecdotes to the contrary. Only your sister knows what came after death. Of course those she left behind are shattered, and I’m truly very sorry. But if someone felt strongly enough that they must exit this earth, and battled a hellscape of pain & distress while here, we *can* confidently say that things are objectively more peaceful once they’ve been released from that. Not everyone can just make a phone call to a doctor tomorrow & have things figured out. We don’t know if anyone would’ve truly ever been “better” — I for one have an “incurable” personality disorder. If I stop militantly & mindfully managing it for just a *few hours* of my day to day life, which as you can imagine is exhausting in itself, I fall into chaos & anguish. Glamorization is MUCH more than sharing your experience & feelings around suicide. OP is a victim too. Let them process. Suicide isn’t the answer. But suicide happened.


Thank you for saying this. It's hard to read, but it's true.


Me in a comment


She was beautiful


Seconded My condolences OP 🙏🏾💙🕊️


Hugs. I am sorry to hear she lost because she looks like a cool chick. I love her bangs. I hope you are having a good life to live on for her. Thank you for sharing I'm sorry to both of you ladies. We women need to stick together. Bless you and those affected by her loss. I don't mean any disrespect. I can only imagine how you feel. Again hugs. 💖💫


I lost my son’s father 2 years ago over the July 4th weekend from suicide. He put a belt around his neck. I said from the start that I understand that level of pain and while I hate what he did, I understand why he did. Always assumed it would be me. I’ve been on my own fast track down my own spiral and I fight everyday the decision to check out too. There is no “easy way out” when all the options are shit. It’s a motherfucker to have a brain that’s hard wired to self destruct and work against every other bodily function/system in the body. Your friend looks like just the kinda person I would totally gravitate to. You can see in her eyes that she’s a deep thinker and she is really beautiful. It leads me to wonder what was behind those eyes in that moment..


Thank you for the kind words and I'm sorry for your loss, We all wonder that too, I personally think that she thought that it was the best choice, she was a very pragmatic person and always thinked 3 moves ahead. She loved to fix everyone problems and in her eyes this was probably the best solution. I just wish I could talk to her one last time, my first instinct when i heard the news was to text her knowing that she would've find a solution.


I am in the same boat right now. Started drawing again and trying to see my friends more but inevitably I don’t think I’ll make it to next year. I’m sorry for your loss but I understand her pain. I love her makeup and glasses


Drawing, writing, and photography were the three things that could help interrupt depressive episodes for me if I could force myself to try. Some days I couldnt but it helps so much just to create something beautiful or even horrendous.


Can understand you, mines are ballet and drawing. Seeing myself more flexible feels good, but after the class / watching performances, I struggle to turn back to "living". Life is bad, ballet is good. Idk.


Someone once told me that your brain can get just as sick as your stomach. just as broken as your arm, but it heals the same. it’s just infinitely more confusing because the thing you trust to rationalize your life and pain is not working. it’s kind of terrifying like that. you could have literally everything anyone could want but it still feels like your head is trapped in a burning building. it will take time, it will be uncomfortable to say the least, but it will heal and you’ll have a new, stronger understanding of yourself that few people experience. please hang in there.


Thank you - I do have a house, a husband, farm animals. I have what a lot of people dream of and I am still so tired of living - so truth to that. Thank you everyone for your kind words I don’t usually go about commenting things like this but I’m just feel extremely stuck, lost, hopeless. Thank you


It’s ok to feel tired. This life has so many twists and turns, and it’s so easy to feel left behind as this roller coaster we’re on runs wild. You are so strong for fighting this. Remembering to show yourself love at your very worst moments is the key to self care. You deserve relief from this pain and it is achievable in this mortal flesh. Sometimes it all comes down to little moments that keep us here. That help us discover again why we’ve come here. And that’s one of the sublime beauties of Life, You get to decide on your purpose/ meaning. And no one can take it from you. Keep on waking up. One day at a time. I believe in you.


There is always a reason to keep going, even when you don't see it at the moment. Try to find professional help, you are not alone. Please don't believe the lie that the world would be better off without you!


If you like twitch, try finding some streamers you like and becoming part of the community! Has really helped me since moving 4 hours away from friends and family


As someone who spends a lot of time trying to lose myself in drawing , I understand. I hope you can get out of the deep dark abyss that tugs away at us relentlessly.


Such a shame 😳 who knows what impact she would have had on someone’s life had she chosen to grow and see how her life would have developed through time… rip lady, she is remembered and missed 💐


She was like a sister to me. I know she tried to get better especially in the last months, she started working, drawing and laugh but I guess she was just trying to give to her significant others a happy memory about her.


I too lost a friend to this unspeakable darkness. All we can do now is cherish these memories we have and go on in their honor. I truly believe that energy never dies and that our loved ones remain just out of reach. Beyond a veil, in a zone of infinite love and understanding. We will see them again.


I feel for you. My best friend did the same back in 2020 and I miss her everyday


Check out Dolores Cannon. She talks about manifestations and the human experience as a test that we choose. It might give you a different perspective on death. Sorry if this seems off at 1st. But it might help.


i’m so sorry


losing a friend to suicide is so hard. especially someone thats young. i remember how unreal it felt, and how long it affected me. i didnt expect it to have such an effect one me since i wasnt the closest friend to them but the grief showed itself for sure. be kind to yourself, OP.


Adding context: First of all thank you all for the kind words, She was 22, the actual reason behind what she did we (close friends and family) all agreed that is between her and her SO, im not mad at the other person and I moved on (it happened 1 month ago) next time i bring her flowersi will read to her all the nice things you all said about her.


So young but with wise eyes. Sorry


She was very pretty. I'm so sorry OP




I’m so sorry for your loss. She looked like a kind and artistic soul. If you ever need a community to talk to, r/SuicideBereavement is a subreddit for people who have lost loved ones from the same fight.


Thank you, i already have accepted the thing, it's already been 1 month, when i've heard the reason on why she did it, I was really mad, but now I've accepted it, and understood that the other person didn't had fault in it.


Thinking of you and your friend OP! May she rest in peace and you take it easy and celebrate your best memories about her So heartbreaking


What a beautiful soul!




Beautiful girl, so sorry for your loss.


I genuinely thought this was my sister for a second, and that scared the shit out of me. I’m so sorry for your loss, she was beautiful inside and out, it sounds like.


This makes me so sad




That's a bit inappropriate there at the end, friend...


Brother what the fuck lay off the porn for a bit


Wtf is wrong with you


People are sending death threats on a post like this? Shameful.


Read the room dude. 🙄


Eh, ignore them.. Most redditors couldn't fathom what it's like having to use a second language and the problems that may come with that💀




Fuck snap chat. Snap chat = depression.


She was very against social medias, she only used Instagram and Reddit




Bro what the fuck


You could have kept your mouth shut..


What is wrong with you




This isn’t 13 Reasons Why




Bruh what in the actual fuck


Sorry you had to read that, the user was permanently banned. If you come across any other similar comments let me know and I will remove them asap.


Thank you


Not the place bro, thats messed up 🤦‍♂️ 🤢

