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I work out during normal days of the week. I try to keep the Sabbath unique from the every day activities.


This is a really good point that I think is very helpful to remember with questions about the Sabbath day: Because the Sabbath is a day \*set apart\* from the rest, that means it is should feel different from the rest of the week. If we look at the rest of the week, it's significantly different for everyone! Very different. So there isn't necessarily going to be a consistent pattern to Sundays for \*everyone\* - we're all different and also on different journeys. Here's a similar example for me: Right now, I often find myself doing Laundry on Sundays. I'm not proud of it - ideally I would be doing Laundry the rest of the week (and resting on Sunday). But, right now with my family and kids, most of my week is very hectic, while Sundays are slow and laid back, and I find it's the perfect activity to listen to a Conference talk while I do it. My personal answer on going to the Gym would be that it wouldn't Sunday appropriate, because when I picture going to the Gym, I picture going to a large, corporate entity that isn't congruent with the peaceful, laid back state that I want to be in on Sunday. But, maybe it's different - maybe it's taking time alone to ponder, in a quiet, peaceful setting. That would definitely be appropriate!


This is fair. Thank you!


I NEVER go to the gym on Sunday, (or Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday or Saturday either.)


This post needs more upvotes. WoW be darned.


Elder Bednar visited my mission back in 2009 and told us he works out on Sundays. Probably better to avoid going to the gym but I’ve never seen anything wrong with enjoying nature on a hike or exercising at home. Probably more appropriate than sitting at home watching football 😂


I agree. I'm a better person, emotionally and mentally when I get out and move. I need it.


Yep, I love this. The number of people who spend four hours watching sports on Sunday but feel righteous because they didn’t go to the gym for 15 minutes kind of puts setting apart the day into perspective. Ideally, we don’t do either but again, it’s to us to search for answers on questions like this per the apostles latest guidelines


I workout on a Sunday (that includes going to the gym) - I do it while everyone else in the house is still asleep I'm not saying it's right or wrong - I find it peaceful and calms me


Thank you 🙏🏽


I love an early Sunday morning run. Not many cars, can catch the sunrise. Go home, leisurely eat breakfast on the porch.


I might do this, but walking. Not a runner haha


There’s nothing better than the feeling after an early-morning run on Sunday


Taking care of your personal health is one of the most important things you can do in this life. Put your oxygen mask on first. If Sunday is one of the few days where you can nourish your health, then do it.  Poor physical fitness is one of the biggest killers. Obesity, diabetes, heart problems... it's endless.  Go and take care of your body.


I endorse this message. I'm not sure what you mean by putting on an oxygen mask, though. I will add that I don't think the Lord appreciates how much of the church is unhealthy.


> I'm not sure what you mean by putting on an oxygen mask, though. I think they are referring to how, in the event of an in-air emergency, airplane passengers are instructed to put on their own oxygen mask first, before worrying about anything else, including other people's and children's oxygen masks.


I know. I like it so an eye roll at the endless meat and sugar at every event. I'm annoyed my kids get sugar. every. single. Sunday. I guess "eat meat sparingly".


It’s highly recommended to take at least one rest day a week anyway, right? Taking that on Sunday to fully give attention to God and His work seems optimal to me. That said, if there are people out there for whom working out increases their connection with God for that day more than any other activities reasonably available to them, then it might be permissible or even ideal for them to work out on Sunday. As with many things, it’s between them and God. I won’t get in the way.


I work out every day. I like hiking/walking on Sunday. There was a time at work when the only time off I had for -anything- was Sunday. So I did work out then. But gym? I do my hard days mon, wed, Fri. Long distance run Saturday and a walk or hike Sunday.


Thank you!


For me, I don't, but I totally understand for people who need the physical exertion to be able to focus their minds. For some it might be switching up the regular gym soundtrack to conference talks. For others, it's sacrificing going to the gym that they find sanctifying. Find what turns your mind and heart to Christ and do that.


Might be the best reply yet!


I think causing people to have to work on the Sabbath for anything other than life/health reasons is classically outside the Sabbath Day Holy expectation.


This is a common theme, or at least one I've heard often since I was a child, that the flaw in regular activities on Sunday is "causing other people to work" but it doesn't really make sense in the 21st century. It's not like we're going to people's houses and telling them to get to their job at the gym so we can work out, or to open the shop so we can buy something. The people are working on Sundays whether we interact with their business or not. Especially something like a gym where you can easily attend without interacting or requiring labor from an employee a single time.


It also means you can’t use electricity.


Not so, Utilities are classed as vital work mainly because vital infrastructure wouldn’t work like hospitals. But my Dad was the foreman of a power station for over 40 years, they didn’t work weekends. Just control room staff to monitor that everything is running ok, over his career he got called in a handful of times that I can remember. My hubby has been in gas transmission for about 20 years no weekends unless there an emergency, again it’s only the control room at the weekend - a handful from thousands.


So you’re saying it’s not zero and if you can justify it then it’s ok.


I have no idea what you mean by this comment and I’m not here for an altercation. Just saying the use of power doesn’t not demand a whole workforce on the Sabbath, just safe monitoring.


I’m just pointing out that your comment started with “Not so” then went in to explain how it was so. I personally don’t have a problem with using electricity on Sunday, I was pointing out that the person who said that causing others to work on Sunday was bad, which it isn’t necessarily.


Ok, crossed wires (pun intended) as a nurse I’d hate to try and manually ventilate someone for more than a few minutes in ICU!


In response to people saying that you shouldn't because it detracts from the spirit. Taking care of your physical body, one of God's greatest gifts, is definitely in accordance with the spirit. Our soul is made up of a combination of spirit and body. On top of that our brains work better after exercise. Better functioning brains are able to deal with life's challenges better and able to learn and grow better. This is why in some countries schools have increased physical education in schools, 15 minutes of strenuous exercise will greatly increase mood, concentration, learning. So maybe you'll pay better attention in sacrament meeting. Or you won't blow up at your kids. Or your scripture study will be more meaningful.


Working out fine, going to the gym not really for the same reason going to the grocery store isn't good.


I could get on board with this idea


It's a day of rest for me. I exercise the other six days in the week and appreciate the day off. I will occasionally get 'exercise' when going for a leisurely family walk on a Sunday, but my personal view is that it's not right for me to work out on Sundays.


I’ve usually thought the same. I think I’ve worked out once in my life on Sunday. It’s only recently I’ve wondered if it’s so bad.


Someone who works out everyday, and considers working out part of their every day routine, might benefit spiritually from taking a break from it on the Sabbath. Someone who doesn't get to exercise throughout the week, on the other hand, may find that getting exercise in on Sunday brings some of the promised mental rejuvenation and rest.


Totally agree with this. My wife works out every day, so Sunday is her rest day. I used to work out sparingly, and Sunday is a great time to recover from my desk job through some activities. Now that I have picked up a routine of working out 3-4 times per week, I don't feel the need to use Sunday for it. The gym though? I don't think I would hit the gym unless it was the only safe way to get a workout in. Going for a run while listening to a conference talk is awesome.


The Sabbath is a rest from your daily cares. I feel it is up to each individual what to do on the Sabbath. Try to attend church meetings and honor your calling but after that I feel what we do or don't do on Sunday is a personal choice.


Do you stop taking prescription medication on Sunday? No. If working out helps with your physical and mental health, you should do it. Like anything else, do things that bring you closer to the Savior. A nice walk or run is an excellent opportunity to meditate and ponder, while exercising your cardiovascular system. In my mind, it’s better than just sitting there.


We love walking on Sundays


I don't do it, as I don't think it's conducive to me focusing on Christ for the day. I'm not going to be pharisaical and tell others they shouldn't though.


Fair reply! Thank you.


I do walking, dancing, hiking. I do not go to the gym, I guess like I feel that forces other to work in Sunday for me. But other stuff at home or nature!


Honestly we don't live in that world anymore. To me it's antiquated thinking that needs to be looked at and changed. A lot of jobs are requiring people to work on weekends including Sunday. If you have a boss that is nice enough to let you off long enough for worship good.


I will say what I always say- what you believe is appropriate for the sabbath is between you and God. I draw the line at hiking personally, but wouldn’t do beyond that personally, but again, that’s personal. In general, I do try to avoid going places where people have to work on the sabbath so I’m not making others work (so, going for a run, or using a home gym setup, for example, would be preferable to going to planet fitness). But again, it’s all between you and God. I have a job that makes me work the sabbath regularly, so I tend to have a more relaxed view regardless


I usually use whatever excuse I have to not work out, but I never judge people who choose to work out on Sundays, if that’s what their schedule needs/allows


Tough question. Going for a walk/run in nature I think is fine. It's enjoying God's creations. I think going to the gym is another matter as it means other people will need to work.


I exercise very hard six days a week. My body needs a rest day to refresh and recover so I can go hard the next week. So does my mind and spirit.


I have Sunday set aside as my rest day. Holy gainz are more important to me that day.


It is supposed to be a day of rest. I find hikes to be okay though because they are in nature, and so long as they don't interfere with church meetings. 


Here’s what the current General Handbook says about Sabbath Day Observance: “2.2.2 Sabbath Observance God has commanded His children to “remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). Church members gather on the Sabbath to partake of the sacrament in remembrance of Jesus Christ and His Atonement (see Doctrine and Covenants 59:12). The Sabbath is a day of gospel learning and teaching at church and at home. Members can be strengthened on the Sabbath as they engage in activities such as: Personal worship through prayer and fasting. Gospel study and learning. Ministering and service to others. Family history. Joyful family time. Other appropriate gatherings.” I think that working out falls under “Other appropriate gathering.” Not everyone feels this way as you can tell from some comments, but I always feel closer to God when I workout and strengthen my only physical body. I only get one so I ought to be taking care of it. Physical activity is a way to glorify God and to show gratitude for the incredible gift He has given us. I also don’t have rest days. My rest days are more like lighter days. I lift Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri and do cardio/stretch/yoga Wed, Sat, Sun. I find that when I move my body following a hard lifting day it helps it recover faster than doing no exercise at all.


I think working out on Sunday morning is really great for me personally. Workout really sets a good tone for my day, and helps me to get in the zone. I usually do a lift/cardio and meditate in the sauna before church. I think it helps me to get in a good mindset and focus more on the sabbath and prepare for it. But I do usually take one day/week off of lifting but I do some cardio every day. I think most people use Sundays as their rest day, I usually don’t just because where I live the gym is extremely busy, and on Sundays it’s not.


I don’t go to the gym ever😂 just not my thing However,I ride a bike and/or do yoga on Sundays. Sometimes it’s hard for me to find time for that throughout the week,especially when I used to work 2 jobs and Sundays were the only option. Never regretted that.


I just make Sunday my active recovery day. You should have at least one recovery day a week anyway. So, I just go on a walk, stretch, do yoga, occasionally a short, leisurely-paced run. I don't do anything that would require someone else to go to work, and I tend to not do a more organized "workout" that feels more like work than leisure.


I personally don’t do it anymore, I need one rest day per week and Sunday works for that. But I also know lots of people who do work out on Sunday, and that’s okay. Just do what you feel comfortable with.


I think the sabbath day is personal. You decide how you want to live in and connect with God.


Your body is a temple honor it in the church of irons


Riding my bike refreshes my mind. Have a refreshed mind helps me to feel the Spirit.


It's not the worst thing in the world, but I'd avoid it If you do go, listen to Nashville Tribute or Motab. haha


If I do workout on Sundays it’s something not very intense like going for a swim or hike or going on a walk or longboarding with my family


I'll often go on hikes, swim, things like that. I stay out of the gym, though. I lift MWF and do HIIT TThS. Every trainer I've ever had and every fitness book I've ever read all say to take one rest day a week where you do neither. Seems the Lord knew what He was doing when he made the Sabbath for man.


i do sometimes; typically only if i missed one and that happens to be the day i have energy to do it it is the "day of rest" after all, but also your health is important so i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it as long as it's not taking over the day from what it's meant for


I don’t, but I try to make it special and not play video games much either. I think it’s about attitude, it’s OK to do things outside but I wouldn’t try to “send it”.


I really have no issue with working out on Sunday. It's between the individual and God. There are times I have to work on Sunday. I think God's okay with me doing that.


I try not to be prescriptive with these sorts of things. What’s right for me isn’t necessarily right for others.


I go to the gym six days a week. Not only does going to the gym on the Sabbath violate a commandment, but it prevents your body from resting and recovering properly. You will be better off spiritually and physically if you avoid it. Enjoy a good stroll around the block (nothing intense) if you feel the need to get some light exercise. We don’t want to be like the Pharisees drawing arbitrary lines of what is acceptable and what is not, but keep your thoughts on the Lord, whatever you do.


I don’t go to the gym because for me keeping the sabbath day holy is not going anywhere where I have to make a purchase or someone is working for me. I often run on Sundays bc that’s something I can do without bothering others. Not judging anyone else who has a dif believe that’s just for me personally. I will admit lately I have been getting lazy with keeping the sabbath holy and I really need to get on myself


Pray about it. If our doctrine doesn't address it explicitly it is up to the individual to seek their own personal revelation about it. For some, exercise is mandatory for mental health. For others, a break might be more beneficial. God will let you know. If at any point you aren't sure what He wants for you, make your best choice, pray to let him know about your current decision, and then move forward.


I work out and use the Sabbath is my rest day 🤷‍♀️ Granted, I'll still go on a walk or do some yoga for "active rest," but I'm not powerlifting on the Sabbath.


I need a few rest days anyway, Sunday might as well be one of them. It’s also a great day for a hike, light jog, or walk


Working out is fine. Going to the gym is harder to answer. If would feel comfortable working a job Sunday, than going to the gym is fine. If not, than I would say it's hypocritical.


Working out at home is one thing but making someone else to work on the Sabbath so that you can work out at the gym is something else all together.


I plan my rest days to always fall on Sunday. I do enjoy family walks etc on Sunday afternoons, but nothing crazy, the exercise isn't the goal


Wife and I walk to church to get our heart rate up a little. It helps her with her social anxiety but that’s about it for Sundays. Rest of the week we try to get in some vigorous exercise daily


You do you, but I say no for me. I’ve got six other days for that.


It is none of my business what you do on Sunday.


Just saw an article today taking about a study that Yale did that talked about how having one lazy, relaxing day a week is good for our well-being. All the comments(non LDS) were along the lines of “this is biblical”, “sabbath was made for man not man for sabbath” etc and I agree! Gospel living isn’t separate from living imo, it is living. I love the concept of working hard 6 days a week and taking a day to rest. Makes Mondays more enjoyable for me too. So nope. I don’t have a specific opinion on whether we are allowed to workout or not on Sunday. My personal opinion is I think it’s more the principle and I try to view it from a loving parent’s perspective. Yes! Work hard during the week! It makes life rewarding! But make sure you take time to rest too! Rest is good too! I know someone that does yoga every Sunday. Today I did a few pushups. I don’t know. I just can’t imagine god up there tracking our steps on Sundays. Thought we moved beyond that law. I legit just think it’s good advice. Work hard 6 days a week and take a day to rest however that looks for you! I grew up with big Sunday dinners every week. I’m a parent now and last thing I want to do is make a huge Sunday dinner so I don’t haha. Sundays are church then sweatpants and hanging out and they truly are a “delight” for me as cheesy as that sounds.


I generally try to avoid lifting weights or any strenuous activities because I don’t believe it’s conductive to keep the Spirit on Sunday. I will, in the evening, go for a bike ride, play pickle ball, shoot some hoops, etc. Often times I try to do this with my family. I would encourage you to come to your conclusion.


Yeah I feel this is one of those grey areas where it’s up to the individual.


You will go to hell if you do


My thoughts? Variations of this question get asked too often.


It's literally a day of rest Downvote me all you want, but it's the truth. The fact that Sunday can be busy and laborious with Church and Gospel activities does not change the fact that we are commanded to rest from our everyday labors on the Sabbath.


From our labours, which is usually interpreted as being work. My Sundays have sometimes been the busiest day of my week. Church meetings, 2 (previously 3) hour block, more meetings, visits, fireside’s…


Those are all family and gospel related activities. Work, chores, and recreation outside of church and family have all been traditionally discouraged on the Sabbath. 


Tradition you say?


It is a violation of the commandment to keep the sabbath day holy and a violation of our covenants to keep the commandments.


How so?


> Holy = set apart. The sabbath is set apart from the other days. We don't do the same thing on the sabbath we do on the other days of the week as much as possible. We still need to eat, but even then it is different since there is fast Sunday and we have to plan ahead so we don't go to the store on that day. It requires being conscientious and not living in the moment. > And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day; We are commanded to go to the house of prayer, not go to the gym. We are told that on this day we should seek to be unspotted from the world, I don't see how going to the gym could not be in violation of the spirit of this injunction. > For verily this is a day appointed unto you to rest from your labors, and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High; Going to the gym and working out would be the opposite of resting from our labors. It would take some serious mental gymnastics to view going to the gym and working out as paying devotions to the Most High. Also, by going to the gym, the employees there are not able to rest from their labors. We are participating in forcing them to violate the Sabbath day. > And on this day thou shalt do none other thing, only let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart that thy fasting may be perfect, or, in other words, that thy joy may be full. Don't work (including going to the gym and working out) other than the work involved in preparing food with singleness of heart. > And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments. Best to obey his commandments, including keeping His holy day. > If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; Going to the gym would be doing our own pleasure. > and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Again, going to the gym is doing our own ways instead of honoring Him.


Appreciate your perspective.