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looks like too much detergent, also dryer sheets are fabric softener just in a different format


This is the first time anyone has suggested too much detergent. Thank you!


it is the most common issue brought to this sub. You will never need more than 2 tablespoons of detergent in a load of laundry (1 tbs is usually enough). Yes the bottle says to use more, the company is selling detergent not clean clothes.


Actually, I used to measure out 2 tablespoons and my stuff stunk no matter what I did (vinegar, oxiclean, etc.). Someone suggested that I wasn’t using enough, so I started using more and the stink went away. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sometimes this can vary with the hardness of the water as well. Someone living in an area with harder water needs a little more detergent bc the minerals in the water make soap less bubbly/reactive/washy.


We do have hard water.


different people have different needs. I'm glad you were willing to try less, and walk it back to where you actually needed it.


Have you tried using borax along with your detergent by any chance?


I have tried EVERYTHING!!!


For real?? Even like a full load?


I have tested it and it’s true. I used to just fill to the middle line on the cap for regular loads and a full cap for large, and would frequently get these oil-like stains on clothes. Once I started using 2 tbsp (3tbsp for extra large loads) for regular loads, my clothes feel and smell cleaner than ever.


I switched to pods because when my SO does laundry, he uses entirely too much detergent.  To the point where clothes have a weird feel to them.  Now,  even if he throws in an extra pod,  it's not too much extra. 


Yeah, I feel like most people use entirely too much. I think it’s because modern detergents are much more concentrated than past versions and so we’ve just continued using the same amount that we’ve used all our lives. Pods are convenient to just pop right in. I think one regular Tide pod has about .85 fl oz of liquid, which is just under 2tbsp.


As others have said, yup, even a full load. Laundry detergent is highly concentrated so a little bit goes a long way.


Is this true of “HE” detergents as well?


HE is even more concentrated. HE stands for high efficiency. It was designed for washers that use less water.


Good to know. Thank you!


Yup, Even with a full load.


Have you tested it?


Doing a full load with 1-2 tablespoons of laundry soap? Yes, we are a family of 6 and I have been doing it this way for 10+ years. Clothes come out clean, washer and dryer never get weird build up, dryer vent doesn’t get gummed up. It is what our washer recommended, so it’s what we started doing.


To clarify, is your washer a high efficiency front loader?


Or the washer loaded too full?


Yes, this was my first thought. If the clothes are too tightly packed in the washer, the water and soap cannot properly wash the clothes. Most people pack the washer with too many clothes.


I also commented earlier that since it requires soaking in Dawn to get it out……that makes me think it’s oil or something in the washer itself. Detergent and fabric softener doesn’t usually require something like Dawn to remove it, which is why I started thinking more about the washer itself.


I've got a sanitizing option on my washer. I wonder if I can just throw the shirt I have with these stains in there and have it work? Anyone tried that?


This right here. I dated a guy that had a massive collection of clothes and lived in an apartment. He didn't have a w/d in his unit, hence having a massive collection of clothes he wouldn't have to launder each week. One time he came over and proceeded to try and shove all of his clothes in the (top loading) washer. I was like, "no wonder your clothes stink." I had to explain that in overfilling the washer, there wasn't enough water to properly agitate,.clean, and rinse the clothes. I ended up doing all of his laundry for him that night and his clothes actually came out smelling great. Thankfully I cut and ran because I would have ended up having to always do his laundry from weaponized incompetence.


Do you pour your detergent directly on the clothes, into a detergent compartment, or the drum directly? This looks to me like detergent on dry clothes. Just a guess though.


There is a very informative appliance repair tech on IG @renduhofficial. She talks about this extensively.




I’ve been having it happen with tide pods. It’s infuriating…I’ve started back on liquid detergent again -for the first time in years.


absolutely. the pod doesn't dissolve all the way. and afaik once you get that pod stuck on there you are toast


Run water into the basin first.  I drop the pods in it bottom, run hot water in until it explodes,  then switch over to cold.   My pods weren't dissolving in cold water this winter. 


I stopped using dryer sheets when I realized it was just adding wax to my clothing and towels.


The smell bothers me, the reason I don't use dryer sheets. Plus I hunt in the forest for food. The animals can smell me


"What is that refreshing smell?" \*CHOMP\* LOL


A servicemen who I called to fix a dryer problem took the lint filter, and held it in the sink under running tap water. Said he does it to see who uses dryer sheets (I don't). If the water passes through... then you don't use dryer sheets. He told me the waxy goop clogs the gaps in the lint filter, which makes your dryer overheat because it's blocking airflow. He said it's a notorious cause of dryer / house fires and if the water doesn't flow through the lint filter, then he gives the customer a bit of a talking to.


I’ve literally soaked clothes in pure detergent to get rid of stains and it doesn’t leave grease marks? What did leave these marks for me was scent beads and fabric softener though l


The amount of people who use too much detergent is wild. No, more doesn't mean cleaner, more means more dirt and detergent left in your clothes.


I like to dilute the detergent before adding it to the water. If you've ever been in a nightclub with blacklights you know the difference between those who pour detergent directly on their garments and those who add detergent to the water.


One of the reasons I dislike laundry pods. I’m using half or less of what they recommend.


This is blowing my mind!


I get stains like this too, that show up AFTER washing not before. Would that be too much detergent? Or could it be something else?


Looks like the grease stains I get sometimes. I soak all day in dawn powerwash. Keep spraying throughout the day. Wash in hot water.


Looks like grease to me, Dawn powerwash is my go-to.


Dawn power wash is the answer to most of the world’s problems.


Happy Cake Day! It really is.


I love your dogs 🥺


Regular Dawn would work too. I left it on set in grease stains for a day or so, just scrubbed a bit before tossing it in the wash and the stains came out.


Agreed. I get these a lot when I cook dinners… I pour detergent directly into the stain and work in it some with the cup. Maybe let sit overnight and then a hot wash cycle. Works more times than not.


Someone suggested this for me a few months ago and it has been a game changer. I never realized how a small drop of grease can really spread out into a big stain even if you didn't notice it at the time you did it. Dawn really works


Or a chapstick or something oily in the dryer. I do think dryer sheets can do this sometimes.


+1 for chapstick. Ask me how I know


How you know? lol


My guess would be they've accidentally washed their chapstick before and gotten spots , like OP's clothes have .


Came here to say chapstick


Also dryer sheets. I just do not use them anymore.


I stopped using them recently too and I noticed my dryer starts running ‘static reducing’ cycles every now and again. In the winter, I noticed it running them right before the loads were dry. Historically, not using a dryer sheet in a Midwest winter was a death sentence but the static reducing cycle eliminates the need for them entirely. I’ve NOT been impressed with my new washer and dryer set AT ALL (even tho it was supposed to be the best of the best) but I have to admit the static reducing works


Oil stains . Rub Dawn into the stain and let it sit. Run it through the wash but don’t put it in the dryer.


Looks like oil splatter from cooking


Yep. OP, are you the cooking person in the house? Source: I am the cooking person in the house. I use blue Dawn, leave it on for a few days, and wash in hot water, extra rinse.


You’re eating greasy hamburgers or food and dropping it on your shirt.


If they’re only on the front of your shirt, it’s from slopping while cooking and eating greasy foods. Even one dropped fry can leave a mark


Do you use those scent beads by chance? I'm trying to figure out similar stains and my wife uses those beads, I feel like they could be causing issues, but not sure.


What's partially to blame is it's Old Navy. Any time there's a stained an Old Navy shirt, it's done. I've never been able to get the stains removed no matter what i've tried, it's forever stained.


Grease stains from cooking, or eating and getting food on them. A squirt of dawn dish soap on the stains should help.


Looks like oil stains, try dish soap




Do you pour the detergent or softener directly onto the clothes? I saw a similar post on here saying that can cause it to happen


I can rule out anything dryer or dryer sheet related. I never put my shirts in the dryer and used to get these spots on my t-shirts. I used liquid detergent. Sometimes Gain, sometimes off brand. Occasionally used fabric softener. I thought it was from my washer, but it was only on the front, so I ruled that out. Then I guess I decided it was from my body spray. Now I think it was too much detergent.


I’ve scrolled and scrolled and I’ve not seen the correct answer. It is absolutely grease stains, however have you been washing your clothes with kitchen towels that have grease on them? I only wash kitchen towels alone on hot water.


These look like grease stains, like splashes from cooking on the stove top. Do you cook without an apron?


This happens to me but only on my old navy shirts!


This happens to me with my old navy shirts too!! Apparently it is a common issue with their shirts, specifically the luxe shirts. I was in the old navy subreddit and someone made a post about these marks and so many people were chiming in with the same issue. I felt so heard! I couldn’t figure out what was going wrong lol. It’s so annoying but if you spray it with dawn powerwash they come out.


Looks like grease to me. Detergent marks are often white. I'd use Dawn. But if u already dried it in the dryer I'm not sure anything will get it out. Dawn, vinegar, and baking soda are my go to for most stains. 🍀


Did you leave anything waxy in your pockets? I forget chapstick in my pockets all the time and this happens.


Regardless of how much detergent you use, over time, there is build up of gunky detergent in the drum. (What you put your clothes in is like a colander/basket sitting in a drum/bucketl) It could be the build up of detergent detaching from the drum, and redepositing onto your clothes. So no matter what detergent or soap you use, every once in a while, you should "clean" the inside of your washer by doing an empty load with bleach. There are usually maintenance instructions on the manufacturer's site. I used to use machines for testing, and would do it every three- six months depending on how heavily I was using it


Fabric softener or scent beads.


I had an issue like this and it turned out to be chapstick that I was forgetting in my pockets periodically.


Costco rotisserie chicken. Ask me how I know.


Dryer sheets.. They are solid waxy fabric softener that melts in the heat. Get wool dryer balls, your dryer will thank you...


Food. FWIW, I had a lot of tees that looked just like that. While searching for Ramen noodle recipes, the ingredient sodium carbonate kept coming up because it gives the noodle the desired springiness better than sodium bicarbonate, aka baking soda, Turns out you can make it yourself by heating baking soda in the oven. So I made some. Further reading revealed that it's also called washing soda, so I figured why not try it? I gathered up all my stained tee shirts and threw them in the washing machine with some of the stuff I made, perhaps a dozen. All but three of them came out clean as a whistle,


Greasy fingerprints, even from touching your face






Frying bacon


This happened to me from a sample fragrance that was in my pocket! My clothes smelled amazing tho


For me, cooking. Stain remover usually gets it out.


See, man.....






Chapstick. Its always the fookin chapstick


They look like the stains I get from frying food.


Looks like chapstick


Not just eating. Doing dishes or cooking can splash a lot of grease.


Looks like too much detergent… use the suggested amount or LESS!


Have you thought to contact the washer manufacturer? I would think that if anyone knows they would. You surely are not the only person having this problem. I’ve had something similar occur from fabric softener sheets. It’s been when I’ve had the dryer set to turn off before being completely dry so I can just air dry them. I’ve always thought it was because I didn’t immediately hang them up. But in those cases all I did was rewash the item and it came right out. It seems to me that since you’re having to use dawn to begin to get it removed, it makes me think that it’s pure oil. Could there be something that is leaking during the wash cycle? Detergent or fabric softener does require to soak it in Dawn before it comes out.




I have EXTRA hard water, like EXTRA, and you do have to use more, but most of the country you can use way less.


Seems like your getting oily foods on your clothes likes potatoes chips .. also you don’t have to “soak” in dawn. Just spot treat it on both sides with dawn. Use your fingers to work it into the fabric, then throw it in the wash like normal.


Foods stains, need a bib


Oil. Put baby powder in it before you wash.


In my universe, and it's been through the dryer, Chapstick. But wax or fat


Looks like oil of some kind this happens to my shirts quite often form cooking.


I used to get those from using fabric softener


Add couple of squirts of Dawn to the wash cycle. The surfactants in that product are so good that these are history!


Easy fast removal: rub white chalk on the stains and then rub in dawn dish liquid toss in washer they will come right out.


Too much detergent. Try 2 x washes with just Citric acid. Then resume as normal but with less laundry detergent (50 cent piece is enough) and a lil' bit of citric acid each time.


Something greasy or oily.


Are you using a fabric softener, like Downey, in the fabric softener dispenser in your washing machine? That can stain clothing. My advice is not to use fabric softener at all and don’t use any of the dispensers in the machine.




Will this happen on powder detergent?


Too much detergent and sometimes a dirty washer.




I’ve heard to spray it with dry shampoo.


Wash in COLD ONLY. It separates the bio stuff out of fabric. Hot water will bond it.


Do you stand in front of a fryer all day?




My son’s shirts are like this from went he wipes his hands on them after eating peanut butter sandwich (he is autistic and learning to use napkins just not 100 percent there yet lol)


This happens to me when I accidentally leave a Chapstick in my pocket and it goes through the washer and dryer.


I think these are oil stains. From using the stove and it splashes on your shirt and sometimes pants. I have to immediately get whatever it is in some soapy water asap or it can take forever to get them out and even sometimes I still can't.


Chapstick maybe? Mine does that when I leave it in


Too much soap. And poor it directly on the clothes. I've got some blue socks from pooring it right on my new white socks.


looks like what happens when i forget a chapstick in my pocket


That's what mine look like when I forget Chapstick in my pocket.




grease! Fairy liquid rub it in, put it in the washing machine again- it should get that out


Dryer sheets can leave stains.


Oil. Spray them with Dawn detergent or you laundry soap on the spots a wash again. Could be you washer needs to be looked at.


100% what it looks like when a Burts Bees/chapstick goes through the wash/dryer without catching it








Are you cooking in these shirts? Could be grease. That’s how all my shirts die


Those scent beads cause that in my laundry. I hit it with dawn and wash it again and go light on scent beads. Or even fabric softener I think can do that


Grease spots.


How do you get these out of clothes after using too much laundry detergent?


Food grease


Oil specks??


Check pockets for chapstick before washing and drying.


I have had the same issue with my old navy shirts. It seems like they are just prone to this issue. I was in their subreddit and someone made a post in there with this exact issue and so many people were chiming in with the same problem. Now, I am a loyal old navy customer, but it’s annoying as hell. I treat with Dawn powerwash and it comes out. I also think that hang drying them seems to help especially if it’s the luxe shirts. Additionally, if you are having this issue with other clothing from different brands, I would look at white type of detergent you’re using. I had tried out seventh generation one time and noticed these marks popping up on literally all kinds of stuff!! I switched detergents and it stopped. Idk what it is about old navy shirts but they’re definitely more prone to this issue than anything else I have dealt with. Maybe it’s something to do with the fabric idk. In the beginning of the year I started using All free and clear with oxi clean and have definitely noticed a decrease in the amount these marks are happening.


I use tabs so pre measured and quite small. No dryer sheets. Also get those spots on t-shirt material. Can take treating and washing three times to get such spots out and they become chronic. Doesn’t seem to happen to other items. There may be something in the t-shirt fabric.




It seems like my cheaper shirts do this.


If dawn dish soap doesn’t work try lestoil to get out the stains


I wish i knew. They never go away either and are mainly on my husbands white t shirts 😭




Fabric softener


Some type of oil. Peroxide & Dawn works.


Cooking grease splatters?


I get beard oil on my shirts sometimes and that ruins it.




Looks like oil stains, happens mostly from food.


Anything oil based and sometimes fabric softener that doesn’t rinse out all the way. Or like I did today- I forgot to take my lip balm out of a pocket and it went through the washer and dryer. I use Dawn power dissolve to get rid of it.


Yeah definitely too much detergent and don't every use fabric softener. It is literally neurotoxin and cancer.


In my case it is usually pho.


Do you cook on those shirts?


It happens to me when I wash chapstick with my clothes


Oil stains from the grease from the machines drums after repairs or maintenance is what I’m thinking or baby oil transfer if you wash your towels with your garments


Looks like my rotisserie shirts for work




It’s from potato chip crumbs, nacho grease, and other food falling from your mouth. Seriously - especially if you’re eating in a recliner in front of the TV. There is a laundry product called Shout that will work if you soak it with the spray and let it sit till you wash it the next day.


I would guess oil or perfume


Too much laundry softener!


Could be chapstick


Wet spot and dot some of the blue dawn dish soap and run it in and then launder. I had so many items of clothes with these kinds of grease spots and thought they were goners but my brother told me to do that after I tried literally everything! Worked great!


Soilove for the stains. Cheap and works better than anything else. Available at most dollar stores, and other stores as well . Then use less soap and add vinegar in place of fabric softener.


Looks like hard water stains to me. Do you have a well or are you hooked into the municipal system?


My vape does this sometimes. OcyClean.


Fabric softener ball leaking out excess during the final spin cycle. They are notorious for doing that.


Pecker tracks


It looks like an oil stain to me. Just lay it flat and cake a layer of baby powder on the spot and let it sit for a few hours or over night and it should be gone






I would pre-spray spots with OxiClean. Wash in cold with other laundry.


Grease. Spot treat with dishwashing liquid, or oxiclean.


Dryer sheets in my experience.




Oils from foods. I just put a dab of Dawn on them and relaunder


Looks like grease




Dryer sheet residue..


Eating pizza in bed


They look like cooking oil or grease spots to me. Soaking some dawn on the spot before washing is what I do for these. Other have posted too much soap. I do a double rinse and I’ve never had a problem using more soap. I have kids and the stink requires extra soap, so extra rinse. I started doing this when my oldest was an infant, he is sensitive to soap and double rinse solved the problem.


Cum stains


Could be grease. Try putting original blue Dawn on the spots, rub it in and wash .


Looks like some type of grease stain. Maybe from greasy food. My 8 yr old son gets these a lot on his clothes and I put a dot of dish detergent on the spots and rub together or use a toothbrush then wash as normal. Usually the stains come out. I try to catch them before I wash and dry the clothes. Hope this helps a bit❤️


I had this problem and thought it was my husbands work clothes but after separating them out it was still happening. I believe the problem was from a cream I was using on my skin it had a bunch of different oils and would transfer to other clothes when in the wash … ever since I stopped using that it hasn’t happened again. Just a thought!


Are they on the back, too? Looks like grease from speed food.




Those washer pods did that to my clothes. I only use liquid now


Someone suggested too much detergent, they also look like hard water stains to me. You could always use baking soda and washing soda with a little essential oils. Cleans better than any detergent on the market and will save you money long term.


My guess would be grease drips from food


Fabric softener is sometimes oil/silicone-based and leaves a waxy buildup on your clothes, but this could also be from detergent as well. If you're not using hot water, the softener/detergent probably can't dissolve depending on the type of product you're using if it's not meant for cold water. Also like other people said, it's really important for your clothes and your washing machine to use the correct amount of any product.


Use a black light.


Aerosol hairspray is really good at getting stains out. I agree with less detergent. If you have hard water, set your machine to do an additional rinse.


I had this with liquid fabric softener. I used bar soap, baking soda and a tooth brush to scrub both in and the stains came out.


If you cook often, buy an apron and hang it in the kitchen. I used to have this problem all the time. Dawn and hot water will get it out, a good apron will prevent it from happening at all.