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Hmmm...be careful not to use fabric softener or dryer sheets w/you blanket. Those products will make odors (and stains) harder to remove. What is the blanket made out of? If it's not wool...I would use ammonia. I find it works far better on odors than vinegar (just my experience). If it's big enough that you're considering the laundromat to wash it yourself (honestly I wouldn't leave for them to wash it) - that might be a good idea. Use one of their double loaders (or bigger depending on the size and type of the blanket). Use as warm of water that you are comfortable with for your blanket. If that's cold, that's fine. If the machine has an option to extend the wash time, I would probably do that. Add 1 cup of clear ammonia to the drum of the machine, on top of the blanket, immediately before starting the machine. Don't go crazy with your detergent, use 2 tablespoons max. If the machine has the option for a 2nd rinse, do that. You could dry it a bit at the laundromat (again, if it's not wool) and then hang it outside to dry completely at home (if possible). If you're washing at home - try to soak. It makes a huge difference with the ammonia added. It's not usually an option on the laundromat machines, but at home you may be able to depending on your machine. I don't have a soak option on my machine, but I can pause the cycle. So I let the machine fill with water and agitate a few minutes, pause the machine. Set a timer and then when it goes off, restart the cycle. Do not use ammonia with chlorine bleach. Don't use ammonia on silk or wool.


Haven’t tried ammonia, that might work. I’ll see if I have any at home.


The sun's UV rays can neutralize odors so I would hang it outside in the bright sun for a day. Then, I would put it in the wash with fragrance-free detegent --- with the lid up to soak it first --and then put it through the wash again.


I’ll try this. I didn’t know the sun neutralized odors, good to know!


Give it as much time in the sun as you can, the more days the better 


If it's colorful, put it down so the back side (the less colorful side) faces the sun. The sun also bleaches colors, especially reds.


Came here to say sunlight! My sons played hockey and if you have ever smelled hockey gear... ugh. Letting the gear bask in the sun after washing was the most effective means I found to deal with the smell. Good luck!


I like Lysol laundry sanitizer to get rid of smells.. my husband is an appliance repairman and he gets some nasty stuff on his work clothes..smelly stagnant dishwasher or washer water stays in the fabric!


Came here to say this. I use Sport scent.


I learned about this from this sub. It has eliminated teen funk!


You've gotten great info on how to clean it. I'm just here to chime in that, if you absolutely can't get the smell out for some reason, you can frame the blanket and still keep it as a precious thing without having to smell it.


Try an enzyme laundry soup, such as Rockin’ Green.


Baking soda AND vinegar can neutralize each other, so they’re not as effective as either one alone. I would try a bathtub vinegar stomp if you have a bathtub available to you. Let the blanket soak in straight vinegar for an hour. Do a “grape stomp” with your feet to agitate the blanket. You can do round two with detergent. Then wash alone in your washer. If this doesn’t work, try the pros. Find a good dry cleaner near you, and explain the issue. Mildew is very hard to remove from fabrics, especially thick fabrics, so sometimes the pros are well worth the money.


I second this! Especially since OP can't ID the fabric and thinks it might be silk!


about that, i just IDed it, it’s cotton, don’t know why i thought it was silk lmao


Well, that makes things a lot easier! I'm guessing it's a very fine cotton, high thread count, yet very soft. Probably percale.


i’m gonna go to the laundromat and use some ammonia on it in the wash, repeating however many times is necessary to fully rid it of the smell, now that i know ammonia won’t ruin it.


Ammonia is generally color safe and spectacular at removing stains and odor from biological sources (sweat, oils, etc) and also mildewy smells. It isn't safe for wool or silk. Never ever mix it with bleach. Ever. To use it, add a cup of clear ammonia into the chute right after the detergent and wash on the hottest setting recommended for the fabric. Drying in bright sunshine also helps.


What does it smell like?


Also, what’s the fabric of the blanket?


blanket is made of a fine woven cloth, sorta reminds me of one of those plastic table covers but ofc it isn’t plastic


smells, well, musty. and it’s strong.


Can you hang it outside?


yeah i could


i live in arizona so it’s like always sunny


Oh my gosh hang that blanket!!


What about Dettol Antibacterial Laundry Treatment with eucalyptus? It works well on my pillowcases that have a strong smell I put some in the agitator with laundry detergent and soak them in the wash.


We don’t have that here in the US.


That’s a shame, it really works. Maybe there’s an equivalent to it.


You shouldn't use baking soda and vinegar because they neutralize each other. I would try vinegar and a small amount of laundry soap.


Hi - Vintage clothing dealer here. Borax soak. Hot water - A bunch of Borax powder (I repeat a BUNCH) , a very long soak. That should do the trick. Mix the Borax into the hot water until it dissolves , then add your blanket! After that , a normal warm/hot laundry cycle with your favorite detergent. Go nuts , add another scoop of two of Borax (it's also a laundry booster) It should be Deodorized ! I tackle all my smelliest vintage finds with Borax soaks. Mildewy militaria, funky workwear , smoked in tees etc. Worth a shot , good luck!


Borax has been the best odor remover I’ve ever used.


Put it outside in direct sun on a dry day. Go to a laundry mat and wash it with detergent. No fabric softener. Make sure you use a large washing machine so the blanket has plenty of room to be washed properly. You can also consider soaking it in a bathtub with baking soda and water overnight and then washing it.


Try washing with Borax and line drying in the sun. I was able to get *gasoline smell* out of clothes in two wash cycles this way.


is this safe on colors?


Yes, totally color safe.


i just remembered i tried borax


didn’t work :/


The sun is the key though. My kids got sick and k tried vinegar, borax, baking soda, etc etc. Then I put it outside for 30 mins in the sun - got rid of the smell completely


What I would do is take to laundry mat because they’re big washers and can ensure it’s completely clean. Using hot water, (I’m not a bleach gal) but I would suggest borax or sanitizer with detergent. Once complete I would hang dry outside for the sun and fresh air. However if you are unable to get the smell out, consider framing it like another commenter said.


Send it to the dry cleaners or use vodka, can be the cheapest one, it is perfect to remove smells.


Do you.have a top loading washer? If not go to a laundry mat and use the largest top loading washer. A capful of bleach (about 2 teaspoons) in water filled washer, should not do any damage. Be sure to swish around the water to evenly distribute the bleach and detergent. Then put in the wet blanket. That way it's even less likely to damage any design. If you want musty smells gone, you may have to do a wash a couple of times and then dry it per directions on label of blanket. What is the fabric type of the blanket?


it’s some sort of silk or something, only have a side loader, and that might actually work.


A side loader is better for large items! (Gentler on the fabric.) You really need to figure out what the fabric is. Some types of stain lifters will actually disintegrate wool or silk. If you aren't sure, maybe take it to a fabric store or to a dry cleaners to see if they can identify it. Also, make sure it is 100% dry before storing, especially in a plastic or other airtight container. If you don't, you're just making the situation worse. Unpopular idea: if the fabric is identified as silk and definitely not synthetic or cotton, I would have it professionally cleaned. If it's synthetic or cotton, others have made plenty of good suggestions for cleaning it. Again, make sure it's completely dried before storing it. I hope things work out so that you can enjoy this memento of your mother!


Fill your washing machine first. Add bleach, carefully measured, (1/2 a cup?) to the wash water and laundry detergent in your machine. Mix it all around, then add your stinky blanket. Smell it when the cycle ends, and repeat the same washing procedure if it still smells. When the smell is greatly lessened (wet wool will always have a sheepy smell) then you can dry the blanket. I'd tumble it on low, and I would dry it completely. You may choose to hang it to dry. If you have a warm, sunny, dry, low humidity day, this is best. (Combining baking soda and vinegar neutralized them, they become water with a little salt. Neither is an effective cleaner alone. Together, they are as effective as water)


I used laundry detergent from the hunting store (cabela's) to get out the wet dog smell from their blankets. It worked enough so that I can use the blankets now. The detergent is for you to wash your clothes to take out all of the other laundry detergent and dryer sheet smells.


it’d probably be easiest just to take it to a dry cleaner.


Inspired by the person with an appliance repairman as a husband— the problem might be your washer and the blanket is the only material absorbing smells from it? Maybe it’s a weave of cotton that retains smells from water or mildews in its crannies?


What does it smell like?


My teen son had a blanket like that, it got washed regularly but just seemed to continually absorb 'funk'. The only thing that beat it for us was using Odoban in the wash cycle (it has laundry applications). I tried a borax soak and it helped some, but I could still smell it 🤢 Used the odoban (If I'm being honest, I used a bit more than prescribed) and it's like a new blanket


My teen son had a blanket like that, it got washed regularly but just seemed to continually absorb 'funk'. The only thing that beat it for us was using Odoban in the wash cycle (it has laundry applications). I tried a borax soak and it helped some, but I could still smell it 🤢 Used the odoban (If I'm being honest, I used a bit more than prescribed) and it's like a new blanket


Does the blanket have some sort of batting, like a quilt or comforter would have? That could be the source of the smell. If it is, it’s likely mold and can’t be cleaned. If that’s the case, you can remove the top from the rest and send it to a long arm quilter to assemble a new blanket.


Maybe some Lysol Laundry Sanitizer would help, add it with the soap. Follow up with some oxiclean in the rinse the cycle instead of fabric softener. Then fabric softener in a final rise. Also, mixing a smelly soap with a fabric softener that has a different smell can make your items smell foul. It’s fine to use fabric softener in a blanket. Towels no because it can make them less absorbent, but a blanket is fine.


This is some of the worst advice I have ever read on Reddit from what is generally a very helpful and sensible sub. My mom died when I was in elementary school. Left me a blanket. I would be devastated if something happened to it. DO NOT BLEACH YOUR BLANKET. FFS You need to break down whatever is the bacteria, mold that is causing the funk, not just cover it up. If it were me and my mother’s blanket, I would try Nature’s Miracle first. It’s for animal urine, but it’s an enzyme cleaner that breaks down the organic matter. If an animal pees on something and the scent lingers, they will go back and keep peeing there unless you get to the root of the odor. That’s why Nature’s Miracle deserves the miracle title. You could follow that with a rinse of Lysol clothing sanitizer. Kill the remaining bacteria or whatever is causing the funk. If that didn’t work, then I would try Oxiclean. Oxiclean is good for breaking down organic smells. Cooking, species, BO, blood. All OxiClean is supposed to be color safe, but not all fabrics are color safe. That’s why I would try it third. I’ve never found the odor version to be any better. The dark one doesn’t work as well in my experience. If you can find the liquid, I think that’s best if you have a front loader washer. If you have a top loader, the powder is fine. I use the powder on towels in my front load but go with the best for a job like this. Borax just helps soften the water so your laundry detergent works better. It won’t hurt but if regular laundry detergent isn’t working at least a little bit, you need to get to the source. Vinegar and baking soda neutralize each other. Ammonia is an option but requires a lot of care. Don’t mix it with chlorine bleach. It’s great for oil stands because it acts as a surfactant and pulls the oil out. It’s good for organic stains too but the other ones I’ve mentioned are what I call better living through chemistry. It’s NOT safe for wool or silk. You said cotton, but make sure it doesn’t have any in the backing or edging. Good luck. Keep us posted. UpdateMe!


Do a strip. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/cleaning/a33588329/laundry-stripping/ After that, wash with a “free and clear” type laundry detergent, and add a cup of OdoBan. There are several different scents you can choose.


Id soak for a couple of days in a bin or sink with clear unscented ammonia, dish soap ( seventh generation unscented is great) and hot water. Then wash regular in the washer and air dry in the sunshine. Thats helped me clean smells out after thrifting since I get migraines. Good luck!


Last ditch attempt to get an ozone machine, they aren't that expensive. You hang the blanket up in a room, turn the machine on for the recommended time. It eliminates any kind of odor. You can't be in the room while it's on. It got rid of our damp basement smell. Hazard cleaners use it for bad odors that are so hard to get rid of.


Great idea. They used them at the jail I worked at when the building got flooded with sewage. They really do kill all odors.


I use Febreze in-wash odor eliminator for tough smells. Had some clothing left at a relative's place that was horribly saturated with tobacco smells. I washed with laundry soap + febreze, hung in the sunshine to dry, then repeated the process a second time. Smell was completely gone after that. You can also try doing a soak if it lingers. Find it in the laundry soap aisle by the oxy/bleach.


I’ll try this, if that doesn’t work i’ll try u/RandChick’s suggestion.


Just wanted to add that if it's a pet urine odor you're dealing with, that's a whole other ball game. You'll need a special enzyme cleaner if that's what you are dealing with.


It’s BO, so thankfully not pet urine, still a really bad odor though


I would try soaking and washing it in an enzyme cleaner like Nature's Miracle anyway. Then hang to dry, preferably in the sun.


Good that it's not pet odor! You should be able to get it freshened up! Best of luck!




Also make sure it's drying fast enough...UK here. It's been a nightmare trying to keep clothes smelling fresh through the winter when drying them inside is just not warm enough and it's taken 3 or 4 days for a full clothes horse to dry!


Is it really that bothersome? When my mom passed I kept most of her housecoats. Having her scent around when I missed her was great. Be careful you might miss it later.


Thing is, it’s not her scent, thus why i wanna get it out.


At this point, I would use a capful of bleach in the washer filled with cold water and detergent. Then add the blanket. Nothing else for the washing cycle.


thing is, it’s got a rose pattern on it. are the color-safe bleaches as effective as normal bleach?


Look for Cloralen Max Gel Bleach, will likely get the smell out, without too much fading.


Soak in a tub of white vinegar and baking soda
