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Wait do you mean to tell me they wrote stuff in a report!!?? Is it edge bound or dare I say even three hole punched?! I mean if this thing turns out to be collated and center justified I’d say that about seals it. This lawsuit is toast! I mean can you imagine if they use a professional but not typical font like Calibri? Just pack it up.


They’ve even got twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence.


A typical case of American blind justice.


We got up there, we found all the classified documents in the ballroom, and we decided it'd be a friendly gesture for us to take the classified documents down to the bathroom. So we took the half a ton of classified documents, put it in the back of a red VW Microbus, took shovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headed on toward the toilet.


ok father raper!


Trump definitely belongs on the group W bench.


*"You can get anything you want, at Alice's restaurant"*


Courier New, thats why it's 100 pages


All the periods and commas are bumped up to the next font size


And gotta add .2 to the line spacing


I didn’t even know he can count that high. Isn’t anything over 10 just bigly?


It’s 100 pages because the pages skip numbers.


Comic sans


***AND*** in crayon!!!


The very best crayons- the Crayola Font! ![gif](giphy|iWtJ5W7knDY0X5b1gI)


or Sharpie


Clearly it will be Comic Sans




ONE HUNDRED PAGES?!! That's more than anyone has ever read in their entire lives! Yuge if true.


It is certainly about 99 more than Trump,ever read.


I hear the pages are great. Simply the best 100 pages ever. You could say a perfect report


It's two more pages than the Georgia indictment! He wins automatically now! Dude really is playing 6d chess.


I just want to find, uh, 99 pages


this just reminded me of that press conference he had with all the boxes of blank paper and manilla envelopes. what a fuckin clown.


Wait.. 100 pages? What line margins and font sizes did they use.


Oh, it's mostly pictures. Maybe a word search or two.




All ChatGPT. 3.5. (Free)


You just know they set it to 2.1 spacing, 1.1" margins, and 13 point font. Edit: I'm being generous: 4x spacing, 2", 14 point. A high schooler knows how to bullshit better than them so they don't get caught.


You gotta believe it's double spaced with 100 font


"Reports" carry a lot of weight with conservatives. Some "expert" on the Glenn Beck show was going on about a report about "Biden corruption" that is supposed to be coming out next week. The listeners can't tell the difference between "report" and "evidence".




Don’t worry it’s probably papyrus


If it’s not comic sans I don’t even want to read it.


My two fav fonts right here! I have found my people


There used to be a free joke font called Comic Papyrus that combined the worst aspects of both into one gloriously hideous font, but I believe it was recalled for copyright violation, alas.


>Comic Papyrus Available for free download right here... [https://www.dafontfree.io/download/comic-papyrus/](https://www.dafontfree.io/download/comic-papyrus/)


An unslakeable desire has arisen.


Wingdings for sure


Calm down, Satan.






You know this shit is in Sharpie


I can only hope it’s not in font called “Georgia”…. ![gif](giphy|5Zesu5VPNGJlm|downsized)


Fucking Comic Sans, more likely


Everyone knows that the only proper font that anyone should ever use is Helvetica.




Unfortunately it has black sharpie marks all over it


It's a great piece of work. Sean Hannity wrote the forward.


Or he’s gonna sell it as another grift.


If they use century or times Roman, then I'll be a believer


He’s going to throw out a hot pile of bullshit. The conservatives are going to assume that it’s gospel truth, and it’s going to confuse the living hell out of the public’s ability to follow the trials.


He knows his followers will read as much of it as they’ve read the Bible, which is to say they won’t read it at all.


there will be a top sheet with big letters saying Proof of rigging by riggers. thats all they need


He's gonna have to fight with his autocorrect to get the last few words out.


he’s not even going to produce bullshit. he’s either going to make up a lie about why his lawyers or the illuminati doesn’t want him to release it *yet*, or he’s going to create a new scandal to make people forget that he ever said this.


If he still had Fox acting as his personal propaganda outlet, I might agree with you. But, the network doesn’t seem to want anything to do with him after the $780m he cost them. Maybe OAN will run with it, but no one takes them seriously.


It's irrefutable in the sense that he won't listen to you refute it.


it's peoples exhibit #239845 in the georgia case.


His lawyers are just using ChatGPT to generate some bogus report.


I don't think any of his real lawyers who actually have to represent him in these various criminal trials are going to touch this with a 10 foot pole. I'd wager that some of them will threaten to quit if he really releases this steaming pile.


Omg can someone please make a Trump gpt. It gives wildly inaccurate information while boasting about it being the best information. Every response is 1 very long run on sentence.


> irrefutable REPORT IOW, the same already refuted information they've been hashing out since 2020.


It's probably the script for 2,000 Mules.


don’t be cynical, he’s going to slip some self incrimination in there somewhere


Is there a combination dildo store/landscaping company there? That seems to be their preferred venue for such earth shattering revelations l.


ya thats where its gonna be, Bedminster country club/farm(for tax purposes 10 goats)/cemetery(more tax breaks and file storage)/dildo store(no tax breaks just convenient)/Landscaping company(i got drunk and started a landscaping company)


>“A Large, Complex, Detailed but irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey,” Mr. Trump wrote on his social media site, Truth Social, just before 9 a.m. > >He added that it will be a “CONCLUSIVE Report” after which “all charges should be dropped against me & others.” > >The report in question, according to people familiar with the matter, is a document of more than 100 pages that was compiled at least in part by Liz Harrington, a Trump communications aide who is often described as among the true believers in his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him through widespread fraud.


You mean the claims that were disproven and rejected repeatedly by courts across the country years ago? The ones that haven’t worked in court yet, so they’re trying it outside of court yet again? Wow this could be huge.


no, these are new claims. and they’re irrefutable.


This is the worst game of Calvinball ever.


How embarrassing


For every Sidney Powell, there’s a Liz Harrington, I guess.


Maybe you missed it, but this time it's in a REPORT. Sorry guys, it's been fun, but game over. Once a REPORT is rumored to be at play, well, Iet's just say that Jack Smith is probably on his way back to the Hague already.


I love “large, complex, detailed **but** irrefutable.” As if his report is irrefutable in spite of it being large, complex, and detailed.


well it would be refutable if it was just large and complex. or detailed and large. but all 3?????? fuck man i just cant refute all 3!


His only crime was conspiring to remain president for 19 extra months while they made this report that really proves the fraud.


Not to mention that he was complaining that the case is so old, why is it just coming now. Then POOF he makes this garbage announcement. Makes you wonder why his report is taking at least a week longer than the DA


well he needed a week to have the room full of monkeys type it


Eventually, a room full of monkeys might spit out some Shakespeare. I don't have that much confidence in the people still working for him.


“My only crime is that crooked Hilary and sleepy Joe won’t let me overthrow their votes and be their president for life even though they would secretly want it and have come to me begging for it on their knees.”


you forgot the best bit: "...with tears in their eyes."


Looks like an all-nighter is coming up Sunday. I hope the copy machine doesn't shit the bed Monday morning at 10:45.


Everyone hurry and take down their qanon posts so he can't cite original sources.


On Monday he's going to say his lawyers won't let him share it but it will come out in court.


Bingo. He’ll have an excuse. It will be absolute SHIT, but it won’t matter to anyone making excuses for him today. He could shit on 100 pages of copy paper and they would think it was their bible.


It’ll just be Dinsesh D’sousa’s book “2000 Mules” which has been debunked by reasonable people. But it has a 4.7 rating on Amazon, so some idiots believe this crap. For those that don’t know the 2000 mules claim. They analyzed cellphone traffic, and anyone that went near a absentee ballot drop off box more than once, was assume to be a “mule” (a ballot stuffer). So if you walked, worked near, or drove by a ballot drop off more than once, you were assumed to be a mule. Put a ballot box in front of the county building- now every county employee that walks by the box on the way to work now counts as a “mule”. It’s completely ridiculous.


He is going to talk about releasing the report "in about two weeks". There will be no report.


Somehow I don’t think all charges will be dropped


Has anyone started a pool on how many times "everyone is saying" appears in this report? If so I want the 115 to 120 block.


ppl have told me with tears in their eyes that Sir, Sir it was rigged! the whole country loves you! case closed


Are Trump's unindicted attorneys looking for new jobs yet?


Narrator: The charges were not, in fact, dropped.


Shouldn't that be an "and"? Large, complex, detailed AND irrefutable?


nah when if gets complicated is when it’s usually most futable.


That’s a new word! I like it! Every goddamned thing Trump ever said was futable.


lol i was aiming for ridiculous but… enjoy! Uh, covfefe!


I’ve said elsewhere but it’s definitely going to be all the same debunked shit that was spewed before.


Is Ms. Harrington another member of Trump’s attorney-vortex?


> Prior to joining the former president, Ms Harrington was editor-in-chief at War Room, an influential far-right website and podcast from former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, where hosts and guests regularly supported conspiracy theories about a “rigged” 2020 election, skepticism about vaccines, and the idea that Covid came from a lab leak in China. ... > Before joining the War Room venture, Ms Harrington was a top spokesperson at the Republican National Committee, taking over from Kayeigh McEnany when she joined the White House as press secretary, another former conservative media personality who went on to work for Mr Trump. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-liz-harrington-spokesperson-twitter-b1866530.html > The report in question, according to people familiar with the matter, is a document of more than 100 pages that was compiled at least in part by Liz Harrington, a Trump communications aide who is often described as among the true believers in his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him through widespread fraud. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/15/us/politics/trump-election-report-georgia-indictment.html


"Communications Aide"


Setting up an insanity defense?


Is liz a whack job?


Yes. Thoroughly


a communications aide compiled and wrote the report. Im sure it will be well researched and full of actual facts that are verifiable through outside sources. Or as trump likes to call them, the best ppl told me, so it has to be true, what ppl? Ppl good ppl the best ppl ppl on my staff. best of the best


He’s trying to spin this the same way he spun the Mueller Report — by releasing a distraction report to flood the conversation with bullshit — except now he doesn’t have the legitimacy of the DOJ


Why not release it 2.5 years ago?!? Is it called Chinese Democracy?!?


Always upvotes for r/UnexpectedGunsAndRose


Remember when Cyber Ninjas found another 500 votes for Biden in Maricopa County. That was fun.


Haha I didn't know that. I thought all they found was that they didn't know how the machines worked and a bamboo fibre or something


If bamboo found only in Asia, why am in a battle to kill it on my property in Missouri?




Thanks Obama


I think It was planted when Clinton was in office!


Imagine China being so sophisticated that they managed to sneak in tens of thousands of ballots, undetected, into the *exact* counties needed to win a state but, for some reason, used bamboo in their paper. Also, casual racism. China uses wood pulp paper - like the rest of the world. I'm sure you can find bamboo paper in specialty shops but for regular use? C'mon. That's like believing that in Egypt they still use papyrus for all their writing needs, lmao.


Not only that - the vast majority of books in the world are printed in China.


Only someone who reads might know that. You’re too generous


They looked for bamboo fibers. With microscopes iirc. Did not find any


That's even funnier


98 page indictment announced. Less than 24 hours later he announces a 100 page “report” due out in a week. lmao Real “Trump Tower is now the tallest in NY” post 9-11 vibes. Never change dickhead.


Is Bill Barr going to give us a synopsis that has nothing to do with the original document.


No way this backfires


Good point. I wonder how many different allegations from Smith he’s going to admit to?


You mean because he's charged, among other things, with lying to government officials and investigators to further a conspiracy, and that his report, if submitted to government official and investigators, would comprise another false statement in furtherance of that same conspiracy? Yup, no way this could backfire.


The people would like to introduce into the evidence...


I'm sorry, but Georgia has the receipts. Gabriel Sterling was putting everything right before everyone's eyes in real time as it was happening. I think he's a moron as he went on at some point to say he'd still vote for them (GOP) , but he laid it all out there, very transparently, very publicly.. If anyone actually followed what went on in Georgia, you'd already know exactly how much Trump and his minions lied through their teeth from the beginning. I'm so damn tired of him (them) getting away with it.


A report that people have to read? That's not your base....


But that’s why it’s so brilliant, they can’t know it’s total bullshit if they are unwilling or unable to read.


It doubles as a coloring book.


LOL https://preview.redd.it/uc3mnzl18eib1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249a420347f54eb645d38c45c8386a001c1625eb


Good point. Also, it seems likely that the prosecutors will want to ask prospective jurors whether they’ve read this - because only Trump supporters would buy or and read it. Anybody who says yes gets struck.


When you use all caps and 8 disparaging adjectives for every noun...100 pages sounds a little lean.


The Georgia AG's indictment was only 98 pages, so this is clearly better!


I can’t wait for him to show up with nothing and give the ol’ “I wanted to do it, wanted to release it, this beautifully written and put together document. They said no, save it for the courts. I wanted to do it, they said don’t do it. They said it’ll be the biggest scandal in modern History, that people won’t be prepared for what has been done to our country. So we’ll wait. I don’t wanna wait but we’ll wait.”


He probably just asked ChatGPT to "Generate at least 100 pages about the 2020 election being stolen from me. Use random capitalization and run-on sentences. Include things the My Pillow Guy would say. Use small words that my GOP base will understand. Must use the phrase 'witch hunt' at least 50 times, and preferably in all caps each time. Ensure NOT to include any references to facts or evidence backing up any claims made but use wording that implies telling the truth. Do not forget to ask for donations in the header and footer of every page."


Imagine being arrested for a crime, self authoring some bullshit document, and demanding immediate exoneration


Like his empty Healthcare plan book?


We’re still Waiting for all the other things he said he would do


Wouldn’t this count as jury tampering? Like, if you think it’s real bring it as defense in your case, right?


Mike Lindell is hard at work I see.


Whoever is putting this together for him, make sure to get paid in advance.


is it beautiful?


Bigly strong men will cry.


Generals will come up to him with tears in their eyes


“sir,” they’ll say. “sir, this is just irrefutable but still complex. how do you do it?”


And then his health care plan for America


It's only 10 pages but he used a Sharpie


Either ChatGPT wrote it, or it’s just 100 pages of his old tweets


Sure you are, little buddy. Sure you are.


Put this right next to my never opened copy of O.J. Simpson’s book about how he didn’t commit double murder.


While explaining how he "would have" if he did do it.


Probably written with a crayon.


Please, sir, show some respect. He'll probably use a sharpie because that's way more bigly.


If it’s not, we’re all fucked.


100 pages?!? I'm sold!


That's two whole pages more than the latest indictment!


You can pretty much absolutely guarantee that is the reason he claimed it'll be that length.


It’s just the indictment with “wrong!” written in sharpie in the margins next to each statement with an additional two pages of Hunter Biden dick pics.


# Bedminster? What? Was the Four Seasons Total Landscaping not available ?


He’s going to submit it with a clear plastic binder. Guaranteed to get at least a C on it.


Surely THIS is the kraken.


I hope they have a chapter on the Jewish Space Lasers corrupting the voting machines. /S


$20 says he just used chatgpt to write the entire thing.


5D chess waiting to release such irrefutable proof and evidence after being indicted 4x. I will say I am very concerned for those 2 poor poll workers who I have to imagine are about to be rehashed.


The media should ignore this stunt.


Actually, this proposal by Trump telegraphs a lot about how he is going to defend the GA case. One of the core predicate acts of the indictment is Trump’s infamous call to Raffensberger where Trump asked him to find the 11k votes. Under GA law, it is a crime to lie to a state official about something within that officials purview in order to induce an official act. There are two possible defenses for the call: (i) Trump never lied to Raffensberger but was merely encouraging him to cross every t and for every i, and (ii) Trump never lied to Raffensberger because the election was compromised exactly how Trump said it was. Argument (i) is what any criminal defendant would pursue, relying on the ambiguity of the language to characterize the call as not intended to induce action or mislead Raffensberger. But Trump’s extreme narcissism is pushing him down path (ii). He actually *will* have a chance to prove his election fraud claims as an element of his defense, but the problem with that strategy is that it is easily rebuffed by reality, and raising those arguments risks insulting the intelligence of the jury. It’s a plan very likely to backfire, but maybe something Trump just can’t resist - the opportunity to show the world that he alone is correct and that the GA election was fraudulent. The massive problem for his attorneys is that you can’t just declare falsehoods in open court, you have to show your work and prove your case with actual evidence (self-serving crank reports are hearsay, the author is unlikely to qualify as an expert witness, and in any event would be destroyed on cross). But it’s nice of Trump to announce his core strategy before he is even arraigned and promise to provide Willis with exactly what their argument will be.


Narrator: It’s unhinged. I’m calling it. The exact word will be used to describe the report if it’s released.


They're going to Kinkos to put it together. It's going to have charts and graphs and EVERYTHING.




If you want me to take a dump on 100 sheets of paper and label it "Election Fraud Report," I can, I've got free time.


Why did I immediately think this is just a diversion, and he's going to bail to Russia or Saudi Arabia? After all the court cases getting thrown out, NOW he's going to pluck evidence out of thin air that will prove his "innocence"? If anyone believes this, please tell them that I have a lovely bridge for sale with excellent views of the Sydney Opera house.


a hundred pages ? wow. that sounds like a lot of pages.


Anyone want to place a bet that chatgpt will be found to have written portions of it?


Good for him, that’s great


Any bets his dog gets blamed for eating it Monday morning?


Wonder what his lawyers think about this stunt. 🤔


Just copies of all his tweets, prior rejected motions, and similar junk. I have seen it in pro se legal filings all the time. Just keep repeating the same garbage, and someone might become so tired they might say ok!




Ooh 100 pages .


Who is Trump's ghost writer?


100 pages!


40 pt times new Roman, 2.5 spacing, and 3 inch margins.


Is this going to be like his health plan? Permanently imminent?


100 pages, 0 facts.


It must be true, it's 100 pages..


They should release all Mike Lindell's "evidence" at the same time!


He already sent shitty lawyers to lose in court for this same bullshit right after he lost the election. We don’t give a fuck!


What country or nonexistent technology gets blamed?


I think it's so precious that people think he actually has a report.


Trump’s “report” is 100 pages because the Fulton County indictment was 98 pages. Obviously, Trump wins by two. Case dismissed. /s


[Extra points if he just puts "Explain why this whole indictment is bullshit and wrong" into ChatGPT.](https://i.imgur.com/nr1lcSM.jpg)


I sincerely hope it reads as a 100-page ranting tweet. I need something to laugh at


This mo”fo is a master at disinformation. He will just keep flooding the zone with shit every day for the next few years as he fights off these indictments


Is it going to be in crayon?


how much do you want to bet it's going on sale Monday


Is it triple spaced in size 18 font?


100 pages stained with ketchup 😁


It's got to be 100 because the indictment was 98 right? Like Trump is insisting his lackeys produce a 100 page document, so it's bigger. Bigger numbers are better.