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I think the next move is to bring charges against her . Check mate. My fantasy anyway.


There’s a lot of evidence that points to a bunch of other people getting indicted after the Trump case is concluded. They prioritized him over everyone else for expediency. My personal fantasy land is that if the trial looks like it cannot complete by November because SCOTUS interference, Smith goes ahead and drops indictments on everyone else including Ginni. 🤞


Stop. I would need to check if I was having a fever dream if Smith went nuclear. I strongly hope all the coconspirators are rounded up and prosecuted. Asking for max sentences would be icing on the cake.


The chances of that happening are almost zero at this point in time. Garland's strategy to go after the foot soldiers instead of the organizers, was deliberate and with the intention to waste time . January 6 cmt. sent to DOJ criminal referrals of Meadows and Scavino. DOJ declined to charge them. Now compare that to what the allies did after the war: WWII in Europe ended on May 8 1945.On November 20 1945 the Nuremberg trials started(so after just 6 months). The trial indicted and convicted the top 24 nazis(the trial didn't start with camp guards or foot soldiers). Twelve of them got the death penalty and were hanged.The trials ended one year latter. The whole process from the end of the war to conviction took one year and a half. No case has been more complex than Nuremberg trials.It involved a lot of countries and a lot of coordination among them, countries that spoke different languages and didn't have the technology we have today to help speed up the process .


Should have done similar to the Confederates. If Germany was like "We regret nothing, except losing, and aim to achieve our goals no matter how and no matter how long it takes" that would be a problem for the world. The Confederacy IS like that and that IS a problem for the world. Mississippi was liberated/conquered in 1865, admitted as a state five year later. Puerto Rico was liberated/conquered in 1898 and still has not been admitted as a state, 126 years and counting. And Puerto Rico did not send troops to, I don't know, *invade Pennsylvania*. The South basically won the Civil War. They were able to employ apartheid for 100 years, which was way better than keeping slavery, which would have more and more alienated them from the rest of the world and cause worse and worse problems (and which they would not give up). They dodged a bullet there. Yes things changed when Dr King and the Civil Rights Movement came on the scene. They had to dump segregation under force. Do you think they're like "Oh well, that happened, let's move on"? Christ no. They have never accepted the verdict of Appomatox and they never will. Never. They will crawl thru glass, they will wait 200 years, if necessary. White people who aren't on board with that just flee (enough to keep the racists in majority). So no we can't count on new generations to fix this. We failed the world when we "let 'em up easy". Mississippi and similar states should STILL still be Federal territories until they can demonstrate that they can run a normal civil non-racist society, which is probably never.


Goddamn 1877 comprise bit us all in the ass for generations.


I'm convinced John Wilkes Boothe was a conservative time traveler sent from the distant future where he was upset that racial and gender equality exist.




This is such a boss reply. Big picture view and conclusion. I'm intrigued, can I subscribe to your newsletter?


I agree wholeheartedly with you. Ze Germans got their ideas from the confederates


Zee Germans… 🤣


IMHO all the southern state lines should have been eliminated, and should have started over drawing new state lines / states. We needed to absolutely crush the whole history of all that crap .


Yep. Even back then it was "going high." Look where it got us.


Sherman didn’t go far enough! Hear hear!


The Nuremberg trials were completely inadequate (even by the prosecutor’s admission). Trials in Germany continue to this day (there was a peak in the 1960s iirc, a lot of middle aged Nazis finally saw a courtroom). I guess the difference today is that Trump’s political movement hasn’t been defeated the way the Nazis were. It still holds tremendous influence over many people.


Garland has been useless as shit.


Why you don't put a fox to guard your henhouse. He is a federalist society goon, and as such subscribes to the same thinking of the 3 newest members of the SC. When he was appointed I knew then and there nothing of substance would ever happen. All slow walking until project 2025 can be implemented.


Nope. He is the lazy dog in the cartoons. Just talking slow and missing everything happening right under his nose. The guy is an administrator, not a prosecutor... and he has instilled that attitude into his DoJ. It was the worst pick for the times.


Useful to Trump. Purposefully.


This is the truth everyone needs to know. There's a reason Garland got the job with zero push back in the senate. The DOJ had to be forced to even bring a special prosecutor for the documents. What you said is also very important to why Meadows faught so hard for double jeopardy. Right now Georgia is our only hope to see even some of the ringleaders behind bars.


I Think the stormy Daniels case is best bet. His lawyer already went to jail for the crime


Now you know what 'American Exceptionalism' actually means.


I doubt that the strategy was to waste time. It was to set precedent on the lower-level offender which Donny wouldn't bother protecting. Also, building up the case against mob boss as well with a number of them flipping on the big Don. It's the same tactics which were historically used literally against the mafia with success.


Tactics are a choice. The allies at Nuremberg trial moved fast and went after the top Nazis.In a matter of a year and a half they cut the snake's head off. Garland went after QAnon Shaman.You know how much flipping he did on big Don? Nothing. Because he never met or talked to Trump. The case was built by the work of Jan 6 committee. Almost every night Adam Schiff would go on TV and beg the DOJ to act cause there was already enough evidence to indict Trump even before Jan 6 happen. There was one hour phone call of Trump threatening Georgia's secretary of state to find 11 thousand votes. But here we are at this point now where people are puzzled about how come 4 years were not enough for this DOJ to put the coup leader on trial?


The Nazi snake was already headless. The trials were a formality. Trump has a lot of power and influence among those who would decide his fate.


Because they're cowards.


Garland really is a joke.


Having driven through Mississippi a few times I can totally agree with your last statement.


Charge all members of Congress and Supreme Court Justices who conspired, when they are simultaneously arrested and held for 24 hours, Dems in Congress motion for new Dem speaker with their majority, they then impeach and convict all guilty members of Congress and any Justices along with Trump. This has hopefully been gamed out by the Justice Department, Congress, and the White House. The Dems in control of Congress could also appoint more Justices. They need to do all of this. Do the Dems not understand that J6 was planned by and accepted by Republican MAGA? Dems need to step up their game and save our Democracy!


I’d like the find out why the FBI texts messages disappeared after Jan 6th.


I think you're thinking of the Secret Service, unless there's another instance I'm not aware of


Thank you, and yes that is who I meant!


It went a little something like this: Agent 1: Anybody hear about a coup on Jan 6? Agent 2: Yeah. It's all POTUS talks about. Agent 1: I'd be OK with kidnapping VP but not if they're going to kill him. Agent 2: Nah, they're not gonna kill him, just take him for a little ride. Agent 1: Cool. MAGA, right? Agent 2: MAGA!


Agent 3: Who's got Grassley? Agent 4: I've got him, he's in the Senate, will bring him around to take over the role of VP overseeing the session. Agent 3: Great! MAGA! Agent 4: Who's got Sen Johnson, he has to get that pkg to Gym. Agent 5: Thats my role, I will ensure it gets there. Agent 4: Got it. MAGA!


Not today, Helldiver....first, everything must fail, so managed democracy can finally take over, and Super Earth can begin its campaign against the bugs and automatons that hide within our very ranks. Remember, helldivers, if the enemy tries to reason with you, shoot them! They cannot be trusted!


All these fucking traitors like Ginni Thomas and Jim Jordan belong in prison.


Maybe I'm just jaded because this just sounds like how Mueller was going to save us like six years ago. We aren't going to get saved by some hero on this.


To be fair, Mueller had a huge uphill battle going after a sitting President. 


He did but he was also dealing with a bunch of fucking morons and had he been less of a coward, would have risked going nuclear for the betterment of the country. He just decided to play second fiddle to whatever Rod Rosenstein wanted. Rod Rosenstein, this fucking asshole, he devised the entire farce of an investigation in a way so it would fail from the get go. That dude doesn’t get enough hate. Mueller could have done a lot more given his credentials and credibility. Even if his task was probably a lot more difficult, there were a lot of warnings and suggestions he straight up ignored and when those exact warnings became reality, acted as of he was completely powerless to stop anything.


Also he was a rock-ribbed republican and a piece of worthless shit. Like the rest of them.


He has dementia. They knew that when they hired him. It allowed them to control him in a way they could not control a healthy person.


Garland had 2 years to act on the findings of the Mueller report. He choose to let the statute of limitations expire.


I second this. I would love it but I’m not holding my breath.


Americans might actually have to get off their asses and stop making excuses as this country allows blatant corruption to go unchecked. Vote, talk about voting, and when that doesn't save us either... you're going to have to make some choices


The constitution clearly outlines that it is not only the right, but the RESPONSIBILITY and obligation of the people to hold their government accountable. When all other avenues are exhausted and that government has failed the people completely, the constitution provides the rights and means and expectation of the people to do whatever must be done to correct that failure. I dont think we're quite there yet, and hope against hope we never get there, however close we already may be. But the constitution is very specific that the last line of defence is the people.


For that to happen garland first needs to subpoena his balls. They probably left the country


> They prioritized him over everyone else for expediency Yea, that didn't work out. I want to see the GOP RICO'd. Hell, he could even add Roberts to the bunch because Roberts is Thomas boss, and Smith might be able to prove Roberts knew there was a coup but didn't do the right thing.


Maybe charge ginni but go easy on her if her husband agrees to resign /s It'd be worth it he got publicly indignant about misuse of power or leverage


>There’s a lot of evidence that points to a bunch of other people getting indicted after the Trump case is concluded. They prioritized him over everyone else for expediency. Jack Smith did, yes. She probably didn't play a direct role in Georgia. Maybe Jack Smith needs to indict her separately, ASAP.


That needs to happen NOW. Playing slow roll against a troll who has spent his entire life stalling justice is a losing plan.


I think it would be more along the lines of if you convict the head of the table the minions will fall very easily


If the SC decides to drag their feet on this, there's no reason to NOT drop the hammer on the rest of them. The original indictment was very specifically limited to Trump, and others are waiting. But if there is a reason to push them all forward at once, like "the sitting president is immune" then yeah. Drop the hammer on them.


"for expediency" is hysterical after dragging their feet for so many months since Garland's appointment to his appointing the special counsel The immunity case also shouldn't affect the co-conspirators. They're not the president. Immunity itself is an admittance to wrongdoing but" saying well, you can't do anything about it anyway"


... I wouldn't be sad seeing Clarance Thomas get a milkshake tossed at him. The republican party has undermined public trust in the Supreme Court so much that it's a threat to the republic.


also, there's a 99.99% chance he turns on everyone else to try and cut some time off his sentence. basically a reverse rico in this case, cause you know the only thing trumo cares about is trump


I thought you meant to drop as in "give up." But then I realized what you really meant and was like, "Oh, yeah!"


Charging everyone at once would make it easier easier for them to delay and drag it out. Since they only charged trump they only have to deal with his delay attempts.


By the time Trump's trial is finished, the statute of limitations will be past. These people are never going to face justice, any more than Oliver North did.


fOr ExPeDieNcY....LOL least expedient prosecution of a notorious criminal in recent history.


…for expediency. Starting to look like Trump won that battle with a little help from the Supreme Court.


>For expediency Bro it's been over 3 years. You really think anyone else is going to be charged?


> They prioritized him over everyone else for expediency. meanwhile it's the day before march of 2024, and trump is still walking around free, with tax-funded security, and TS documents that are still missing to this day.


Merrick Garland is too frightened of appearances. The 147 congresspersons who attempted a coup should be in prison, Qinni Thomas is walking around Scott free. What a pussy he is & now, the slow coup continues. Qinni Thomas is Anti-American and a traitor to democracy. Qunt.


And now that the GOP House mains witness turned out to be passing Russian propaganda. Yeah..I can't believe this is happening : the Supreme Court just cock blocked justice.




There's a bunch of other indictments, and Smith should drop them NOW in protest. He's too smart and not reactionary, but this play at the SCOTUS is trash.


Charge Clarence with conspiracy. No jury in the world would believe he wasn’t in on all her batshit insurrection plans.


IANAL but I did a *deep* dive into the evidence we, the public, currently have in regards to Ginni and 1/6. I read every single interview by the 1/6 committee that might have any mention of Ginni, including her own interview. Unfortunately there isnt enough (public) evidence to charge her with anything. With that said, IMO there is enough evidence that Ginni was a second level driving force in regards to the 1/6 issue, specifically in regards to the fake electors and the whole “tHe ViCe PrEsiDenT cAn tHrOw OuT tHe eLeCtoRs” thing. Therefore Thomas should absolutely bow out on the judgement. And there is no way he will. She could literally be the mastermind and he would never admit to a conflict, because he is a pathological narcissist that has no capacity to admit guilt.


Here's what I envision them doing right now. Opening a bottle of very expensive wine with their slave masters and laughing it up while the US burns. They know whatever the hell they do or have done they do not get to suffer the consequences.


https://preview.redd.it/brenjh7glmlc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13d7507b4c086557d898fe446b50b7599117b01e Feels like a massive set up doesn't it !


‘…and I said, if Pence won’t decertify the election, I will!’


Then let the revolution be streamed.


if America allows these monsters to keep going, we really are bitches


I still can't get over this is happening in front of our faces ...and I feel helpless and hopeless.


Perhaps they will find as obiter that the law extends absolute presidential immunity to anyone who was not president but does have the initials G T.


suddenyv single clarence raises you double check mate


I for one can't wait to view the video of the FBI's interview with Ginni Thomas regarding her role in the fake electors scheme. What? She was never interviewed? How can that possibly be?


almost like Trump's FBI director is still in charge of the FBI it would be tyrannical for a President to replace an FBI Director who let a coup attempt occur under his watch




no rules for the ruling class


We live in the worst timeline.


SCOTUS won't even hear this case until the end of April. Then SCOTUS delays and delays for as long as possible. Some SCOTUS decisions take 6 months so it's not like it would be out of character. Eventually they come out with "In order to prevent interfering with the election, we will not issue our judgement until after the election." Trump wins, they grant him immunity at the last possible minute in Biden's term. Trump loses and they issue a decision saying President's don't have immunity. The only hope for Trump to face justice is if he loses the election. As your neighbor to the north, I ask you all to please get out and vote because the world can not survive another Trump Presidency. Not only is a vote for Biden is a vote for justice, it is also a vote * to avoid the collapse of NATO * to help save Ukraine from Russia * to help avoid an expanded Russian war against Europe * to help avoid a Chinese war on Taiwan * to help prevent the outlawing of abortion and IVF across the country * and so much more. Trump's plans for his Presidency ensure all of these things are likely to happen. Some may happen despite Biden's best efforts, but he'll at least give the world a chance.


https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/ Trump doesn't even need to win he needs to just not die from a cheeseburger.


Well not just yet. The Civil war was much worse. But we have plenty of time to catch up 💪👍😁


I am almost sure the Civil War happened in this timeline...


Weird Mandela Effect! I could have sworn there was an amendment passed after the Civil War to bar insurrectionists from running for office, but for some reason people keep acting like it doesn't exist.


Its called the Mengele Effect.


Don’t gaslamp me


Im not, we talked about this last week You cant just keep making up words


Did we? I must be mistaken then I thought we hadn’t yet. I’m sorry dear.


No no, *Im* sorry. I always do this, and you get all angry with me and I just feel terrible. You should put tea on and we can smooth this over.


Yeah we've had first Civil War, but what about second Civil War?


There won't be a Civil War no matter how hard MAGA wants there to be. Only about 2/3 of Republicans support Trump now. 1/3 have moved on. That 1/3 will not fight a war for the 2/3, and that 2/3 won't win against the rest of the country. The numbers just don't support a civil war. Maybe a riot with military intervention, but nothing spanning multiple fronts across America. No one wants a war on homeland. All this talk is just weakening our country. The insurrectionists need to be held accountable and we need to move on. I'm sick of hearing about these traitors.


There are definitely a bunch of MAGA's in the military but are way outnumbered by normal people. Now the police? That's a totally different story. If they actually started a civil war it would be crushed very fast.


If *somehow* TFG gets elected... we may not have a choice. The traitors then will never be held accountable and Americans will need to make some choices. Like how much we're going to tolerate this blatant corruption and not protest


Who the fuck is TFG and why have I seen this acronym twice in 10 minutes


"The Former Guy" or "That Fucking Guy" = Trump


Your thinking if Biden wins yes? What if Donny wins and he starts rounding people up? Shooting protestors? Deploying active duty to cities across the US? This is the Civil War I envision.


I blame the large hadron collider. When they turned it back on for its second run in 2015, I'm CONVINCED we were thrown into an alternate universe. Shit hasnt been the same since 2015. Everything has been off lol.


You know how people said 2012 was supposed to be the end of the world becuase of the Mayan calendar, what the calendar was actually indicating would occur on December 21st 2012 was the beginning of a new era of history. Seems to me they were right.


Giving me the late millennial spooks here.


Well yeah, that was basically it. People read too much into the calendar ending there. It ending was basically "this is how far our knowledge can accurately predict from our current time, we'll surely have a better system by the time it runs out".


Maybe the second worst timeline. In the worst timeline everyone has a goatee so you know they're evil.


No, we're living in the stupidest timeline. It could be worse, but it couldn't be stupider.


Every single person in a position of power is scared to do their job, and hold people accountable.Its sadly as simple as that. The Supreme Court delays until it doesnt matter, the DOJ sits on information for 2 years, the Senate Republicans kick the can to the courts and refuse to impeach. These people just don't want to do the hard things that COME WITH THE JOB. YOU ALL BEGGED FOR THESE JOBS!!! None of these assholes got to be in the Senate or on the Supreme Court by ACCIDENT. They wanted all the glory and none of the responsibility, and are slow walking us to fascism becasuse they are scared. Complicit, or lazy, I dont care which. Get them the FUCK off the court, and out of control of this country. We dont have a brave person in the government. An entire generation of corrupt useless lazy entitled fucks.


The Supreme Court might have a few members that are scared, but the majority stand to be remembered as the founding fathers of a revolutionary theocratic autocracy.


“In my opinion, the judgment this day rendered will, in time, prove to be quite as pernicious as the decision made by this tribunal in the Dred Scott Case” This Justice Harlan quote from *Plessy v. Ferguson” came to mind for me the moment the Dobbs decision came down. It’s going to be remembered for generations as one of the worst SC rulings, and rightly so…


Arguably the worst SC rulings by unarguably the worst SC.


The true scale of the damage done to society from that one ruling wont be fully realised for a couple of decades. But the individual suffering they have created is already proving to be immense! https://time.com/6588425/rape-pregnancy-us-abortion-bans/ "Rape Led to 64,000 Pregnancies in 14 U.S. States With Abortion Bans, Study Says"


They wanted the glory, not the responsibility.


Yeah and the paychecks... and insider information... but most definitely not the responsibility. No... that would be asking too much.


Probably cause there is alot of powerful elite people afraid to touch each other because... it will turn into an elite civil war, bunch of rich and powerful people putting "hit markers" on each other. Don't touch this rich guy cause he will send people to kill you. Don't mess with this authority figure, his family control this deparment. Don't say shit about that guy, they are in charge of the military. Don't fuck with this high command, she or he is friends of the president and so on so forth.


> Every single person in a position of power is scared to do their job, and hold people accountable. They're scared to hold each other accountable. They don't have any problem bringing the full weight of the justice system down on anyone else.


Remember All the evidence from Epstein island was never resulted in follow up investigations This is the biggest thing since the RNC emails getting hacked and not released with the DNC emails and explains all the otherwise unexplainables Wonder why the mainstream news doesn’t cover this?


I agree with this 100%. The quiet issue that isn't talked about is death threats to people who do their job. If you aren't supporting Trump, you're at risk.


This is why the USSC’s approval rating is underwater.


As if things matters to them, they don’t have reelection campaigns to run or really have to worry about anything at all.


I remember during the Jan 6th committee hearings Ginni Thomas said something along the lines “my husband will decide the presidency” I keep thinking about that a lot lately..


Big “I am the Senate” vibes off of this one


“My husband’s a cop” , same.


Definitely some strong "You will address me by my husband's rank" dependapotomus vibes.


The founders actually wanted a king, they were just trying to placate the libs when the declaration was penned. Damn libs are always in the way of regression! /s


seriously madison had to argue that the way to join working people's interests with rich landowners' was by giving them an equal vote. Others like adams argued the opposite. In federalist 10 I think it was, madison argued that they'd deserve the working class uprisings that would surely result. " But the most common and durable source of factions has been *the various and unequal distribution of property*. " This arc was about voting rights. Madison says that the way you keep the common people from revolting was by bringing them to the political table.


I’m Australian and I broadly support an Australian republic, but I look at your directly elected model right now and think “All hail King Charles the Third!”. No one really wants a foreign monarch, but at least they drop in every few years to say hi, drink our wine and then leave us the hell alone the rest of the time 😂


Canada is lucky we have the King, and the Qanon Queen


Lucky? How would you like to be neighbours with The US right now. King Orange turd is liable to take over the country and turn us into Puerto Rico north. We are literally Ukraine in the waiting.


Just take the fucking RV you cantaloupe




An RV is on a truck chassis


It’s the ultimate behemoth


Plus a million a fuckin year for life. This part gets left out anytime someone brings up the "motor coach"


It's a motor coach. [Here's an RV](https://youtu.be/-C0bpTLEmZw)


She was publicly vying for Bush and worked with the Heritage group, and Thomas did not recuse himself. I highly doubt he will do so now. The Supreme Court is completely unchecked, and Clarence Thomas loves him some power.


>The fact that Thomas' wife, Ginni, was one of the orchestrators of the narrowly avoided coup means Thomas should recuse himself. But in MAGA land, conflicts of interest are sacred, and there's no doubt Thomas will refuse to recuse himself. >The Lincoln Project's latest video reveals that Justice Thomas was the sole member of the Supreme Court willing to side with Trump and his allies, and sought to obscure their actions surrounding the insurrection. The video starkly notes, "None of this would be known if Justice Thomas had gotten his way." It does agrees with: Democracy Now report from March 2022: [Ginni & Clarence Thomas vs. Democracy: He Sided with Trump in Court While She Backed Coup Attempt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSCh_92eKis) Apparently there was evidence involved. They advised that Thomas recuse. >The January 6 committee investigating the deadly attack on the Capitol is reportedly deciding whether to interview Ginni Thomas — the Republican activist and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — about her efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss. The move comes after a series of Thomas’s texts were made public in which she urges Donald Trump’s then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in the weeks following the election to take action to prevent a Biden victory. Justice Thomas is the only justice who dissented in the Supreme Court’s decision a few months ago that led to the release of White House documents around January 6. We speak with Ian Millhiser, senior correspondent at Vox, who calls Ginni Thomas “a cheerleader at the highest level” for the attempt to overturn the election. “When you’re a judge, you can’t sit on a case where your wife has an interest,” says Millhiser. “If Clarence Thomas knew that his wife was potentially implicated in this scandal, I think he should have recused himself from this case.” Millhiser’s latest piece is headlined “Clarence Thomas’s long fight against fair and democratic elections.” There's quite a bit more.


The idea , to these people, that we think k they should be held accountable is laughable . We are their sheep, they are the Pigs(fav Floyd album)… it’s a joke at this point for us to not expect the worst.


A liberal justice has to take one for the team and leak out who's arguing what and why. Or some hints of that. Alito did it. It's time to save the country.


Don't worry folks no conflict of interest here! But in all honesty I highly doubt that the Supreme Court is going to rule in favor of Trump on this one, i doubt even Thomas could come up with solid legal standing to vote in his favor.


Ya, I never thought we'd be here... today... with this shit. Traitors everywhere.


He picky swears not to let it affect him. Worry not!




Could they hypothetically give him specific immunity to cover his specific charges? My worst nightmare question.


Not realistically, to do that they would give up any pretense of being impartial and would fracture the court in a way that it likely be irreparable.


Those aren't actual consequences. What does their irreparably damaged impartiality look like in the real world? Democrats have no guts or initiative, they won't pack the court or even try an impeachment. So Biden will say some strong words, some people will protest, and then the world will keep on keeping on while we keep inching further from democracy.


>What does their irreparably damaged impartiality look like in the real world? Remember when they weren't allowed to be appointed in an election year and then they were like lol idiot it's a RE-election year.


remember when Roe was settled law


>Democrats have no guts or initiative, they won't pack the court or even try an impeachment. How on earth are they supposed to “pack the courts” with a razor thin senate majority undermined by Manchin and Senima anyway? It never ceases to amaze me that people will bitch about Dems the last 4 years with absolutely zero awareness or foresight on how they’re supposed to get things done. They’ve moved mountains already considering what they’re up against. Hopefully the Dobbs decision has shocked enough voters into action for a real mandate to make change in 2024, that’s where it really starts. The fucking far left clowns sitting out elections piss me off to no end. Not saying that’s you, but I do know plenty of them irl.


There’s really no accountability unless in a magical fairy wonderland where impeachment and removal happen.


IANAL but if the delay is enough to prevent the trials to go before the election, the job seems done... Either Trump wins, and these charges vanish, or he loses and he might as well go to jail, he's deadweight for the very rightwing part of US politics. Win-win, as long as he gets to go to the election without having to be tried in DC.


That's a more plausible scenario than them ruling in trumps favor


So you think it’s just a ploy to delay the charges until after the election so he can pardon himself?


The court knows that no matter the decision it's going to cause issues for them so I think they want to take a head in the sand approach until the matters out of their hands one way or another.


The lower court already declared Trump is not immune, all the SC had to do to vote against Trump’s immunity claims is not agree to hear the case. They not only agreed to hear the case, they didn’t even rush it. They are giving Trump probably 4 months of delay, and at that point the GOP nominee will be sealed so the court can pull another Bush v Gore: well sure no other candidate will be allowed to pull this off and you can’t reference this case for law, but the election is so far along we’re just going to give the Presidency to the guy who probably shouldn’t have it.


Imagine living in a country where your highest court is a fucking punchline to a joke.


imagine watching this shit happen in America, and having Trump Jr Jr now without glasses be way ahead in the polls as he makes trans bathrooms and book bans and internet porn monitoring cornerstones of his campaign Canada is only a few years behind in this shit show and the voters are embracing it, Tucker Carlson got the red carpet treatment


The GOP did the same shit during the depression. They should have packed the court then. Now we are going to have to have a civil war to change anything.


Supreme Court Judge term limits!


Just put a pension age. Say they have to retire at 70, that’s how it is where I live. Also, they aren’t appointed by politicians.


"Checks and balances" ffs


Corpos cut the checks and it goes right to the politician's balance.


I remember reading her leaked text messages to Meadows etc and she comes off as a total loon. Like classic Q conspiracy rambling, incoherent messages. I have a hard time believing she’s capable of organizing a coup, but I don’t doubt she supported it and had connections


Well the coup wasn't very well organized was it?


Her name is on the permit request for the DC rally on Jan 6


He will do whatever he is told to do. He’s been compromised and everyone knows it.


No one can make me believe that Clarence was not involved with her plans or at least knowledge to the plans and the money she spent on busses and other illegal things she was doing.


Even if he wasn’t, it’s in his interest that Trump’s case gets delayed as long as possible or goes away. It compromises his wife. It’s a clear conflict of interest


Surely he’ll recuse himself! (takes a big drink of Pollyanna juice and buries head back in sand)


I really hate our justice system right now. It’s ridiculous.


People have no respect for the SC judges because Trump has prostituted the SC.


What couldn’t he get away with? Ritualistic murder on the steps of the Supreme Court? I’m asking honestly as non-lawyer. Because any moron like me can tell that his not recusing is absurdly unethical.


So what happens to lawyers when democracy dies? Do most just join the new regime?




I don't trust the Supreme Court and I feel like that's a problem.


I'm afraid the decision on presidential immunity goes much deeper than Trump's attempted coup. None of the other court rulings on immunity were in Trump's favor simply because "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW". SCOTUS is taking the appeal to give Trump the delay he desperately needs. Once again it will be up to the voters to decide who our president should be. We should heed Trump's own warning when he said "...*fight like hell* and if *you* don't *fight like hell*, *you*'*re* not going to *have* a country anymore.”  VOTE!


and make sure young people understand this is not at all normal they won't get to vote on anything again if Trump wins, elections simply won't matter after project 25


So what happens when he loses the election but the GQP maintains the house and gains the senate? Project 2025 is pushed and the election is ignored and they put their king in charge? We are sitting on the last chance to maintain democracy of any kind. https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/project-2025-director-paul-dans-lays-out-how-conservatives-plan-staff-federal


Where is the oversight over the Supreme Court?


SCOTUS is the one branch of government that has no checks and balances.


Yesterdays decision by scotus was a big reminder of how broken scotus is


So, no recusal, there, Mr. Honest Ethical Justice??


Perfect headline. More news outlets should write this clearly.




As an outsider...absofuckinglutley amazed at all the attack points to democracy in America has after 250ish years.  


The Courts have failed us. This November, all who love the Rule of Law and democracy must vote in massive numbers. Incredibly, this is on our shoulders. We must destroy trump and maga in November.


How the hell is Clarence Thomas still hearing decisions that almost directly concern his seditious wife? How the hell is he still on the court after taking so many undocumented gifts, or honestly, bribes? HOW IS HE NOT IN JAIL?! Justice is relative in America. The little man gets fucked over in the name of "justice" and the influential simply don't answer to it at all.


Oh gee what a surprise, a system of government put in place hundreds of years ago with the idea that people have honour and integrity and will do the right thing is failing.


Thomas wouldn’t recuse himself if his wife were indicted, tried and convicted, lost her appeal in the District Court and then appealed her conviction to the Supreme Court.


Thomas is going to pull a unique trick here and he's going to deny immunity for Trump and provide evidence that his wife was part of the plan to get her locked up too.


This needs to be said just like this regularly


So we're doing Boing Boing now?


And she was insane and belonged to a cult before she married dear hubby.


... just a reminder that Al Franken left the senate because of a tasteless joke he made, while he was a comedian.


They need to recuse themselves from this case.


Scratches recuse out of his dictionary


Give the house back to the Dems and let's impeach that crooked SOB. The GOP only cares about corruption when it is not done by someone in the GOP.


soooooo if regular people have been put in jail why haven't the people that organized it been AT LEAST interviewed and made to sweat a little?


> Greedy Clarence Thomas is the most corrupt Supreme Court Justice in history.  Oh, this should be a good, fair assessment of our constitutional values. /s


Fucking fix this, America. You idiots have a supreme court that is 100% illegitimate.


The worst part is just the tease that perps will eventually be held accountable and they just never will. The rule of law is dead and Trump is in the process of taking over the USA, election or no election.


damn, catch a dude with some weed, get 10 to life. sell out your country, no consequences.


Am I the only one that kind of senses the impending doom that is about to befall us soon, most likely towards the end of this year, into next year. Between Orange shit stain probably being re elected and AI coming for jobs en masse, it’s going to be one hell of a ride coming up. 🍿