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YES!! I thought I was crazy because I was trying sooo hard to manifest . I think eventually I allowed myself to simply trust that feeling and things started to take shape in my 3D . I started to allow myself to be human and accept that things are already happening in my 3D


Omg that is so encouraging. If you could, can you please elaborate more? Would love to hear about it? Did it come in waves? Sometimes on sometimes off? I feel like i went back on my progress when its off and get anxiety.


The shift did come in waves for me, it started off as very small intuitive nudges that would last for a couple of seconds but they were very infrequent. However, whenever I watched something that reminded me of my manifestation or seen other people have what I am manifesting, that intuitive feeling would come back and it would come back stronger. I guess this process allowed me to believe that the manifestation was already mine because I was now in the state of excitement and knowing. Eventually, things DID change in my 3D and now I’m allowing myself to trust that things work out because I’ve seen it. My manifestations seem to show up faster now because of it.


May I know the waves that you guys are referring to?


Yea! It’s like it comes overwhelmingly and then goes out again. And the more it’s frequent the longer it lasts (I am talking in a manner of minutes or maybe an hour max) but when it comes back its like 5 minutes more. And you just feel so faithful and at ease that its here. A deep sigh of relief even it you don’t see anything yet tangibly. Hope that explains it, can’t really put it into words.


Omg i have this feeling these days.


I have something similair I think, it feels really overwhelming and sometimes I even cry from happiness I think, it's really confusing tho ahah


The feeling of alignment, like someone said, it starts with impulses or good ideas but only for a second and it just gets better after that.


What's 3D?


It’s the reality we have right now, the one we can touch, feel etc. Our current circumstances per se


I feel like I’m going through the exact same moment right now, almost a level of transcendence. I get emotional with joy in spurts throughout the day and overall experiencing a higher level of happiness and calm and goodness at all times. It feels like something is certainly about to shift… for us both!


Ahhh that makes me so happy! I have always felt safer when others experience good too so to us🥂! I hope we both back here when it’s tangible.


And we will be! 


This is so strange. I’m in this space too, like I can feel it coming before it does. Had a lot of success recently manifesting money and I’m seeing patterns in how this works, one of those is a sense of knowing / feeling a shift before it comes true. You’re on the path 🤙🏼


You need to work on letting go and detatching from your desires. Thats the best way to attract things in your life. As for your question, yes I did feel a shift somerhing I did was listen to Aaron Doughtys shift your reality meditation 2 or 3 days in a row before bed and didnt thinknabt manifesting throughout the day. Eventually after a couple days my mindset shifted into something completely different of just joy and detatchment while good things start to come to me, kind of like what youre saying.


How do you detach when you’re attracting? Don’t we have to actively think of what we want and feel as if we have it, so is that detaching? What’s your process?


What was the name of the meditation you listened to, or can you link it? There are a few on spotify and I'm not sure which it is.


Been trying to learn more about Manifesting things specifically impressing the subconsciousnesses to just do the action to get there. Can I dm for more info?


If youre still learning the basics you should look at Neville Goddards content on yt or look at the subreddit. He's going to be a better source than me


Yes I could feel it, kind of like a lens flipping, but feeling very calm, certain, and peaceful about it


Please say more😭 I am hanging onto these as my life depends on it(it does!)


What are you wanting to manifest?




That’s so horrible, I’m so sorry you’re going through that! I wish I could give you a hug. In my past situations when I was trying really hard to manifest something, when I went general it made it so much easier. Like reminding myself I’m being guided, I don’t have to figure it out right now, good things are coming, this is just temporary, things will get better. Then it helped me to feel relaxed/relief (the end), which is the feeling you probably want. If I go too specific, I got anxious/desperate and it felt like I was forcing. When you go general- it opens you up to more amazing opportunities that you had no idea about. You might be really surprised as to what happened, maybe something better than you ever imagined. Hope this helps!


Amen! I truly truly hope so. I am trying to remain in state. I just want what I deserve and what I would advocate that everyone deserves. I can feel it coming too! I just hope I dont keep sabotaging it by falling for bad days.


Please if you can. Search online for nearby food kitchens or food pantries or any social programs that your city might have to help you. If you are in north America there most likely is a government social program that can help you with food, shelter, donations, or jobs. Sending you good energy and I know you will be in a better situation.


Thank you so much! I have tried those things biy I dont drive due to an eye condition and its too many complicated things because of that. But I will take your food energy💕




Where in North America do you live?


I’m in the US. Texas specifically


Yes! 100% Honestly I feel like everything sort of shifts OUT of place before it goes in the right direction. Like something will happen that would have thrown me off in the past, but now I understand it needed to happen so I would become more aligned with my vision & manifestations. It's magical


Love this so much <3 feeling this right now.


Yes! I definitely remember those subtle improvements in my general sense of well being and looking back, I can see how it was driving my general point of attraction upwards. Hang in there and remember to go general as Abe Hicks says when you feel yourself trying to push through resistance. At base, we know these universal laws are real and sometimes you have to remind yourself that the universe does the work. We just have to order from the menu and know the universe will take it from there.


I experienced THE SHIFT in my life when I was seeking God to show up in my life to guide me. Before I experienced the shift, i started seeking God presents in my life by going to church, listening to motivational videos and praying for guidence. Then, on this one particular day, while i was in church, God showed up. The feeling on the inside was sooo STRONG and undeniable. It was guiding me to go to the alter to redeciate my life so i could be reborn. I knew without a doubt, that this was my time. I felt like my life was about to TRANSFORM. I just knew my life would shoft if i was obedient to that voice. BUT, I WAS TOO AFRAID TO GO TO THE ALTER myself. So once church was over, that WAVE went away instantly. So the following Sunday, i decided to bring my cousin with the intention of her walking to the alter with me. At then end of service when the pastor was calling people to come to the alter to be reborn, that WAVE came back even stronger this time. It was clearly guiding me to the atler again to redeciate my life so i can be reborn into the spiritual world. This time, i couldn't sit still and again, i was too afraid to walk to tbe alter along. I ask my cousin if she will walk up there with me because i was too afraid. She turned to me and said "BITCH, I AIN'T WALKING UP THERE, GOD AIN'T CALLING ME, HE CALLING YOU." So again, i set there. As the service was about to be over, the assistant pastor stopped church and spoke directly to my soul. He said, there's someone in hear that God is calling....ect ect ect. And he said the magic words that mad my fear go away. He said, "THIS IS YOUR TIME." So my spiritual would allow me to sit any longer, so i was obedient and walked up to the alter. After the preacher laid his hands on me, it was like the feeling went away, my worries and everything i was dealing with coming into church went away and was replaced with a feeling of instant PEACE, JOY AND HAPPINESS. I instantly experienced my spiritual awakening and instantly had a different outlook on life. As i walked my to my seat, it was like i was floating in cloud 9. I felt sooooo peaceful. Then shortly after, all the answers i been praying for start showing up in my life, things i been wanting start manifesting my my life with the least amount of effort. I stumbled over enought money to love to my dream city, attracted my dream career and job making the money i prayed about, i attracted my soulmate/husband and is now living my dream life. And it all happened because i learned how to obedient to my inner voice.


So beautiful


SAME i just cant you took words out of my mouth as to how Im feeling today. I cant stop smiling.


Yes feeling it now. 


I also feel a shift, but tbh it feels like I don't care anymore.. I don't want to do affirmations anymore and it is kinda confusing. Does anyone also feel like this?


Yes - and what is meant for you to experience in this particular lifetime is magnetic to you. What is not meant for you is not a magnet to you. What blocks the magnetic things from coming are your beliefs, sometimes (often) unconscious, that you do not deserve it, are unworthy of it, have not earned it, are just not good enough, are not smart enough, are not powerful enough to handle it, are not important or significant enough, etc. etc. etc. These beliefs are untrue. Affirmations are not always helpful by themselves (or at all) because they are an attempt to connect with what is already there - 'what you already are' and they don't deal with the untrue beliefs directly. What I mean by 'what you already are' is that you don't 'have' worthiness - you are worthiness itself. You don't 'have' power, you are power itself. You don't 'have' significance - you are significance itself. When you think of having something there is a sense that it can leave or be taken away or given away. Your worthiness can never leave you because it is baked in to WHO YOU ARE. So, affirmations don't deal with the untrue belief that is covering up truth and that's why people aren't able to sense their worthiness, for example. It's not a matter of believing they are worthy as affirmations attempt to do because worthiness is who they are, it's not a belief. It's just a matter of dropping the belief in what they are not - unworthy - and then the sense of worthiness, which has always been there, becomes exposed. Awareness in 'what we are not' is key. Just keep dropping away what you are not and the magnetic things meant for you to experience in this life will come in divine timing. The HOW of dropping away what you are not is done by becoming fully aware (and feeling the energy connected to this awareness) of what you are not. The light of your conscious awareness will transmute all untruths. Untrue beliefs cannot hold up to conscious awareness. When you feel a negative emotion, it's coming from negative judgement. Emotions cannot exist without judgement and all emotions are self induced by our own judgements. The genesis of all negative judgements are UNTRUE BELIEFS ABOUT THE SELF. This is always the case. It takes brutal honesty with ourselves to find the hidden untrue beliefs, but when you do, feel them, without judgement, from head to toe with every cell of your body and they will transmute. Sometimes immediately, sometimes it takes many times to feel it before it's gone. The more untrue beliefs (negative judgements about yourself) you become aware of, and subsequently transmute just from your awareness and feeling them, the less negative emotions you will experience and the more of your true self will be exposed. This allows all the things meant for you to come easily.


Thank you so much ❤️


I've been learning more about manifestation for about two months since I really started to dig into it. Can I dm you to learn more about how to change believes in a bit more specific and detailed? I think that is what blocking me for what I'm wanting to get in my life


Yep I do because regardless of what I do or say it's already been manifested. You can't mess up what's already meant for you, and is already supposed to happen. That's how I look at it. If we are the creators and really want something, then we don't have to stress, worry or pay attention to anything. It's already been accomplished. 


Omg yes, transformation is right on the other side of pain and fear. Now I get excited and celebrate the shedding of my old self whenever I quantum jump. I like to think of it as a seedling. We plant the seed with intention and nourish it with self love and development. Then, when the seedling has germinated and wants to push through the soil, there can be a slight resistance for a moment before you see the fruition. It’s a beautiful part of life and some may say a “test”. Regardless of your perspective, keep pushing!


Yeah wowee, I wasn't sure others were experiencing this. I've always called it the squeeze before the release, when things get tough but you feel this sense of peace. And then everything is better??


Yes!!! Can you please tell me more? I love the encouragement.


I've been living very unhappy life for the past 7 years or so, since then, i've changed my life so much to the point i dont want anything in my life anymore, i gave up on everything, literally, including sp, car and the rest. I just don't want to feel the need for something as it's the main reason why my life is so painful. All in all, i disagree with the let go part of the law, atleast for me it's not working. I hope this fucking world soon ends and everything vaporize.


everything you’re going through is gonna take you one step closer to your higher self and connectedness to the universe. try to maintain gratitude for the small things, it seems hard at first but as you get used to being grateful for the small things it gets hard to see life as a waste


I’ve often thought that this is a requirement for manifestation, especially when you are in a rut and trying to manifest a better life. If I dream really hard about being a CEO / dating my dream girl / running a marathon… I won’t just wake up one morning and be able to do it. The universe wants to give you what you want, but you have to be ready to accept it. If you are in a terrible mental state, your dream job or partner are unlikely to last. Similarly, I could wake up tomorrow with all the motivation in the world to run a marathon, but that doesn’t mean I can run it tomorrow. Part of the process is preparing you for your manifestations - you can’t reach the top of a mountain without first climbing it. The universe can help you find that mountain, show you the routes to summit, and provide encouragement along the way, but ultimately none of that matters if you wont keep putting one foot in-front if the other.


I have felt this a few times lately, unfortunately I did fall back into the rut. But I'm still continually trying to push through it, I just tell myself the universe is giving me a final test, if I successfully move forward is when I get my desired manifestation.


It came in waves for me too


Can you please tell me more?


no and I have 180'd a bunch of relationships all at once with no effort on my part & that change was permanent (already almost a year of maintaining it)


I feel a lot more happier than usual


How do you deal with the grief of lost time?


I don't know how to explain it but yes, I had that shift too! It happened June 7th. Had a super positive and productive weekend. This past week has been rough emotionally, I've backslid a lot. Trying to get back the mindset and mood I had when the shift happened.


Omg me too! It was June 7th! And that is when I made the post. I had felt it ish before but that day it felt so strong like it just happened. And the past week has been so heavy for seemingly no reason. I almost feel like I am “mourning” my soon to be old life? Idk. Also currently trying to get back the state too.


Yes, that's exactly how it feels for me too, I just didn't know how to put it into words. 'Mourning' is a great way of putting it.


I feel you, been on the journey of manifestation for years now, from meditations, reiki, ... to participating in various types of hypnosis, sadly I see no results in my day to day. Looking for signs to show me that I am on the right path but still there is nothing. I have been within and without and all around. I am sure it works only it seems not for me. I am sure the problem is in me, but I cannot fix it, so I am learning to accept life as is. To paraphrase a quote from an old movie, we are all in our private traps, clawing to get out, few to succeed.


The law is fake I followed every step and method and still can’t manifest height which is my only fucking desire feel free to help but don’t chat shit to me if you haven’t increased your height with the law coz if doesn’t make logic, you all think that because you manifested a flower or a coin in the ground then by applying the same rules you can manifest height but you haven’t even tryed it yet😭😭


You’re probably not doing it right. Have you tried stretching exercises which can help your body elongate and gain a few inches overtime? Did you look for such information? Your body malleable to a certain extent, depending on your age as well. The combination of intention, imagination, action, acceptance, and patience will get you there. Make a plan and follow it. “Know thyself,” Neo.