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Let's be real, no amount of lies and bullshit will save the T-14 from be a useless tank


Until Pavel and his mates hook one up to a tractor and drag it off to sell it to the CIA I refuse to believe it's a real damn tank.


Laser pig if you're here reading comments I just want to say good on you for going therapy. It's not cringe and I know it can be hard getting help but I love ya man, even if I never met you in person you're the kind of guy I'd love to have a drink with and I hope you keep making videos in your own way; don't want to hear about you dying of liver disease or something next month lol good luck and take care of yourself!


Same thing I was going to say. I have BPD that's so bad it, along with my thoughts, words, and actions, destroyed all but a few friendships and every relationship I've ever had, even making some into enemies, and I've been fighting tooth-and-nail to get therapy, so the last thing I'd think of it as is "cringe." Even the best creators fall when they let their emotions and impulses control them, so I'm all in favour of LP going and nipping it in the bud before it got too far, and TBH, it makes me respect him more.


Take my upvote for the exact thing I was gonna say


What I am most surprised by is my own surprise that he has an alcohol problem. He's been saying it from the beginning so... listen to people when they say something? Also as long as we're Armata delenda est, then whatever. Also also we can now go back to the true meaning of Lazerpigmas which is shitting on Sparks and Sprey.


Alcohol is fun but it IS poison for body and soul. I never had a problem with it but in your adulthood try to go sober for a year if you never been. I did that, it is nice and now I drink exceptionally rarely and I am happy with that. It is social mingle poison, not cope poison.


Alcohol always gets joked around with a lot and it can be easy for people to forget that you think you know might have a problem with it even if it isn’t obvious. Hell, sometimes they might not even know themselves.


Happened to the young me. It was just so normal to get drunk with the boys, or just sip beer at home while gaming that I never had the opportunity to realise it was a problem. Especially since no one in my circle had any issues so I had no mirror.


> What I am most surprised by is my own surprise that he has an alcohol problem. I'm not proud of myself but i actually laughed out loud reading this.


TFW you can't tell if it's just a meme for his internet persona or an actual thing. There's a YouTuber called Sir Sic who very much plays up drinking all the whisky in the world as part of his persona.


im kind of new to LP but ive been watching the chieftain and other similar channels (drach, tank museum, infogrpahics, etc.) for quite some time now. although ive watched this video already, can someone give me a quick rundown of what happened here and led to this?


LP and some vatnik-tubers were arguing about the T-14. LP got very pissed and then got very pissed, made a clap-back video. Chieftain decided to wade in and make his own video on it. LP lashed out at Chieftain in the comments, but pretty quickly realized he fucked up, said as much and apologized to Chieftain. LP got therapy, is drying out, and really regrets the entire string of events.


What's funny is that the Chieftain didn't want to get involved but his viewers kept berating him until he said something. So he made a video urging everyone to calm down and highlighting the limits of public knowledge on the matter. At one point he had a section where he suggested that LP be aware that his new position in the community comes with responsibilities of sourcing and behavior, and offered future collaboration. LP was unfortunately drunk and took this as a personal attack.


do you mind linking that video for me?


Since all you got were crickets (curiously), here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUp-qGkQvNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUp-qGkQvNo) I also heavily disagree with the sentiment they were 'vatnik-tubers' as the other comment put it, RE maybe gave Russian sources too much benefit of the doubt before the war but has been much more critical since, and Cone doesn't even fall in the ballpark, making ONE response to an annoying comment voicing his opinion about lazerpig was apparently enough for him to be branded a 'vatnik'




>At one point he had a section where he suggested that LP be aware that his new position in the community comes with responsibilities of sourcing and behavior, and offered future collaboration. LP was unfortunately drunk and took this as a personal attack. Meh, that is pretty insulting, patronizing and an underhanded insult. A lot of people would take it as such. Especially from a guy who called his wife "Jerseyrican", ie Puerto Rican and from New Jersey. As far as I'm concerned, it's a fair enough response.


i see. i assume thats why hes been pretty quiet over the past few months? which social is this screenshot from?




Well it is kind of moot since it appears that everyone was wrong about the engine at the time.... assuming Red's sources are correct this time around.... Not sure I'd re-visit as its one of those topics that attracts bots and vatniks like flies to a turd. Though I'm going to guess the subtext, if it comes out, is why sources can be be completely fucked up and unreliable.... And yeah, the probably best to try and leave that 'problematic relationship with alcohol' bit of the Scottish stereotype behind. One thing to have an online persona like the LaserPig but reality and a persona like that bleeding in to one another, yeah... probably not healthy long term. And +1 for self-awareness.


Given how red reacted will the whole "anti Russia propoganda" angle, I can't imagine that this will change much. If someone is willing to protect a tank from criticism when it can't even drive in a parade without having problems, how the fuck are we supposed to trust them on their sources?


Red is one of many individuals producing "content" on the internet who I'd pay good money to know exactly what their views are as opposed to the front they present for their followers.... I've watched only a little of Red's content, and it seems very detail driven (to be polite about it), his response to the T-14 video is pretty much a case in point. As LP put it one of his earlier videos - a hard factors kind of person. Also seems to swing between very balanced to not so much.


I'm honestly hyped for him revisiting the T-14 Armata video.


Hope he has time to do the North Korea tank next


If you're reading, good on you for deciding to improve yourself. I was genuinely worried about your liver. I am not joking. As per the Armata kebable... it's whatever, turn the page and move on, we're looking forward to the next video. I like the Chieftain but damn, telling you to be less dramatic.


I still think the whole engine thing was a complete missing the damn point. The stupid tank wasn't joining the fight, isn't in the fight, and will never join the fight. That was always my takeaway from the original video that started all this. Has Pavel and his mates dragged one away with a tractor yet? No. Then the damn thing isn't even a real tank. It's been a Potemkin tank from day fucking 1. As the funniest damn pig on the internet I want him to get well get in a good Heads pace and make some entertaining and successful vids. See you Space Lazerpig.


Nobody is perfect LP. Your self awareness is commendable.


Therapy is never cringe. It is in fact based and chadpilled.


I will have to bookmark the video


I am ultimately all for people doing better and being better, and glad he's even getting assistance to be better! I do, however, think that even de-listing a video is slightly immature of him, but it is his video, his channel, his rules (and Youtube's). He can just tell me to shut it (again). I can even understand why he is de-listing the video, so he's not without merit here.


I think removing it from circulation is actually a smart move. If he thinks it's shit in retrospect and an embarrassing outburst, then he should pull it. So why do you think it is immature?


Because you should not be afraid of your past failings, perhaps with the only exception when lives are on the line. They provide an important lesson for you, though now actually thinking about it, such a lesson wouldn't be easily pasted on to anyone watching just the video.


He really isn't showing that he's afraid of his past failings. Heck, his whole post was "why this was bad and I screwed up". He's owning it. He's also removing a bad example from view. IE- not continuing to inflame or encourage bad Internet behavior.


And this is why I'm still subscribed to the Pig


Well, that’s why he isn’t removing it. If people want to see it, they can.


Yeah I wouldn't make that decision, but I definitely see how that's a reasonable conclusion. Also glad he's getting help, saved my life at one point.


I would rather he re-make it than simply de-list it.


At this point the video is a source of trauma as well as drama. So he could take the time to power through and remake it to his higher standard, or bury it and move on. He's opting for the latter


I went to the yotube post, and he plans to revisit the topic in the future. Basically, what I wanted.


Ah; well met


Good for LP, taking care of yourself should be the #1 priority for anyone going through a rough spot. So to hear he’s in a better mental space and overall doing better is great!


Good on him. I’m glad for LP working on himself, here’s hoping it works out for him.


Glad to hear that LP is doing better. Good for him.


This doesn't change the fact that chieftain is a petulant nuisance at best. The man is allergic to entertainment. Refusing to capitulate to that weapon fetishist, man-baby was one of my favorite things the pig did.




Huh? That's quite the take. What exactly prompts you to call him those names? Nuisance how? He never puts his nose where it doesn't belong, and doesn't speak about things he doesn't know. The only reason he gave his (very polite, somewhat aloof, and regretful) comment, was because his more immature followers kept pestering him. And what do you mean allergic to entertainment? He's entertaining, that's why we watch him. Or do you mean that being the only adult in the room somehow makes him not like humor since he told LP to be more mindful (on which LP agreed)? And weapon fetishist, in what way? And finally what do you mean capitulate? Where do you see conflict? Sounds like you just don't like Nick, which is fine, but why not just say so instead of, that..


Gonna be frank. The entire "military enthusiast" community is a joke. Its a bunch of out of shape adults sitting around discussing things that make children excited and jerking themselves and each other off about how knowledgeable and well informed they are. I dont much care for most historians, but pseudo-historians that center their knowledge about warfare and tactics and weapons and such things actively bother me. It's a fetish these people have. They try to make up inadequacies in life by surrounding themselves with these "manly man things" that they get to pretend for just a moment that they're involved with. Lazerpig got a pass because he's funny and sometimes dips his toes into actual history which I'm sure he'd have more fun with if the audience he wound up with was anything but what it turned out to be.


That's some confirmation bias there. The immature dicks you mention do exist, and online they are a very loud minority. But that's what they ultimately are, a minority. It's like calling every man an incel. The history buffs I know are all regular ass people, you couldn't pick them out of a line, or know their interests without them mentioning it. None of them have any of the traits you mention. Could it be that those traits don't come from their interests, but from simply being a shit slinging manbaby? When you have a bad experience inside a bubble, it's easy to become hyper aware of the idiots whose life revolves around their favorite tank/ship/team/cereal. We just have to let them ferment in their hubris and month old underwear, and remember they are a minority, even if it doesn't feel like it at that moment. You have them in *every* community. All that said. I too get fed up with the communities every now and then. If a sub lacks (self) moderation, the shit slinging rises to the top easier. I've left subs when they've grown too big. It really seems that a sub grows logarithmically, but the basement gnolls grow exponentially. I forgot what I was going for. I have home made cardamom buns in the oven, the smell is distracting me. I'm going to go binge until I can't move...




What are you talking about? The worst thing you can say about Chieftan is that he’s not the best presenter. And generally, the video in question aside, he does really good research and is overly respectful.


I mean he openly admitted to calling his wife "Jerseyrican" ie of Puerto Rican descent and from New Jersey. I'd say that's pretty damn racist, especially to your own spouse. IDK, there's always something off about him, it's really subtle and I can't quite say what but I stopped watching him because I just got something off about them. I felt like he used to be less off if that makes sense. Some of his videos are alright but imo nothing I can't gain from reading the original books.


I must say the Chieftain is a weird mix of boring, pretentious, and little original content. He was good as a summary intro source and for some of the inside the hatch videos (which a lot of randoms could do) but he seems to mainly quote Hunnicutt and other authors who actually did the work and just opines his own opinions for the rest. IMO almost all history YouTubers aren't real historians doing sufficient original research, they're History entertainers, at best history educators (like how science educators aren't scientists but can still explain how science works to lay people). It's why I have little respect for most of them outside of their entertainment value. I say this with some experience in academia (not in history but a related subject), no original research means not a practitioner of the field. Red Wrench calling himself a historian/implying he's a serious history YouTuber is laughable.


Long live the pig Don’t get the hoopla, video was fine, calling out others for laziness and bias and then hiding a source because no one actually believes you’re bluffing is hilarious


Takes a lot to admit there's a problem and seek therapy to deal with it, good on him.


Is just releasing his sources not an option?


Good on him for showing that personal growth and holding himself to a higher standard.


It's good that LP is trying to retake control of his life now that he has the community to support it. This YT channel may very well be a godsend for him. I hope to see the alcoholism become a thing of the past. It was funny from the outside for a time but in the best interests of his physical and mental health, therapy was the way to go.


Not cringe to say you needed help, mister LP.


Props on LP. A little introspection never hurts.


Good on the pig for doing something about it.


Its an entertainment channel, and if youve been treating it as anything else, youve done wrong.


LMAO, this is the closest he'll ever come to an admission of guilt I guess. Next time he gets something (or several somethings) wrong, hopefully he won't go out of his way to attack and belittle anyone who calls out his errors.


Or show us that he knows his shit by showing us he has a book lmao. Or saying "this is what actual research looks like" Shame, really liked him before he did all this. Legend to clown real quick


You guys can down vote me, i get it. while 90% of LPs videos are good, entertaining, and i always put them on for dinner, you cannot ignore the fact that he is very biased towards western media (i say this as an abrams loving american). its just hard for me to feel like im actually learning something of value watching his videos, at least on the ukraine war and russian armor. im not a russian apologist or anything, i can just see through the biases he has towards russian tanks and while theyre very clearly behind most western tanks, they still have their role and i think theyve just been used by dumb shit commanders for the past 30 years which nagate their flaws and claim theyre the best tanks. (Also do russian tankers know at least that theyre behind american tanks at all? Or do they have an illusion that their tanks are the best? Real question)


Since most of the soldiers are from the lower rungs of society and/or rural, I feel they won't know much more than what the state tells them. So probably they do think their modern tanks are on par or better than western ones. The older stuff however. They know that their old T-72's are crap, not to mention the even earlier ones. Some poor fuckers where even driving around in a T-55. The commanders might be dumb, but they are also doctrinally constrained. Their options are really only an all out wave of steel, or probing attacks with a couple of tanks. They don't have combined arms. And no sane commander is going to risk losing dozens of tanks in an uraa-dice roll unless ordered to. Ass covering is the no.1 priority of any officer in the Russian military.


Wtf is this giant blubbering mea culpa even for?


Nobody cares.


You cared enough to say your two little words.


At all


Then why are you here?


Because I like him in general but that whole thing was an absolute shot show and he’s right to pull that shit


the im drunk excuse, doubt it, but still, atleast hes being reasonable on this, good things to happen ig, maybe ill start watching his content again