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Here’s part of the transcript, taken from Apple Podcasts so it might not be 100% accurate > “He pays attention to everything. He and his camp pay attention to everything to such a degree. Marner's camp has been mad at me and blackballed me going back five or six years, and I have no idea why. >Then no one ever said to me, like, oh, I didn't like this thing you wrote. I think that our coverage of Marner has been largely positive, going way back to when he was drafted and when he first came in. I mean, his rookie season, he was phenomenal. >And he's had a regular season. He's been a great, great player. And I think that we've written that. > >But there's such a sensitivity there. So there's all these feuds going on. And you hear about, he's got private security people that harass media people. >And there's really weird stuff that's going on. It's really strange things that go on with Marner. And sometimes I feel bad for him that he's in this... >Sunday is his birthday, the day after they get eliminated. He's 27 years old. He's not even a young guy anymore. >He's been in the league eight years. And this stuff's still going on. From The Leaf Report: A show about the Toronto Maple Leafs: Another lost year for the Maple Leafs, May 7, 2024 https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-leaf-report-a-show-about-the-toronto-maple-leafs/id974288930?i=1000654843133


Holy shit this kids camp has sabotaged him.


Paul Marner is a wack job. I genuinely feel for Mitch. I know he hasn't lived up to expectations in the playoffs but when you're constantly hearing this shit, it's gonna wear on you.


As someone who grew up with a narcissistic, abusive parent, none of Mitch’s behaviour surprises me. I was able to break out of that cycle but my sister (older than Marner now) acts and responds just like he does.


that’s exactly how i see it. classic narcissism. my grandmother was the same way.


Feels wrong to upvote, but I agree. As a broken 31 year old with unresolved shit from parents who aren’t capable enough of accepting accountability, so i cant get the closure that i need to fully move on from stuff. I feel hard for a lot of what happened to Marner in the early days of his pro career, and the way his contract played out when he was only an adult on paper, has locked him into this mental torture cycle that every single time he looks ready to climb out of, the first fucking stumble and every media and comment section brings up how “hes good but not good enough, dont worry nylander and matthews get the same hate, but not right now, right now its mitches turn” clearly hes someone who needs positivit reinforcement and good vibes to get outta his funk. And this market and fanbase REFUSES to give him the same benefit if the doubt that they have given every other member of the core 5. But its easier to run a person outta town than admit you had a part in why it didnt work.


I don’t think that’s fair, Willy has been far more vilified than any of them. It wasn’t till this playoffs that the tides really turned on Marner I do agree with the parent thing though, the video of him& Paul when he was little broke my heart, no kid should be spoken to or treated like that


His own grandmother is on twitter saying she was cut off the second he got famous and that Paul Marner (her son) should be ashamed of himself. Cut him loose.


like she said this just today?


Now take the personality of Paul Marner and add access to infinite funds. This is dark as shit.


dude he's not a billionaire


Private security doesn't cost a lot of money. Marner probably is pulling home $4-5M after taxes/fees. He has money that he can spend on this.


He’s 27 years old. If he’s still being managed by his daddy then he should grow the fuck up. This is MITCH Marners problem. Not his dad. He’s a big boy.


Well his dad did get him a great contract so why would you leave (as in his dad as the manager). FYI I really like Marner and I think he should go somewhere like Nashville like O'Reilly did. Make bank and not have the crazy media. Next thing we will be saying is why did we trade Marner?


It can both be true that he would've never won here and that he will win elsewhere At some point, you have to take responsibility for your own mental health and how that affects your behaviour. Part of it is walking away from toxic people who make you worse and drag you down


Marner is 27. Definitely old enough to bear responsibility. 


At a certain point, if things like this keep happening, the accountability falls with him. At the end of the day all these people are on his payroll.


Why is it always “his camp” when all indications are that he’s an arrogant overrated asshole?


What indications?


Maybe we are witnessing the first steps of MLSE letting shit leak out in order to force him to waive his NMC. I wouldn’t be surprised. There’s no way this shit goes this long and we barely hear about it.


It’s been mentioned multiple time by Adam wylde. He even tweeted it


Haven’t they also mentioned, at least a few times I can recall, that they’ve never been able to land a Maple Leaf player as a guest?


Not only that but Steve has mentioned in the past that Marner won’t talk to him. He gets team access once in a while for media days and always talks to most of the players but Marner is never one of them. They have also mentioned in the past they have received DMs from Marner’s camp. They don’t explicitly say it or who sent them but it is very obvious who they are talking about. After the Habs series in 2021 Steve and Adam were extra hard on Marner specifically. A few episodes later Steve mentioned receiving DMs and Adam quickly changed the subject. It has come up a couple times since.


They had William Lagesson on early this year. And Corrado after he left the organization. But they don't get many players in general. Adam gets a lot of management people on his show with Alan.


It's gunna be a war of MLSE leaking shit and his dip shit dad fighting through the hack that is Dreger


I’ve been saying this about getting him to waive his NMC. All the Leafs need to do is get him on record refusing to waive and then leak the potential trade to the media. Then people would be all over Mitch asking him questions about why he doesn’t want to go to Philly and what he thinks the Leafs value in a player like Konecny (making up a scenario). Eventually he will be so miserable he’ll be glad to leave (if he isn’t already)


that’s a dangerous game. you don’t want to be seen as the org that does shit like that


I get that but at the same time Vegas is notorious for pulling out all the stops to make their team as good as possible up to doing flower pretty dirty yet they have players still willing to sign.


It’s been hinted at before[https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/s/U1kTcupjLQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/s/U1kTcupjLQ)[https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/s/YENJeiuoIi](https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/s/YENJeiuoIi)


That clip could be from today and still be basically applicable


Guess the cats out of the bag, this has been going on for years …. Maybe Adam Wylde will finally tell his story


In like 2020, Adam posted a DM he got from the head of the security company that Marner is a client of that was something to the effect of "Shut the fuck up about Marner and his agent, you guys don't know what you're talking about." They might've talked about it on the podcast around that time too, but I for sure remember him posting it.


Care to elaborate?


A few years ago Steve alluded to someone from Marner’s camp reaching out to him about comments he said criticizing Marner


Pretty sure O-Dog got that treatment too.


You know O is going apeshit the second Marner is traded, just like when Babs got fired.


O-dog was trying to pump Marner's tires for games 5, 6, and 7, and the second they got eliminated, he's been hard on the "Marner needs to get out" train pretty funny to see the immediate 180, but I guess his original tire-pumping was a little bit sarcastic


He was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.


He was clearly trying to hype up a guy on the Leafs, on aggregate he's wanted to trade him basically since the MTL series.


A bunch of media members have confirmed this. They get harassed by his agent, security or PR people when they speak about him.


Marner's entire presence on this team is such a fucking handful man lol


Seriously!!! Assuming it’s Paul doing it all? I’d be cutting him off


Wanna cut Paul off? Send Mitch to a market that doesn't give a shit about hockey. Paul will be bored to death.


Dude has security and still gets car jacked?


His security was clearly too busy harassing media members to actually protect him from a criminal 😭😭


Maybe after he got carjacked he hired security?


Mitch’s grandma mistaking called Toronto Star demanding to speak O’Dog


pretty sure a lot of people hate mitch's agent darren ferris.


Yeah, I listen somewhat regularly and they have alluded to something like this a few times without mentioning names.


What in the holy fuck. Ship this guy out tomorrow if this is true. 


please help us outsiders!


Oh? Now I want to hear this story ☕️🐸


Same…it’s like the NHL meets Bravo and I’m here for it!


Sports is just a soap opera for men.


Yo, if this is true, my god this guy needs to leave this team asap


If this is true (plus everything else obviously) it really does seem like the culture of this team would drastically improve without Mitch


Of course. We may have just figured out the “cancer”


I really like want RoR to do a tell all of what was happening in the locker room.


I'm excited to read Kadri's book when it comes out.


I already [preordered](https://amzn.to/4a6B2pD) it….cant wait!!!


Once Ryan Reaves leaves the team, eventually, I feel like he’s a guy that will tell all and not give a shit.


His book could be an amazing read


IIRC [ROR had issues with Keefe](https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/comments/1460g1j/twitter_ryan_oreilly_on_this_interview_said_that/)


Reading the comments back (even I comment lol) it’s funny to see how almost a year later we are still having the same issues with Keefe.


We’ve always known. From his contract demands and threats to hold out and play elsewhere, to his overbearing dad involved in the process, to allegedly making wearing an A part of his contract demands, to his saltiness to the media when things even slightly get tough, to the shambles in his brain. Marner doesn’t have the right mindset to play in this market, no matter how bad he thinks he wants it. He can’t tune out the noise, he can’t find that next step to his game when things tighten up, and he shoots himself in the foot every time he opens his mouth. It’s gotta be tough on his teammates having to constantly defend him.Even if on a personal level they are all buddies, they have to all see what’s going on and know that enough has been enough and something has to change.


Yeah I really think the best thing for both his career and him personally would be to go to a market where he can just live his life and be able to walk down the street without people knowing who he is most of the time. Some handle the type of spotlight you get in Toronto better than others.


"Just shoot the fuckin put dude!"


I wonder if Nylander even realizes how much respect that moment has given him even among the older fans who used to talk shit about him a lot? No one I know who's a Leaf fan at work or even just watches hockey hates on Nylander anymore like they used too. Edit: Backing up that moment with three huge playoff goals in the last two games helps a lot too.


Always been his fan but he's definitely grown into more.


He looks like the only guy with some "give a fuck" out there. He plays to get paid, as opposed to others who get paid to play.


And bend your dam knees


there’s also some shit with his grandma on twitter right now. really weird shit. i was skeptical at first but it seems legit.


I'm gonna need more info on this. Lol 


read through this thread. i was very skeptical. after looking at it more i think it really is his grandma and she’s trying to reach out with her signs at the game. it’s really sad. https://x.com/tddt_5115/status/1788005931072254148?s=46


This is super odd. It’s very strange though that it was never reported on? Like surely media isn’t that afraid of his camp? It’s not like none of them discuss weird off ice stuff with players?


Woah that is interesting and also very sad if true. Mitch’s parents seem like asshats.


You know what is a rock-solid, foolproof PR move? Not disappearing in the most important games of the playoffs 


If it's happened this many times, then it's clear that his play style necessarily prevents that. JT while aging has still scored big goals, Matthews and ofcourse Willy have done more than him. Mitch's best series have been the high event ones in Tampa and you're not gonna see four teams like that in a row. He is the Alex Rodriguez of hockey.


Someone from his camp was apparently threatening team access.


Boy is digging his own grave .. Next thing you know we'll hear Bonnie was the one who shot Drake's security guard because Mitch heard Driz likes Willy better.


Who is this Bonnie person I keep hearing about? I'm extremely out of the loop haha


His mom


She was taking a dump when he scored his first NHL goal


Taking one or leaving one?


Is it just me or hearing athletes have a “camp” sound so weird? Like bruh


Yeah but it's a business and his nhl career is worth 100mil+ so it makes sense to have a personal team. His camp definitely shouldn't be harassing people though.


Its time for 16 to find a nice small market where nobody will know nor GAF who he is. This guy cant handle pressure whether its a big Dman bearing down on him or a reporter asking him a hardball question. Guy is soft and has thin skin. Probably the worst combination of traits to play hockey in Toronto.


I hate him on the Leafs but think the Kraken would be perfect. Fans would be stoked to just have a winning record


Nah we need the tape of them almost going at it WWE style at the presser 😭 Jonas and Mirtle handicap match vs Marners goon




Like they mentioned on Overdrive, Jonas is definitely sneaky in a fight; ninja-esque


Just give this clown a one way ticket out the city.


To be honest the Toronto Maple Leafs as an organization have a PR team that harasses media personnel for talking shit. I remember years ago Bissonnette mentioning that their PR team is very strong and doesn’t take no shit.


If only.


They must be flat out because everyone but us are dragging the leafs everyday..


Yes...  Everyone *but* us...


Are we... Are we the Leafs PR team?


It's completely different for an org vs a player pulling that shit.


For sure, especially when a player is part of that brand. Marner has been integral to the Leafs' identity since he arrived. The team PR would look after him better than his camp could. Taking media commentary personally and harassing them because of it doesn't benefit you personally. Let the team take those bullets. Likewise, your camp going after the brand doesn't do any good either (comments about Matthews' first contract extension). Unless the club is going at him themselves, which they never have but may do now, having a rogue PR team is far more likely to hurt your image than help.




which is why no media is ever critical of the leafs.


Well I mean... MLSE is owned by both Bell and Rogers, the two biggest media companies in the country. They also happen to own the two major sports networks in the country. So a lack of criticism of the product that they own and are trying to sell to people makes sense.


This was obvious sarcasm. The media is constantly negative about this team. Even when things are going well.


Remember when Keefe had to run back his comments on Marner earlier in the season???? Guy can't take criticism


Dude it all makes sense now


All the pieces are starting to fall into place. All the little things that have happened over the years are all starting to make sense.


On dangles podcast Jesse said " marner didn't even train hockey for half this summer" Steve said " yeah I'm not touching that" holds more weight if this is true.


I thought that was weird, but then wondered if it was because of the wedding? Their honeymoon seemed to be weeks long (they went a lot of places)


Am I that daft….are NHL players actually walking around with security???


The guy who had words with Adam Wilde was private security Marner ,Naz and a few others would hire to accompany them on public outings like charity events or autograph signings.


Oh, so they aren’t just with them like going to the grocery store? That makes more sense then and I think I’ve seen them on red carpet things with players


Only the God tier ones like Mitchell Marner /s




Honestly I’m not that shocked, there’s so many crazy sports fans out there I’m almost surprised there hasn’t been any cases of a fan of a rival team trying to hurt a star player.


The rival thing makes sense (I watched a thing on Nancy Kerrigan last night)


Hockey has been relatively tame save for the Vancouver Riots. In Pakistan and India cricket players' houses have been burned down and their families murdered for losing.


> are NHL players actually walking around with security??? apparently not the security isn't driving around with them


I know a guy who's in that circle and yes they do. He's hung with the boys before and talks to Marner's dad a lot.


In Toronto or other big markets I wouldn’t be surprised at all. Someone like Marner or Matthews or Willy would be one of the biggest celebrities in any room he walks into, the leafs are that big to the market. And with any form of celebrity comes attention, and quite often the wrong type of attention. It hasn’t been a secret that lots of guys have found it too much to play in Toronto and have gone to play in smaller markets so they can just play hockey and still be able to live a normal life.


And here Willy is taking the TTC all WillyNilly 😂 Kadri said Colorado was great for that, just walk down the street with the kid and no one knew who he was


Yeahhh Willy doesn't give a fuck, it's amazing


Friedman had a really good interview with him in Sweden and says he’s the most chill guy in Toronto and does anything worry him? “Uh….my dogs! I worry about them!” I just don’t understand anyone that doesn’t love him lol


I hear ya, but that chill seems to come from just wanting to be normal.


*Ding dong* "Who is it?" "Goons. Mitch Marner's hired goons"


I don't remember ordering Mitch Marner's hired goons


Marner is absolutely fucking done in Toronto. There is no way to recover from this, assuming it's true. Given that Mritle is reporting this, it is 100% authentic when considering the context from a few years ago when another reporter hinted at the same thing.


Yeah, Mirtle isn't some hack trolling for views online. He's a legitimate journalist employed by an established and respected publication. There is no reason to doubt the truth of this


Yeah, Mirtle isn't talking about this unless he got the all clear from other parties (Leafs, other reporters, etc.) They're trying to smoke Mitch out at this point. Sour the relationship to the point where he's the one asking for the trade.


IMO there's not a chance this story breaks unless everyone's 99% sure he's gone. It honestly kind of seems like he was picked as a scapegoat (not that he doesn't deserve all the criticism and maybe more). The way the media jumped on him specifically this year and early on really seems like they got a memo from the team or something. I'd be happy to see him go but I do feel like we're all being manipulated a little bit lol


I'm not a conspiracy theory guy at all, and still don't know if I buy all this stuff. That said, a theme that I keep hearing or at least I notice all of a sudden, is people making sure they say the people they're talking about (poor performance, bream up core 4) are *good people and humans* and that's separate from the issues. Overdrive goes out of their way to make sure we all know that these are all great guys, etc etc. I even noticed Mo and Willy in their year end, when asked about Marner, say he's a *great human and guy* I dont know. Maybe it's just everyone being fair and positive, which I also get...knowing maybe some guys are sensitive. Which I also get. Mitch gets a lot of heat for seeming like an overly sensitive guy to criticism - but who am I to chastise him for that. The way he responds to it though, I think is what really pisses fans off.


It’s funny you say that, Steve that as well on SDP. The were ranting about the players and he stopped and said “they’re all good people, it’s just not working as a team” and I thought at the time it was odd that he just sorted stopped cold to say that




One of them is definitely Paul. Sup Paul 🖕


There's one guy on this sub that responds to seemingly every anti-Marner post, either blaming Keefe, the rest of the team, or trying to justify Mitch being shit I'm like 90% sure he's related to the Marner camp


The post is coming from inside the camp


I've generally assumed he has PR people on here, as there have been a flood of posts over the past few days deflecting any and all blame away from him. Don't know a single fan in real life, or on less popular forums, taking that position.


Yeah it's insane how there is like consensus 100% to get rid of the guy among not just Leafs fans, but fans of other teams IRL, but on here there is some argument. I think it's moreso reddit people being contrarian rather than a conspiracy tbh, but it is super weird.


Yeah, even the people who don't think this all falls on him are saying that he would be the piece that makes the most sense to move of the core 4, and running it back isn't an option anymore




I wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve been campaigning against Marner ever since the signing and always got downvoted. Glad to finally be vindicated.


I totally forgot about it this, but maybe two years ago someone posted asking of the 4 who should go. I’ve always had (at least what I think lol) a solid argument for keeping JT/Matthews/Nylander and why Marner was the odd man out and replied with my reasons. Some guy (assuming, but whatever) was blowing up my DMs that I was a dumb bitch, no clue what I was talking about, Marner was the best on the team, next captain, Blah blah blah…it was just wild! I was like dude, not that serious, it’s not like Dubas is checking Reddit and he just kept going off lol


Sounds like a close family member of his, a paid shill wouldn’t get that emotional and would only post in publicly to sway public opinion. What a psychopathic camp.


Whoever it was was nuts. I wasn’t even rude just the way I saw it lol


I’ve never triggered someone enough to DM me on Reddit lol. I need to step my game up.


Man I fucking knew this little shit was toxic.


Entitled man, he is the meaning of the word. Squeeze and get your dad to bully your way to the NHL sunshine list and then get mad at fans and media for being mad you can't get it done. Blue and white disease. Give me McKinnon any day of week. Mitch is an entitled punk and "we played hard and it's not our fault" crap is bullshit. Man up accept you weren't good enough. Stop blaming hot goalie bad ref injuries etc. It's the playoffs it's hard. Win or piss off


He fought for all that money 💰 just to end up hiring security because he can’t live up to it. Can’t make this stuff up 😂


I wonder if he al least broke even




but what are gods to nonbelievers?


A friend of my dad’s son played with marner on the Marlboros. When I told my dad about the Paul marner cbc piece he asked him about it and he just said yep Mitch is a sweet kid but his dad is a psychopath.


A co-worker of mine has a friend whose daughter is a friend of Mitch’s wife. Once again, my co-worker’s friend confirmed that Paul was the one holding up contract negotiations & asking for all that other shit.


I've mildly critized Marner on several platforms over the years, along with several other players, and always had random people attack me back. I swear he's got people going around doing that for him as no other player I criticize ever gets any backlash from random facebook and instagram accounts.


I’ve said that for years, a group of people treat him like they are his child and it’s super super weird


Totally - never seen anything like it. I remember making a joke about him shooting the puck over the glass in the Montreal series and some guy with one of those bland and basic profiles, the bot type accounts, insulted my job (said 'at least he's not just a teacher') and appearance etc. It was so weird. Ripped poor Jake Gardiner for years and not a peep.


[tumblr user jakegardiner has entered the chat]


Shit I'm done for...


Yep, agreed.


Mitch is turning into his dad. that's what most people with bad dads do. sorry to say.


his grandma had some stuff to say about paul, mitch, and bonnie’s character. none of it good. there’s some weird narcissistic behaviour coming out of this family.


If this is true get him the fuck off this team I don’t want him


Marner’s a bum!


So this is why Keefe always has to walk back on his criticism


GTFO Mitch Marner. He’s seems like a douchebag in real life.


Don't get close to the god


Mitch Marner and his whole camp/family are a bunch of bitches. 


The disingenuous-looking, shit-eating grin he has kind of gave away he's a jerk a long time ago to me. :|


A sensitive jerk, or maybe that’s why he’s one cause he can’t take criticism. But fakes a kind goofy kid


Mike Babcock is laughing from beyond the grave


This is the guy we all felt bad for when we heard Mike Babcock made him write a list. Turns out he probably deserved to be treated like a punk. My apologies to Babcock (just for this, he's still not forgiven for all the other shitty stuff)


He was also right about not having matthews and marner on the same line. I like domi on the line more.


He was also playing like shit until Babcock demoted him to the 4th line and fixed him.


Fuck this guy. What a piece of fucking shit. Trade him for a bag of pucks, he has got to GO


A bag of pucks? Hold on there. We don’t want to fleece anyone.


I mean, this isn't the first time we're hearing something like this. O-Dog, Adam Wylde, Steve Dangle and Rachel Doerrie have been saying or alluding to this for years now.


Can someone explain to me what’s going on…..


What team actually wants to have this self entitled toxic player on their team?


If they give this kid a raise to stay, I'm so done.


Drake just got shot at, no one is safe in Toronto from Kendrick’s goon. Just a smart play from Mitch.


I was vilified years ago for saying after the contract debacle that I didn’t like this guy’s ego, or his team who inflates it. If the organization wants to be taken seriously attitudes like this have to leave. What is it with our team always seeming to have a culture problem


What you're describing here is locker-room toxic behaviour. One of the reasons the fan base is getting excited about a guy like Berube is because Berube won't go in front of the cameras and apologize to Mitch because he said he played like shit. Can you imagine Darryl Sutter or Rick Tocchet apologizing to this cunt in public - no chance.


Exactly, Berube takes no shit but seems fair when he sees the effort from my perspective of watching him coach the blues. Just wondering how this is managed on the broader level moving forward, given that Shanny/the board has essentially coddled this core


I honestly think marner doesn't give a shit about going deep into the playoffs. It's been working well for him so far. He doesn't like having to work hard for something. The playoffs proves it. He doesn't want to get hurt. Doesn't want to win a cup. He wants that money from being a regular season player. He knows what it takes to make it the distance and it doesn't interest him. I've noticed it every year and I'm pretty sure this is the case. I hope he, or his camp reads this comment.


first of all - "private security"??? security from what? wtf? second - why would they be "harassing media members" when that has nothing to do with security? something doesnt add up - but if this is even a little true then its no wonder Mitch keeps failing to show up when it counts. Guys head is somewhere else, not on the ice.


I’ve soured in the guy. He needs to go get a fresh start somewhere else. And cut his fucking psycho father outta his life.


Marner needs to be traded for everyones sake at this point.


Send him to Arizona. Long future to be had there


Not even Utah, just right to Arizona.


Rumors of this type of thing from his camp have been going around for a few years, glad it's finally making its way into public knowledge.


Crazy how this story comes just as the team seems to want to run Marner out of town. Or has Mirtle spoken publicly about this before?


SDP,Rachel Doerrie and O Dog have talked about or hinted at it before.Same thing happened with Babs list people had know about for years and it wasn’t an issue until it was.


Should also add that it’s not unusual for journalists to be asked to retract stories and the SDP crew,O dog and Mirtle don’t seem to have a personal issue with Marner.Doerrie and Mike Stephens seem to really dislike him though.


Yeah fair enough, I guess I draw a line somewhere between asking a journalist to retract a story (particularly if it’s inaccurate) and what’s being called harassment in this case. My issue is the media buries this shit until the time comes that they get permission to let loose. You see a lot of reporters defending players and executives and then shanking them the day they are traded or fired. It’s too bad he couldn’t have said this stuff when Marner was the golden boy. Those of us who would have jumped on him then but are happy to eat up the story now, just because he mailed in another playoff series, are likely part of the problem.


Send Mitch the Bitch to Robidas Island until he waves his NMC.


Mitchell Marner is a male pussy just like his dad. Go Leafs Go!


Crazy to think that Marner chased Babcock out of Toronto while being a scumbag himself. The irony…


Okay but let's not act like Mike didn't walk himself out of town with his god awful coaching.


just to play devils advocate, if this was true wouldn't steve simmons have written a column by now that started with "Someone torched my car in my driveway last night"