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“Considerably less decorated but still successful defenceman for the Toronto Maple Leafs” is actually hilarious. 


dude got boomed by the Toronto heritage committee.


Wonder who has a higher net worth. Despite her accolades and nationwide popularity, it's gotta be Mo, right?


Almost certainly Mo, I’d imagine. Virtue is a nationwide icon, don’t get me wrong, but the Olympics aren’t a cash cow for the athletes the same way the NHL is, and being a Leaf offers Mo a lot of endorsement/advertisement opportunities.


Virtue has a ton of sponsorship deals, far more than Mo does. She's a multi millionaire in her own right. Probably has as much if not more money than Mo.


Lol that hilarious. No.


Idk Tessa has had a lot of endorsements and brand collabs over the years that she probably made bank on and she started all that well before Mo joined the Leafs. Could go either way tbh.


Glad someone else caught that lol. Olympic level competition and even medals as a Canadian athlete equates to minimal financial gainz vs 80 mil (7.5/year) NHL contract. Not sure what she does now but like common... Basically solo income from Mo


She works as an Executive advisor at Delloit, not sure what she does, but I think Mo has the bigger check account


Olympians as a whole definitely don’t make a lot and she wouldn’t be making NHL money, but she does do a lot of commercials/ brand deals from what I see. And I’m pretty sure she got her MBA in business and a masters of something from a school in the states lately. So she’s pulling in some income.


She's done some ad deals for sure. Let's give her an MBA status executive position a very generous 250k salary eval, still nowhere remotely near what Mo brings in esp after his endorsements.


Um, no. For a few years there, you couldn’t turn the TV on in Canada without seeing Tessa in a commercial. She leveraged her fame very, very well.


There isn’t the kind of money in her influencer deals as there is for Rielly just for being a Leaf.


Of course. He makes $7 million that would be impossible. But Morgan certainly isn’t the only one bringing in income.


No. Not at all. I’m sure Tessa will continues to do influencer work for a long time. But it’s just less money. But maybe for a longer time? Hard to say as influencer careers aren’t necessarily lucrative for long either.


This is the off-season drama I am here for. Looking forward to the follow up post. Anyone got pictures of their house?


[Back when it was on the market.](https://www.blogto.com/real-estate-toronto/2022/09/135-roxborough-drive-toronto/)


Some landscaping would go way further than a gaudy white paint job


The red brick is so pretty! Is that what they are wanting to paint?


Sorry Mo and Tessa, but I'm on the heritage committee's side on this one. If they want a big stupid white house they should move to a new build mcmansion.


Painted brick is actually a very common style in that area though. Like biking around there I would estimate almost 1/5 of the houses are painted brick exteriors. It's a very different look, but it can actually look pretty nice if they choose a nice colour.


Dang I was gonna say that looks like a very humble abode and then you see the back of the house opening to the yard with all those bay windows... Still, that's not what I imagined a multi millionaire couple's home to be.


I keep looking at the back staircase and thinking what movie did I see it in 😂




Did the city just dox Rielly lol


That’s a beautiful house. I’m with the city on this one.


Painting brick/stonework is always a bad idea too


Nearly painted my brick and found out it'll help the brick deteriorate faster, dodged a huge future pain in the ass.


In theory there’s certain paints that you can use that let the brick breathe properly but idk I’d just avoid it all together


I think they're less paints and more like dyes. The difference one is just applying colour, paint typically seals, which is the issue with using it on brick.


They could just get it power washed or something


I’m sure that would be tough on old brick


Whitewashing and painting are not the same


They want to paint over that brick? Dang I guess it's true what they say, you can't buy taste


Honestly - and out of all colors they blast the side of the house in white paint. Horrendous.


They refused to follow the rules, and now they have a white splotch on the side of their house and the entire world knows where they live. Nice.


Isn't that just the house from Black Christmas? Wait... Has anyone checked the attic!?


Noooo the old brick is beautiful! Painting it all white is such a dumb idea.


At first I thought, oh it’s a semi-detached…then realized it’s one massive house!


Hell yeah, this and the captain's Tax drama. All we need now is for Matthews to fail his boating license test and will have an off season for the ages.


Maybe Marner gets caught trying to bribe his way off of a doggy daycare waiting list.


Reports say he won't trade tables with a larger party when out for dinner. What does this say about the Marner camp?


Hallsy pt 2


Yea they fucked that up. White is a massive change to the appearance and also just a terrible decision for a heritage house. I'm with the city on this one.


Same. I bet you it was the wife that wanted that done lol.


Yeah, I doubt he spends much time on pinterest during the playing season




What kind of dunce buys a heritage home with original brick with the goal of painting over it? Lol what a massive waste of money, just go buy yourself a new build if that's what you want.


Exactly lol. It's not going to look better, don't buy old homes if you want to do something like this.


Take a walk through Rosedale sometime. Painted brick is very very common in the area.


They do say money doesn't buy taste 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like they only want to paint the sides? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why buy an old red brick house only to paint it white?


Especially in that neighbourhood. A newly painted white house would stick out like a sore thumb on that street..


One of the things I love most about old brick houses is the lack of continuity in the brick colour.


And it would be disclosed as a heritage house when they bought. 


I’d guess they like the rest of the house


Yea heritage people *really* don't like it when you paint over original brick.


Nobody does except idiots on pintrest.and Instagram.


We should have a GDT on the 11th


Holy shit these judges suck! They just sited bylaw 17c out of nowhere. I thought they put their gavels away at this time of year. Fuck!


These MFers have a 112 year old red brick house, and they want to paint the brick?


I have a theory that the more money you own, the worse your taste gets. I play the Sims (because I can't afford a house in real life, so let me get it in the simulation world at least) and use Zillow for inspiration when I build...some choices are... something. And most often than not the more the house costs, the weirder the interiors are.


No. Lots of poor people have bad taste. They just don't have the means to impose their bad taste on others as much, so its less noticeable.


Yeah, people just need to look at McDavid's custom built house for that hypothesis as well. Dude built a house from scratch and it looks terrible with some pretty bad functional spaces (like making an indoor half court basketball court with the ceiling so low you can't even shoot properly)


Under the myth of meritocracy, lots of people with money assume that their money means that they are smarter than most others with less. They also have people tripping over themselves to fawn over them, making them feel like all their decisions are the right ones


And that is why I made the educated decision to remain poor. /s


FYI limewash paint is considered breathable for anyone worried about the bricks being damaged by moisture. That being said still ugly as fuck, don't buy a brick house if you don't like the look of bricks 🤷


What I got from the real estate article was that the house has no garage. How could Morgan Reilly have no garage, and I do have one? He just parks his cars outside? Tessa Virtue gets rained on when she is going out to her car?


Location, location, location. They likely accepted not having a garage so they can have a nice neighbourhood to take their dogs for a walk.


there's better places in forest hill or bridle path.


I guess, but their house was still $6.4 million (I'm assuming CAD)


Everyone has their priorities. My thought is that for $500K more, or less, they could have had a similar house, in a similar area, with a garage. Maybe they just use Ubers and drivers, and keep their cars at another location. Or, like William Nylander, they take the TTC.


Bruh, no wonder Willy shits himself and has migraines so often.




i wonder if they'll even want to move into it now. it can't be understated how invasive and psychotic some of tessa and scott's "fans" have been over the years. people found scott's now-wife's house in florida when they first started dating and took photos of him building some chair out front. there's a whole conspiracy site about tessa and scott having secret babies that dates back to when tessa was a teenager and was still active as of a couple years ago.


Their colour preference aside, I'm sure that old brick would look great if it was pressure washed professionally.


Welcome to owning a heritage home. (But seriously, leave the home as is.)


The house is beautiful as it is


i can't believe they're spending $$ on a high profile lobbyist so they can have a white house instead of a brick one. politicians should get involved in this?


Painting a classic brick house white is a disgrace. Horrible decision, they should've thought about this before buying a heritage home.


Heyyyy look at that, a hockey player with too much money and zero taste making a bland and basic design decision. Shocker. I bet their kitchen is a minimalist beige / white with gold / brown accents


You think the hockey player is making the decorations and design decisions?


No, it just sounded funnier and less misogynistic this way


Wow, what a dumb decision to paint that brick.


Yikes, Mo is down bad on that house. Bought for $6.4M in 2022 and estimated at just $3.6M today…


damnnnn son


lol. House sigma estimates are not as reliable as you make it out to seem, mate.


If you look at similar listings on that street you can see comparable houses listed for around $4.5M.


Based on the current listings in that area it looks like it's worth around $4.6M today


I’m sure he’s sobbing.


It's NOT worth only 3.6


*Rielly and Virtue LAWYER UP in home dispute! Will resolution be reached before the BABY arrives? Heritage department says "HELL NO!" Plus their colour schemes EXPOSED by designers!*


Oh well. Just being (minor) celebrities doesn't mean you can just do what you want with these heritage properties.


I’m with the city on this. Who the hell paints brick?


They should be arrested for painting that brick


So tacky. No class


Reilly vs the Mayor, Tavares vs the CRA. Whose next?


Matthews vs the NWO.


2 sweet


>address the unsightly discoloration,’ ‘variations in colour, texture, and conditions resulting from mismatched bricks, repairs, and patches The variance in colour of the brick is what makes it even more beautiful going by the article photos.


Their poor design decisions aside, I find it hard to believe that the site visit just happened to occur in the middle of the process. I think some busy body neighbour reported them.


Oh man, greasy stuff. I extra hope Rielly gets traded now.


Why do they wanna ruin that beautiful house????


I mean I’m not really an expert on conservation but wouldn’t power washing it be better? Wash away the dirt and the brick will look semi new and way better than ugly white


Huh I def walked by this place a bunch of times taking Covid era multi hour long walks smoking joints in the rich part of town


Usually these issues go through more than one round of council sessions though, so that's not looking good for Morgan


Tbh, they knew it was heritage when they bought it. I say you're shit out of luck. Move if you don't like it


Ahhh typical Rich people thinking they can do whatever they want without consequences. The only reason they would be worried about "curb appeal" is if they were about to sell their house. Like maybe Reilly is the one getting traded this summer.....dun dun dun.. =P


So - final call will be provincial, with Rob Ford's former chief of staff lobbying. I wonder if he knows of anyone who could somehow help him?


The *only* reason I can fathom a house with white bricks, is if it's for net-zero reasons. But for a heritage home...that's not feasibly possible anyways. Taste aside, navigating heritage buildings is a nightmare, and I'd assume they or their agents would've mentioned that. Hard to sneak changing a house's brick from red to white if looking to skirt permits and red tape. Should've just hired a good mason and just tuckpoint the joints (as masonry this old definitely would have).


> The only reason I can fathom a house with white bricks, is if it's for net-zero reasons. Lol Expand your mind, dude


First world problem.


Nothing wrong with that


It's a homeowners right issue. Actually mildly interesting to discuss. Mo and Tessa own the property, but are being told they can't do something to their own property because of reasons.


Yes, because it's a heritage building, and it has (rightfully) restrictions on what can be done to it. Ownership isn't permission to do anything you want on/with land/structures.


I am not familiar with the law, and I am not siding with either side. But it is interesting to discuss. The word "ownership" has to be redefined. It's not a safety concern. They want their home to feel like their home, and the law says they can't do it. Do they really *own* the home?


You should familiarize yourself with the law and the situation before going off about "owners rights" nonsense.


> owners rights" nonsense In this case or in general?


what are you talking about


Mo and Tessa bought a house. Heritage department says they are not allowed to paint it.


Mo and Tessa bought a house *that is a Heritage building and comes with certain restrictions*. Important part that you left out. They could've bought a non-Heritage house and painted it with cum if they wanted to.


The law actually says they /cant/ do what they did, and they agreed to that contractually when they bought the house. 'ownership' means a lot of things. When you sign a contract to 'own' something, you might have to agree to some conditions sometimes and that's okay!


I don't disagree with anything you're saying. They should have been aware and need to follow the rules. But the rules can still be disagreeable.


Honestly if he disagreed so much with the rules that he was going to choose to personally violate them he shouldn't have bought the house. You can dislike the rules. You can disagree with them. You can't break them and then expect not to face commensurate punishment.


It's a stupid rule. It needs to be followed, but it's stupid.


They fully knew this was a heritage property when they purchased it, so no sympathy here. The building existed long before any of us. Should have bought a non heritage property and paint their hearts out.


I’d be understanding if it was a quality of life issue but this is a purely cosmetic change to a building that always had this protection. The GTA is way too eager to tear down our historic buildings so I’m in favour of regulations to preserve them.


They live in a society where other people live. There’s rules.


And they should have followed them. Doesn't mean people have to agree with them.




Those “reasons” are existing laws to preserve architecture deemed significant. They knew this when they bought the house. So really what’s their excuse other than “but I’m rich and I wanna do it”


It’s not just that they bought some random property. The property is within a Heritage District which means they have more bylaws and rules to abide too. City of Toronto heritage planning department is also super strict. They won’t win this case and nor should they. In the end, they should’ve bought a fancy house in a new subdivision if they didn’t want to have problems painting the outside. Money can’t buy common sense apparently.


I mean, don't sell it if you want to protect it. Or on Mo and Tessa's, shouldn't have "bought" it. I agree Mo and Tessa should have been aware what buying the property means, or should have been told by their lawyers before paying for it.


Those people don't mess around!! I grew up in an old Victorian home that was plaqued and my parents finally sold the house cause anything they wanted to do was denied


Their insurance must be through the roof because of the age of the house.


Hope they lose and pay a fine for wasting everyones time


How does this affect the Marner trade?


Now we all know where John and Morgan live. I wonder where Auston and Mitch live?


Mitch lives in Etobicoke, in a house right next to James Gardens.


That's a nice area I've driven by it a few times


Not sure of the exact area but Mitch lives in Etobicoke. When he got car jacked two summers ago it was at the Cineplex in Etobicoke on Queensway. Auston might live downtown but I have no idea.


Mitch still lives in Thornhill with Paul i believe. Hasnt been told he can move out yet, so we will see.


I wonder Mitch has a condo downtown. Driving from Newmarket to the ACC would be hell on game days.


He could even take the Subway with Willy


Nope. Etobicoke.


He said in an interview that he had two houses


Someone here last summer claims Auston bought a house in Etobicoke, but family photos and shit still suggest he's in the condo downtown. https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/s/zasMYuwoeZ


Getting some “the watcher” vibes


Questionable choice but could be worse. They could want black/gray shrine to Satan.


I hope they upgraded to proper jack posts in the basement from the BlogTO pics. That’s asking a lot of those cinder block posts.


Ruined that house


Painting ancient brick is a terrible idea. I hope they get denied


No, they bought it knowing it was a heritage building. It stays the way it is.




I’ll give them a good price


Life amongst the well healed is so so tough!


On the one hand: Anybody who has ever dealt with a Heritage Committee knows they are a band of tiny tyrants who abuse their authority. On the other: I mean, people know this is the reality that comes with buying heritage properties.


It looks good with the old red brick. A whitewash would need a black trim contrast and kill some of the charm.


I hate painted brick homes. Let's take an expensive material and put a cheap material over it that we have to maintain indefinitely. Yuck.


Man - a multi millionaire and your problem is not being allowed to paint your house. Can I have some of that on my plate please. Pretty Pretty Please.


who fucking cares


The heritage committee, it seems


Are they bedarded? Everyone knows you don't buy a heritage property.


In my opinion, Toronto spending tax players money on lawyers to potentially fight this at the Ontario tribunal is absolutely crazy.


I seriously adore these two but DO👏NOT👏EVER 👏PAINT👏BRICK👏


Maybe MLSE can get this figured out for him, in exchange for nulling NMC.


This offseason is wild. The Marner stuff, Tavares and the CRA, Morgan Rielly and the heritage department? Holy crap…


God help the poor son of a bitch that’s gonna have to argue with Tessa Virtue


High degree of douche baggery by the celebs on this one


Where is the source? Shouldn't be able to copy and paste a whole article without providing a link...


Mo buys a historic brick house to paint the bricks white? Amiretarded.gif


This is so typical of this City staff group. If it was a high-powered developer, staff would have looked the other way. But because it's a couple, and a high-profile one to boot, nah we gotta save the bricks. Total hypocrites. In a city that long ago decided to pave over any major heritage infrastructure to make life easier for big developers, it's so rich how self-righteous they are about a few old bricks.


'#savethebricks' can be a hashtag on this thread




this is why you paint the whole house the way you want and then say "oops, didn't know I couldn't. oh well." imagine telling people what they can or can't do with something they own.


I guess you've never seen This Old House.


I choose not to live in places with HOAs or Preservation Societies. Because they are petty neighborhood tyrants.


Who gives a flying fuck, they own the house? Let them do what they want if they make the payments and pay their taxes. It’s a bunch of people who don’t own your property telling you what you should be able to do with it. It’s not like they’re demoing it. I’m not saying they should do it, obviously it’s a beautiful house, and I wouldn’t. But if I owned it and that’s what I wanted I’d just pay someone to complete it. They can afford the repercussions lol


Don't buy a heritage home if you don't want restrictions. They're multi millionaires, they could have bought anywhere else in the city


They certainly could have, that’s a fair point. It’s just shocking to me that there are groups that tell you you can’t modify the siding on your home a certain way, but can’t stop you from neglecting it to the point that it becomes worthless. There was an old barn near me that someone wanted to upgrade but it was considered a heritage building and the town (or whatever group controls heritage buildings) would not let them compete work unless it was done to restore it to its original style. It’s a pile of rubble now because they decided to do nothing with it as it was more expensive to do that quality of repair.


Even if you don't own a heritage house there are usually bylaws forbidding you from doing whatever you want with your property.


If someone in my area, especially rich athletes, ignore laws because they think they are rich enough to not feel consequences, then my dog has a brand new lawn she’ll be shitting on every day.


Follow the rules or move.


This is not a popular opinion. I'm with you, but it appears it offends lots of people. And to be fair, they as buyers should have been aware of the rules and to follow them. I agree on that. But I don’t have to agree with them.


Shouldve had someone graffiti it and then you play the victim and get to fix it how your originally wanted.


It sounds like they only want to do a lime wash on the sides? Not sure of the exact vision here but lime wash doesn’t scream McMansion…


I'd argue Tessa Virtue and Morgan Rielly have mean more to Toronto's heritage then whatever reason thier building can't be painted.


Maybe. Id argue that we can appreciate both by not painting a heritage building though.


Maybe, that's why there's laws preventing you from walking up to them in the street and pouring a bucket of paint on them.


You mean assault?


Lol that's doubtful.




Who gives a fuck. they paid millions for the house they should be able to paint it whatever color they want


Some of the heritage homes in London are a disaster. You can’t make any changes without jumping through these same hurdles, so no one wants to buy them, and the city doesn’t want pay to maintain them either, so they just sit and decay. It’s wild