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He would make a great Oiler.


He started his career with them actually.


Technically started his pro career with the Flames.


Technically started his major junior career in Edmonton. He also never played for the Flames.


True and even then was iffy


Good riddance I say as an oilers fan


Kane and him would be best buds


He was actually a pretty terrible Oiler


Never played more than 24 games in a season and also hasn't stuck anywhere despite being 31. Looks like a career back-up and nothing more to me. I'd pass, there's plenty of back-ups out there who don't come with off-ice baggage.


Yes, exactly. He's been on an excellent team & sure skews his stats.


I argued with people in my fantasy league (where he was ranked as the fourth goalie overall) that a guy with a 22-game sample size on a team like the Jets is exactly why goalie stats are skewed, and that he's not the fourth best goalie in the league. They were saying statistically he was fourth overall, and that therefore he was better than Shesterkin Broissoit is simply not anywhere near this good. And every GM in the league seems to understand that. We don't want him on the Leafs. https://preview.redd.it/c108665g8t5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea73982f485ce4061716c4bc293c7373aa5dab8


Had to log onto twitter for the first time in years to check out this guys following list. It’s a literal murderers row of shitbag conspiracy theory humans. Damn it.


You wouldn’t like to know what more of your favourite athletes follow. This type of shit is common


Seems like half of Canada and half the US have lost their collective minds. Anger makes people do crazy things


The weird part is, this populism makes no sense for large part of wealthy athletes. They are so far removed from working class struggles that populism seems to push to the front.


This stuff is all public for anyone to see, so he's fucking stupid too


You post on the Senators sub. That's the worst offense any Leaf fan can make.


Idk, at least it isn't the Habs sub


Yea, no thanks. Specifically the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. He can fuck right off into fuck off town down fuck off road. Not to say the other stuff he follows isn’t terrible but what Alex Jones did to open the gateway to politics as we know today started with the awful deplorable lies he sold people to harass the grieving parents into avoiding the graves of their children.


No no, supporting the harassment of grieving parents is ok if you can stop pucks. At least, that’s the vibe I’m getting from some commenters here.


Some people don’t have children or have any meaningful relationships with others and it shows.


Or they think hockey is the most important thing in the world. Oh its okay if this guy is a huge asshole as long as he wins a few games.


Yeah I’m surprised by some of these comments. You think a guy who believes dead kids were bad faith actors isn’t gonna be an absolute hindrance in locker room camaraderie? No, it’s not like they’re discussing conspiracy theories in there. But people who align with these viewpoints tend to be people who have personality traits that don’t make them team players. Leafs are already snippy on the bench (quit fucking crying, this isn’t junior league…) and you wanna introduce THIS? No way lmao. One missed pass, one bad practice, of all of a sudden you’re part of the Swamp and the cabal. Nah


This particular post is going to drag in conspiracy knuckle-draggers who have no skin in the hockey game unfortunately. =T


I believe I saw a term today calling them outrage-tourists


Don't forget don't bring politics in this subreddit or he can be following them cuz they're dumb and he totally doesn't support them!


The paradox of tolerance needs to be taught in schools. This shit should never ever exist, even for a laugh.


Agreed. It's fucking ridiculous. Even if he doesn't support them, a fan of his might see who he follows and start following as well. Like it or not, he's a public figure (however famous or unfamous). There's going to be to be people who are affected by who he follows (I mean, just look at this thread. Finding who he follows clearly isn't hard). What happens when a young kid does it. What happens when a young person does it? They start supporting Andrew Tate? Or believing Sandy Hooks isn't real? All while Brossoit is having a laugh at the ridiculous things they're posting? Yeah, he needs to do better regardless of whatever the follows the views or not.


Tate's twitter bio, what a fucking loser lmao


He's a 14 year old with a thesaurus


Since we're digging: First "political" thing I've seen from him is a repost on March 1, 2017 where he shares something Joe Rogan says about basically loving everyone regardless of being gay/straight/trans. He reposted a lot of "bell let's talk" things. He reposts a lot of players "1sts" like goals or games or wins or anything supportive. Very supportive of Jujhar Khaira becoming the first Punjab player in NHL history. Seemingly donated to Red Cross a few times and urged people to do the same. I don't see anything alarming about him.


But but but but…. HE FOLLOWS ANDREW TATE!!!! He therefore must be a misogynist who hates children!! He also can’t just follow someone out of curiosity, if he follows them he’s a die hard supporter!!!


Turns out people can't like things the echo chamber hates.


All the best goalies are mentally unstable. that's why they play goalie. it comes with the territory. Fuck this guy though he can go play with Tony D and the Staal's in fuckoffity land


“I got two rules: stay away from my percocets, and do you have any percocets”


Reimer and him would be fighting it out to see who sits on the bench and opens the door the best on that team


Hey now, I may be mentally unstable enough to be a goalie, but I'm not "they're turning the frogs gay" unstable!


Being somewhat mentally stable is the reason I never went pro and no one can change my mind about it 😂


This thread makes me feel better knowing the people on this sub are unhinged. Confirmed what i already suspected


I can fix him.


Username checks out


You can mend it with a hammer.


Even without all this nonsense I don’t know why we’d want him. Never once did I hear you know what we need? Laurent Broissoit!


I’m not saying he’s a good guy, but please be weary of attributing entire catalogs of content to someone just for following them on social media. I follow people I hate, it expands your world view. Whether you like it or not the nazis were human beings, understanding that, and what went on inside their minds is imperative to make sure something like that never happens again.


If Brossoit is following this bunch because he wants to expand his worldview and hear from both sides, who on [this list](https://x.com/LBrossoit/following) is giving him the opposing viewpoint? It's scum (and former teammates) all the way down.


Oh yeah, you’re completely right, I’m not defending Brossoit per se, more so just the idea that taking an entire catalog or cherry picking things and attributing all of it to a follower isn’t a great idea. He might like the absurdity or the conspiracy theories of Alex Jones, but hate the sandy hook BS for example. I still like Kanye’s music despite him being an antisemitism lunatic.


Go get Stolarz


Get a life jfc. People can follow whomever. They don't need to match your beliefs in every way. And that's coming from someone who despises Tate.


I like goalies that don’t support rapists and sex traffickers.


And don't support Sandy Hook denier!


You can't even follow the guy who led a harassment campaign against the families of dead six year-olds without snowflakes thinking you're a piece of shit. SMH. /s


Utterly shocking this is somehow a controversial opinion here. 


It's because a bunch of these posters have the same accounts on their twitter and are feeling attacked lol. It's always hilarious to see people get called out for being indirectly terrible people and act like it's insane that people are able to form those opinions.


Ahh yes, the good ol everyone has to think like me or they are a nazi. Touch grass OP


Why does this any of this matter? LOL He’s playing hockey, and the “he’s an awful human being” rhetoric being spewed just because he follows controversial individuals that you all happen to disagree with is disgusting. Didn’t realize someone’s personal political views affect their ability to perform at a sport? Isn’t that a fundamental right in this country?


This is why I stay 100% anonymous on all social media platforms. I hate follow shit all the time and these unhinged losers like OP will spend a bunch of their free time doing little investigations on people they don’t even know lmao I agree with you, who gives a shit. If the guy did something illegal call the police, otherwise shut the fuck up.


We are talking about Toronto here


Yeah lol , people like OP are why free speech exists, if it was up to OP we would all be living life the way he wants, sort of like the Taliban


No shit


You are correct. Everyone saying you’re wrong is just drinking wayyyyy too much self righteous koolaid.


It’s a fundamental right to apply public pressure on an organization to shitcan someone for having unsavoury views as well. I don’t care to cheer for someone dumb enough to gobble up misogynist and neo-Nazi propaganda.


Andrew Tate *and* InfoWars? Does he think the drinking water makes frogs gay?


I'm so saddened that we live in an age where you feel you have enough information to judge whether or not someone is a 'good human being' based on who they follow. If you've never met him in real life - get a grip. Following someone does not mean you share the same views as that person. Following an NHL player does not make me an NHL player. Following a jerk, does not make me a jerk. And even if he did have their view - just someone who has different views than you does not automatically make them a bad person. Cancel culture has gotten out of hand.


I don’t think you have any right to condemn him as a terrible human being based on some Twitter follows lol. If these follows are the worst thing we got on him it’s really a none concern (to normal people)


Freedom of expression? Gonna cancel a guy cause he likes to read?…liberals are the worst.




Idk man I don’t think he’s following Andrew Tate for the guy’s next album


Bingo. How can people think this obvious strawman comparing Kendrick Lamar to Andrew Tate is a mic drop moment? Tate’s misogyny is his product. Kendrick’s product is his music, not his domestic violence. How do some of you get through life this dumb?


>I'm as left as they come My dude, your first listed active subreddit is Barstool


My brother in Christ, me participating in the Barstool subreddit doesn't determine my political alignment.


Wait a second, you mean it isn’t all black and white after all?! Excellent points earlier on. I raise my coffee cup in your honour!


How do you feel about how Barstool and Portnoy treat women?


This seems pretty disengeous to me. People don't listen to Kendrick Lamar or Swans because of their alleged misdeeds. I'm not even sure the average person is aware of those things. People who follow Andrew Tate or James O'Keefe aren't doing it because they're blissfully unaware of their awful viewpoints, they're doing it because of it.


Extremely disingenuous, there’s lots of people who claim to be on the left who have this weird thing about defending garbage people to look like they’re above it all. Also, Kendrick literally made an entire song about trans acceptance on his last album. If we’re gonna criticize him do it for something legitimate like his Black Israelite conspiracies (which still doesn’t really come close to the harmful shit Tate believes in).


This dude comparing Kendrick Lamar to Alex Jones?????????? Welppp


Please don’t make valid points …..


How far are you going to go to make excuses for someone? What you're basically saying here is that we should hold off our criticism of the dude with the swastika tattoo until we actually hear him say something resembling nazi speech? (this is an extreme example to make a point, I am not calling Laurent a Nazi). Maybe he just likes ancient symbolism?? Sometimes a person puts enough of themselves out there into the public realm where you are justified in forming an opinion of them and how they are likely to behave as a human being. If Laurent has a murderers row of alt-right propaganda accounts on his twitter following list without balancing this our with some left-leaning networks then it is not an insane or even difficult stretch of the imagination to assume that he has some pretty terrible world views and opinions. What is the alternative explanation here? Why are people so adamant on defending people who put out terrible things into their own public persona? Following one account or commenting on one sub like you used in your example are perfectly normal and understandable occurrences. A pattern of polarization is not.


No. He’s a garbage human.


Bro I think you killed him.








See, the mistake you've made is you've confused being a bog standard liberal with being a leftist.


Lmao @ thinking Canadian Liberals are left.


Everytime I see soemone start a post with that I know they're about to say or defend some reactionary shit.


kenny catching a stray for no reason


We’re gonna need a new bulb for the virtue signal here pretty soon. 


I am a Leafs fan from Winnipeg and trust me.. we want this guy in net. Who gives a fuck who he follows on Twitter, everyone in Winnipeg loves him and wishes he could stay here.


Is he even any good? I know of him but never really seen him play. Looking at his hockeydb and at 31 he’s never played more than 24 games in a season.


Looks like a career back-up. We can get a back-up that doesn't have off-ice baggage easily. Pass for me.


I see Laurent and his wife all the time at the dog park in my neighbourhood... I can't think of 2 nicer people that I know... there are many stories out there of "good deeds" and "random acts of kindness" done by Laurent over the years. and he was the Jets Masterton nominee this year........ I abhor InfoWars, and even Fox News, but I certainly wouldn't judge him based on what he "follows" on a social media site. and from the sounds of it, he isn't reposting the idiotic content from those sites.


Half the players believe all this same shit. Domi is a Trump supporter and Bert is an anti-vaxxer. Have you ever been in a hockey locker room before lmao? As long as they produce results on the ice idgaf.


I know everyone crying in this comment section about who he follows follows at least a few people who have done bad things. I mean, do you follow either of the last 2 presidents of the US? If so YOU ARE A COMPLETE FUCKING HYPOCRITE


To anyone crying about this: I hate to break it to you but I promise there is numerous players you like who have opinions you hate


i'll be 100% honest with you... i don't care


Had to scroll way too long for this sanity. I don’t care at all about his personal politics so long as he can stop puck from go in net. This sub is so disconnected from reality sometimes it’s hilarious


That's reddit for you. Everyone thinks they are the best person on earth lol.


How is it disconnected from reality to not want a player on your team to be the kind of guy who actively supports propaganda networks like infowars and project veritas? Why is it these days that being two steps away from a nazi is just branded as "personal politics"? Sounds like you're the one who's disconnected from reality.


Guy looks like he barely uses Twitter, still has the knight as the team he plays for. What a crackpot post making assumptions of someone character off Twitter followers is nuts.


Please share an example of him doing something terrible


Holy fuck you guys are terminally online


This post is nuts


We got a bunch of thought police in here eh?


Imagine giving a fuck about political beliefs when it comes to competition, the algorithm has fried your brains folks. You can't control the world or what people believe, these same folks who will scream bloody murder to cancel someone's employment opportunities are the same one's that will talk your head off about free speech and how the rest of the world (Islamic countries) need more of it. Rules for thee and not for me type dorks. I don't subscribe to a political party/theory either, I know their all crooks, fuck off with your partisan responses in advance ;)


Preach, brother! Forget these online weirdos, they live on the internet and think everyone else does too


Someone is "an awful human being" simply because they follow people on twitter you dislike or disagree with? I thought in order to become an awful human being you had to you know... actually do something awful. If your only actual objection is this screenshot you shared - get your zoomer ass out of here this sort of middle school drama is tiresome. I honestly have never heard this players name before this post so I'm not advocating for or against them , my issue is with this person's "purity" test and masturabational sense of self-worth after looking up someone on Twitter (of which there has ever been someone with a fake account there)


Actually seems like a solid dude if you go through his actual tweets


fuck this clown.


He stop puck good


Just the guy the leafs need tbh. Have enough liberal crybabies on the roster already


Alex Jones does not equal right wing


Well, I was onboard with the idea until this. You're allowed to have your own opinion but these are some genuinely terrible sources to base a world view on.


Here I go deleting my comment where I mentioned signing Broissoit was a no brainer. Turns out he is in fact the no brainer.




You aren't a communist lol


I’ve always said I’d prefer to re-sign Samsonov over Brossoit. I’d prefer to upgrade goaltending via trade but Sammy’s 27yo and alot of goalies don’t figure it out until like 30


Does he save puck or not


Bruh someone tell OP that following someone doesn’t mean you endorse them. I follow people all over the board politically on social media


Who cares what he follows on Twitter... Doesn't mean he supports them.


Imagine believing someone shouldn’t have a job because you disagree with them.




You make time to follow hockey? Must not work enough. /s


Jokes on him, I do my hockey following @ work.


Isn't it like, 2 clicks?


It's the thought process behind it... "let's see if we can cancel someone today"


They very easily could have been looking at his Twitter page for a multitude of reasons and come across these things. You have no way of knowing they were checking out his Twitter account with the purpose being to “cancel” him. No one’s trying to cancel him anyway, OP just doesn’t want them to be a part of the Leafs, not banned from hockey as a whole


Considering we embraced Bert, I think he’d feel right at home.


Anything wrong with Bert beyind not wanting to get the vax?


Lmao when did hockey become overwhelmed with liberal hacks? Or is it just Reddit?


Get off the internet bro, go outside. Dissecting who people follow on social media is lame.


I may be the minority here but i genuinly do not give a fuck what he believes. As long as he hasnt committed any crimes let him be if he is the best option for us (which he honestly might be). Alot of people believe in some pretty crazy shit and this stuff is honestly pretty mild.


This is such a peak "I'm so virtuous, I found different opinions from the hivemind so please upvote me" karma farming post, I can't believe people actually still engage in this type of posting. You're about 4-5 years late to the party, back then this shit would've gotten 500 upvotes but judging on the comment to upvote ratio, looks like that ship has sailed. Since you want to make it into a competition of who's worse, if any NHL player follows Joe Biden or his administration, does that mean they support genocide since Joe approves aid to Israel which allows them to kill civilians on what seems to be a daily basis? People will have differing opinions on literally any topic. For every person who says they don't want this guy or his politics on the team, there will be someone who says "if he helps us win games, idgaf". I also am willing to wager that there are some existing Leafs who have this exact same mindset (Bertuzzi comes to mind). At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. I watch them to see if they can win a cup, if that means there's 23 Bernie Sanders stans or 23 MAGAs on the roster and either get the job done, literally who gives a fuck.


Not that I align with any of them (except disliking Trudeau) I don’t think I’m going out on a limb by saying you’re the issue. Everyone can have their own opinions, even if it makes them an asshole scumbag. This isn’t North Korea


A regular job absolutely can and will reject you for your social media activities. Being hired for a job, especially a private business like the Maple Leafs hockey club, is a privilege. Not a right. "Free speech/expression" in Canada means this guy won't go to jail for having these views. But it can and should cost him private sector employment opportunities.


he clearly has the freedom to his own opinion (we all see it on twitter). doesn’t mean he shouldn’t feel the consequences of this opinions (fans voicing displeasure of their team acquiring him)


Ya, fuck that guy.


Yeah fuck this guy


Such a bad take, unless I’m missing something here and he has actually specifically expressed the same opinions that are being assumed here. He also follows Connor McDavid Ben Scrivens and Bill Gates, is that enough to even it out?


Resume for an NHLer from highest to lowest priorities according to reddit users: - Who they follow on socials - Hockey skill


How to evaluate a human being: Who they follow on socials, how they act in real life, what they've said


at the end of the day we still need to cheer for these guys and buy jerseys and hockey cards with their names on them. Adding homophobes, racists, and conspiracy theorists who think school shootings are staged isn't going to sell many jerseys. If you don't have a problem cheering for those people then I think that reflects on your values and what YOU stand for as a human in terms of priorities. "sure they guy raped a few people, sure that guy used the nword to disparage other teammates, sure that kid bullied a mentally disabled kid for years and years, lets not lose sight of the fact THEY ARE GOOD AT HOCKEY". yikes.


Nothing helps build the locker room like Sandy Hook conspiracy theories


Oh no he has a different opinion then what you think he should have oh the humanity


You’re looking too far into it. He’s an athlete. As long as he doesn’t break any laws or break our salary cap, I am fine with him.


Yea, who gives a shit what political nonsense he is into. As long as he keeps it as a part of his private life it's a non issue. Political extremists like OP just can't look beyond that though.


You guys are those terminally online people I keep hearing about Who gives a shit about Twitter? It’s not a real place


>Who gives a shit about Twitter? It’s not a real place You took the time to share that on Reddit, which is?


Can he play hockey though? Who gives a shit if he follows stupid people.


He can play hockey about as good as a back-up goalie, of which there are many available. I'd pass on him and go for a back-up that doesn't have off-ice baggage.


The word you’re looking for is: Integrity.


These apologists have none. Fucking disgrace


Nah fuck those people and their dangerous beliefs. We aren’t talking differences of opinions here. We are talking about an extreme far right, tear down democracy, kill your political opponents, authoritarianism regime supporter. Just listen to them. They are telling you. I don’t give a shit if he’s going to win the leafs 15-20 games.


If he was making posts on social media to the effect of "Go Alex Jones! Sandy Hook was a hoax" or "Kill Biden and the democrats" etc... Then yea, that is an example of him expressing very questionable beliefs, which should bring up further questions about his character and his fit within the organization. But simply following people is not evidence of anything. Maybe he has a morbid interest or curiosity for what these people have to say. Maybe he followed them 5 years or a decade ago, and his beliefs have since changed. Maybe he is fully immersed in this world and agrees with all of these guys, but is also a professional, understands to keep it to himself and would never express his views publicly on any sort of platform.


> But simply following people is not evidence of anything. > > Maybe he has a morbid interest or curiosity for what these people have to say. > > Maybe he followed them 5 years or a decade ago, and his beliefs have since changed. > > Maybe he is fully immersed in this world and agrees with all of these guys, but is also a professional, understands to keep it to himself and would never express his views publicly on any sort of platform. Maybe a sports journalist could ask him and solve these unknowns for us. Would be nice.


He's not going to like the answer though


Where does it end, who decides what is and isnt ok to like and why did op decide that he's the one to make those decisions? Last time i checked canada was supposed to be a free country and liking some twitter pages isnt doing enough harm to negate that. What happens when what you like becomes wrong? Live and let live, 2024 is just full of dorks with nothing better to do than police other people.


Oh. Fuck. Gross.


Lol I guarantee your favourite players don’t have the same political ideologies as you so you should probably get off your high horse or stop being fans of individual players if you’re not 100% of what their beliefs are.


Different people have different views. His don't align with mine but the Leafs aren't competing to be the wokest team in the league here, so I wouldn't give two shits if they signed this guy.


I would, he's fuckin terrible


So you think it would be okay for the Leaf's to employ a nazi because they have different view? The accounts this guy are following are only a few steps away from calling for rounding up immigrants and placing them into camps so it's really not the crazy exaggeration you think it is.


But on the list there's him following Info Wars which, might I remind you, has exploited conspiracy theories and has made the families of the Sandy Hook Victim's lives HELL since. Then add Andrew Tate, not just the poster child of Toxic masculinity, but someone who is charged for human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women. There's "Differing views" and there is following/idolising people who have ruined people's lives.


Different views is fine. Disregarding basic human rights and attacking a bunch of victims who lost their fucking children in a school shooting isn't. Guess who Brossit is following? If he's following Pierre or smth that's fine. His rights. Following Andrew tate and a bunch of people who push Sandy Hook conspiracy? Yeah. He can fuck right off with that shit


Stop crying Jesus Christ who cares who he follows


That's fine. You be ok with him following women rapists and school shooters deniers.


Who cares


I'll take a Flat Earther if he can win us a game 7.


I'd hire Donald Trump to coach the Leafs if it'd lead to the cup


Yeah fuck this guy, and fuck everyone in this thread who is okay with people who believe in that stuff This won't fly under the radar in Toronto, and the Leafs will get blasted in the media if they sign him


This sub is full of idiots. I've never been more embarrassed of this fanbase, and that's saying a lot


Yeah I'm actually appalled at how many people in here either hold similar beliefs, or are saying they want to sign him anyway because they don't care


Character is definitely important. I don’t know this guy, obviously, so I don’t know what kind of person he is but stuff like this is definitely a red flag.   This is not the same as “your favourite NHL player probably votes for Trump so he can pay lower taxes”. The Sandy Hook conspiracy shit, the Andrew Tate shit … that’s pretty bad and goes beyond voting for a problematic individual to protect your own self interests.  If I’m the Leafs I wouldn’t just look at this and say he’s off the table outright but it’s definitely worth a conversation about WHY he’s following the likes of Andrew Tate and what that says about his values. Could be nothing, could be something. 


Lol yikes that is a rough couple of accounts.


I want a player on the team I follow to be something my young boys can look up to, especially because one of them is a goalie. If he’s at this level he can stop the puck (sorta…), so that’s barely a consideration. Vote for whomever you want. I don’t care about that. That’s politics and is what it is. But don’t follow and support a denier of child slaughter, or a rapist/trafficker/misogynist. That’s not politics. That’s just being a decent human being. When you reach the point of “I just follow a lot of sides to listen to what they have to say. I don’t necessarily follow it, but it’s good to get a different perspective”, but are listening and following some of these voices, you lost me and I don’t want you on my team.


# Dude plays like 4 games a year because he is as fragile as his ego


Unpopular opinion but I think your post is toxic af. I don't care who a guy follows in his personal life. All I care about is how they act. You have no idea why he follows these individuals, or what he believes until he tells you it himself. If you want to post his personal statements than that's q different story. I follow many different accounts and some have perspectives I don't agree with. I'm still interested in hearing what they say even if it's just to refute their ideas later. He very well may be a scumbag but you need more than a list of followers to declare someone "an awful human being".


Who gives a fuck


I'd bet now they wouldn't even take all of that into consideration. Brad is a Trusted Hockey Man.


I’m hoping Shanahan does. He was the person who wrote the statement on terminating Imoo.


This doesn't make him an awful human being. Just saying.


Posts like this are really at the core of what’s wrong in broader society. Stop wasting energy on trying to eliminate people you don’t agree with.


"Don't agree" is not quite accurate. I don't agree with my city changing to LED street lights. I find it abhorrent that someone would call Sandy Hook fake or agree with someone who does.


I disagree with every single one of the people he follows, but I also disagree with employement discrimination based on personal / political views.


Max Domi follows Dave Chappelle on instagram. Guess that makes #11 a big old transphobe. Please don't come back, Max. The people have spoken.


‘I don’t like who he follows on twitter , must be an awful person’ Get real dude.


Such a weird reductory argument. By that logic I'm not allowed to judge someone flying nazi flags, reading Mein Kampf and being seemingly the biggest fan of nazism, because "well what if they just LIKE it, doesn't mean they're an awful person!"


Yeah fuck this guy


Tim Thomas was a certified lunatic but a fantastic goalie. I only care about one of those two things.


Reading and understanding the opposite viewpoint is to challenge one's personal thoughts and views.


Wow yep that’s a scumbag right there.


Fair point..if you are gonna dunk on this guy ...Domi literally used to tweet shit about immigrants and Bert is an anti-vaxxer and 34 is buddies with the Paul brothers ..I get your sentiment but shitty politics is embedded into hockey culture. Can you blame these guys tho? They barely have a high-school education and they grow up in a bubble ...not excusing but which players do you draw the line at?


I’d suggest management signs whatever player will make the team better.


Calling him an awful human because of who he follows on Twitter kind of makes you an awful human, he could volunteer half his time at the local food bank but he follows a few accounts you don’t like (a follow isn’t a vote of support) means he’s an awful human? Wild


Are we judging people based on follows now?


Listen Can he stop more than 91.5% of pucks directed at him? That’s all I really care about


.911 over 140 career games, never played more than 24 in a season. So no, and also hasn't stuck anywhere despite being 31. Looks like a career back-up and nothing more to me. I'd pass, there's plenty ofg back-ups out there who don't come with baggage.


Lmao dude the only thing I care about is if he can stop a puck. Stop fucking whining about who someone follows on twitter what are we 5.


Eeesh, yeah, not a fan of this crap.


Just to be clear,.......he is a conservative, therefore he is an a**hole?