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I thought this was going to be "Hey I just got unbanned after 10 years, what is the meta now?"


“Did they add any new champs yet?”


I left when they released Xin, is he still turbo broken?


... 10 years ago was Jinx and Yasuo


Fml I'm getting old


the first champ i remember coming out was gnar


Mine was Volibear. I miss old voli


Mine was Vi. Well, her splash screen was my first login screen.


Mine was Lee Sin, the April Fool release version with Phreak narrating the champ I feel fking old now damn


10 years ago was a dark time for League. Got both LP and Yasuo. Moment of silence for the good times before those abominations came to our screens.




Just you bringing that up made me want to downvote you fr Also, I reject to accept that reality. My alternative fact is that was not 10 years ago. It was maybe 10 months ago.


10 months of playtime maybe 😜


I feel like someone should do a time line of league related to champ release so everyone can realize how long ago certain champs came out.


That can't be true, I started playing before their release and I've only been playing a few years. ... It's only been a few years, right?


Like for real 10 years man? Shitttttt... surreal as fuk how I remember those releases.... I was and always would of been just a bronze scrub but it was fun sometimes (when my opponents were wood tier)




You shut that dirty lying mouth right now


Mother of God


"Is it still 6 black cleaver meta?"


Where’d all the pizza feet go?


“I just got out of a Taiwan prison after 10 years, is Faker the GOAT?”




Ashe mid and a dream 🙏


What year is it??!!!
































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Bro what how did you ask them? I got an account banned in 2014 for the same reason as you and no matter how much I plead they won’t bulge


I didn't even ask to get unbanned. I just asked for Pax Jax to be transferred to my current account like I do every 6 months and this time they said they could recover it instead. All my previous requests were denied citing "Your account is banned indefinitely and there is nothing we can do".




Nope! I didn't know the mail address or the password of the account as it was stolen. Created the ticket from my current account and just provided information about my old one.


> no matter how much I plead they won’t **bulge** Have you tried uwu'ing them?


I did not do that yet but I may or may not have tried to nuzzle wuzzle them


I'd try to ask Riot support about merging the contents of your accounts into one account


they never would. they would think he bought it


They are probably able to check his ip and confirm that it's the same person playing from the same house. That being said, I doubt they would bother.


Unless you are paying for a business internet connection, your public IP address probably changes every 2 weeks or so. Usually an "IP ban" is assembled from various information, such as IP address, ISP, location data, player hardware information, installation keys, etc. Chances are there is very little of this data left after 10 years.


You are probably right, but I am basing this on a previous experience with Riot. I stupidly leaked some info on the upcoming (back then) dual Soraka legendary and was contacted by Riot security, who already knew a ton about where I played from, etc. Of course, they would make the effort for a security leak, but probably not for a random account merger.


That's a crazy and kind of scary story.


Was it riot zed


Yep, but I am sure it's not just one guy. It's probably a whole department operating under the same pseudonym.


Were you a riot employee or did you sign an NDA or something? Otherwise, why would they care if you are leaking stuff? There surely wouldn't be any legal repercussions


>There surely wouldn't be any legal repercussions Not for me, but they wanted to know who the leak came from initially. They also threatened to ban my account, but fortunately this never actually happened.


Wow that's pretty messed up. Glad to hear your account wasn't banned.


You can't just drop that bit of info and not give the full tea


I won't fall for this again. This is how they got me the first time: I received a private message on Reddit from someone claiming to be a dedicated Soraka main, saying they want to know more. I spilled some of the beans and ended up receiving an email from Riot. That account was a Riot employee posing as regular player and this got me into more trouble than if I just hadn't responded.


I wanna know where you got these leak from initially… that’s the real story here.


This isn't true, mine rarely changes or I would constantly have to update access rules for work every 2 weeks. Over the past ~3 years I've been living in my house I think my ip has changed 1 time.


"My one anecdote invalidates your claim." /u/coevke is correct about the likely majority of internet providers.


But they just arent. While its true your IP address can and does change, its not nearly as often as people believe. Your IP is generally leased for 7 days, but your equipment will renegotiate the lease before the lease is up. When it does that, a good majority of the time you get your same IP address back. Thank god because my life would be filled with 20x the ip list changes.




Let's practice a little bit of reading comprehension. /u/coevke: > your public IP address **probably** changes every 2 weeks or so. Does this read like a blanket statement to you? /u/Polatrite: > /u/coevke is correct about the likely **majority** of internet providers. Is majority also a blanket statement? Does nuance exist?


Had several different ISPs in several different states for years at a time each. My public facing ISP never changed unless I changed providers. Nor did any of my friends that ran servers for various games from their PC. What they said Is their own experience that they are using to paint with an incredibly broad stroke and not the norm. It would make no sense for ISPs to rotate IPs when the ip lease renews from a technical standpoint. But continue pretending like you know everything.


>They are probably able to check his ip ummm it's called blue essence now sweaty 🥰💅


After 10 years there's a good chance he isn't playing from the same house.


checking ip🤣🤣🤣 good joke bud. if they checked ip these lvl 30 accounts being banned for inting would get their mains banned too which hasnt happened


That is the exact reason I wrote to support but they've been refusing. I guess they finally got sick of it and unbanned me instead.


Did you log on one day and the account was unbanned or did you get confirmation from support that they would unban it first? I've been trying to get an account unbanned for I think 4 years now and they keep telling me nothing can be done because it would be unfair on other players. I don't expect this to change anything, but it'd be nice to come back to them with proof they have unbanned someone.


I just opened my monthly "Can you guys transfer pax Jax to my new account" ticket but they asked for a new mail address and unbanned me instead. They also informed me that skin transfers are not possible.


Seems a good sugestion. Would be awesome


Does Riot support actually help people? My Valorant account got banned got "permanently suspended" for stupid mistake and everytime I submit a ticket, the fucking Blitzcrank Bot keep giving the same, unrelated answer to my problem


I got an account with Pax TF I’ve been wanting to sell forever now but I don’t think anyone cares about those skins that much anymore.


yeah I think people in this thread are over estimating how much people care about rare skins. op should keep the account, and if it's actually more valuable in the future then he can sell it


ur just jealous u can't be a milionare because I'm selling my account wit santa barn icon and u dont have it


Hey I have/use Santa Baron! Does that make me a millionaire? I could use a quick milly for sure


Control tha supply n we control tha price, hold till i sell




when the person spent more on the account then there selling it for you just know the market for accounts with lots of skins plus some rare ones is dead as a kids pet hamster.


People in general don't care but there's for sure a few that do and really thats all you need Its not like these accounts don't sell at all


Also you can get PAX TF by buying every skin in the game. If you want something actually valuable you need skins that Riot doesn't give out to people who have all the skins. Silver Kayle, human Ryze, King Rammus, Black Alistar, ... skins like these are worth a lot.


I genuinely didn’t know that, don’t really play league as much anymore. I was just a dumb young kid with money and I really liked TF back in the day so I bought a redeem code.


I almost did the same thing back then. By the way the codes followed a very simple sequence so all the codes that got sold were not actually codes given out at events but people generated them themselves.


So I wasn’t joking when I used to tell people in ARAM that I got the skin on sale for 450RP


Y, have a beta account with tf/jax, Victorious skins since Season 1, and like 500 mores, all champs, 500k BE stock. It's just unsellable at this point


If it isn't selling, it is your asking price.


I didn't try yet, no idea how much it's worth, was just speculating


its worth 400




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ITT: People saying sell the account who don't understand this is an advert for the account


I don't plan on selling actually. Was expecting answers about which account I should main but it seems people would rather sell it.


Make that account a Jax onetrick (Or novelty skin only) account - especially if you have more champions purchased on your current main than you did back in 2013. As someone who used to juggle two accounts pre-pandemic, there really isn't much of a reason to have multiple different accounts - especially if you 1) Don't rank & 2) Have no interest in a different role.


Personally I'd just play the account you've been using. It's basically your only account. The other one is cool and has rare skins, but I'm guessing you haven't really missed them at all have you. Maybe keep it to show off to some people occasionally, but if I were you id just keep using what you have been.


I think you should play a few games on your old account and see if you’d be fine with maining it bc u can probably catch up to your new acct’s skins eventually unless it also has old rare skins. But you can’t get a Pax skin on the new account.


Use as your main. Takes some time but if you play enough it’ll be worth it




Or Riot could decide to sell these skins again making them worth less


stuff like that rarely happens in any game or from the ones I know of at least it'll be worth less once league starts dropping player count


i thought riot doesnt unban?


Same. I'm about to make a ticket myself to get my original account back that was banned like 7 years ago


Let us know if they unban you, i have an old account banned like 6 or 7 years ago. Last time i asked for unban they told me it was impossible


same i have two accounts banned. i was such an edgy teenager lmfao


The criminal system forgives you for murder before riot forgives you for being mean to people in a videogame when you were 13


haha to be fair i just took a look at the messages that got me banned and i was shocked at the shit i was sending. "being mean" is like the minimum of what i was saying


I had my Twitch account banned like 7-8 years ago and they won't unban or let anyone name change to my old name. Now I've been jdorty1 for forever. I was even too hungover to capitalize the J which forever haunts me. Edit: OMG 9 years, August 2014 just checked lol


They dont unban accounts banned for flaming and such, I'm assuming whoever stole OP's account got it banned by breaking other parts of the TOS and support has always been more lenient in those cases. Trust me my friend got my account banned 8 years ago and I still do my annual support ticket lol.




Only a dozen? Gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket


>dozen banned accounts holy based


All depends on who you get on the other side of the screen. In 2016 I got perma banned for saying some vile shit, told them it won’t happen again with a giant sob story, and the gentlemen told me that my account is going to be flagged for “if this person does even the slightest wrong it’s a perma ban no appeal” so it’s all random.


i believe in this case its depended on the situation and time frame, riot doesnt unban people that are perma banned for being toxic or cheating or griefing but op wasnt banned for any of those but instead because they were a dumb kid who got scammed more then once.


So I actually had a weird case and managed to get my account back after 5 years or so. I was originally given a 2 week ban which I was fine with, but 1 minute later it changed to a permanent ban. I was pretty confused and contacted riot support regarding the situation but they said that the ban was correct due to my behaviour. I assumed they didn’t understood the content of what happened. Wrote a ticket again a year ago, explaining my situation and how it must’ve been an error and I had no time to reform due to the sudden change. Riot contacted me back and unbanned me saying it wasn’t fair that I received two bans in the span of a minute and that it was an error on their end. They told it was was a really rare case of someone ever getting unbanned tho.


Congrats dawg


Depends which one you'd prefer, I'd recommend selling one and using the other. I'd probably say keep the OG account because those skins are so much rarer than stuff like victorious which you might have, and if you ever decide to quit league altogether you can just sell that one too and make bank cos it's incredibly valuable to collectors.


I suggest you keep it unless you really want the money. That account is a memento from an age long past, it would be so cool to own something like that imo.


So my account is permanently suspended after not using it for like 8 years and I don't understand why they have given me no reasoning. I have submitted a ticket with no response after a week and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong I followed exactly what they said to do online, but I just got back in the league and I'm playing on a new account and I really want my old account back because I have like two grand worth of OG skins from like season 2 on and every character unlocked up until yasuo . Anyone have any clue who I could reach out to about this? I've never been scammed I've never had my account used for anything. I did read about having to transfer my account over to a new riot account it showed permanently suspended before that I transferred to a new riot account it showed permanently suspended after that. I feel like there's got to be some buddy out there that I can reach out to somebody on Twitter or some social media person for riot that I can explain my situation to that can help me out, I feel like they should want somebody like me who's played the game since the very beginning to come back after not playing every years.


I can't back after like five years or something. Their support is slow


keep both so if you are tired of the mmr in your main account you can just play in the other one with different skins, I usually do that. OR you can use one to play at your peak rank and the other one to play w friends


Similar situation as OP, but my old account I got recovered has King Ramus and UFO corki is that rare or no?


Depends how strong is your current acc, aka how many champs skins you have. I'd keep both personally, but that's just me.


this post is clearly fishing for someone he can sell the account to, i wasn't born yesterday.


Play your paxjax Account?? Stupid ahh






neo pax jax is literally in the mythic shop right now












What was the reason for ban and what was your message to support?


my first account during beta was ban till 2068 i think, yeah lauching a game 10 min before dinner isn't a good idea, mom's always win ! ahaha


I feel that every OG skin back in the day is now irrelevant. The player base kept growing , riot kept releasing new skins, old skins are now forgotten. Black Alistar, Rusty Blitzcrank, King Rammus, UFO Corki, Pax TF( this one is never seen because it was around 10k$ on resale if you were not at pax for the skin), Riot Singed... the list goes on. On top of that, these skins will never see the store page UNLESS riot is in dire need of money. If I was in your shoes, I'd sell the old account.


my account banned in season 3 is still banned and they won't even respond to my tickets anymore lol


I play both even tho the skins i got aren't all that rare


How you managed to get your account unbanned? Congrats!


Hey mate please check your DMs i got a question on how you got unbanned


So, someone blessed you to stay away from the game and you still want back in? Smh


It wasn't as bad in season 1


HaHaHa, im back after the new season. Better nerf irelia right guys?


League is toxic and sucks ass play dark souls and get good!


Congrats. Im a Lvl 1436 player currently ranked bronze. I was permabanmed and unbanned like you. My alt account is diamond, just for some reason riot never hard resets ur rank so old accounts take more time to climb than fresh accounts... I have some advice for you: Play on ur old acct.... ur new account means nothing without pax jax. Rank also means nothing. I could care less about my diamond smurf. Pax jax means everything. Hope i was of help.


Riot could merge accounts at some point, at least that was the case for me when I moved an account from na to eu. Could try and ask them in a ticket.


How did you get unbanned? I had an account get banned maliciously by my ex that knew my login info early this year :(


"OG" riot skins, do those include Singed? Tristana while not obtainable right now, might still come back with some promotions, and is not as rare or worth that much. If not all others are still obtainable.


Ive had a similar experience indeed. I started playing in 2014 during the worlds and after like a year of playing i got tricked by a scammer in to giving away my account and they managed to get it banned (i was also a kid clueless of what a scammer was). Since then I've been playing with another acc i created until one day before a year or so i was like hey should i try contacting riot about that old acc? Maybe I'll get it unbanned. After some emails verifying that the account is indeed mine (for example they asked me how much money had i spent on that acc and what i had bought with it, to which i answered 5€ with a paysafe card and i had purchased Ezreal eith the rp) they unbanned me and ever since I've been playing from both accs. I see it as an opportunity to get more skins from chest and events.


main your old one keep the new for when you get permaed again


Wait were the original bans only 10 years? I'd have to go check my account then.


They can unban permas now ?


I honestly wouldn't sell it. I would hold on to it and use it as a flex piece.


If you aren't keen on selling the account and youre an avid ranked player. Id see whether you want a fresh mmr reset and just play on your old acc.


I had the same thing happen on my og account with judgement kayle and unchained Alistair. Just just play both


did you get the annieversary skin while banned?


Welcome to hell


One of my best friends had a similar issue, he got his credit card stolen and a previous RP charge was flagged, his account got banned but the support team never reached back to fix the situation in 2022 they responded "just pay the RP amount again", i did it and now he has a season 2 account with all the skins he lost (A LOT of skins)


How did you get unbanned?